Long story short, I went offline because of my mother constantly antagonizing me about charging people for every chapter I wrote whether or not it was even ready to be a pay to read.
It got to the point where a hobby became a source of income and no fun. Would I like to make money off of writing some day? Sure, but I don't want it to be the only reason for writing.
I wrote stories because I enjoyed it, not because I wanted money.
My mother took that joy away from me, yelling at me and making fun of my work when it didn't get any revenue.
My depression ended up pushing me to give up writing because what was the point if I only did it for the money?
Recently I had the desire to write again which surprised me and I'm hoping that once some things are settled down, I can come back to writing and learning how to make a great story.
I do plan to update my works soon but I doubt it will be this month. I have surgery soon and I also have to make sure my new antidepressants work properly.
Once I'm assured that I can not be dragged down by my depression while writing, I will come back.
I also will no longer be posting daily or as often as I did before since I work as a streamer full time (currently on hiatus because of pain and depression.) However, I will set up a schedule that I will do my best to stick to.
See you guys again soon!