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104Please respect copyright.๏ผฐ๏ผฅ๏ผฎ๏ผก๏ผฎ๏ผกkFrzCVoXQU
I sigh as i wake up and hear yelling for my best friends boyfriend. Honestly im quite used to it because they do this everyday. As i walk to go get food i see my best friend sitting on her boyfriends lap "see what i mean they back to lovey dovey" it thought to myself "oh hey reki" my best friend says to me "hi" i say in a sleepy state she smile's and gets up to pats my hair. "hey do you guys know yuri?" my best friends boyfrind ask us i shook my head stating i dont but emma (my best friend) though not the same as me "yea the model?" she says back "hes at reki's job lets go see!" {TIME SKIP} as we arrive i blush gosh "he so cute" i though to my self, his eyes glistened in the light while his smile was so bright . My heart beated fast while he was swamed by photo graphics and news reporters. I wish i would be that close to that man i would die..." so pretty " i mumbled "ohhh rei has a little crush??" emma asked while pinching my cheeks (face cheek dont be dirty minded) all a sudden he looked stright at me and waved. "OMG OMG OMG HE WAVED AT ME AND HES SMILING AHHHHHH" i thought while i waved back {LATER ONย AT HOME} i was on my photo at night. When all i craved for sweet thick bread. "Guys im going to the store ok?" i said while putting my jaket on "will is dark out are you sure?" Emma's boyfriend said as rubbing Emma head as she layed on him "y-yea" i said as i walked out.ย