My leg goes numb and then tingles in the scorched area. I test if the chant works, remembering it only works for a few wands before going away. I sit up, grabbing my bag and then my hat, scooting forward on the leaves. I stand up clinging to Jadestorm, with a hesitant but hurried step. I try to walk. Following that step with another, I begin to slowly run away from the fight scene. Mr. Persephone and Quintin conquer the troll in now time, having me push myself forward with every step. I catch Mr. Persephone's steps crunch on the leaves as he stomps with frustration.
Behind me, I hear Mr. Persephone raging with anger spouting out, "Cursed that ratchet girl! You can't run forever! I will get what I seek!"
His words follow after me as I hobble through the forest, refusing to accept Quintin's mouthed apology. A tear slips out of my eye as I hear Mr. Persephone screaming at Quintin, telling him to go catch me. I hear Quintin reply with a muffled yes sir before thudding footsteps pound the ground, coming at me. I turn back and find Quintin closing in on me with his Apa, not far behind. I strike a cry as my healing spell starts to wear off. Rounding a corner near a tree a, I push off of it for a head start on my run. Clutching my bag and hat, I try to jump over a log but stumbling over it instead. With a loud cry I rolled over to hunker up to the log, hoping Quintin hadn't seen me fall, hoping he would jump over the log and not see me, just hoping I had never come to the forest with him. Climbing out of my bag, Jadestorm huddled beside me, meowing uncontrollably. He pushes his way down to my leg through my arm and begins to meow even more. Looking at him astonished, I tried to push him away, assuring him I was alright. He pushes way back to my leg and meows until I can almost feel the vibrations of his vocal cords in my leg. All of a sudden, my leg goes numb, then tingles, feeling like someone was sitting on the log poking me with needles. Sitting up, I turn my head to locate Quintin, turning the corner and nearing the log. Grabbing Jadestorm, picking myself up and trying to run, and with a surprise, my leg feels lighter than ever, like I could run forever. Quintin jumps over the log, snatching my hat off my head with a nasty smirk. Dropping the hat, he continued his chase, his Apa picks up the hat, and summons Quintin to give him his Imp.
He was going to use the Imp on me. To kill me. To finish whatever crazy business, he had. Dread floods my veins as I push myself as hard as I can to run away. With a sudden jerk of my leg, I truly over another branch covered in thorns, gashing open my leg as I frantically try to scramble out of it. Looking back at the log as I try to take the tangle of thorns out of my leg, I see that neither Quintin nor his Apa is there. Panic races through me as I struggle with the tangle of thorns. With a scream of fear, a rip the branch off my leg revealing gashes in mud-soaked legs. Blood runs down my legs like tiny rivers flowing in the ground. As the crimson-colored rivers meet the end of my calf, sinking into my socks. Seeing the blood gives me more of a panic beat in my chest. Breaking my eyes from the blood, I whip my head to the forest, looking for a new route to run through.
Catching the sight of the moon now rising from the ground, I scramble off the ground, ignoring the jolt of pain shooting up my leg as I try to hobble to a tree. Barely making it to the tree, I grasp the little branches near the trunk for support while trying to adjust to the new pain growing in my leg. While still trying to find Quintin and Mr. Persephone, I glance at my bag, checking if Jadestorm is alright from the fall. He peeks his head out of the bag, looking as though he is checking on me. I give a painful nod to Jadestorm as my leg feels like it's being dipped in a cauldron of pain. A scream bubbles in my throat, I try to hold it down, knowing if I did scream Quintin and Mr. Persephone would hear me, and I'd be done for. Fully leaning against the tree, I start to cry against my will, once again regretting coming to the forest with Quintin. -
I look up out of my sorrows and see Mr. Persephone ran toward whilst throwing fireballs at me through his hands. Startled with panic, I pushed myself off the tree trying to run but only realized I couldn't when I stumbled to the ground with a hard thud. Pain racing through my body from the impact, blood running down my leg in large streams almost in a giant river of the crimson red. Rolling over, I try to scoot backward on the forest floor but am stopped when Jadestorm squirms out of my bag with a shrieking hiss. Jadestorm runs off into the forest, leaving me by myself, alone in pain with Mr. Persephone and Quintin are getting closer by the second. I look around hysterically, trying to find a place to hide, somewhere out of sight where they can't find me. Just somewhere beside the stupid forest. I close my eyes, accepting my fate and laying on the forest floor in tears.
Jadestorm pounces on my chest, startling me from my fate. He drops a peony flower on my chest, pushing it towards my mouth. I try to sit up pushing the flower off my chest, Jadestorm hops off my chest with a confused look on his muzzle. I open my mouth, trying to remember the healing spell once again.
"Episkey," I whisper as I close my eyes, laying back down.
My body goes numb, feeling like I could fly home and escape the danger. With a sudden jolt of pins and needles shooting up my body, I let out a scream without thinking of what might happen. Jadestorm crawls back in my bag as I roll over on my stomach and start to pull myself up on a fallen tree branch from the fireball. Pushing myself up like a caterpillar, I stand to my feet and take a weary step, sucking in a deep breath. Then another step till I realized I had been walking away from the branch I started with. Hope rushes through me, and I start to run feeling the thunk of my spell bag against my gashed leg. I don't know where I was running to, all I know is that I was running from a lunatic friend and his psychotic Apa who had unfinished business, with whom I don't know and how I was involved, I hadn't the faintest idea. All I know is to run until the spell wears off.
After running for a while, the forest had gone quiet, the forest was pitch black, and I had no idea of where I was, just hoping I had gotten far enough from them. I sit beneath a tree and examine my wounds, noting how bad they were and what I would need once I got back home. If I got back home, that was the coin question. I pull Jadestorm out of my bag and hold him, burying my face in his fur, trying to muffle my cries. Jadestorm looks at me and licks my face. He then turns and looks around at the forest. I knew cats had better eyes to see in the dark, so I let him, as I cried in silence. Looking up, I see the stars beaming with light and wished I could be up there and not down here. That's when the thought hits me, I could just levitate myself home, above the trees and eyesight. I go to pick up Jadestrom as I see a small ball of orange fiery light growing within the forest. Picking up Jadestorm, I stuff him in my spell bag and stand up, hiding behind the tree, hoping they hadn't seen me sitting there.
They definitely had seen me because a fireball flew right past the tree. I quickly enchant my leg and start to run after Mr. Persephone throws another one, cackling at the sight of me running. I run past another tree, trying to zig zag in between them, hoping to throw them off. Jadestorm meows from within my bag before peeking his head out to see all the ruckus.
A fireball hits the tree in front of me, sending a gust of fiery air my way. I dodge to swerve to the right, trying to keep my speed while turning the tree.
"HAHAHA, I think you got her boy!" Mr. Persephone says excitedly.
Fear hits my gut as I hear the words. Quintin had tried to hit me, not Mr. Persephone. Tears slide out of my eye, blurring my vision. I couldn't believe my best friend had tried to hurt me. The words run around in my brain as I try to run through the darkened forest. Jumping over what I thought was a hole, I landed in another mud hole. My neck jerks back as my momentum is taken away and into the force of jutting my leg farther into the mud hole. With a frustrated huf, I jerk my leg out of the mud, falling face first into the forest floor. As I roll over to stand back up, a fireball flies right above me. Flinching to the heat, I keep rolling to the left, falling into a creek. As I slash through the puddles of water, I try to find a way out. Spotting one along the edge, I rush over just as the boys step down into the creek with me.
"Hit her again, Quintin! I give you the honor to justify this family," Mr. Persephone shouts.