As I walk along the forest path I look ahead and see the old oak tree, I get closer to the tree and put my hand on the trunk, I forgot what we used to call it.
As soon as I touch the bark the words and the memories bubble up from the wonderful corners of my mind. "Look up Makenzie" an old familiar voice says, I listen looking up at the greenery above me.
"Every Leaf holds a memory and tales of fun and laughter.. The enjoyment of Childhood is held in each leaf like something out of a fairytale" I smile and start to climb the tree.
I get to a stable branch and lean against the trunk, "Close you eyes Makenzie" the voice whispers in my mind. I close my eyes hand on the trunk I feel the cool breeze on my face I hear the laughter.. the fun, the great adventures we once had, "Now remember" and I do.