*March 18*
9:23 pm
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There were voices outside the hall. Heavy footsteps pounded against the old wooden floors, so Lizzie hid. Intruders in her house! She hid in the kitchen, crouching down and breathing silently so they wouldn’t hear her. Listening, she assumed they were talking to themselves.
“We’re here in the Villisca House, known for the brutal ax murder of all six members of the family and two guests in 1912. Our investigation will go until 5 o’clock in the morning. ” The voice was from a man, but the words she did not understand. And how did he know her last name? She didn’t recognize the voice…
“Tonight, we hope to communicate with the spirits who dwell here, perhaps even help them cross over to the other side. Hopefully, their tormented souls can finally be put to rest.”
Lizzie peeked around the corner, seeing three men with strange devices in their hands that rested on their shoulders. They were black and menacing, but they didn’t seem to be afraid of them.
“Alright, let’s setup our audio and video center in the parlor, and have Kyle place recorders and cameras all over the house.”
Then there were a shuffle of feet moving towards her and she ducked once again behind the cupboard. Men passed by her in the hall, carrying more black objects. For several minutes, she listened in fright as they went up the stairs and placed the objects around the house. One man even came into the kitchen and set up an object near her. She was frozen in fear, unable to retreat from the strange device.
“Tim! We’re all set up here!” The man in the kitchen yelled, walking back out into the hall.
“Get Greg and meet down here!” The other man came back downstairs and all three met up in the foyer.
“Alright, get cameras rolling and start with some EVP sessions.”
9:54 pm
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“Are there any spirits in this house?” One of the men shouted, holding out a strange device in front of him. It was small and rectangular, and it made no noise. Lizzie watched it, curious as to what it was.
“Can you hear me speaking? Don’t be afraid, we aren’t here to hurt you.” He asked, walking slowly back and forth between the stairs and the front door. Lizzie wasn’t as scared as she had been when they had first come inside. Now, she realized they weren’t here to cause her harm, but she was still hesitant to show herself.
“Are you trapped in this house?”
“Yes…” She whispered, half afraid they would hear her but still feeling the urge to communicate. Maybe they would understand. Maybe they would help…
“I’m gonna do a rapid playback.” The man muttered, pressing something on the device. Suddenly, a voice came through the device, saying the exact same things as the man.
“Are there any spirits in this house? Can you hear me speaking? Don’t be afraid, we aren’t here to hurt you. Are you trapped in this house?” After the last question, Lizzie was shocked to hear her tiny ‘yes’ in response. The sound produced a large reaction from the men.
“Did you hear that, man? It said yes!”
“That’s an intelligent response!” The man with the device pressed another button and held it out once more.
“Can you tell us your name? Who are you?” He asked, looking very concentrated. She glanced between them, curious to know what exactly could happen.
“Lizzie.” She said quietly. They didn’t hear her at first, but she thought that maybe the device in his hand would tell them what she said.
“Were you killed in this house?”
Her eyes lowered. Killed...it was such a gruesome word. She hated thinking about it, the way the man had come from behind her and lodged the ax into her back over and over and over…
She didn’t want to respond, so she stayed quiet.
“Do you know who killed you?” He shouted, scanning his eyes on the ceiling for whatever reason.
“I don’t know…” She whispered. It was difficult to speak louder than that. There was always this heavy feeling over her.
“Oh, man, it just got cold all of a sudden. There’s like this pocket of freezing air right here.” One of the men said, waving his hand close to where she stood. She stepped back, away from the hand.
“Immediate playback.” The first man said, pressing the device once more.
“Can you tell us your name? Who are you?”
“That sounded like a woman said Izzy or something.” The second man said, the one named Kyle. The one named Tim held the device close by his ear, repeating the same response over and over.
“No, I think it’s saying Lizzie. You can barely hear the ‘L’ in there.” The recording continued after that.
“Were you killed in this house?” There was a pause in between the questions, where she did not speak. “Do you know who killed you?”
“...don’t know.” The answer was very muffled and difficult to make out, but the men still reacted excited all the same.
“I think it said ‘don’t know.’ See? Listen.” They played back her words again. “Don’t know. That’s what it sounds like.”
A part of her was thrilled that they could hear her. It meant she still was attached to the living world in some way.The great unknown scared her, and she didn’t entirely want to leave the earth. Seeing the men’s positive reactions was refreshing for a change.
She was growing tired, exhausted from using all the energy speaking to the device. She couldn’t bring herself to talk anymore, even to their long procession of questions afterwards.
10:47 pm
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“We’re gonna try using the PSB7 spirit box now, which sweeps through radio frequencies which the spirits can communicate through. There is no radio interference, just white noise, so we should be able to hear any spirits that come through.
“We’ve also set up electromagnetic pumps throughout the house, which will give spirits the energy they need to speak to us.”
Immediately, he turned on the device which produced a lot of strange blasting noises, or what Tim had called ‘white noise.’ He held it out in front of him.
“Lizzie! You talked to us earlier! Are you still here with us?” He paused, as if waiting for her to speak. She had recovered her energy soon after, feeling the effects of the strange device that rested on the floor.
“Yes…” She said, and she was elated to find that her voice had come through the little box in the man’s hands. He looked up quickly at the sound.
“Lizzie! Thank you for communicating with us.” The man exchanged glances, watching the box in his hands. “We want to know what happened here in 1912! What happened in this house?” He shouted over the noise of the box.
Should she tell them? The gruesome memories that came with talking about it was painful to her, but these men seemed to listen with genuine curiosity and sympathy. Perhaps they would understand…
“We were killed…” She said, and her muffled voice again came through the device. The only problem was, it only got the last word of her sentence. At least it still seemed to get the message across.
“Killed! It said killed!” Greg shouted, pointing at the device.
“How were you killed, Lizzie?” Tim shouted.
“Ax…” She tried to say, but the device warped her voice to an extreme where they couldn’t make it out. This made her disappointed to see their confused expressions, trying to make out what she had said.
Could she touch them? Never had anyone come into her house for this long without something scaring them away, so she’d never gotten the chance to try. Moving behind the Greg, she touched his back with her hand. The effects were immediate.
“Dude! Something just touched my back!” He yelled, jerking away from her reach. He swatted at the back of his shirt and looked to where she was.
Kyle tried calming him down. “Bro, what did it feel like?”
“Like this...icy feeling running down my back.” He lifted up the shirt and turned. “Is there a mark?”
A long, red line ran diagonally down his back, but there wasn’t a scratch. It was only red in color. “Yeah, man, it goes all the way down your back.” Greg was obviously freaked out over this.
“Lizzie, was that you? Did you just touch Greg?” Lizzie suddenly felt bad about causing such a reaction to the men who were treating her with respect. They were her guests, of sorts, and she didn’t want to scare them away.
“I’m sorry…” She muttered, and the word ‘sorry' came through clearly on the device.
“It just said sorry. That’s amazing.” Kyle said, laughing a little from everything that was happening.
12:16 am
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“If Lizzie can touch us, maybe she’ll react to some trigger objects.” The men turned off the box and walked back down the hall to the foyer. She followed, curious as to what they meant.
“Man, that cold air is back. It’s like it follows us through the hall, you know? Feel it!” Greg said, glancing back over his shoulder.
“Lizzie really seems to like you, man.” Tim joked.
Suddenly, a loud bang was heard from upstairs and all the men turned and looked.
“What was that?” Tim asked, staring up the steps. There was nothing visible, but very faint footsteps echoed down through the house.
“Footsteps!” Kyle whispered harshly, to which Tim shushed him, prompting all of them to listen intently. A few moment later, the footsteps returned and the men sprung into action.
“Kyle and I will go upstairs and check that out. Greg, stay down here and see if you can talk with Lizzie some more. Ask her more about the murders.”
“Alright.” The men grabbed a few more black objects from the floor in the foyer and headed up the steps.
Lizzie started to get worried. She’d seen a man upstairs before, when she had wandered the house in confusion. He was angry, and evil. His presence brought nothing but sorrow and fear to her and she didn’t want the men to feel that.
“Don’t go up the stairs!” She tried to shout, but they didn’t hear her. In her frustration, she stomped her foot on the ground, making a small thump directly in front of Greg.
“Woah, what was that?” He looked around the hall, directing the black thing in his hand to wherever he was looking. She still wasn’t sure what it was.
“Alright, I’m gonna try to use this thing called a PX device. It has words built into a database, so you can make the box say the word you want to say. ” He explained, holding out a box in his hands. Lizzie inspected it, watching the little screen light up when she went near it. This seemed to stop him momentarily.
“Are you right here, Lizzie? Are you close to me?”
The device was strange, and a little confusing. She tried figuring out how to work it so she could warn the men about the man upstairs. However, it wasn't easy. There were lots of strange buttons and lights that would beep when she was close.
“Don’t go up there!” She tried to say, but nothing happened on the device.
“Do you know what that noise was upstairs?” She waved her arms, seeing if he could see her but there was no reaction.
What else could she do? How did this strange box work? She tried to touch it to see if it said anything, and she continued to think of what she wanted to say to them.
Finally! The box said the word ‘man’ in a strange, monotone voice and Greg looked down in surprise.
“Man! Was it a man upstairs?” He asked, looking more excited each second.
How did she manage to do that? She had to get her message across, to warn them…
“Danger!” He said, pointing to the screen. “Are you in danger? Is the man up there dangerous?”
How could she put across that they were in danger? Greg wasn’t understanding! What could she say to make him get it? What words could she say?
She tried one last attempt, saying the only thing she thought would work. Greg gasped in surprise.
“Guys!” He yelled up the stairs, towards where the other two were.
“Yeah?” Tim responded.
“The PX device just said your names! Come down here!”
“We’re coming!” He yelled, and Lizzie was relieved to see the two men come back down.
12:49 am
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Lizzie, do you know about the man upstairs?” Tim asked, staring at the lit-up screen of the PX device. She was getting better at making the words appear. All three men gathered around to listen, and she manipulated it to say what she wanted.
“Is the man upstairs bad?” Kyle asked.
“Axe!” Tim yelled, pointing at the device. “Lizzie just said axe.”
“That’s gotta be the murderer then, because they say the family was killed with an axe.” Greg started, pointing the black object towards his face. He was talking to it, but what for she wasn’t sure.
“Lizzie, are there other spirits in this house?” TIm asked, holding out the device once more. She thought it was amusing to see the men react so much to her simple words. She was having a rather fun time communicating with them.
“She said one more. One more spirit in the house. Is that the dangerous man upstairs?” Greg asked.
“She said axe again.”
Greg reached for the device in Tim’s hand, and he handed it over. He held it out as well, directly towards Lizzie but they probably didn’t know that.
“Lizzie, how many people were killed here? How many people died in this house?”
This time, she struggled to put forth a word. Mostly, it was because she was having a hard time remembering things. How many of them had died?
Wait, there had been her mother, her husband, her daughter and son...no, she had two sons and a daughter. Everything was fuzzy but names played at the edge of her mind. Betsy, that was her mother. And then there was Henry, her husband. And Danny and Carson and Milly... How long had she forgotten for? Were those even the right names? She wasn't sure anymore. She only knew one thing…
“Your family died that night because someone, and nobody knows who, went in there and killed them with an axe. Is that the man who we felt upstairs?”
She had never seen the face of the man who had killed her. She could never put a name or face to it. It hurt her so much to be left in the dark about it. The visions of that day came back to her, and filled her with overwhelming emotion.
The thump of his heavy boots, his low grunt of lifting the axe above his head, the dull pain from the blow to her back, the impact of her body on the wood floor, the warm wetness that pooled around her dying body, the cold and numb feeling of leaving her body completely...The images just kept coming, and she wanted to cry. It seemed that whatever she was feeling, the men could somehow sense.
“Does anybody else feel...really sad? Or depressed, or heavy? I just felt this wave of sadness go through me…” Tim said.
“Sad, it said sad.” Greg said, pointing to the screen. “Are you sad Lizzie? Do you remember what happened?”
She didn’t want to talk about it anymore, so she remained silent. It hurt too much to think about.
Kyle was rubbing his head, hissing a little from pain before slowly crouching down on the ground. “Man, I feel really drained right now.”
He leaned back against the wall and sat down, leaning his head back against the wall with a sigh. Greg approached and pointed the thing on his shoulder towards Kyle.
“You ok, man?”
“Yeah, just got really dizzy all of a sudden.”
“Let’s just take a quick break right now so Kyle can recover and we can figure out our next move.” Tim said, taking a seat beside Kyle against the wall.
1:30 am
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“Lizzie, we’re gonna put this light pod right in the center of this room. We want you to go up to it and touch it, and when you do that the lights are going to flash. It’s not gonna hurt you. We just want to know you’re here.” Tim explained, setting up a little metal device on the floor.
He waved his hand over the top of it, but nothing happened. “I just want to show to the camera that the sensors don’t indicate anything when any of us are in contact with it. It will only detect electrical changes and magnetic fields.”
Lizzie was standing back, towards the corner of the room. She was thoroughly convinced that these men were trying to help her, but she wasn’t sure how. They sat on the floor around the device, watching it intensely.
“Can you go up to this device and touch it?” TIm asked again, pointing towards the little metal thing. Cautiously, she approached the object, passing right by Greg in doing so.
“Jeez, it just got really cold all of a sudden. I have goosebumps all over my arms.” He rubbed his shoulders and arms quickly. Reaching down, she inched her fingers closer to the strange rod.
As soon as she got an inch or two away from it, lights went off on top, causing the men to jump slightly. It scared her, so she jumped back as well. As soon as she retreated, the lights stopped.
“Who’s here with us?” Greg asked, glancing around at the other men. “Lizzie, are you here with us?”
“Can you make that light go off if you’re here with us? Can you do that for us?” Tim asked, clasping his hands together.
Figuring that the men wouldn’t do something to hurt her, she went to touch it again. Once more, the lights flashed and the men kept their black devices in their hands pointed towards the lights.
“Thank you Lizzie, thank you for doing that for us.” Tim said. He took out another device and held it out.
“Why are you trapped here? Why won’t you move on?”
“I miss them…” She said, at the same time sitting on the floor next to them.
“Can you tell me why you’re still here?” Tim asked, rubbing his face from exhaustion.
And just as suddenly as that, Lizzie knew she didn’t want to stay in this house for eternity. She was lonely. She missed her family. These men kept bringing up the hard subjects that she didn’t want to talk about, but every time they brought it up she couldn’t help but think about them. THe more she thought, she more she wasn’t sure why she was there.
“Don’t you want to cross over?”
“...yes.” She realized it as she said it. Whatever had been holding her here, whatever she thought there was to find...she couldn’t remember anymore.
“Immediate playback.” Tim muttered, pressing the button on the device and listening to the responses once more.
“Why are you trapped here? Why won’t you move on?”
“...miss them…”
“Can you tell me why you’re still here? Don’t you want to cross over?”
“That’s crazy, dude.” Kyle said, adjusting the black device in his hands.
“I don’t think we’ve ever had a location this audibly active. This is incredible.” Tim admitted, running his hands through his hair.
“You need to move on, Lizzie. Go to where your family is. They’re waiting for you.” She took Greg’s words to heart. He had said family. She missed her family so much. She missed knowing who exactly these names and faces from her life used to be. RIght then, she felt a smile on her face. A smile she hadn’t had in a long time. If she crossed, she would be able to see them again.
“Thank you…” She whispered. “Thank you…”
They didn't hear her.
2:41 am
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“Lizzie…” She heard a voice call, and this time it came from the top of the stairs. At first she thought it was the man, the one with the axe. But it was a female voice that echoed down the stairs.
“Lizzie, dear…” Turning, she gazed up at the figure of her mother standing atop the stairs. Behind her, a bright doorway towered above the small woman. She looked so lovely but so frail wrapped in her usual shawl and pale pink dress. “Come to us…we miss you.”
“I’m coming…” She said, and began to ascend the stairs.
2:45 am
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“Dude, I think i just heard two female voices talking by the stairs.” Greg said to Tim, listening to the recorder one more time. “It sounds like they’re talking to each other or something. Come listen.”
Gesturing the two men over, they leaned in to listen to the playback.
“Lizzie, are you here with us?” There was a long pause with nothing in the background. Their own footsteps played back, but nothing from unexplainable forces.
“Can you tell us more about the murders?”
“I don’t know man, I’m not feeling her presence anymore. It’s like there’s nothing here.”
Then, suddenly, two muffled voices came through the recording.
“...miss you…”
“...I’m coming.”
“There were definitely two different voices. That second one sounded like Lizzie.”
“It’s almost like someone’s saying they miss her, like, ‘i miss you.’ And then Lizzie says something like, ‘I know, I’m coming.’” Greg said, gesturing to the recorder.
“Maybe she’s crossed over?” Tim says, taking one more listen to the recording.
“I don’t know, but if she doesn’t talk again then maybe she did.”
4:55 am
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“It is now five minutes until 5 o’clock, and we’re just about wrapping up our investigation. We haven’t heard any sort of voice for the past three or so hours. Lizzie seems to have stopped communicating or she’s passed on.” Tim spoke to the camera.
“There’ve been a few noises upstairs; strange, unexplained bumps or scratching sounds have been frequent. We are assuming those to be made by the supposed murderer or some man with an intense negative energy upstairs.
“The Villisca House has definitely given us a ton of audible evidence. We hope the spirit of Lizzie was able to cross over to the other side and finally rest in peace.”
The men turned off the cameras and started to pack up their equipment. Tim gave a big sigh and rubbed the lack of sleep from his eyes.
“Alright, guys. Let’s pack up and go back to the hotel. I think we all need some sleep.”