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She pulled on the black lacey dress and strappy heels, throwing a mental thank you to Alana for making her buy something she’d never dare. Her jaw still ached from the golfball but it seemed to make her lips more pliable, smiling even wider at herself in the mirror whilst she could hear Neill grunting and farting in the shower.
Gentlemanly enough to shirk that for her presence, then. Neill could let rip as much as she wants when her own arse in this dress looks as rip-roaring as that. Now his hips were behind hers, speckled with shower drops, sighing along with her as he ran his grip down her concave waist then up to squeeze her padded breasts.
‘Fucking hell,’ he stepped back, as she gave a sultry twirl and giggled modestly as she bent down.
‘Oh, I’ll take a bend-over over a twirl, good girl—’
‘Not so good, badboy, when I noticed you stuffed a fag and weed and a lighter in my bag yesterday,’ she laughed as she pulled them out.
‘For you and your lushes. You didn’t have it?’
‘Alex would’ve, but Alana said she’s keeping clean.’
‘But not this little dirty bitch, hmm?’ as he pulled her toward him. ‘God, it’s not right for you to look this hot. I mean, you’re gorgeous without it all of course, but with it, you’re Simply Irresistible - you know that song of Robert Palmer’s? You used to look good but now you’re fuhh-cking scorchin!’’
‘I don’t recall those lyrics.’
‘Robert Palmer was Yorkshire. Came from Batley. He were a right batty, Batley badboy. Died of a heart attack which I’m about to do just looking at how much hotter my badboy cock has made you, after being inside, how many times now? It’s like—’
‘Four. Four times.’
‘Ahh. Poor sore little whore. But we can do four more. And four times four is?’
‘My age, very clever.’
‘Badboy with brains, unlike Mr Welsh Rare-Twit or the Becky-bonking bastard,’ as he reached for the hairdryer from the bedside drawer. ‘Oh, Real Feel,’ as he spotted the condoms. ‘So you chose the right ones!’
She looked across in surprise. ‘Yes, blindboy. I did.’
He fumbled at the box. ‘Remove this damned cellophane with your long nails would you.’
She pierced it open and peeped out the contents.
‘Take one out then.’
‘Well you can’t open the actual packet now, you wait till we are—’
‘Thanks, I didn’t know that. Now open one to remind me what a condom looks like.’
She tore it open, and having never seen one before, examined the rubber ring between her fingertips, as his eyes came to the other side like it was a curious objet d’art.
He frowned. ‘I don’t think that will fit my cock.’
He sighed, dropping his towel. ‘Better try it on in case we need bigger ones.’
She looked askance at his shower-shrivelled penis.
‘Um, well, you have to get your cock hard first.’
‘You learned something from Justin’s Truth or Dare story then. Come on, come on… get down there, girl, and get your mouth around it—’
‘Aren’t we… going out?’ She smiled as she knelt demurely, only to have her head bounced abruptly straight into his balls.
‘My fat cock needs to try it on like a fat lady in a clothes shop, before she thinks it’s safe to buy and she busts it open at the seams. Lick, lick my balls. Lick it all, warm it up…’
She ran her tongue all over his tight curled ballsac, then took his cold cocktail sausage in her mouth, as he relaxed over the edge of the bed, flicking back his damp hair, moaning softly. Smiling at his relent, she sucked his cock back and forth till it was thoroughly long, stiff, and wet.
‘Ok, moment of truth,’ he held out the johnny propped between his fingers.
In an awkward series of moves she brought the ring down over the top of his cock.
‘Squeeze the top. No, the condom not the cock. Good heavens Natalia, do you pay any attention in Biology?’
‘I have to watch out for my nails…. catch 22! Great to get into the box and then puncture the whole point of it—’
‘Pull it all the way down, don’t be shy…’
‘Is it rolled down enough?’ She tugged at the bottom.
‘Yes, yes.’ He stood up. ‘Right. Here we go then—’
He grabbed her shoulder, pushed her over the bed and threw up her dress.
‘Fucking knew it!’
‘We can’t just waste one.’
He tore down her new knickers and scooped her by the stomach as her forehead surfed the duvet.
‘Neill, I’m still really throbbing from—’
‘That’s ok, I throb all the time.’
‘This is doggie style, we haven’t done it like this…’
‘Oh well, you’re in for a treat, doggie!’
He pushed up inside her, the rubbery scent in the air as she gasped to his first thrust. Slow, building momentum on his hips as she caught her breath, cock pushing past her sore walls to a different spot from this position, oh this was nice; Neill being naughty but using a condom, win-win.
‘Oh you’re right, little doggie. Feels quite real! As real as mounting a little Chihuahua down the local green!’
‘Oh, good!’ she panted.
‘Yeah. Real feel, but not quite the real deal…’
He pulled out, as she drooped forward - a slither of air escaping her cavity as she hurriedly cupped her hand down there - and whilst she stiffened with caution that she was about to fanny fart, the condom appeared at her side pinched between his forefinger and thumb.
‘Hold this for me, would you.’
‘Huh?’ as she took it. ‘Did you—’ She face-planted the duvet again as his cock promptly pushed back inside.
‘What!’ she cried out. ‘Neill!’
‘Hands down—’ he batted them like flies, ‘and you’re hands down, the best doggie in town’ - as he doubled the speed, supplanting her indignation from the removal of the condom upon her squealing of one long ‘ah-AH-ah-AH-ah-AH!’ alarm-call wail as he invaded fast and hard now, with a smug growl that elicited in her a peculiar fusion of anger and submissive intoxication, for the speed is just like that irresistible time he frotted her over the kitchen table, and she feels helpless to even try to speak, but oh my fucking god it was Neill fucking her, fucking her like no fuck yet.
‘You want a badboy tonight? You got badboy…’
Butterflies were committing suicide inside her. Breathless, speechless, she was almost thoughtless; now, neck gripped under his knuckles, sacrum crushed up against his belly, he leant over for the lighter and fag, which he pauses to light in his own mouth; cunt hooked on his cock like a coat peg before he resumes his rhythm and brings it round to stick it between her lips.
‘Take a good long drag—’ as she did, dazed - and he stalled again to momentarily light the joint which he leant round to alternate:
‘…And now this. Good, long drags, while I give you another good, long fuck, till you are thoroughly unclean…’
The thrusting resumed, her cry like a periodic train conductor whistle before the train set off again, chugging faster and faster as his hair spat shower drops, her hand and head bouncing around as she tried her best to suck either of the smokes properly.
‘There’s your fag smoke, and there’s your joint smoke, and ooh!’ - he rammed a yelp from her like a real Chihuahua now - ‘there’s the rest of your innocence, gone up in smoke! You wanted a badboy, Natalia, you’ve got the ultimate fucking badboy, you’ve got the baddest boy in town, in the country, in the world, permanently stuck up your cunt.’
The words flashed as garishly as the Grotto lights in her mental wank library. Wank library? Would she even get license or chance again to wank? It was only Wednesday they’d first ‘made love’ in ‘slow motion’ and now she was a Benny Hill porn scene! And yet, after that golfball shag that made her ‘cunt like silk’ it was an descent - or ascent? - to a euphoria that made her feel deliciously dirty; not deflowered, but flowering, by the raking of the dirty soil-throwing badboy, whose weed she inhaled like plant food buffering those dew-drenched petals to burst open.
He slowed down and reached for the condom, laying by her hand like a sad failed birthday balloon.
After his gasps of ejaculation the condom reappeared, leaking, put back on the bed.
‘I used one! Can’t say it worked very well, but my hair is dry without the hairdryer.’
She collapsed sideways, moaning softly, feeling at once defeated all the while grinning she’d just done doggie style happily and dirtier than Alana would.
‘Come on, stoner. The night’s just begun.’
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‘Where are we going?’ She was in a whispering torrent of giggles down the dusk driveway. ‘Ooh wait, is that your neighbour hobbling about over there? Are you going to tell him you’re taking your daughter to the prom?’
‘Stop stroking your hand on my nuts.’
‘I’m not.’
‘You should be.’
‘So I can get jumped again? Am I walking funny after doggie style?’
‘No, it just looks like you can’t walk in heels or you’re pissed already.’
They climbed into the car. ‘Oh, Joan’s texted back. Three missed calls.’
‘What did she say?’ as they slammed the doors.
‘Doesn’t sound happy. ‘Richard, are you serious? Pleeease call me when you can!’ Blocked. For good this time, so I can spend my time continuing to unblock you. Time to get you drinking,’ as he tapped on his phone.
‘So, you didn’t want me fake-IDing with Alana, but you’re taking me to do it instead?’
‘I’ll be the one to take your virginity on everything. But no need for fake IDs tonight. We just need to drive out a bit…’
‘How far?’
‘Manchester! I hope we don’t see Uncle Andy,’ she giggled.
‘That your mum’s brother? Is he hot for night life?’
‘Definitely not. Well, not that I know of.’
‘If his purse strings are anything like your mum’s, most definitely not. We’re going to Chinawhites. You can’t normally get in at the door without submitting a kidney one year in advance but I just rang my old mate Charlie there and we’re in.’
‘What did you bribe him with?’
‘A ballsucking from you.’
‘Oh, nice…’
‘I’m joking. I have him a quarter ounce of Cat Piss.’
‘Better be the weed kind or we’re definitely not getting in.’
‘Part of the reason I’m taking us out is to get away from the cat’s whiff.’
‘Are we having food? I’m starving.’
‘We’ll grab something on the way. Those crisps you just noshed should keep you going for now - didn’t you eat three?’
‘They’re only multipack,’ as the car picked up speed into flashing blue signs of the motorway. ‘Ah, it’s just like going to London! Can we go again in the Easter holidays?’
‘Hmm, I have other plans for us.’
‘Ohh, what?’
‘It’s a surprise. Oh, shit,’ he frowned. ‘We didn’t bring the golfball.’
She scoffed, as he turned in earnest.
‘Listen! Forget me as your head teacher - that ball is it. Teaching you to listen to your body alright. I’ve never seen a girl get so wet over something.’
‘Stop it,’ she smirked.
‘But you did, didn’t you?’ he glanced again to her. ‘You came so hard on my cock you almost pushed it out.’
‘What, your cock or the…’
‘Both. You almost shot the ball out till I shot over it instead.’
‘Stohhp it.’
He chuckled. ‘Aw, look you’re blushing all over again, wankavator. Every time I think of your tits wiggling up and down to those monkey sounds you make I want to stop this car and jack off.’
‘My god! Now you really should stop it…’
‘Because I want to stop and jack off too.’
‘Haaa! That’s my g—’
‘The thing is,’ she mused, ‘my clit is more a wanking thing.’
‘Well, sex is a sex thing.’
‘You are making zero sense.’
‘Rubbing my clit whilst you’re fucking me is a bit like patting my head and circling my stomach at the same time.’
‘You are making subzero sense, my little sub.’
‘Oh, it doesn’t matter. But - guess what! I haven’t even had chance to tell you this, what with being raped twice since I got back—’
‘Better hurry before the third.’
‘Alana is with Alex. She was with him today! And she says she’s in love!’
‘Oh, blimey. I hope she’ll like threesomes.’
‘Do you think he’s still at it with Becky? Or maybe the fair thing was a one-off?’
‘Or maybe he’s in love with Becky. Can you imagine?’
‘Well, at the fair if you recall, I bribed Alex to look after your stall, telling him I’d write a poem for the lady in his life. I was bullshitting so I could just follow you, but Alex was really expecting it, so I wrote one quickly, and off he went out the door with it - completely past Alana, of course. Now I realise I wrote something that was so titillatingly apt that I must have collapsed Becky’s gusset like the Mississippi River Bridge.’
‘Oh! What was the poem?’
‘I can’t remember…’
‘Yes you can, come on…’
He screwed his face and began:
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‘Roses and violets and all that codswallop
‘Means Valentine’s Day makes me look like a trollop
‘When all this boy wants is to shoot you like Cupid
‘Right up through those tits whilst I finger you stupid.’
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She burst out laughing. ‘Fuck right off! You didn’t write that?’
‘Ok, ok, maybe not.’
‘You say you’re not creative, sir?’ she laughed. ‘Did you think of that on the spot just now?’
‘I might have made it up before.’
‘God! We’re as bad as each other!’
‘Quite. What I really wrote was:
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‘With a bottom like yours you’d think I’d forgotten
‘Just how much a gentleman lusts for you rotten
‘Cos the only thing stopping me spreading it wide
‘Are those fucking great tits on the other damn side.’
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‘Oh, jeez.’
‘You’re right. I should make the last line clearer:
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‘Cos the only thing stopping me spreading it wide
‘Is squeezing those tits like a fucking cock slide.’
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He paused. ‘Why aren’t you laughing?’
‘Did… you write that poem thinking of Alana?’
‘Mm? No, I didn’t know who I was writing it for.’
‘You didn’t know about the rumours of Alex and Alana?’
‘No, I didn’t. It wasn’t till later that Sam blurted it out, remember.’
‘Hmph. But…’
‘But what?’
She hesitated. ‘Did you pinch Alana’s bum in Haworth?’
‘No, I did not pinch Alana’s bottom in Haworth.’
‘She said you did. But then said you didn’t. But…’
‘That makes sense, because I didn’t.’
‘Well you were flirting with them for England!’
‘Yes, to make you jealous!’
‘Well it bloody worked!’ she glared.
‘Christ’s sake,’ his face ping-ponged from her to the road as he drove, ‘how has my poem about fucking great tits got us talking like this? Besides, Alana doesn’t have fucking great tits. Her tits are tiny.’
‘Ohh! Like mine then!’
‘What! Natalia! Don’t you dare now. Your tits are the most fucking perfect Helmut Newton tits I’ve ever seen. Stop being preposterous—’
She faced out of the window.
‘…Natalia! I’m being serious. Snap out of that teenage sulk before I pull over into a lay-by, fuck your cunt and mouth stupid till you gargle sorry, Mr Cupid—’
‘Or dangle a fucking soggy condom in front of me again to show how badboy you are?’
‘You fucking bet I will.’
She suppressed a smirk. ‘I’ll forgive you if defile me with a McDonalds instead.’
‘Forgive me for what!’
‘For any and all of your misdemeanours.’
He sighed. ‘Well we are almost in Manchester now. We’ll be safe to swing by the next services. But none of that Pepsi filth that rots your brain quicker than your teeth. You can have an orange juice with it.’
‘Says the man who will be shortly feeding me an IV drip of Malibu and Coke.’
‘That’s different.’
‘Will they do Piña Coladas?’
‘I’m sure they will.’
‘I’ll have that instead.’
‘Here we go,’ as he signalled to the slip road.
‘No, that’s Burger King!’ She flipped off his indicator. ‘I don’t like Burger King. Has to be McDonalds. Two miles.’
‘Hmph. Little fusspots.’
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After she’d taken ten minutes at the info board to choose a burger with a car honking behind them, they moved toward the payment window.
‘Wait!’ she said suddenly. ‘Will it be safe going in here?’
‘Bit late for that. It’s fine, it’s dark, just pull your coat to your neck, and pretend to be asleep facing the other way.’
The cashier leaned out with the card machine. ‘Seventeen pound ninety.’
‘See? No reason to be worried,’ as they moved along to the collection window. ‘These people are pure Mancunian NPCs. A monkey could do their job. …Hi, mate!’
‘Quarter pounder large meal, McChicken sandwich meal, both with Tropicana…’
‘Yep, yep—’
Natalia frowned at a vaguely familiar voice, and turned her head.
She stared in horror to see Uncle Andy standing in a McDonalds cap and uniform, staring back.
There was a moment of mortified silence as Neill looked to Natalia, then to Andy, then cleared his throat.
‘Let me guess. Uncle Andy is it? Pleased to meet you—’
Neill put out his hand through the collection window as Natalia watched, mortified.
‘Oh, God, Neill…’ she whispered like a ventriloquist’s dummy - then smiled at Andy - who seemed to be as stricken as her.
‘I didn’t know you worked here!’ she smiled faintly. ‘I, er… well, Mum thinks I’m with my, er—’
‘Mary knows I’ve had trouble at the accountancy,’ he spoke over her rather solemnly. ‘But she doesn’t know I’m working shifts here, and you know love, I wouldn’t want her worrying…’
Natalia leaned over Neill’s thigh to hear. ‘What?’
Neill’s mouth, right at her ear, whispered: ‘You’ve got him, darling. Play along now.’
‘Huh?’ she breathed.
‘No-one’s telling Mary anything,’ Neill spoke up smoothly as he gently pushed Natalia back into her seat, drew out a note from his wallet and handed it over.
‘All is in order. Do you take tips here? Treat yourself to Sunday lunch tomorrow. Nice to meet you briefly, fella.’
‘Oh, well ta very much, er, er…’
‘Have a good night you two.’
‘Bye, Andy! …Drive, Edward,’ Natalia gritted her teeth. ‘Just drive. Oh, god, I can’t eat after that…’ as Neill pulled up at the other side of the car park.
‘Are you ok?’
‘Oh god, we should have had a Burger King…’
‘Just eat—’
‘Or that.’
‘Look, forget your uncle. He doesn’t want your mum knowing he works in the pits. His lips are tighter sealed than your cunt was last October.’
‘God, you’re vile. Who the fuck’s Edward?’
‘Rochester. I don’t reckon he knows I’m the Head. And if he does, well, shall we party like two horny crazies, Jane, and go out with a bang?’
‘Yes, sir!’
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Shivering onto his arm, half to steady herself on her heels, he led her down a crack between two buildings, squeezing past wheelie bins at one point.
‘You are literally taking me down an alleyway, Mafia Man!’
They came to a brown door, opened by a short dark man who grinned tiny razor teeth at them, and Natalia found herself wondering what kind of Headmaster Neill really was, and how she ended up with the seediest one that probably ever existed. On through some corridors, till pounding flashing lights poured upon them. Disco balls like resplendent planets glimmering on Neill’s face as he leans in to declare he’ll get drinks, gripping her wrist up to the bar where he shouts his way to a Piña Colada and something else indecipherable.
She gazes round at gyrating bodies, women with gazillion times more confidence she could ever imagine having, skirts far tighter than hers; red lipsticked lips shining like glistening plums, heads thrown back in ecstasy - literally, she suspected - as she spied a tall man slip his hand into another’s, that was popped into his mouth like paracetamol. Was Neill going to procure the same for her?
A straw at her mouth, cold sweet pineapple at her palette as her legs begin to wobble. God knows if he’s put something in this drink, she almost didn’t care, for she had his arms to fall into and his car to take her home, where she’ll likely be doled out more stubbornly naked penis regardless of her level of sobriety.
‘But I’ve had the green - will this make me sick like Ed was?’
‘No no. You had it the right way round.’
She finds herself drinking the lot, partly to blot out the fear of dancing, and partly for the fear of seeing Neill’s dancing, but once he is behind her, swaying into her buttocks like a polite musical fuck, she sighs and basks into him as people turn and gaze at the guy who’s pulled a nubile cracker already. Raising her arms back and around his head, he malls down her chest, scooping her almost off the floor, as she laughs with happiness, being fed her another drink, and another…
‘How are you gonna drive…!’
‘Don’t worry about me. I’m only having two. But you…’
Her sentience slips away, the last scrap of inhibition gone upon Girl Like You that storms on, sucking her into a trance reverie now, dodge-stepping one another’s feet with ‘I’ve never, never, never!… met a girl like YOU before!’ A modern Elvis roaring through the lights, through their bodies, she is drowning in a sea of pheromones, mutually resounding that ‘this town’s changed so much, I don’t feel I belong… until YOU come along!’
‘My god you are a sex kitten. The greatest bottom, the greatest tits, the greatest brain, on a woman, on any woman, you know that?’…His words could be ad-lib lyrics for all she hears, as she smiles back dreamily:
‘So this is why people go clubbing…’
‘Oh yes…’
She didn’t even know she said the words out loud.
‘Did you drug my drink?’
‘You’re just happy, honey…’
The song explodes into electric guitar that squeals like a girl gagged on a golf ball - the chords are singing sex - blurring the night like one of those dreams where she’d wake content but forget what actually happened in the dream. All she can hear is her own laughing in her head, going on and on, and the feel of Neill’s hand in hers, and his body like an iron railing she falls against back to the car, which she feels like she is surfing like a bed all the motorway home; seat and bonnet, crotch and lap distort into one big mattress till she is warm under the bedcovers for real, ears numb in stillness after the night’s thunder of sound.
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‘Wake up, wake up, party girl… it’s our Sunday, our fun day!… time to roast, toast and boast the most grossed out host! Keep our phones turned off all day and be merry and gay! It’s not Christmas, but it’s a day of gifts and one of them is already waiting for you downstairs!’
Natalia woke to repeated kisses on the end of her nose, her nipples tweaked and one of her eyes finger-stretched open.
‘Oh God, my head…’
‘…Is right here, lucky you. He’s banned those bad dreams, and here, has pills at the ready! This will be the perfect time for bacon and eggs, as you’re an adult now, getting pissed for hangover cures like bad-ults do!’
‘No morning glory pillaring?’ she slurred.
‘I’m letting you off for good, or rather bad behaviour. How’s your cunt feeling?’
‘Go ask him in the dresser mirror over there.’
‘Facetious! I meant your poor, sore pussy. Let doctor have a look at you—’
‘Are you erasing the last of my dignity?’ as she felt her ankles separated.
‘You don’t have any left darling. Nor shame, nor hymen, just as you should.’
‘Mmmm… you’re the best doctor and badboy ever,’ her eyes opened to his slow, wet licking. Her eyes flicked open. ‘Wait… did you, shag me… over your car? Last night?’
He tossed back her ankles as he straightened the duvet. ‘You were all over me after those Piña Coladas. You fell into my knob when I unlocked the car, saying something about how you’ll teach Alana a thing or two about licking balls. Then you kept unclicking your seatbelt and scrabbling at my fly as we drove, so for the sheer purposes of road safety, I parked up in some abandoned hospital grounds and had no choice but to take you onto the bonnet and fuck you repeatedly.’
‘God, no wonder my front ribs ache. Are you sure no-one saw us?’
‘It was raining, no-one was coming for miles. Except me, and you three times by the sounds of it - all without touching your clit which I couldn’t find in the dark anyway. Your cunt was like a loaded spring. Shot my own loaded spring right over one headlight so I not only saved you a pregnancy but a sticky bottom too, and gave my own car a pirate’s eye. Win-win-a-sauce.’
‘The average person talks 7,000 words in a day, Dinkey said,’ she frowned. ‘Think you’ve already done yours, and all of them grotesque, head-light-master.’
‘Thank you. Breakfast?’
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‘So what’s this present for me?’
Natalia came toward Neill’s sizzling pan as he nodded down at the kitchen door.
‘Technically, not quite for you; you’re better using your key. But while you were asleep I installed it for your Russian love machine.’
‘Oh! Cat flap! You are a genius!’ she gazed at it as she sat down.
‘Why are you frowning then?’
‘I’m just shitting my pants about ringing Uncle Andy.’
He sighed. ‘Give him till 11 to get up, it’s a Sunday. Worst case we can abduct him and wrap him up in those stage curtains that are still taking up my shed.’
‘Then burn him in them like Guy Fawkes?’
‘If necessary.’
‘I’ll have some of your burnt bacon and eggs then, and my tea without sugar, fellow pretentious adult.’
‘I’m poaching the eggs actually,’ as he placed down the steaming plates. ‘Who’d think a hen’s unfertilised ovum would make such a delicious breakfast?’
‘Apart from the little… urgh, red bits.’
‘Ah, well, those are the ones that got fertilised.’
She grimaced. ‘Really? I didn’t know. So we’re basically eating…’
‘Chicken miscarriages. Pass the ketchup.’
She slid it over, then wavered over the food.
‘What’s up now, little hen?’
‘Are you sure you pulled out last night?’
‘Of course. You know I only had two drinks so I could drive. I was merry enough but I needed to stay compos mental.’
‘Don’t you mean mentis?’
‘That’s what I mentis.’
‘So,’ as she fingered off a bacon rind, ‘how come your wives never got pregnant with your offspring?’
‘They were both on contraception if you must know.’
‘What, the pill? Is that normal for a wife?’
He studied her for a second as he sipped his coffee. ‘You cream all over my cock since the first time I fucked you, is that normal for a virgin?’
‘Can’t say I know. Except that we need to use contraception more pressingly than your wives did.’
‘We do, Natalia. We use what’s called the withdrawal method.’
‘Google says it’s only 78% effective.’
‘That’s 22 roosters out of a hundred who couldn’t find a headlight in time.’
‘Hmm,’ she smirked, ‘it’s just funny how you were raving about condoms after the Valentine’s Fair. Alana uses these sustainable, thin ones called Hanx…’
‘No hanx. Natalia, I don’t want to bag up to go inside you. It would be like visiting the Grand Canyon with a hat pulled over your eyes. When I shagged Joan, Emma-Gemma-Barnes, or any other filly over the past two years, I’d reach for one quite happily like a surgical glove. But the first time I put my cock into that dribbling, drooling waterfall of goodness where no man has ever gone before, like I told you at the time, it was like being born again. Why would I want to don a raincoat for the very font of baptism?’
‘Maybe I should go on the pill then,’ she mused.
‘I don’t know if you can at 16 darling.’
‘Aisha is.’
‘Maybe you could then. Who’s your doctor?’
‘Back in Gipton.’
‘Go on the pill, then I won’t have to threaten you like a gunman that I won’t shoot, and I won’t have to pull out to squirt it over your face - although I might when the mood hits - my cock will permanently live and explode up your cunt whenever it wants, cream-pie your crevices constantly till your calves are crusted in my come from morning to night, and things will be just as they should be, don’t you agree?’
‘Er, yes.’
‘Call them Monday. Are you still going with that food?’
‘I’m going out for a fag.’
‘So much for turning phones off,’ as she watched him stood tapping.
‘Hm? Oh no, this is a surprise.’
‘You always say that.’
‘No, I don’t.’
She peered up and pointed her fork at a blue graphics on his screen.
‘Facebook. Thought you weren’t even on there.’
‘I am, under a false name,’ as he swivelled it away.
‘Oh, very artful dodger.’
‘Like him?’
Ras had been standing sniffing the catflap from the inside for the last minute.
‘Push, you numpty!’
Neill swung it open with his foot. ‘He’ll learn.’
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Natalia returned from upstairs as Neill glanced up from chopping meat and vegetables into the slow cooker. ‘So how did it go, artful dodger?’
‘He can’t have recognised you. He just said twice how it runs in the family that we like older men.’
‘Or he thinks I’m your pimp.’
‘But now that he’s seen you, what if he sees you online in something to do with the school? Thank god the Valentine video was taken down at least…’
‘I’ll have Clarkey remove my headshot from the school website.’
‘Shame. I’ve jacked off to that a few times.’
He sighed. ‘No loss now you have the real thing. And what about mum? Do you want to go see her today? Show that you’re still real, whilst gathering every last scrap of your possessions?’
‘Ha. Could do.’
‘Give her a call first.’
‘I’ll text her. She’ll be in.’
‘I’ll drop you there whilst I go run some errands. Beef casserole for our Sunday lunch today,’ as he put the lid on the slow cooker, ‘and we’ll drop by Sainsbury’s Local for some greens with it.’
Ras was on the other side of the flap, staring in and miaowing as though he was in a blizzard.
‘Oh, Ras!’ she laughed.
‘Leave him out there till we’re back. I don’t think he’s pissed or shat yet.’
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Her neighbourhood was starting to look to her, like scenes from an outdated film. She gazed on the park gate, remembering how she’d sat there crying on the phone to Neill. It felt like eleven months, not eleven days ago.
‘Oh, little Pony,’ Neill gazed at her frowning mascared eyes, his hand caressing a crease in the thigh of her navy and cream tie dress. ‘You’re wearing the Kiss Chase frock. I just want to whip off that belt and tie you up to my wing mirrors.’
‘Maybe not here in Gipton. Little Pony? Like the kid’s show?’’
‘It’s a dirty song by Teenager. Enough Edywn Collins, I’ll queue that up for when we drive home. …I will be back for you in ninety minutes! Take those canvas shopping bags there for your stuff.’
‘Ok, ok. You can’t kiss me here, someone will see…. Mmmff! Neill! You are so…’
‘Go, go— gallop, little Pony! Before I gallop on you and spunk the other headlight!’
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The dream from two nights ago had still not left her. It made her somewhat wistful to see mum’s face again, at the same time reinforcing her gratitude that she wasn’t resigned to the daily sight of it.
‘Hi mum.’
‘Oh! You’re back, are ya?’
Any sentimentality she had suddenly fell away like a Real Feel condom.
‘I did say I was dropping by…’ She could hear voices inside. ‘Oh, you have friends? Not… Uncle Andy?’
‘Andy, give over. They’ve just come. Get kettle on Darren, yer lazy git!’
Peeping inside the living room there was big blonde Judy; a mousey-haired woman she didn’t know, and another darker-skinned lady she strained to remember where she’d seen before.
‘Are they from the church or something?’
‘There’s Lee, and that’s Imani. Imani’s the mum of what’s her face - the one kicked from the school for drugs. She won’t stop bleedin’ going on about it.’
‘Marcia’s mum? Oh god, I knew it! What’s she doing here?’
‘Judy brought her. Stinks like Imperial Leather talc.’
‘I probably shouldn’t stay…’
‘Have a cuppa at least. Ere, take in this tray—’ Mary shoved it into Natalia’s arms, who then reversed into Darren.
‘Aye up, Nat!’ Darren grinned. His greasy brown roots had almost grown his bleached blonde bangs out. ‘How’s things? Your mam says you’re taking care of Putin now. All good at your mate’s?’
‘Yeah, fine!’ Natalia tinkled the tray into the lounge as Mary followed with a pack of Rich Tea biscuits.
‘Here we go, four teas on the table. Who wants sugar? Or is that a silly question?’
‘Is that your girl?’ Lee muttered to Mary as though Natalia couldn’t hear. ‘The one you said is living at her mate’s house now? …Do you still go to school, love?’ she raised her voice like she was talking in a séance.
‘Yes. Of course,’ Natalia blinked up.
‘She’s in’t same class as your Marcia,’ Lee nodded to Imani.
‘No, I already told you,’ as Imani reached for a mug, ‘Marcia goes to Eastbury’s now. Takes an hour down the A61, or two bus trips,’ she shook her head as she sipped.
Natalia cleared her throat. ‘Biscuit, Mrs Adams?’
‘Well if you still think someone planted drugs then you should talk to the police,’ Judy remarked as she took a biscuit. ‘Thanks, love.’
‘No good talking to the police about owt,’ Mary joined in as she sat down next to Darren. ‘Useless, the lot. You can only take these things into yer own hands.’
Natalia chewed her lip.
‘I just don’t feel something was right about it all,’ Imani sighed.
‘Marcia was in my class,’ Natalia ventured. ‘And I know she smoked weed and shared it with the boys. So one of the boys probably left the weed in her pocket. Sounds like she shot herself in the foot, yet again, because it wasn’t the first time, was it?’
Imani’s mouth opened and closed.
‘She was expelled from a school before for weed, wasn’t she?’ Natalia added.
‘Was she?’ Judy blinked.
Imani frowned. ‘Well, if someone planted drugs on her, it’s wrong, no two ways about it.’
‘Three words: leg, stand and on,’ retorted Natalia, as Darren cackled.
‘Well, what an example!’ Judy tutted. ‘Our Stacey dun’t touch drugs. She knows I’d deck her!’
‘As for you, Judy,’ Natalia sipped her tea casually and continued, ‘your Stacey is just a cowardly version of Marcia. She came alive when your bulldog arrived ready to cock its leg on whatever it could. I don’t know where these two vile specimens of girls get it from, but thankfully I’ve got real friends now who redeemed everything of those brutes of yours.’
Imani turned to Natalia. ‘Marcia bullied you?’
Natalia swallowed solemnly. ‘Yes.’
To her astonishment Imani threw back her head and laughed.
‘No surprises there. Redeemed! Bruu-utes! Speci-mans! Weren’t you the girl in the class anyone could bully with their eyes closed?’
‘Come now love, that’s a bit much,’ Darren began.
‘I thought that smarmy Headteacher of yours had something to do with it,’ Imani narrowed her eyes at Natalia, ‘but I wouldn’t be surprised if it was someone like you. What is it they say - to watch the quiet ones?’
Natalia scoffed. ‘Me who did what?’
‘Girl’s hardly quiet, Imani—’
‘Natalia dun’t touch drugs,’ croaked Mary. ‘Flamin’ Nora, she’s only dropped by and given you all a cuppa! Why you picking on my girl?’
‘I’m not your girl, thanks,’ Natalia turned on her mum. ‘And I couldn’t care less for what any of these lowlife wastrels think.’
Now Mary’s mouth fell open.
‘Well, at least our Stacey doesn’t talk to her elders like that!’ Judy stared. ‘Or go swanning off like nobody’s business!’
‘Neither would our Marcia.’
‘Why not if she’s ‘avin’ a good time and gets out of me hair!’ Mary spat. ‘My Minnie Mouse ‘ere gets more schoolwork done than all your slags put together!’
Darren hooted in laughter.
‘And how do you know, when she’s not even home with you?’ Lee came back. ‘She’ll end up failing her GC and SEs and end up on the dole like the rest of ‘em!’
‘Or just become a bleedin’ cleaner like you?’
‘Charmin.’’ Lee put back her tea.
‘Think it’s time we were going.’
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Natalia grabbed her canvas shopping bags and ran up to her bedroom, trying to think what to fill them with whilst the commotion continued downstairs. Into one she crammed the 15 books Neill had given her, and then clothes into another, along with the board games from the top of her wardrobe.
She headed straight back out without saying goodbye, running down the road to the meeting spot till her chest rasped and she had a stitch in both sides.
‘Open the boot!’
‘No room in there, dump it all on the back seat!’
She piled in her bags and then threw herself on top on them. ‘Take me home, sexiest man in the world!’
‘Why certainly. Ah, we’re really moving you in properly now, Goldilocks,’ eyeing the backseat as he reversed. ‘So how did mum’s go?’
‘Talk about mums plural,’ as she panted, star-fished over the bags. ‘Both Marcia’s and Stacey’s were there. Drive, drive—’
‘Shit, what did they want?’
‘I had a bit of a stand-off. They even think I had something to do with Marcia.’
He sighed. ‘There’s going to be a long list of bribes by the time term’s out.’
‘They even called you smarmy!’
‘Me? Smarmy?’
‘Tell me about it! Stupid fucks begone! Put the smarmy, dirty song on, loud all the way home!’
‘Of course, little Pony!’
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From the car window she spied a small cuboid parcel propped up against Neill’s front door.
‘Ooh, what is it, Richard? My surpriiise?’ she giggled up the gravel.
‘You rascal. It’s two of four!’ as he put down her bags.
‘Are you talking about how many times we’ve done doggie and you’re about to do the third?’
‘My Amazon Prime order has been split?’ He muttered at his phone as he unlocked the door. ‘Probably for the best. By the time I get the rice on the third should arrive,’ as he headed into the kitchen.
‘I’m going to take my bags up—’
‘Come straight back down after.’
When she returned he was drawing the curtains. ‘Casserole’s stewing nicely and the rice is sitting for now. Take your dress off,’ he nodded. ‘I want to play Kiss Chase.’
‘What? Again?’ she smiled, drawing out the tie belt.
‘But hand me that—’
‘Oh, no…’
‘Oh yes.’
He took the belt and watched her dress slip to the floor. He sighed and moaned softly at the sight of her standing now in her lacey lingerie.
He knelt down, tie belt still in one hand, squeezing her breasts together like two arse cheeks as he licked down them, fluttering into kisses on her belly, then pulled down her knickers and flipped her abruptly round the other way.
‘Oh!— Are you going to… spank me with it?’
‘You don’t ask the questions nor try to guess what I’m going to do,’ as the belt now flashed at her face.
‘Oh, god—’
He was wrapping it around her eyes, weaving it repeatedly as she bobbed and giggled to a tight knot at the end, and he asked:
‘Can you see?’
‘Now just wait right there—’
He pushed her down by her shoulders onto the sofa.
She heard the front door open, a bumping sound a few moments later, then feet up and back down the stairs till his breath was back in front of her.
She frowned through the blindfold.
‘I don’t think putting out the bins counts as foreplay—’
‘You’re going up the stairs,’ he raised her up. ‘One step at a time, and I’ll be behind you. Understand?’
‘Guide me then—’ as she wobbled her hands out.
‘Forward… you’re at the bottom step. Bend right over. When you feel my tongue, you go up a step, ok?’
‘Ye-es,’ bracing herself for that delicious feeling.
She sighed as his wet tongue came right on her perineum, like she’d sat in a warm bath, and just as she moaned to feel it descending, he pulled his mouth away.
‘Do as I said!’
She hurried for the next step, but only for a second till his tongue was back, flat and warm and delicious on her whole vulva, and she quivered before she remembered with haste to move up a step again, away from that lovely feeling.
Moaning louder with the regret of having to keep moving from the warm intercourse of his mouth, she hastened to the next step upon the stern word from Neill creeping behind her like a concentration camp officer:
‘Move! Keep going!’
Now at the top, where her roaming arms felt no more steps, she laid her stomach down over the carpet sighing for his mouth to return, to lick and suck her for a good minute of carpet-tasting ecstasy, almost at climax till he broke away.
‘Up. Into the attic.’
She groaned crawling across the carpet like a blinded spider till she stood up fully, and was nudged forward.
‘You’re at the first step—’
He lunged a slurp right into her crack till her foot lifted, and twelve gasping ravishes later, she was in the cool air of the attic where she heard the creak and squeal of a wheel.
His hands took her by the waist to lay her back across what felt like plump leathery cushion, pushing one of her legs up, and she hears the click-click of a humming sound, and instantly knows what he’s bought, and with a stab of excitement at the same time as an inner groan, it’s placed on her vulva, where she flinches with its sheer power.
‘Oh! Oh… slow it, slow it…’
Clicked down to its lowest grumble, it was back on her clitoris like a sensitive gum, as she wriggles and pushes it off the inner bean of her clit that feels like a raw nerve, and as he inserts what feels like two fingers inside her, and just as she wonders whether it would be acceptable for her to grab and toss away this new toy he’s obviously paid money for, her vulva is warming to the sensation like a snail extending across the bristles of an electric toothbrush, writhing gently as its pulsations fill her pelvis, like throwing her building orgasm into a thousand little bits that swim up rapidly, wholesomely, and she is coming, with a long, soft but deep gasp and oh god, that was easy - just as it stops abruptly.
‘What the fuck? These were fresh batteries, I’m sure—’
‘Just get your fucking tongue back where it was.’
Licking her front-ways now, after the last two staircase spurts of back-licks, suited the well-oiled cogs of how she masturbated; his slobbering tongue felt a mile long, distorted by her lack of vision, as she reached her hands to grab each sides of his head like rutting her own huge, warm bowling ball.
‘Oh my God, just like that, don’t stop, Neill…’
The chair creaks accelerated, flinching her to one side like a stroke victim, buckling her back like girl possessed, pelvis locked onto his clammy face till the wave fizzled out and she heard a noise downstairs.
‘Was that Ras flapping the cat flap?’
‘From what I could hear between your flaps,’ as he disentangled from her ankles, ‘that was the letterbox flap. Fourth present’s here.’
Her blindfold was whipped off, she rose to standing, and blinked down to see her bottom imprint in a plush, vintage, tomato red office chair.
‘Oh! That’s gorgeous!’
‘For a gorgeous student. Playtime’s over and time for your French lesson.’
He took the chair in one hand and motioned her downstairs till they were back in the lounge.
‘Et voila. Asseyez-vous,’ he set down the chair and nodded to it, whilst he went to fetch the new parcel. ‘Non!’ as he came back in. He put down the parcel, stepped over and patted her bottom.
‘Cul,’ he exhorted. ‘En l’air.’
She grinned, lay forward over the armrest and stuck out her bottom, watching as Ras now strolled in demurely, interweaving through the table legs, then lay on his side licking one arm.
‘Tu as dit,’ Neill lit up a fag and poured a whisky, ‘tu veux recevoir une fessée avec ta ceinture?’
(You said, you want to be spanked with your belt?)
‘Où est ta ceinture?’
‘Ta ceinture,’ he growled. ‘De ta robe.’ (Your belt. From your dress.)
Ras’s ears went back.
‘Oh. Er, I left it upstairs, monsieur…’
‘Tut, tut,’ as his hands went to his own belt, and Natalia’s eyes widened - and just as he slipped it out and brandished it toward her, she squealed in alarm and jumped off the chair, as Ras flew in alarm behind the couch.
His arm came out to grab her, as she dodged laughing from one side of the couch to the other, and then chased her round the room - fag still in mouth, loud grunts on each lunge like a mad Frenchman whilst she was in a torrent of squeals into the kitchen and back, the belt lassoing at her backside.
Neill caught her by the arm just as Ras tore out into the kitchen and clattered straight out through the flap.
He spun her round and wrestled her onto the table as she laughed and tussled her limbs back at him.
‘Méchante fille! Tu as besoin de une grande fessée, hmm?’ (Naughty girl, you need a big spanking?)
‘Non, non, s’il vous plaît!’
‘Sil-ence—’ Pinning her stomach down across his lap and her face into the couch, he looped up his belt.
‘Tu seras une bonne fille, hmm?’
(You will be a good girl?)
‘Oui…’ she groaned.
The first whack on her right buttock was a crack of smarting pain making her hair, thighs and ankles jump like they’d been shot electricity.
‘Aw, tut tut tut. Encore,’ tapping his fag ash before he CRACK-CRACKED again to make her almost scream at the burning lash that imprinted her crotch onto the rapidly swelling lump in his trousers.
‘Et voila. Maintenant, tu seras bien et tranquille. Translation?’
‘Seras…’ she panted. ‘Will be… good and… quiet?’
‘Yes. Oui…’
‘Très bien.’
One hand on her perineum like a midwife and the other gripping her neck like a sadist, his belt was pulled around her stomach as the sound of his trousers hit the floor.
‘Aw, tut tut tut. Now where’s that whisky—’
Pushing slow but firmly inside her, rubbing her buttocks at the same time, he pushes like a canoe gliding onto a flooded lake between the forest fire of her buttocks, which she melts back onto, not least because he has her stomach looped in his rein of leather that’s pulled and gathered in one fist, whilst the clink-clink of ice tells her he’s swigging his jiggling liquid in the other as he thrusts now, as though her clitoral pleasure from upstairs was being introduced to her vaginal sensations downstairs, having small talk over - or rather under, a stiff drink together - breaking the ice; as his ice softens, so does she.
‘Mmm, c’est très bien. Now you know. Give right into me.’
Those words, and all his hundreds of words, smoked up around and inside her like fumes; she was his pony, pined for like a cigarette; they were two sticks rubbing to make fire, and a deep feeling mounts in her now that feels like a weed high but without any weed, as though the chink of window light flashing through her hair swinging back and forth, back and forth as he fucked her was the disco ball again.
She turned her face curiously to glimpse his hairy thighs stationed behind her, the bumping pink base of his sac as he thrusted - just as a deeper thrust prompts her face down again, with the gasp that came almost involuntarily in doggie position and seemed to combine her exhilaration, alarm and a sort of performance, and after ten minutes of sufficient chafing of saddle, rider and rider’s ego, he took the whisky glass with a centimetre left, as she felt the cold rim upon her hot groin, squeezing her buttock with one hand.
‘Bottoms up.’
He sprawled back on the couch catching his breath, lighting a fag and exhaling smoke up at the ceiling, whilst she wince-swivelled her bottom into normal sitting, cautiously sniffing the strong aroma of the spunked whisky she’d just been handed by her butt-naked Headmaster.
‘Is this my—’
‘Whisky and cock, my little raver,’ he fingered back his sweaty hair.
‘Cocktail? What’s it called, Sex on the Teach?’
‘It’s called the world’s greatest contraception and that’s proof right in front of your eyes. And if you’re my girl, that means you’re eighteen. Drink the drink that daddy drinks.’
Catching each others’ grins, both sighing in post-coital buzz, she gingerly sipped and nodded to the table:
‘So what’s in the package?’
‘I’m getting onto that. Put your bottom back up.’
She groaned. ‘Getting hungry, Neill. Is the casserole ready now?’
‘Pay attention, student,’ he arose and reached for the package, whilst she planted her knees up onto the chair, head propped on her hands, turning the face of an bemused pupil as he ripped the cardboard tab to brandish a pile of shiny, A4-sized, AQA guides.
‘No more crying that you’re falling behind. Cry instead to these falling on your behind. So what have we here!—’ He slid the first off the top of the pile. ‘Alors!’ he growled, ‘Le français!’
He slapped it over her buttock.
‘Ahh…! Still cold from outside - that feels nice…’
‘Sciences!’ he read out, before another and another, till she’d laughed through ten subjects clapped over her bottom, and the coffee table was festooned with exam revision books and he was lighting up another fag.
‘So the books and vibrator came from Amazon. And this chair?’
He puffed. ‘Facebook marketplace.’
‘Now listen! Groan-Joan always used to go on about blasted mission statements. Well here’s mine. I have three things to take care of right now: Thornwood of course being one. Not necessarily the most important. You could say, in third place.’
He passed her his fag.
‘Oh-kk…’ as she dragged it.
‘Second, is that you, Natalia Molova, will graduate from Thornwood High as the most corrupted, cock-filled, cum-dripped school pupil that the county and quite possibly the country has ever clocked.’
‘Hang on a minute—’
‘The alliteration,’ as she handed him back the fag. ‘You had all the Cs apart from school pupil.’
He tapped the ash frowning. ‘I don’t know a synonym for pupil that begins with C.’
‘Google it.’
‘That’s cheating.’
‘How about…’ she strained, ‘class… classroom, classmate?’
‘I’ll settle for cute cunt crack.’
‘Is that what you wrote on your CV when you came to Thornwood?’
‘It’s what you’ll be writing on yours when you leave if you don’t pay attention,’ he rapped sharply on the table, ‘because my third point, young lady, is you’re going to bloody well get the ten A*s that are your appropriate passport from the festering quagmire you’ve been forced to spend your precious pubescent years wallowing in. I’m not having you slacking off at the last hurdle with the feeble excuse that your Headmaster is raping you all the time. This desk, these guides, and my discipline will see to that, you hear?’
‘So… are we having more sex or less?’
‘I’m saying the more work you get done, the more you’ll come.’
‘And if I don’t do enough?’
He paused. ‘Well, you will, because you always do as you’re told by me.’
She looked amused. ‘Is this Neill or O’Neill?’
‘Whichever you want it to be.’
‘I love and worship all of you.’
‘Oh, you will have it all. You’ll be a very busy woman, busier than Monica with her three working offices.’
‘It’s a misprint.’
‘Come on. Food’s ready.’
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Neill had one eye on a football game, one eye frowning over some papers, as she disappeared up into the toilet.
She came back down frowning more than he was.
‘Neill, I’m dripping down my leg.’ She stuck out her thigh. ‘Is it semen?’
He peered over. ‘No.’
‘How do you know? It’s weird like water. And there’s… well I don’t want to be gross, but…’
‘A bit of brown stuff. You don’t think,’ she cringed, ‘it’s, you know, like what we had for breakfast? Watery with the brown… bit, urgh. A fertilised… egg! You don’t think I’m… pregnant?’
‘Of course not,’ he held back a glimmer of amusement with a courteous invite into his lap. ‘Come here—’
He splayed her legs, took his thumb and forefinger for an enquiring swab and rubbed them together.
‘Can you really tell what’s semen and what’s mine?’
He pulled her up to standing, sniffing his finger wistfully. ‘Oh, there’s no semen. I didn’t shoot inside you.’
‘So why are you looking concerned? Could some of it have leaked?’
‘No. I’m just admiring your cunt. I know you’re always creaming yourself but you’re right, this is more like water. The bullies weren’t lying when they called you a little squirt.’
‘They didn’t.’
‘They should have. Anyway, I can’t see any brown. Or it might be your period coming which means you’re fine.’
‘Hm. I wasn’t expecting it for another week or something.’
‘Relax, darling, it’s fine,’ as he went back to his papers. ‘It’s a world of change in there.’
‘Maybe we should relax till I figure out how to get the pill.’
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She went back upstairs with her phone. Standing by the bathroom window she wondered at her chances of actually getting the pill tomorrow. How long till this animal of a man jumps her again? The doctor would be closed but she could ring the emergency line.
She got through to a female voice and asked about an emergency appointment for the pill.
‘The emergency morning after pill?’
‘No, the normal contraceptive pill.’
‘You have to call your doctor. Use barrier contraception meanwhile.’
She sighed.
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She woke to find the bed empty and the sound of the shower going. A morning as peaceful as bedtime had been, when Neill took her into his arms like a platonic teddy bear and snuggled her like fox-bruise night. He must be honouring the reprieve till she gets onto the pill.
The clock said seven. An hour and a half till the doctor surgery opened for calls.
In pushed the door by a towel-wrapped Neill.
‘Good morning darling! Shower’s free!’
‘Oh! Thanks…’
He towelled his hair vigorously. ‘Now listen, I truly respect everything we were discussing,’ as he rifled through the hangers in his wardrobe, ‘so you’ll now respect we need to christen something truly disgusting.’ He held up two jackets. ‘What do you think, brown or green?’
‘Your suits aren’t that disgusting—’
‘Ah, green for go. And what do you reckon to the tie? Pink or brown?’
‘Brown for arse. Good choice.’
‘You just told me to go for your arse when I screw you over my desk at school today.’
‘What, not… anal?’
‘Why not? You’ve been clamouring for safe sex.’
She stared. ‘Because I’ve… I’ve never done that before, and…’
‘Got to start sometime.’
‘I, I’ve only just had normal sex, and…’
‘Ok, I tell you what. Somewhere in here I’ve got a… ah, here we go. Pink shirt. So, you get both. Warm up with pink before we go brown, is that better?’
‘What, like Joan,’ she trembled now.
‘Not at all like that. Completely different, nice and slow, and using that very wet pussy of yours to help us along. It’ll be a nice, slow introduction to my cock owning your arse completely. I told you that you’re going to be a busy woman with three working orifices.’
‘Offices… oh, very funny, very astute.’
‘Thank you. Now get ready for school.’
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She eyed Neill from over her cup rim as his toast popped.
‘Where’s the butter? Shouldn’t be in the fridge, especially in the winter.’
‘Oh. I’m used to my mum’s margarine.’
‘Oil cocktail. Bleurgh. Butter’s the real deal, hasn’t she seen The Last Tango in Paris?’
‘The film with the anal that you wanted me to watch?’
‘And did you?’ He sat down at the table.
‘I looked it up. Apparently the actress wasn’t aware they were going to use that on her.’
‘What did she say, I can’t believe it was butter?’
‘No she just wasn’t expecting… that.’
‘Makes it all the butter - I mean better, if you ask me,’ as he pushed a crust into his mouth. ‘Every actress has got to start at the bottom. Oops.’
Natalia rolled her eyes whilst Neill was tapping a buttery finger on his phone.
‘Well well. Interactive boards for the whole school, here we come! Sign-off for eighty bags,’ he whistled.
‘Bags of what?’
‘Money, silly. A bag is a grand.’
‘Thought we’re getting a million?’
‘It’s a mere deposit. But nothing like the smear deposit you’re going to get later!’
‘I don’t know about sex at school, Neill. It’s too risky.’
‘I agree. So better make sure you carry those condoms.’
She sighed. ‘So how come you’re all au fait with using them at school?’
‘Because I can’t bring a bottle of whisky.’
‘Not what Santa thinks. What if someone hears us?’
‘Good point. Better put that golf ball in your bag.’
She shook her head. ‘You won’t catch me at school.’
‘Oh, I will catch you, and truss you, and stuff your rear end like a Christmas turkey, just like old Grotbag in the Grotto should have done. Oh, yeah!’ he sneered over his coffee. ‘He’d have your gob gaped on a bauble with your arms bound in tinsel whilst he rogered your pudding bag with his fat old Advent candle.’
‘Well listen Neill,’ she smirked, ‘please can we leave the er… my arse, to another time. For here at home. Please.’
‘I’ll think about it. Depends on how I feel. Finish up.’
She looked down at the wheat Os congealing into mush on her spoon.
‘I’m suddenly put off these Cheerios.’
‘Ha. Hurry along, I have to see Fat Cunt this morning. Has a stack of marking I made her do for me.’
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36Please respect copyright.PENANAxn0k1EQGwx
She walked down the school driveway watching the time on her phone. From her last experience calling the doctor a year ago for a rash, she knew she had to get in quick for any chance of an appointment.
She pressed call upon 8.29. Answerphone message, Windmill Surgery is closed.
8.30. Engaged tone. She tapped the call button repeatedly. Again and again, an engaged tone.
8.32. Ah! She’s reached the slew of voicemail messages. If you have chest pain, ring 999! If you want test results, ring after 11! If you want a repeat prescription, go fuck yourself! Blah, blah. Why does she have to hear all this NHS waffle?
Then: ‘You are 19th in the queue.’
‘For. Fuck’s. Sake!’
‘Press 1 for a callback and to hold your place in the queue.’
She pressed 1, hung up and stared at her phone. When would this callback come? In the middle of French?
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Williams was handing out books as Laura whispered.
‘Is it true you went out with Alana and Aisha at the weekend?’
‘Yeah, why.’
Laura’s eyes widened. ‘In with the posh girls now? I’ve asked you to town, like, twice!’
Sam turned.
‘Alana wanted a coat like mine,’ Natalia frowned.
‘Oooh!’ joined in Sam. ‘You’re not good enough for her, Loz, now she’s got a lambsfur coat…’
Natalia shook her head. ‘Maybe the way you two are talking right now might have something to do with why I haven’t gone to town with you.’
‘Like Alana’s so polite? She proper looked down her nose when she saw our Nissan Micra. Her snob mum has a Land-guzzlin’-Rover the size of Williams’ arse.’
All three of them giggled as Williams frowned over.
‘Girls! Pipe down! Natalia, what is it?’
‘Can I go to the toilet please, Miss…’ Her phone was vibrating in her pocket.
‘Heavens, the lesson’s just begun!’
She had already scurried out.
‘Hello? Hello, yes, can I see a doctor please?’
‘Sorry love, all the appointments have gone for today.’
‘Gone! How am I supposed to get one when I’m 19th in the queue at 8:32?’
‘Sorry, love, we have three phone lines going in the morning and a queue outside the door. If it’s urgent you can go down to the A&E or St George’s Urgent Treatment Centre.’
‘No.’ She paused. ‘I need the pill.’
‘Repeat prescription for it?’
‘No. A new one.’
‘Well, you need to see a doctor for that. Try again tomorrow love and use condoms meanwhile. You don’t need the emergency morning after pill do ya? You can get that at the pharmacy.’
‘No, I don’t think so. But what if I’m just 19th in the queue again tomorrow?’
‘Best chance of seeing a doctor is to be at the door at 8.30.’
‘If I come down will I get to see one straight away? I can’t be coming back and forth, I need to go to school!’
‘If you come at 8.30 we can try our best to get you in.’
She returned to French, where a quarter of the way in, a call came to Williams.
‘Natalia, could you go see Neill please. …Goodness,’ she muttered. ‘He’s always a disruption.’
Natalia inwardly groaned. Neill should know better than to flag Fat Cunt’s attention yet again. And did he think he could summon her as easily as that? She’d show him.
She left the room, headed for the drinks machine and came back.
‘Everything ok, Natalia?’ Williams frowned up.
‘Yes, Neill just wanted to give you this,’ she passed her a cup of tea, ‘says it’s a return favour, in appreciation for all the marking you did for him.’
‘Oh. Thank you,’ she smiled wryly.
Ten minutes her phone buzzed with the text:
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‘Pink 1, Brown 1.’
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Oh dear.
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At bell for break, she shot up to the IT room. When the bell went again for Maths, she hid behind another pupil, then another, and another, like a ninja till she was behind Laura.
‘Nat what are you doing—’
‘Does Alana know how much a weirdo she is?’ added Sam.
‘Shut the fuck up and stay still, will you,’ as Natalia eyed Neill coming through the corridor.
‘Are you hiding from… Neill?’
‘Yeah yeah, it’s to do with missing my French homework…’
Mr Noble had arrived to open the classroom, and was busy slapping Neill’s back and shaking his hand with mutual grunts and guffaws in a momentary congratulations on ‘hitting the jackpot for old Thorny!’ before Neill, composed again, came roaming his eyes down the queue.
Sam and Laura began filtering through, moving away from Natalia like a curtain unveiling her just as Neill stepped up.
‘Ah! Natalia! May I have a word, please!’
He said it loud enough to turn several heads from the queue tapering into the room; Noble standing watching. Now she risked looking like she was ignoring the Head.
‘Er, yes?’
Of the seven or so last pupils bumbling into the room, Neill suddenly rapped Adam on the shoulder.
‘Young man. What have I said about hair gel? You’re smothered in the stuff. Go wash it out, and give me your hair gel please. You can have it back at the end of the day.’
Adam reluctantly pulled out a red pot of Brylcreem and handed it to Neill, who pocketed it with a smug wink at Natalia.
‘Wait right here Natalia, I had a letter for you—’
He began a prolonged rummage into his jacket pockets as the last three pupils were going in, and Natalia moved along with them - just as Neill gestured to Noble.
‘We won’t be a minute.’
Noble nodded back and the door closed.
Neill promptly seized her arm and marched her down the corridor.
‘This way, let’s take the back door! Third floor, just like before—’
Oh god. The blood in her arm was pumping like a mother as he pulled her to the staircase - before he loosened and dropped his hold upon noticing Mrs Clayton jogging down, and Mr Khan coming up the other way.
Natalia swiftly slipped down into a group of Year 8s behind Mr Khan, glanced back over the banister and stuck out her tongue.
Circling back to Maths via the other stairs, she read:
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‘Pink 5, Brown 10’
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Her arse felt sore looking at it. Should she go hand herself in now and beg for forgiveness?
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She spent the rest of the Maths lesson doodling a super-stealthy plan across the squares of her book of how she’ll get next to Geography. Arse Hunter was probably planning to prowl outside at the end of lesson and she needed something to keep him in his office.
She waited for the last ten minutes of the lesson when pupils were milling around, shoving textbooks back onto shelves.
‘Sir,’ she stepped to Noble, ‘I forgot to say. Neill asked me to ask you, to go see him five minutes before the end of lesson.’
‘Five minutes before? Hmph, he didn’t ring,’ he glanced to his phone.
‘It’s about those interactive boards. Says he’s considering Maths to be the first classrooms to get them, but needs to speak with you by midday.’
‘Oh. Hmm, right. …Dean! Don’t go without handing in your exercise book—’
‘I’ll collect them off everybody for you.’
‘Oh, thank you kindly, young Nat!’
Gathering them up at lightning speed, she was up in Geography before the bell even went. The classroom was empty. She loitered right at the back and as the door suddenly opened, her heart raced, wondering whether two minutes was enough to get buggered just before Mrs Tracey arrived.
It was only a Year 7 pupil dropping something onto Tracey’s desk, shortly followed by the clip-clop of Tracey herself.
‘Natalia, you’re early!’
‘Are those mock papers for us? Shall I put them on every table?’
‘Mmm, yes, thank you!’
She wondered what kind of spanking she’d get at home if she managed to shirk the Head the entire day. Would he chase her round the lounge again with his belt like a mad Frenchman? Her buttocks still stung from yesterday. Ah, but it would be worth it!
The class arrived and were soon working in silence whilst Tracey took a call in a hushed tone.
‘Oh, hello Neill—’
Natalia’s eyes shot up.
‘…Yes, there was an envelope of money left on my desk. Kate usually manages the PTA, doesn’t she? I’ll come up at lunch. Just in the middle of our exam prep. You need it now? I can come then. Oh, ok! You’re right, I should take it easy. I’ll pick someone responsible. Yes, I was thinking her…’
The phone went down. Here we go.
‘Natalia, can you come here for a second?’
She got up slowly.
‘The others need to catch up but you’re on top grade. Take this to Neill for me now please. It’s quite important.’
Natalia went the opposite way from Neill’s office. Down the stairs, hunting anywhere she could find someone. Ah, there was that gangly Year 10 boy coming out from the loos. Who was he again? She strained to remember what he’d been name-called… some jibe to do with the news show… ah yes, Look North.
‘Hey, Luke! Can you go give this to Neill please? In his office. For Mrs Tracey.’
‘Err, sure,’ he frowned at it.
She returned to lesson, where five smug minutes later, a call came in to Tracey.
‘Ye-es, I sent it up…’ Her eyes cast up to Natalia. ‘Oh? Let me call you back.’
She got up and bristled over to Natalia.
‘Did you deliver that envelope to Neill?’
‘Says you never came back, says no-one came up.’
‘Oh? Is Neill sure?’
‘Yes. He’s sure. He doesn’t have it.’
‘Well, erm, I gave it to someone to take to him.’
Sam and a few others turned and stared.
‘Come outside please—’
They stepped out.
‘I gave it to Luke Norfolk in Year 10.’
‘What? Why on earth did you give it to Luke Norfolk? He must still have it! Natalia, that envelope had two hundred pounds in it for the PTA!’
‘Well I doubt he’s spent it that quickly.’
‘Natalia!’ she gasped. ‘What a thing to do! I need to go sort this out with Neill. Come with me, please.’
Tracey was already taking her arm.
Neill, sitting at his desk in his green suit like a dapper Grinch, raised his chin enquiringly as they came in.
‘Neill, I’m really very sorry,’ Tracey flustered. ‘The money for the PTA was supposed to be sent up by Natalia and it turns out it’s now lost—’
‘Luke North has it,’ interrupted Natalia. ‘I mean, Norfolk.’
‘Yes, we have to track down Luke Norfolk who has possibly stolen it.’
‘Luke’s now in Business Studies,’ Neill confirmed with a click on his computer screen. ‘Very apt.’
‘I thought I could trust Natalia to bring it. Really irresponsible thing of Natalia to do! I’m terribly sorry, Neill.’
‘It’s quite alright, Lisa, no need for such a tone. Leave me with Natalia to get to the bottom of this.’
Natalia held her breath as Tracey turned to the door.
‘Also Neill—’ added Tracy, ‘just to let you know I’ve had Joan calling me twice saying she can’t get in touch with you and Becky isn’t passing calls on, I wasn’t sure what to—’
‘Joan Rawley and I are no longer together,’ Neill replied smoothly. ‘She seems to be having a tough time letting go of that fact.’
‘Oh,’ she blinked. ‘Ok.’
Natalia let out her breath as the door clicked closed.
‘Well. Young. Lady.’
‘Neill, I didn’t come earlier because—’
‘Oh, I didn’t come earlier. Now go lock the door.’
‘Neill… you know this is dangerous.’
‘Natalia.’ He leaned forward. ‘Unless you want that two hundred PTA pounds rolled and shoved up your bottom all night tonight, do as you’re told, and lock the door.’
Biting her lip she went and locked it.
‘Keys. Thank you. Now come here. Right round here—’ he pushed back his chair. ‘Are you carrying those rubber johnnies with you like a good girl?’
She opened her bag and chucked the box on the desk.
‘Well how many times do you want me to do you today? Pull one out.’
She sighed, tore one open and placed it on his desk.
‘Now lay yourself next to it.’
‘Oh jeez,’ her eyes fluttered.
‘Unless you want me to call up Luke North so we can both show you his surname’s second syllable?’
‘No way—’ she chortled, then jumped at a knock at the door.
They looked to his screen to see Mr Khan outside.
‘Neill?’ Khan called.
‘Busy! Not right now. I’ll be coming in a bit!’
‘Just want to say, congratulations!’
‘Thank you! We’re almost there!’
‘Oh god…’ She rubbed her face. ‘They all want to talk about the money. We can’t do this if there’s people coming!’
‘But not like I will. Natalia, I told you I’m an animal. I was born to shag,’ he glared like a perverted caricature of himself, ‘I fucked you in that little black frock over my bonnet and now, and fucking you in school uniform up the arse right over my desk - that is on the money! So spread that sixpence like a stick-up in your mum’s words, and in a jiffy it will all be over, Little Miss Molova—’
‘But, but,’ she cringed, ‘my period started. You were right. You… don’t like blood, remember.’
‘Oh! Well, hop up and let’s have a look,’ he patted the desk. ‘The number of times I’ve heard you mention Aunt Flo, it will be like meeting an old relative!’
She sighed as she leant her chest over his desk. ‘Can I lay on something soft? My coat?’
He pushed her skirt up, shimmied her knickers and tights to her ankles, slapped her inner thighs to spread, and took an inspecting probe.
‘The only thing red is your bottom, and the only thing bloody is the hell I belted onto it yesterday. Almost looks like an N, how fucking glorious. Now pinch and spread those buttocks,’ he grabbed and pinned her hands at her hips. ‘I want to see everything. Pinch and spread them wide—’
He sat back into his chair as her hands came round to pull this perverted moonie - craning her head round dubiously to see him opening his fly and pulling out his erect, plum-topped cock like a remote he was about to point to play some lightly edifying porn.
There was a knock at the door and she dropped her grasp. He got up, cock brushing against her sacrum. ‘Not now!’ he shouted, then whispered down: ‘Spread those right apart again—’
‘Neill, I’ve got the money back!’ came the rejoicing voice of Mrs Tracey.
‘Just slip it through the crack!’ as he gripped Natalia’s neck, eliciting her gasp as two fingers pushed back deeper back into her cunt.
‘Oh my god,’ he murmured as his palm blotted and chafed there, ‘you’re literally Piss Pants, is that what we get from disobeying her?’
She is laughing, muffled, quickly bringing her hands to the desk to brace herself as he finger-fucked her deeper, her eyes squeezing closed till they open wide again at the sound of a rummage, a squirt of something, and the feel of a cold dollop on her anus.
‘Sodden as you are, we can’t waste Adam’s hair gel. Now let’s make use of your old tie again…’
He pulled open his drawer.
‘Oh, no no, Neill—’
Her chin promptly falls to the desk as he yanked her arms behind her. Then he was muttering in annoyance at yet another knock on the door.
‘Relax,’ he whispered, as she groaned at her arms now tightly tied up on her back. ‘It’s only little Billy from Year 7. Shall we invite him in for his best Biology lesson yet? Talk about Shakey Bill, his eyes will be bigger than anything in the room!’
‘Fuck right off, this isn’t funny…’
‘Oh I’m sorry,’ he chuckled, his finger playing the gel into her anus as she flinched and wriggled. ‘Not now Billy!’ he called. ‘Ah, little Billy goes, and big Willy comes, in whichever hole he wants, n’est ce pas, ma petite, sloppy salope?’
‘Stop talking shit, fuck’s sake just get on with it.’
‘I said do as you like sir; I am your conduit.’
‘Hm. Now where’s your bag? Did you bring the golf ball?—’ The cold base of her bag landed on her bottom as he began pummelling through its contents. ‘Always such a treasure trove in here. Shame I chucked your aerosol. It’s a no-ball! You naughty player. Wait, what’s this…’
He whipped out something with a flash of orange that was shoved round into her mouth and felt hard and shrivelled. She wondered for a second what she was sucking till a mild stale tang infused her tastebuds.
‘Mmphhh-shit—’ She dropped it. ‘Neill that satsuma must have been in there since Christmas…’
‘It’s not mouldy. It’s pretty well preserved. And it you don’t put it back in, we’ll preserve it up somewhere else till next Christmas and tape up your mouth with the big roll from my drawer here instead—’
She hurriedly mouthed it back in. Not that big roll of tape. It strangely felt good to shut herself up - did she really think that? - being almost lunchtime, she was tempted to needle her tooth into it, whilst she laid dutifully, sucking on the wizened satsuma like a lonely bollock - and behind her, well, badboy had finally shut up and put on the condom - for now came the injection of a smooth wedge of latex giving her no choice about piercing that satsuma skin as a gasping GL-OOMMPH pushed her fruit-gagged face right to the table.
He pulled out completely, and then back in again - seemingly just to hear her make the same noise - till her moans softened and became sweetly possessed, spine flailed forward as she tossed from cheekbone to cheekbone to every dip in and out, skullbones chafing the table like the thick metal of the car bonnet on Saturday night upon which she recalls now, she cried out ‘oh, Neill, fuck me! You sex god’ as though it had been a dream, or someone else, or just another of Neill’s women, and Saturday night’s stoned drunken ecstasy shimmers a slither of remembrance in her now, like a star twinkling high in the sky that her anxious body is aching too much to reach, but she’ll groan and moan at the sheer thrill it’s happening again. The Man of all Men is taking hold of her hips and fuck-jostling her back and forth like a tray of roast potatoes whilst her stuck-record mews could be mistaken by anyone outside for a injured cat trapped under the floorboards.
‘Now you’re literally talking mandarin. Like my little anime girl. Keep sucking, whilst master keeps fucking…’
‘Mmmn, mnnn…’
He slowed down almost to a halt, bringing a moistened finger to her anus. ‘So tight,’ he murmurs, playing in and around it, enchanted as though he’d found a pot of gold up her bottom. Was this the moment he was going to…?
‘Mmmmm-MMGH… mmm—’
‘No matter what you think, it loves it,’ as his finger played through the Brylcreem’s cold sloppy tingle she wasn’t quite sure of, not to mention its waxy scent invoking the presence of teenage boys. ‘Not ready for me today, lucky for you,’ prising into the elastic defiance of that dark cavity that seemed to soften now with relief. ‘For now, my god, your cunt is tight enough—’
He resumed a quick thrust of the cock in waiting one floor below, eliciting her sudden ‘MM-ggglomph’ as the satsuma split in two more places. Oh, she finds herself thinking as her stale pith hugged her tongue, why do women complain about being objectified? - when these words make her tight cunt pour like a teapot spout now almost independently of any indignation her brain felt as he pumps her like a bicycle wheel… ‘Joan Rawley and I are no longer together!… She has a hard time letting go of that fact!’ He loves me, he wants me, Little Miss Molova he’s suckered onto like a leech, a thick stiff latex leech bouncing its head repeatedly like a kid on a bed whose head will shortly crash into the ceiling and - oh my - there was another fucking knock of an unwanted parent at the kid’s door.
‘I’m coming! In one minute—’
‘Slow down,’ she gasps out falling mush now, ‘please, please sir, slow down, I’ve got pins and needles…’
His answer is a long rasping groan, squeezing the thin flesh on her hipbones like she was his trophy cup finally won from relenting to the hat, the surgical glove, the raincoat - which she can only hope is still on his cock, the least transaction for this episode’s string of indignities - confirmed now as he withdraws slowly, fidgeting with what must be the font of baptism itself bulging off the end of his shot-stunned knob.
He lifts and drops her back into his chair, knots the condom and lays it on her chest.
‘Token of my love.’
She can’t move for cramp. ‘Untie me…’
She can’t look any more ridiculous than he does: trousers round one ankle and shirt rucked up into his armpits, like a painting of a well-dressed Headmaster had been half erased to reveal the diagram of a slightly overfed Homo sapiens beneath; slab of cock sulking back into a red, scalded looking helmet.
‘Who knew pink and brown made amber?’ she gazed at the mush on the table as he keeled her forward to undo her arms.
‘Orange. Orange juice. Who needs a McDonalds? You’ve defiled my office.’
‘You’ve defiled yourself. What am I going to do with this?’ She picked the tied condom from where it had landed in her lap.
‘I can’t have it in my bin here, I’ll be on a different kind of register than yours. Put it at the bottom of your bag and find a bin somewhere, not on school grounds. At least I can trust you won’t go inseminating yourself with it like some crazy women would.’
‘I’m honoured,’ as she lowered the drooping latex down between her books like a sad elfin waterbomb, ‘that at least it’s not shit-stained.’
‘I like to threat you wet. And boy that threat made you wet. I can turn your cunt into waterfall with knowledge of you better than your own.’
‘In that case do I get a long romantic one at bedtime?’ as she sat on the floor to pull on her tights.
‘Of course honey,’ as he pulled up his trousers, slumping into his chair. ‘I’ll give you four times’ foreplay. I’ll start now,’ he put his arms out. ‘Come up and kiss me—’
She pulled herself up by his knees, wrapped around his neck and nuzzled into a sweet smouldering snog. ‘I lavve you,’ he murmured into her cheek as something fizzled in her hipbones, ‘my little citrus. My little clementine. Well there’s your C alliteration. Coast is clear,’ he winked to the computer screen. ‘See you at home.’
‘Here’s your PTA money—’ She picked it up from the door. ‘Pretty Tight Arse?’
‘You may be, but I am not. Take out forty and go buy yourself some Skittles.’
‘Ohh, I lahh-ve you too, you arrogant prick,’ she laughed.
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Sore times sore. Ache times table. That’s four times doggie in the last 48 hours. Oh how she wished she could draw them all in Art that afternoon. Talk about ob-scenes.
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