After we left the gym, Griffin decided to take off, while I went to my study to get some long-ignored work done. As I entered the room, I was surprised to see Asher half slumped over on the large leather couch. He seemed to have dozed off waiting for me, drool slowly trailing down the left side of his face. I knew like myself he had not gotten a proper sleep in the past few days, although our reasons for the lack of sleep were very different.
"Asher, can I help you?" I spoke louder than necessary. My words seemed to startle him, bringing a smile to my face. He pushed himself up from his slumped position and sat up straighter, looking momentarily lost.
"Alpha! Uh... Sorry, I was just um waiting for you." I could see the embarrassment on his face from being caught napping, his cheeks and neck slowly taking on a pink tint to them. He rubbed the back of his neck which was more than likely stiff.
"I can see," I said smirking at him. His cheeks turning even pinker, if possible.
"I have been speaking with the she-wolf, and well, she's a rogue."
"A rogue are you sure?" It was hard to believe such a small she-wolf would dare to go rogue.
"Yes, she left her pack just a few weeks ago, but she refuses to tell me what pack she came from." How had she been surviving all this time? Her wolf was small, and the number of rogues in the area just seem to be increasing.
"I want to speak with her. Maybe she knows what's going on with the other rogues in the area." I couldn't help but wonder if she was involved with the group that was behind the kidnappings.
"But Logan, the only thing she requested is she not have to see you," Asher said almost like he was scared to repeat it.
"Did she say why?" I asked my tone becoming slightly harsh. I had done nothing but help her.
"Only that she despises alphas and what they stand for. I think it explains why she seemed to take such a disliking to you and Alpha Phillips."
"I am nothing like Phillips!" I yelled pounding my fist on my desk. Asher seemed taken aback by my sudden outburst.
'Alpha, Izzy wants to speak with,' Jake informed me.
'Izzy?' Was I that out of touch with my pack that I didn't even know all their names anymore?
'The she-wolf we brought in today.'
'Are you sure she requested to speak with me?' I asked emphasising the word me. Here I had Asher telling me not more than four hours ago she wanted nothing to do with me, and now she wanted to talk to me?
'Yes, sir. She asked if she could speak with my alpha.'
"She requested to speak with me," I told Asher. He raised his eyebrows as if to ask if I was serious.
"Why?" He asked sounding as confused as I was at her sudden change of mind.
'Please escort her to my study.'
'Yes, Alpha.'
"I don't know, but she's on her way here."
"Well, then I should be getting to bed. I'm exhausted." He slowly stood from the brown oversized leather couch and did a dramatic yawn as he stretched.
Only moments after Asher walked out of the room; there was a knock at the door. I wasn't sure what this she-wolf wanted after requesting not to see me, but I had a feeling whatever she had to say would not be friendly.
"Come in." The moment the door open the smell of cherry orchid and lily blossom invaded my senses. It was almost intoxicating. Jake slowly walked through the doorway entering my office. Izzy followed closely behind him. She seemed not to want to walk in any further than was necessary. Her head was down, and her hands were fisted at her sides. Izzy's long curly black hair flowed around her face. Looking at her now, I realized why her wolf might be so small. She reminded me of a pixie, small and childlike. If it weren't for her mature figure, I would have guess she was no older than thirteen of fourteen.
"You wanted to speak with me?" I asked after a long silence took over. She didn't even look up. To be honest, I was sure she hadn't heard me.
"Could we speak in private?" She asked in a low, strained whisper, slightly jerking her head in Jake's direction. Jake looked to me and with a curt nod he excused himself, quietly closing the door behind him. Again the room went quiet, and I couldn't help but become frustrated. Why ask to speak with me, if she wasn't going to say anything?
"Sorry I know I have been less the gracious about all your help, but I have my reasons," she paused wringing her hands together. She finally looked up at me with a sad expression. Her gray eyes shined with what I could only assume were unshed tears. I had never seen such large doe-like eyes before. The emotion I saw in them had me getting up from my desk and approaching her.
"Stop!" She yelled holding her hand up. Suddenly her eyes hardened and she to a step back.
"I am only here to say my peace and leave."