"Kindling Hill Cannibal"
Well, where do I begin? I haven't thought about it in years. It was the summer of 1974, it was going to be a great summer I thought and Kung Fu Fighting "was blasting on every Rock station in America. We were getting ready for the annual summer camping trip. We packed up Micheal's 67 Chevy van I can remember it. It was cool looking. It was orange with yellow and blue stripes coming from the roof diagonally down the side and then straight through the middle of the body. did you two do? They both said nothing, Will.
I got up put my shoes on walked over to the passenger-side mirror and checked my face and luckily nothing. Micheal and Kimberly both said do you have trust issues?
With you two around yes! Kimberly said I love you babe I wouldn't do anything to you. I simply replied really like John's party? Oh, that was a joke! , But you used a laundry marker!
Micheal and Kimberly both were laughing, Yeah, keep laughing about John's party. They both said I almost forgot about that. I said speaking about John, where is John? I remember him getting up to go take a piss he said. Micheal said what time was that? I said I guess about 5 am the sun was just peeking over the hill over there. It's 9:06 am now. Is he still not back yet? No, not yet said Micheal. Kimberly said we better go look for him, we all replied yeah, he might be hurt or knocked out somewhere Michael said. We all started yelling John's name John!, John! Where are you? John! We did that for almost an hour and nothing. I suggested that he could have gone to the asylum ruins. So we walked up the hill and then the crumbling steps, I almost fell, and Kimberly whispered be careful. We got to the top and a rotten old grey wood and crackling white painted doors were in front of us, and one of them was lying on the floor and broken dirty glass was everywhere. We walked around the old asylum ruins vines dead leaves and black mold everywhere. There were a few rooms still intact, so we each took a room and started to look around for John. We kept looking and Kimberly saw some stairs that looked pretty sturdy the concrete looked like it was in good condition despite being almost 200 years old. So Kimberly went up the stairs and Micheal and I continued looking around we were both calling John's name. John!, John! and between our yelling John's name, Kimberly screamed and ran down the stairs and she was crying and screaming at the same time. Micheal and I couldn't understand her at first. When she calmed down enough to speak clearly. She said she found John and he's dead! There's blood all over that room up there, his head is gone, and looked like he was partially eaten by some animal! Micheal and I ran upstairs and went into the first room and saw the blood everywhere and what was left of John's body. Micheal and I couldn't believe what we were seeing. I stepped back and hit something with the back of my shoe and I looked and saw the rest of John's head it looked like it was eaten like an apple. All my God, poor John. The next I heard a scream so loud it almost ruptured our eardrums. There stood a man-monster, a monster-man thing in the back of the room this was the thing that killed John. Micheal and were so scared we were like statues and ran for our lives we jumped over the stairs like they weren't even there. I grabbed Kimberly by the arm and we jumped over the stairs and got back to the van. Micheal opened the passenger side door and the glove compartment and pulled out his Dad's 357. The thing was whatever the hell it was, ran out of the trees towards us and Micheal started firing the gun and pulling the trigger even after the gun was empty and its body slid a couple of feet in front of us. I remember we couldn't stop shaking and crying. After everything was over the cops investigated and found out what happened they claimed there were a bunch of missing people through the 30's and 40s in the area. We'll never know if everything was kept hush-hush afterward. After John's funeral, his Mom had to be put away, because of John's death. We just drifted apart. Micheal and I don't speak anymore, but Kimberly and I did get married and had a couple of kids and we are happy, but there is always a dark cloud over us being John's demise. Well, anyway that's all there is to tell.