September 12th.
7:00 A.M.
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I wake up to my alarm blaring in my face. Nice. I slam it on the floor and it breaks.
"Yikes, mom's gonna annihilate me for that one. Anyway I should prolly get ready for school."
About two minutes later I throw my blanket off, exposing myself to the cool air.
"Brrrr it's cold today. I should wear something warm."
I trudge over to the bathroom and look in the mirror. Spoiler alert: I look like shit.
"I should really clean myself up Jesus."
I brush my hair and teeth and then I wash my face and hands. Once I'm done I walk back to my room still looking like a zombie. I may or may not have only gotten two hours of sleep.
"What outfit should I wear bro..."
I look over to my closet fighting the urge to go back to sleep, eyes heavy. I fling the door open, hitting the wall, and look inside.
"This looks good." I say while reaching for my favorite tights, a skirt, and a cute shirt.
My mom calls me.
I rush slipping my cloths and hottest boots on. I put some chapstick on and grab my backpack.
My mom calls again.
I rush down the stairs and as I do, I call back to her.
"Yea?" I shout, knowing what she is going to say.
"You're going to be late hurry up."
Yep called it.
I walk into the kitchen, grab some toast, and walk out of the door.
My friend Asia pulls up in her new car (she just turned 16 like a month ago) and some of my other friends are in the car. Chris flings the door open and yells.
"Get in!"
I hop in the back seat and close the door. When I get in, I can already see that Trinity and Romeo are dying to fuck each other. She's sitting on his lap and he's got his hand up her skirt.
"Gaaaaaag." I say loudly.
Romeo was thinking of a snarky reply when all of a sudden Aaliyah slams her tits against the window from outside. Isaiah mumbles to himself and looks away, but Chris is practically drooling, and is staring at her titties. Asia rolls her eyes and yells at Aaliyah.
Aaliyah gets in the car and slips her shirt back on. She winks at Chris and spreads her legs a bit.
"Too late." Chris chimes in.
"Why you gotta be such a tease?" He continues.
"Gross." I say aloud.
"Not as gross as you and Isaiah when you get in the school bathroom alone." He shoots back.
I blush and look away, but Isaiah decides to talk for me.
"Yo we haven't done nothin, but I wouldn't mind testing our chemistry. Besides, she'd probably be all in once she sees the size of my cock."
I look down at his pants and see he's already hard talking about it. Then I gasp quietly and look away hoping nobody noticed I was looking.
Everyone looks at me.
Isaiah laughs an Aaliyah smirks.
"If you wanna see we can meet at my house after school. My dad ain't gonna be home for a couple hours." He says.
"Girl just say yes, we all know you two are downbad for each other." Asia says.
Isaiah comes over to my seat in the back and sits me on his lap. I can feel his dick up against me.
"You're light as a feather." He says.
"Soon we could be like Romeo and Trinity..." he follows up with his last sentence accidentally, mumbling.
I lightly push against him, and he gets the idea. He touches my face, lifting it up and we make eye contact. Btw Isaiah is super tall, almost 6 feet, and I'm only 5'2. I kinda freak out and look away.
"Ooooo" Trinity mocks.
"Shut up." I mumble loud enough for her to hear.
"Can all of you guys get off of each other?! We're almost at school, and Principle Williams will tell your moms." Asia announces.
"Mm fine," Isaiah replies. "Me and Alex were getting to the good stuff over here. She's wet as fuck I can feel it."
He lifts my skirt up a bit a pushes against me more.
"Aah~" I moan softly unintentionally.
Everyone turns to look at me.
Chris starts drooling again when he sees us, he's so nasty.
"I didn't mean to-" I blurt.
"Alex and Isaiah knock it off." Asia says.
"S-Sorry." I manage to say.
Isaiah, staying quiet but visibly enjoying it, licks his lips. When everyone goes back to their conversations, he pulls his dick out, keeping it out of view.
Wow. It's only 7:43 in the morning and the hottest boy in school is making moves on me. It feels like I'm dreaming.
I gasp, but not loudly enough for anyone to hear.
"I'm 8 inches," he whispers. "and every single inch is for you."
"Not here—I don't want anyone to see please." I whisper back.
"Why not?" He says slipping my panties and tights down just enough for him to slip his penis in between my legs.
"God damn your pussy looks even better than I imagined."
I get wet hearing him say that. I can't believe he imagines what it looks like.
"I can feel that you are turned on." He says in a hushed voice.
He moves his cock around just feeling and teasing me.
I moan quietly, but he covers my mouth quickly before anyone can notice. Hardly able to contain himself, he starts to slip his dick inside, moaning and covering his own mouth.
"Holy shit you're tight..." he unintentionally whispers aloud.
Anddddd then we get to school. Great timing.
"Shit." He says kinda loudly.
"What? Chris responds, eyes still glued on Aaliyah's chest.
"Nothin man." He replies.
"Alright." Chris says.
Isaiah pulls out and pushes it back into his pants. Then he pulls my panties and tights up, and slips me a little kiss. After that he pulls his pants up and zips them.
"Alright guys," Asia begins as we pull up to school. "We gotta head in now."
"No shit." Trinity mumbles.
"Exactly," Romeo replies. "Asia talks like a boring old lady."
I laugh quietly, and Chris laughs his usual obnoxious laugh.
"Don't make me come back there and whoop all yall's asses. You guys forget I'm the oldest here and I'm the one with a car." Asia says in a stern voice.
"Yea, yea," He mocks.
Romeo sighs. So does Isaiah.
"I hope Mrs. Mayonnaise isn't here today." Says Romeo. "For real." Isaiah agrees.
We walk into the school and I'm walking behind everyone. Isaiah turns around and whispers in my ear.
"Come over later, for real Alex."
Then he just walks away.
Me and Isaiah happen to be in the same class and the teachers know I get annoyed with him because he messes around a lot so of course they sit me right next to him. And Brittany. Yikes.163Please respect copyright.PENANAiLhBBLNWGb
I go to my locker to get my books and I see Asia and Aaliyah kissing. This is the first time I've seen them doing this so I'm surprised.
"I didn't know you guys liked each other." I blurt not even thinking.
"We're practicing for our future boyfriends." Aaliyah responds. "Can't say I didn't like it though."
Asia shoots her a look and then continues.
"So did you hear about the new kid?" She inquires.
"No, I had no idea the school let people in this late in the year." I reply with a confused look on my face.
"Well, I hear they got kicked out of their last school and no other school would accept them." She says.
"Great so another shit stirrer?" I say unamused.
"I don't know, but yall better be ready for whatever's in store."
I sigh dramatically.
"Just another day, just another dumbass."
"Who knows? Could be someone nice for once." Asia responds.
"Sure." I say.
We head to math, and of course Mrs. Maynard is here.
"Why do we have to have math this early..?" Isaiah mumbles aloud.
"Oh Mrs. Maynard we just loooove your class." Aaliyah says sarcastically.
"If you love my class so much how come you have an F in it?" She says.
"Me personally," Romeo whispers. "I would not take that disrespect."
"I got an F in your class cuz I'm F-A-N-T-A-S-T-I-C." She says with a smirk.
Before Mrs. Maynard could reply to Aaliyah, Andrew, the most hated kid in school, decides to talk.
"U-Um Mrs. Maynard?" Andrew says. "You forgot to take our homework."
"REALLY ANDREW?" Aaliyah yells. "I did all of that just so she would forget sbout the homework you retard."
"Mrs. Maynard she called me a bad word." He ignores Aaliyah's scolding and smiles while he snitches on her.
"God damn Andrew is the male equivalent of a pickme teacher's pet motherfucker." Romeo says to us.
"Exactly." Aaliyah says while walking back over to us reading her detention slip she just received.
"What's it say?" I ask her.
"Inappropriate language, arguing with a teacher, making fun of a teacher." She replies. "You know, you know, just the same old shit."
"Liyah you should really not be know if you want a good highschool." I say.
"Girl you know damn well lmma drop outta highschool and go work at the strip club down the street." She says.
"Yea, but-"
Before I can continue Mrs. Maynard interrupts me.
"Ladies, whatever you're talking about can wait until after school. Unless you want a detention."
"I already got one Mrs. I-Can't-Remember-For-Shit." Aaliyah points out.
The class laughs.
"And I'll give you another one." She replies shamelessly.
"Cool, until then, butt out of the convo. You ain't invited."
Aaliyah ignores her.
I wish I could be as confident as Aaliyah. She's always been very opinionated in the years we've been bestfriends, which is something very difficult for me to be myself. I really don't know why. It could be the fact that I want to avoid any trouble with my dad, but eh.
In Science, Isaiah throws a paper ball my way with something written in it to me, but it lands in front of Jaiden, the pervert that has a crush on me.
He picks it up and reads it, rips it up, and then looks at me. I just act like I didn't see him or the paper ball and ask if I can go to the bathroom.
Isaiah also asks to go to the bathroom, after I do. Jaiden gives him a look, but I pretend not to see that too. We both get passes and when we get into the hallway he says:
"Yo the note said 'Let's Smash.' Jaiden is gonna tell everyone."
"No I seen him rip it up and throw it in the trash. He's prolly mad though." I note.
"Hope you're right," he says. "Now can you come to the bathroom with me now? I really want to get this out I been holdin it in all morning." He says in an exhausted manner.
"Cmon not at school, I don't want to be caught and my parents-"
Isaiah lets a small sigh of disappointment out, but agrees.
"Can I at least get a job from you so I can relieve this?"
"Fine." I agree, acting like I haven't been waiting for this moment my whole life.
"Thank you, it'll only take a few minutes I promise." He says in an assuring voice.
We walk to the broken down bathroom all the way at the top floor and go into a stall together.
"I've never done this before." I admit.
"Me neither." He says.
He unzips his jeans and take his boxers off exposing his hard dick.
"Get on your knees." He says dominantly, but also in a bit of a shy way.
I do what he asks and the atmosphere gets kind of awkward.
"Now what?-" I ask uncertainly.
"Suck?," he says. "Idk do your thing."
I gently take his penis into my mouth, and lick it softly, feeling the texture of it in my mouth.
After two minutes of me licking it softly, I slowly move my mouth up and down his tip.
He leans back in pleasure, and lays one of his hands lightly on my head.
After another two minutes, he's practically begging for more, panting and moaning.
I start to suck on it, and I can feel his hand running through my hair. I see his other hand gripping the bar next to the toilet tightly.
Another minute later, he spread his legs and came in my mouth, panting very hard.
"Fuck~" he whispers.
"There's too much cum-" I say taking it out of my mouth and licking the cream from my lips.
"Just do that lil thing you was doin," he says. "A Lil more."
I don't reply, I just lick his balls for a few seconds and take his dick back into my mouth.
After a second load, which took less time than the first and had even more cream, he says;
"I'll pay you back for this I promise. That felt way better than it looks in pornos for sure."
I blush a bit, and he pulls his clothes back on. Then, we head back to class. When he gets in his seat, he just looks at me and winks, as if to say once again; "Meet me after school."
After the class we have lunch, and recess.
When we walk outside to the parking lot during "recess" Trinity asks what we did in the bathroom.
"What? We just went to the seperate bathrooms." I say denying anything.
Isaiah and all the other boys are on the other side of the parking lot cuz boys and girls aren't aloud to be together during recess.
"Mhmmm," Aaliyah chimes in. "You guys was gone for 8 minutes I counted."
"Exactly." Trinity says.
"You two definitely was up to sumn cuz you both left and came back at the same time."
"I seen yall too," Asia agrees. "And don't think I didn't see him wink at you."
"Omgggggggg he did NOT," Aaliyah says in disbelief.
"Yep," Asia says confirming.
"Yall are so cute togetherrrr." she continues.
"SO THEN WHAT HAPPENED?!" Aaliyah blurts.
"SHHHHHHHHHHH. Or else." I warn.
"OR WHAT?" She says teasing me.
I roll my eyes.
"He wanted to fuck, but I only gave him a job cuz I chickened out." I say ashamed.
"Girl you shoulda backed up the bus the moment he said that." She scolds.
"If she isn't ready, she isn't ready." Asia says in defense.
"Me and Romeo hit it off right away." Trinity brags.
"She just sucked his dick tfym Trinity?! You guys ain't even kiss for a whole week after you started dating!" Aaliyah yells.
I slip away while they argue and go eat a slim jim I had hidden in my backpack, but brought to recess.
They eventually notice I'm gone and Aaliyah comes up to me.
"Hey what gives?" Aaliyah says.
"I just wanted a snack. You guys didn't even notice for like 5 minutes while you argued." I reply.
"Girl you know I'm your bestie I jus had to protect your honor cuz Trinity thought she was sumn." She shoots back.
"Trinity is fine," I say laughing. "Her comments get on my nerves sometimes, but it wasn't that big of a deal." I smile at Aaliyah.
"Oh." She says plainly.
"Well anyways," she follows up. "I seen Isaiah talking to his dudes and looking at you."
"Really?" I say excitedly. "I mean, uh yea, it's whatever." I say hoping she didn't notice.
"You can drop the act you know." Aaliyah says smugly."
"Oof fine," I say giving in. "We did sumn this morning too." I explain.
I tell Aaliyah about what we did in the car and she FREAKS OUT.
"Not even Asia?" She pleads.
"What about Asia?—" Asia says as she comes over to us.
"Um-" I say.
"ALEX LIKES ISAIAH," She says covering it up. "AND SHE DIDN'T WANT YOU TO KNOW."
I wipe sweat from my forehead listening to Asia's unaware reply.
"Well duh," she says. "That's no secret at all. And why wouldn't you tell me?"
"BECAUSE SHE'S UH— SHY." Aaliyah says. "Yea she's like super shy about it."
"Ooookay?—" Asia says.
"Yea." Aaliyah says.
And then the whistle screeches.
"That's our que," Asia says.
"Yea—" I say with a sigh of relief, glad Aaliyah has my back.
The school day goes on, and as it does, all I can think of was what Isaiah and I would do after school. I couldn't even concentrate.
After recess we have English and when we get into the classroom I can see Brittany and Opal gossiping about the new kid.
"I guess news gets around." Asia says. "The new kid will be here tomorrow."
"Yea, and I hope the news gets around even faster after I beat Brittany's pale bare ass cheeks," Aaliyah says firmly. "The only thing that's stopped me from doing so is the fact that she'll prolly sue me, and I'm not gonna let my mom's hard-earned money go to waste you know?"
"Right." I say. "It's not worth it for real."
Stacy walks in and goes to sit by Brittany. Brittany says something, and Stacy goes to sit behind Opal's desk and chair instead.
"Poor Stacy." Asia says. "She clearly just wants validation from a friend, but she always gets put down and thrown away."
"It's her fault she's with them," Aaliyah says with an annoyed look on her face. "If she would jus leave theur group, if you can even call it that, she wouldn't have to deal with it. You shouldn't feel bad for her Asia, seriously."
"Stacy is a whore anyway." Isaiah says out of the blue.
"What?" Trinity says.
"How would you know anyways...?" I respond.
"Seen her getting pounded by Damian 2 days ago. Today, Jack told me he fucked her. Prolly has some wild stds."
"That's fucking nasty." Asia says with a disgusted look on her face.
"See told ya." Aaliyah says triumphantly, rubbing it in Asia's face. "And Isaiah is starting to sound like you, Alex.
"Well damn.." I say. "I saw her crying in the bathroom the other day. Maybe sumn's going on." I suggest. "And no he doesn't shut it Liyah."
"Doubt it." Aaliyah says sourly. "And no I will not 'Shut it.' " She says winking at Chris.
"Okay class," Mrs. Tood begins. "Open up to page 86."
After English we have electives, which I hate. It splits up our friend group, and the electives suck. At least I get to be with Aaliyah though. We're almost like blood siblings.
I got in my chair looking around awkwardly. Mr. Dover handed us our little kindergarten coloring pages and we got started on them. Aaliyah shoots me the dirtiest look after she sees the page.
"I know." I respond to her look.
"Why we gotta do this bullshit." She says scornfully.
"Cuz it's required I guess." I say shrugging my shoulders.
"At least we get to be together." She says. "Could be worse."
"True. I was just thinking that earlier. But, I wish it was what I expected it to be when I signed up for it."
"Right. And ain't no way you were thinking the same thing."
We finish our coloring pages and go get our backpacks to go home after the elective is over.
As we walk out, we wave to each other and go our seperate ways. All of a sudden, Isaiah comes up behind me and slaps my ass.
"Hey." He says. "Somethin wrong?"
"I-" Still stunned from him slapping me like that I freeze up for a moment. After I return to reality I answer him. "No not really, it's just electives kinda sucked."
"What's new." He says sarcastically while grabbing my hand.
"Yea..." I say still feeling mad we colored kid pictures.
"So, Asia already left." He says changing the subject. "We'll have to get on the bus."
"Really?" I say exhaustedly.
We get on the bus, and he tries to kiss me, but I tell him no cuz people are looking at us.
Once we get to Isaiah's house he tells me to come in.
As I walk up to the door, I try to prepare myself for what's gonna happen next.
He opens the door slowly, and turns to look at me with a big smile on his face.
"Come in!"
As soon as we close the front door he pulls me into a big hug.
"Umm. Nice to see you too..? We were just on the bus together." I say with confusion.
"Sorry. I'm just really excited and glad you actually wanted to come. I didn't wanna show that infront of everyone. "
"Oh okay." I say calmly as if I'm not about to explode. I can't believe he just said that to me.
"Sooo, do you wanna come to my room first or?"
"Yea I think I do."
We walk into his room and he closes the door.
"Wow your room is a mess." I say giggling.
"I wasn't expecting anyone." He begins. "I kinda asked you that earlier randomly not thinking about if my room was clean or not."
"Hugeeee turn off." I tease.
"I was just kidding, I honestly think you're hot as fuck no matter what your room looks like."
He just stares at me for a moment after I say that. Weird—
"I want you in my bed right now for real." He says after a moment.
"I— HUH?!" I exclaim.
"Well I mean that is what I invited you over for initially, but I wasn't planning on getting in there all like that yet until you said that."
I'm visibly blushing in silence and looking at the floor. He sees that.
"It's just us you don't have to be so shy."
"I'm not 'shy.' " I say.
"Mhm sure. Prove it then."
"Fine I'll—"
He comes close to me and tongue kisses me. I'm not sure how to do that and neither is he from the looks of it, but we both just go with it.
He pushes me up against the wall gently as we continue kissing. He stops for a moment and asks.
"You're okay with this right?"
"M-Mhm. I like it I think.—"
"Okay." He says winking.
He pulls my shirt off over my head revealing my bra.
I start to get self-concious and cover my chest.
"DON'T LOOK!" I yell.
"I already seen." He returns.
"They're ugly and small."
"No they aren't," he says. "You're petite overall. Besides we haven't fully developed and even still they look big to me. They aren't fake looking either."
"...I don't know what to say."
"Don't say anything. Just have a good time okay? That's good enough for me."
"I— I didn't know you were so sweet. Usually you're an asshole." I say knocking his shoulder.
"Shh. Don't tell nobody that." He says as he lays his hands on my hips and looks down at me.
"This feels like it's meant to be." I softly say while looking up at him.
He slides my tights off, but not my skirt or panties.
"I don't want you to feel too uncomfortable.." he says. "We can take the rest off maybe when we are more comfy."
He takes all of his clothes off, exposing his beautiful dark skin. I don't even look down at first because I'm admiring him.
And just like that, he starts kissing me again.
He quickly moves down to my neck making me feel something I've never felt before. I moan softly.
He picks me up and moves to his bed were we can continue.
Still kissing my neck, he climbs ontop of me and presses himself against me lightly. I don't say anything about it and I don't think he did it intentionally, but I do enjoy feeling his bulge against me.
Again he moves further down to my stomach, caressing my neck and chest as he does so.
Once he's done kising my lower stomach, he climbs back up on top of me and just stares into my eyes for a moment.
"Welp, guess it's time to repay you." He says finally after the silence.
He sits down on the bed and takes my skirt off. Then picks me up and sits me on his lap with ease, my back facing his chest. He scoots me back a bit more purposefully having me sit on his dick.
Moments later, he reaches his right hand down my panties and rubs.
"Hey I— Ah~"
"I love that sound," He says in a low and quiet voice.
I push my legs together a bit because the pressure on it feels so good. I could never do it the way he does by myself.
"I don't want to look inside of your underwear yet cuz I won't be able to contain myself," he says. "So for now, I'm jus sticking to the wet warmth that I feel on my fingers. I see you're turned on."
He increases the pressure as he continues to rub two fingers back and forth against my clit.
I push my legs together a bit more.
I'm about to cum and then he stops, gets off the bed, and drops to his knees.
"I want to taste it in my mouth when you cum." He says casually.
He takes my panties down, and spreads my legs open.
"Damn you flexible." He says in a seductive voice winking at me.
Before I can say anything, he plunges his whole tongue inside of me.
I cross my legs a little.
He moves his tongue in and out of me and he holds my legs open making sure he won't miss out on this.
"Fuck~" I moan as he speeds it up.
Each tongue thrust is becoming more and more pleasurable.
"Cum for me please."
I can feel it building up and I know I'm going to cum soon.
"You taste delicious so far." He whispers.
What gets me is when he's flicking his tongue and licking the inside— He's like fucking slobbering it and shit. Usually I'm like 'Ew that sounds nasty.' If someone says they like slobber, but it actually feels fucking amazing.
I'm moaning and panting a lot as he really gets in there going full force, and finally, I cum in his mouth.
"Oh my fucking god!" He yells.
After tasting it he can't hold back anymore.
He pushes me down on the bed and gets on top of me.
"I can't—" He whispers. "My hormones are raging."
"I know." I whisper back. "Do it, just pull out when you cum."
"Bet. I know exactly where imma put that cum after."
I get up momentarily to take my bra off before we continue. Then I lay back down, allowing him to hold my arms down on the bed above my head.
"Fuck you're irresistible." He says while he slides it inside of me.
"It's feels weird going in." I say closing one eye.
"I'm just really big and you're really tight so it is gonna be weird.-" He says. "Just relax ight. I don't even want to talk anymore I'm so fucking horney."
He starts humping immediately and we both are already moaning.
"Oh fuck~ that feels good~"
"Imma go so fucking hard on you for real."
After that he goes silent and just does a series of thrusts and humps that make me moan through the whole thing.
"Oh yes~ Aah~"
He starts pounding so fucking hard and it feels amazing.
With each movement I can feel an orgasm building up in between my legs and when he looks into my eyes it makes me feel so much more turned on.
"I- Think– I'm—" He says while panting heavily. "Gonna- Cum– Inside—"
"Pull out! Pull out!"
He pulls out right before he cums and aims it at my stomach.
Right away he sticks it back inside and continues to pound his dick inside of me and his testicles bounce against my ass.
He sloppy kisses me as he pants more, keeping my arms in place above my head.
"I'm- Ah~ so– c-close— Ahhh~"
He changes the position a bit, moving his whole lower half in between my legs in case I try to close them. Then he holds my legs forward and continues.
We are chest to chest and I can see this is his maximum effort.
He pounds me so hard and fast at this point that I can hear two claps per second against me and the bed is rocking like a motherfucker.
At that moment I cum, and as I do he some how squirts a little more of his own cum out inside of me.
"FUCK YES AHHH~" I yell out as he cums inside at the same time as me.
He can't even say anything he is just moaning and pumping more and more cum loads inside of me.
There is so much cum now that he pumped in, that it is leaking out of me. I'm digging my nails into the bed screaming his name as he blasts all of the cum he has inside of my pussy.
When he finally finishes loading all of the semen into my vagina, he just pulls his tip out and collapses on top of me.
He's probably almost double my weight and even so, I still let him lay on top of me.
"Fuck I've been holding that in ever since I met you." He says exhaustedly. He then rolls off of me and lays next to me, petting my pubic hair and he pulls his large blanket over our cold, naked bodies.
I don't ask any questions about all the chaos that will take place tomorrow, and soon I drift off laying there with my head on his chest and, not long after, he soon also falls asleep.
That is the end of our amazing day together.