"Mr. Jeong, the boss wishes to see you," my coworker announced, a hint of urgency in her voice. Oh shit. The boss? Why would the boss want to see me? Has something gone wrong with my work? A million thoughts raced through my mind, each one intensifying my anxiety. Determined to face the inevitable meeting head-on, I quickly straightened my posture and mustered the courage to make my way toward the elevator. The click of my non-slip shoes echoed in the empty hallway as I hurriedly scurried toward the waiting metallic doors.
Once inside the elevator, my heart thumped loudly in my chest as I pressed the button labeled '42nd' - the top floor of the imposing high-rise building. With each floor we surpassed, the unease within me grew exponentially, twisting my stomach into knots. I took deep, slow breaths, trying to calm the rising panic. "It'll be fine," I whispered to myself, attempting to boost my confidence.
As the elevator doors slid open, revealing the pristine and sleek surroundings, I stepped out and began a slow, deliberate walk toward the grand, imposing doors that separated me from my boss. Sweat formed on my brow, despite the air-conditioning's best efforts to keep the atmosphere cool. I had to remind myself to maintain composure. "Confidence," I repeated under my breath, aligning my spine and lifting my chin, projecting an air of confidence that I hoped would mask my inner turmoil.
Finally, I reached the imposing doors, a silent prayer for strength passing through my lips. As I extended my hand towards the cool, polished handle, a fleeting thought crossed my mind. If only he wasn't my boss; with his slicked-back black hair, piercing blue eyes, and undeniable physical presence, I couldn't help but imagine what it would be like to go on a date with him. But reality brought me crashing back to earth. He and I lived in different worlds, separated by professional boundaries and responsibilities.
The doors swung open, revealing the man I had come to fear and respect. His commanding presence filled the room, sending a shiver down my spine. His deep growl-like voice gave weight to his address. "Mr. Jeong," he began, his eyes locking with mine, "you are late."