One day as charlie sat sorting out the money from the garbage he came acrossed a small paper. It's writing was too fancy to be that of a prankster so he figured he would give his new job a shot. After being loaded into a plane and flown out to a remote area he met up with his employer. He was a talk dark skinned man his face was set in a permanent angry look.
He was starting to feel nervous and was thinking about retunig to the plane when he watched it leave. It was his only escape from the island and he pretended not to watch it leave. As his new employer handed him a diary and a pack of pens he sent him to a wall. As he swallowed nervously approaching the wall he could only imagine the horror within.
Every single brick that was in the wall looked as though it had blood on it. As he opened the door his kind took over and showed him a memory of the accident that claimed his girlfriend. Darkness surrounded him and he reached out but, it drew him into the walls.
The horrors he had imagined came true as he was surrounded by dark figures their shapes constantly contorting his body felt like lead he could barely moved but, wherever he moved he was quickly surrounded by worse horrors. The faces burning into his mind as he gathered the courage to run but, no matter how far he couldn't escape. As he was tackled he wrestled to get free but, couldn't. As everything surrounded him he reaches his arm out only to have it bitten off by a large toothed monster.
He cries out he stood not even a chance and by morning all that remained was his diary. His employer opened te gates and walked slowly to the book and carried it to a nearby bookshelf each shelf full of diaries that all looked te same. He chuckles to himself as he seemed out for a new victim to steal their soul.