░▒▓█|The Dream|█▓▒░
I see a galaxy, the milky-way. Next, I see all of the planets, but one. Finally as I get closer to it I can see it, it's Earth. And then I can see the Moon, bright, and beautiful, it's so big it's almost like something calling for me. I see Earth again, and a castle, everything is jumbled up. Last, I see a beautiful lady in a white and golden dress running out of a bright, gleaming light. It beams across the room. As she comes out of the light, a man with a cape is waiting for her. He runs to her eagerly, they grab each other, and kiss.
Then, the alarm clock begins to go off.205Please respect copyright.PENANAVLYb9P2WDy
Mom: "Vylianna! You're going to be late!"
I roll over in my bed and pull my blanket over my head, but I notice what time it is as I do so.
I put my clothes on and fix my bow on my uniform. Then, as I am running down the stairs I slip and fall all of the way down the stairs on my behind.
Vylianna: "OWWW"
Mom: "Vylianna are you alright?"
Vylianna: "Nooo, I'm not alrighttt— That really hurt! Oh, thanks for lunch bye!!"
Mom: "See you later honey, please be careful!"
Vylianna: "Okayyy!"
I grab my lunch off of the table and rush out of the front door, slamming it behind me.
Mom: "What am I gonna do with that girl...? If only she were more like Eclipse Z.."
Mom looks at a magazine with the headline, "Eclipse Z Saves The Day!" She longs for her daughter to be a responsible hero just like the one on the magazine.
Hair flowing in the wind as I run to school I yell;
♡Chapter 1♡
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Vylianna: "Why does morning have to come so early?! I'm so sleepy!!!"
That's me, I'm Vylianna Tinikina. I'm 14, and I go to Plata Middle School. I'm a bit of a clutz and honestly, kinda a crybaby too.
As I am running, I stumble on something. Then, I fall head first and hit my face right on the concrete.
Vylianna: "OWWWWW OWWW OW OW!!!!"
Vylianna: "Huh..? That's weird, did I step on something?"
I look around and see a cat with a bandaid on its head lying on the concrete not far from where I fell.
Vylianna: "No way! A cat?! I'm so sorry kitty!"
The cat then let out a small meow of either pain or discomfort, I couldn't tell which.
Vylianna: "Awww you're such a sweetie! Sorry if I scared you. Are you okay?"
I manage to make a light-hearted laugh, I give the cat a smile and then... I give the cat a kiss. Fatal mistake. The cat does not appreciate the gesture, and scratches the soft skin on my face in return.
Vylianna: "Hey, what's the big idea!? What'd you do that for?!"
The cat paws and scratches at the bandaid on it's head while meowing.
Vylianna: "Hey, what's that on your head? Are those bandages? Want me to take them off? Okie dokie!"
I unknowing begin to take the bandage off of the cute cat's forehead.205Please respect copyright.PENANAnIvGcRW6Cr
I then see a cresent moon underneath the bandaid. A little shocked after seeing the cresent, I don't have time to comprehend that the cat is jumping onto a ledge. Before the cat walks away, it looks at me, and I look at it, still a bit shocked.
I soon snap out of the shock and realize that I am definitely still late for school.
I spring up and continue running to school as the cat watches.
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Unknown Man: "Come forth. The time has come. Our great ruler requires your service."
A cloud of smoke goes by, and a smoke-colored figure of a female comes out of the smoke.
Unknown Man: "Now go, and bring me the Legendary Silver Crystal."
The figure bows in silence to the man and disappears.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~205Please respect copyright.PENANAsbJVILKr8B
Ms. Haruta: "Vylianna Tinikina! You're late again?! Go stand in the hallway!
Vylianna: "Yes Ms. Haruta..."
Ms. Haruta walks back into the classroom, an unhappy look on her face.
Vylianna: "Aww.. it's not my fault all of the other kids get to school on time!"
Right after I say that, I have a flashback to the amazing dream I had last night.
Vylianna: The princess in my dream is so beautiful...
Vylianna: "Someday.. I'm gonna become a princess that'll never go to school again."205Please respect copyright.PENANA24J1jXJpPA
My stomach growls loudly.
Vylianna: "Oh! I'm so hungry.."
I put my bag on the floor and grab my lunch box.
Vylianna: "Hehe, well since I skipped breakfast—Why not? Aaaa!"
Right as I try to take a bite, Ms. Haruta flings the door open and I quickly hide the lunchbox behind my back, failing at the "hide" part.
Ms. Haruta: "Ms. Tinikina! What exactly were you doing just now?!"
Vylianna: "Uhm. Nothing Ms. Haruta!
Ms. Haruta: "Excuses like that lead to detentions– and scores like this!"
The class laughs at me while I stand there feeling powerless and embarrassed.
This is Haruta Sakurata, our homeroom teacher. We call her Haruta for short. She also teaches English. Which by the way—is my least favorite subject even though I usually have good grades in it.
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Naru: "I can't believe you tried to eat during class. You seriously need to learn some self control!"
Vylianna: "I can't help it..."
This is my best friend, Naru.
Umino: "Hey Vylianna, how'd you do on your exam? I didn't study much so I only got a 95."
That's Umino. He's an Otaku—and totally annoying.
Umino: "Exams are easy, they're like child's play to me."
Naru: "Child's play? Ugh you really are obnoxious, you know that?"
Naru goes to her desk and sits in her chair.
Naru: "Ugh he scored higher than me—and without even studying!"
Naru's smart and pretty, plus her family's rich! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Friend 1: "By the way, did you guys hear there was another jewelry robbery? There've been so many!"
Naru: "I know, it's so scary!"
Umino: "Yeaa, but Eclipse Z was able to catch all of the bad guys–So it's cool."
Vylianna: "Eclipse who?"
Umino: "You haven't heard of her? Eclipse Z is a costumed crime fighter! Under the cover of darkness, she's been fighting evil all over town! Rumor has it, she's actually a special investigator working for the police!"
Vylianna: "Woahh, there really are people like that?"
Friend 1: "Stealing is wrong, but I get how someone would want all. of. those. pretty. jewels!"
Friend 2: "I know right?! Jewelry is the best! So sparkley!"
Vylianna: "Totally! Naru, doesn't your mom own a jewelry store downtown?"
Naru: "Heheh, yeah she does! And she's actually having a huge sale! Lots of stuff's been put on clearance, so it's super cheap!"
Friend 1: "Really? Can I stop by after school today?!"
Vylianna: "Me too! Me too!"
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We all stop by at OSAP Jewelry after school and look through the window, when I notice a necklace with red gems.
Naru: "The red one in the middle is the Pigeon's Blood Ruby. It's worth $6,924,600, so mom can't really give you a discount on that one!"
We walk into the jewlery store.
Vylianna: "There's so many people!"
Naru's Mom: "Step right up ladies! Take advantage of our huge discount!"
Naru: "Hi mom I'm back!"
Naru's Mom: "Ohh, welcome home sweetheart! Are those your friends?"
Naru: "Uh-huh!"
Naru's Mom: "Ohoho, well it's crowded, but have a look around! Any friends of my Naru can have an extra special discount!"
Friend 1: "Really?! Thank you hehehe!"
Naru: "I wonder what's gotten into mom. Maybe it's a new business plan. We've never had a sale before."
Naru's Mom: "No need to shove, there's plenty for everyone!"
One of my friends finds a ring she likes.
Friend 2: "Eheheh, this is so cute! I'll ask dad to get it for me for doing well on my exam!"
Naru's Mom: That's right, keep buying. I still need more of your youthful energy...more...
Vylianna: "Aww... I wish I could get something, but I don't have enough money and I messed up on this exam which is unusual for me.. Ohh well."
I ball up the failed exam and throw it, hitting someone behind me.
Vylianna: "Hm?"
Unknown Boy In A Tuxedo: "Hey. That hurt bumphead."
My hair is put up in two buns.
Unknown Boy In A Tuxedo: "Are you trying to make bumps on my head too?"
Vylianna: "Look these are not bumps, they're buns! Can't you tell the difference?!"
The boy looks at the balled up paper.
Unknown Boy In A Tuxedo: "30%? You need to study a lot harder, bun head."
The boy then puts the crinkled up paper on on my face right as I turn around to get a good look at him and really tell him off.
Vylianna: "Grrrr.. MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS!"
I look up at the boy's face, then immediately go quiet. As the boy looks at my face he does the same. We stare at each other for quite some time before I walk away, come back awkwardly because I forgot my bag, grab my bag off of the ground, and then walk away again faster this time. The boy in the tuxedo watches as I walk away with a look of longing in his eyes. As I walk away I begin to think.
Vylianna: What's wrong with me? Why is my heart pounding like this..? Ah! Who the heck wears a tuxedo in the middle of the afternoon anyway!? Ugh, what an arrogant jerk."
The boy walks over to the jewelry store behind where I was walking away from.
Tuxedo Boy: "This is the biggest jewelry store I've seen yet. Maybe they might actually have it—the Legendary Silver Crystal."
I sigh as I am walking and then notices something, a poster for a new game at my favorite arcade, which—by the way—I am a regular at.
It reads: "ECLIPSE Z ULTRA ACTION GAME. BY PNP GAMES." With the words is a picture of a girl that strikingly resembles me, just with a cresent moon on her forehead, exactly like the cat I saw earlier oddly enough.
Vylianna: "Hm? Ohh so this must be Eclipse Z! I wish I could be like her.. She doesn't need to study, and I bet it feels super awesome to take down all of those bad guys! Hmmph.."
I then head into the arcade and begin playing the Eclipse Z game.
Vylianna: "Mmh come on! Why can't I beat this guy!? Grr."
Motoki: "Hey Vylianna! Stoping by on your way home from school again?"
Vylianna: "Hm? Ohh!"
Motoki: "That guy is tough to beat! There's a little trick to it. Hit him twice, now quick, use your special attack!"
Both: "Alright!!!"
This is Motoki. He works at this arcade part-time. He's so sweet, and really cute too! Hehe. I kinda got a little crush on him.
Then all of a sudden, I hear a cat's meow.
Vylianna: "Huh? Ah... Oh it's the black cat from this morning!"
Motoki: "Ohh so you're back again. That cat's been wandering around here for the past few days."
Vylianna: "Ahahah! Hey look! She's got a cresent-shaped bald spot on her head! Ehehe!"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~205Please respect copyright.PENANA8lf9jPJLHx
Vylianna: "I'm homeee!"
Mom: "Welcome back Vylianna. I ran into Umino earlier. He said you got your test results! He got a 95 on his exam, his parents must be so proud."
Mom: "How did you do on yours Vylianna?"
Vylianna: Ugh that Umino. Him and his big mouth!
My Mom pushes me outside and slams the door right as my brother gets home, so I don't notice him coming through the gate.
Vylianna: "Huh?! But Mom!!–"
Little Brother: "What'd you do to make Mom so mad this time?"
Vylianna: "Shingo??"
Shingo: "Stupid Vylianna kicked out for failing Mom yet again. Man I wish I had a better sister."
Shingo sticks his tongue out and grabs the door handle to head inside.
Vylianna: "Ughh Shingoo! Don't call me names I'm still older than you! You're in for it now! Eclipse Z kick!"
Right as I go to kick him that little menace slams the front door shut, causing me to hit my leg and foot on the door.
Vylianna: "Oww ow ow! My foot my foot my foot! Please let me in MOOOOOM!"
As I bang on the front door pleading to come in, my mom plugs her ears and sighs. While she does that, my brother does the complete opposite. He just stands there.
Mom: Ugh, patience Icugo, patience!
Vylianna: "OPEN THE DOOR!!!!"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~205Please respect copyright.PENANALXOodlKAJx
Someone laughs deviously.
Naru's Mom: "Foolish humans. They have no idea the jewlery they bought is draining their energy. Pity though, it would appear that the jewlery I was seeking isn't here."
Naru, feeling worried about her mother and wondering who was talking, opens the door and peaks her head in.
Naru: "Is that you, Mom?"
Her mom turns and makes an evil smile, showing sharp, pointy teeth that she didn't have before.
Naru gasps in disbelief of what she just saw.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~205Please respect copyright.PENANAnU2ccCLCUa
I sigh as I turn on the light and walk into my room with my notebooks and folders from school.
Vylianna: "Aww, Mom didn't have to get that angry! It's not fair, I'm trying my hardest!"
I sigh again.
Vylianna: "I don't feel like doing my homework right now. I'm tired, I think I'll take a little nap."
I yawn and walk over to my bed, throwing myself down on it and immediately fall asleep.
░▒▓█Vylianna's Second Dream█▓▒░
In my dream, I'm running behind someone and holding their hand.
Vylianna: What's going on? Is this the same dream from this morning?
Then an evil creature appears and stomps around. Eclipse Z also appears.
Vylianna: Huh? No wait, this is a video game! I get it now, I'm Eclipse Z and I have to rescue that cat!
The cat is trapped in a hanging cage.
That cat with the cresent-shaped bald spot!
Then all of a sudden I see a scratch in my dream, and I wake up to the cat scratching my face.
Vylianna: "Owww ow ow! What was that for?!"
Black Cat: "Don't be so insulting! This is not a bald spot!"
Vylianna: "Huh?! The cat is talking!"
Black Cat: "My name is Lunar. I came to this town in search of you, Vylianna.
Lunar: "Thanks for removing the bandages earlier. I couldn't speak with them on, and it made it harder to find you! Kids around here stick things on stray cats for fun, such evil brats."
Lunar: "How lucky you found me! I'm so glad to finally meet you. You have no idea."
Vylianna: "Goodnight."
Lunar: "Vylianna! Get up, you are not dreaming!"
Vylianna: "I'm totally dreaming, I must be."
Lunar sighs.
Lunar: "Okay then, I'll prove it's not a dream. I have a little gift for you Vylianna."
Vylianna: "What? A gift for me?! Oh wow, a jewel and cresent brooch!"
I take the tiny brooch and look at it up close smiling.
Vylianna: "Pretty. I LOVE IT, I CAN'T WAIT TO TRY IT ON!"
I run up to my mirror, ecstatic. Then, I place it up against the bow on my uniform.
Lunar: "Vylianna, turn around and listen to me! Strange things have been happening here in Tokoyo lately that the police can't handle, but you can!"
Lunar: "You're the chosen guardian. It's your mission to find the other guardians, and defeat this evil enemy. Also, you must help them find our missing Princess."
My brooch begins to light up on my bow.
Vylianna: "Lunar what's happening, what's happening!? My brooch is glowing!"
Lunar: "Now do you believe what I've been telling you, Vylianna?"
Lunar puts her paw up.
Lunar: "Repeat after me: Moon prism power makeup!"
Vylianna: "Moon.. Moon prism power makeup!"
I begin to transform, my nails turning a different color almost as if I had nail polish on, I get gloves, a beautiful costume similar to my uniform, boots, a necklace with a charm on it that looks like my brooch, earings, and a big bow on the back of my skirt, of course the one on the front of my outfit on my chest with the brooch on it, and finally, a beautiful tiara on my forehead with matching circles on my buns.
Vylianna: Huh?! No way! What's going on?!
I gasp.
Vylianna: "I look like Eclipse Z!"
Lunar: "Pretty cool, huh?"
The circles on my buns begin to beep.
Vylianna: "Huh? What's that?"
She can hear Naru speaking through the little round circles.
Naru: "Someone help me! Please! My Mom is..."
She sounds panicked.
Vylianna: "That voice.. It's Naru!"
Lunar: "A monster must have appeared!"
Vylianna: "Lunar, I don't know what's going on, but Naru's in trouble! I have to save her."
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~205Please respect copyright.PENANAgWtfTRAo6v
Naru's Mom laughs evilly.
Naru: "Huh....What's happened to you mom?! Stop this!"
Naru's Mom?: "Hahaha, Mom? I'm not your mother."
Each one of her long nails point like daggers, her eyes are bloodshot, red.
???: "She's tied up in the basement, so I'm afraid she can't help you!"
Naru gasps at the realization.
???: "And now that you know my secret—dear Naru, I can't allow you to live!
The lady Naru believed to be her mother transformed into an evil monster.
Naru screams.
A man in a tuxedo and top hat comes through the window to help her, but hides because he hears someone else has come.
I rush through the front door and yell.
Vylianna: "Hey you ugly monster lady! Get away from Naru!"
I rush in almost soaring, my short skirt and long hair flowing in the wind.
Monster Lady: "Huh?! Who the HELL are you?!"
Vylianna: "Huh!? Who me? Well I... I guess uhh—"
Lunar meows and shows me the moon.
Vylianna: "That's it."
Vylianna: "I am the pretty guardian, who fights for love and for justice! I am Eclipse Moon! And now in the name of the moon, I'll punish you!""205Please respect copyright.PENANAvktAr85wjp
Monster Lady: "Eclipse Moon? Never heard of ya. You don't scare me."
Then the Monster grabs the tube of energy she had been gathering and yells.
Monster Lady: "Awaken minions! It's time for all of those who have given energy to our great ruler to arise and serve her!"205Please respect copyright.PENANAJmG8pRBqSf
At that moment, everyone that had gotten jewelry immediately became hypnotized and came to the jewelry shop.
Eclipse Moon: "What's going on?!"
Monster Lady: "Attack this girl!"
The mind controlled people try to attack me. One of them tries to strike me, but I jump out of the way and fall on the floor in pain.
Eclipse Moon: "What?! I thought this was just a dream! Oh my gosh! My knee is bleeding!"
Lunar: "What are you doing Eclipse Moon!? You need to fight back! Kick that monster's butt!"
Eclipse Moon: "What do you mean kick her butt?! How am I supposed to do that?!"
At that moment I get cornered by the zombie-like people.
Tears falling from my eyes, I begin to think I'm going to be killed by them.
Eclipse Moon: "What am i gonna do, how'd I get into this mess?!"
As I cry I yell. Loudly.
The people fall on the floor and the monster covers her ears.
Monster Lady: "Ultrasonic waves! They're deafening!"
The glass all around us, even in nearby buildings shatters as I continue to scream and cry.
I start to think everything is hopeless, but just as I do the man with a tophat and tuxedo flees from his hiding spot, coming to me.
Tuxedo Tophat Man: "Stop crying Eclipse Moon. Now's your chance. Take it!"
I look around and see all of the broken glass.
Lunar: "Hurry Eclipse Moon! She's weak, finish her! The tiara you're wearing, throw it and yell 'Moon tiara boomerang!'"
I touch the tiara. As soon as I do, it glows and comes off of my head and into my hand. It begins to spin and I grab it.
I throw it at the monster and as soon as it hits her, she disintegrates.
Monster Lady: "AHHHHHHHH–"
Lunar: "Great job! You beat her!
The boy is standing by a window on the second floor.
Tuxedo Tophat Man: "Well I didn't find the Legendary Silver Crystal, but I got to see something else quite interesting.
He then rushes away out of the window, his cape blowing around as he leaps.
Lunar: "Eclipse Moon! Wait!"
I run out of the jewlery store and try to go after the boy in the tuxedo and tophat.
As I do so I see him leaping off of a telephone pole and into the air.
He looks at me and flashes a smile.
Tuxedo Tophat Man: "I shall remember your name, Eclipse Moon. You can call me—Tuxedo Mask.
And with those final words, he is gone into the night.
I just stand there.
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"Eclipse Moon."
Someone says looking into a glass ball with the scene of me standing there.
Unknown Man: "Huh, she certainly made short work of my monster. Nevertheless, I will obtain the Legendary Silver Crystal, no matter what it takes."
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~205Please respect copyright.PENANA6BvPl1QOiV
Naru: "And just as the robber was about to attack me, I screamed and passed out cold. But before I lost consciousness, I'm pretty sure an Eclipse Guardian jumped in to save me! I so wish I could go back in time to see who she was."
Friend 1: "That's weird, Naru."
Friend 2: "Are you sure you weren't dreaming?"
Naru: "It totally happened, I swear!"
Lunar: "Are you okay, Vylianna? What's wrong?"
Vylianna: So everything that happened... It wasn't a dream! Mm what's next!? I don't want to think about it! Ohoooo.."
A blur-haired girl walks outside in the rain and sticks her hand out to touch it, then she starts running off.
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