'Did you hear?' the black crescent called from her balcony, her hands gripping the banister tightly.
'Another man begs for my love this night. He calls upon me with roses and promises. Should I answer him Silver Dove?' I looked out to her, disgust lightly dusting my features.
'Many men call upon you. Many with darkness in their hearts and lust in their minds.' Her face twisted with anger, before calmly smoothing out.
'What man do you wish for Silver Dove?' she asked sweetly, 'What fairytales caress your heart?'
I smiled softly, looking out of my tower with longing in my blue eyes.
'I long for a man with pure intentions. A man with a loving heart and kind mind.'
'You do dream of fairy tales,' she scoffed, turning her beautiful face ugly with hate. 'Live today, and face the consequences tomorrow.' She told me, turning this way and that to admire herself. 'What need you a man of good intentions if you search for but one night?'
I recoiled from her, sadness drifting over me like a fog. She lifted her head high, inky black hair shimmering.
'You pity me.' She said quietly, yet her voice echoed around us. 'You pity what I have become.' She turned her gaze at the chairs lining before us. I knew if there were people in those seats, they would be staring into her flaming eyes. She flung her right hand out, her pale skin highlighted against the lights.
'Iam the Dark Crescent. I will outshine any purityyou can create. As you wait for the impossible I will be living my dreams.'
'Your nightmare will never become a dream.' I told her burning eyes, my cool blue close to tears. 'Yet one must dream, for to dream; is to hope.'
'HOPE!' She screamed, voice like broken glass. 'The dark do not hope. The dark do not need hope.'
'Why do you wish for my company than Dark Moon?' I asked, 'Why do you lie restless until I come into your presence?' My gloved hands scoop the air, until held out to her earnestly.
'Come back to the light. Leave the dark men behind and come to me.'
She laughed. The laugh spoke of dark nights and dark intentions, hate, greed and envy clutching at her heart. Slowly, deliberately she raised her left hand so it was at the hight of my shoulders, and clicked her fingers together. Soldiers scrambled up my tower's stairs, thumping up the wooden steps.
'You bore me.' She said haughtily, smiling like a she-wolf. 'Indeed, your preaching has reached deaf ears and now I can repel you with those who declare their love for me!'
I fell to my knees, the material of my dress hissing as it kissed the ground.
'Please.' I said softly, tears falling down my cheeks. She turned her face away, silently looking out of her tower as they came for me. Tears spilled down her own cheeks as they thundered up the steps, my cries calling out to her hardened heart.
'Giveherback!' I screamed, eyes wild as the men surrounded my fallen form. 'She is that of the light! The light!'
As we climbed down the steps, the men quickly helped me bunch up my shirts and gently carried me backstage. One by one, they patted me on the shoulder, whispering 'good work,' as they ran to other errands, I even saw a few wiping away tears as they scurried away. I smiled and hitched up my skirts, walking carefully to the side of the stage, waving to the backstage crew. I walked down stairs to where Laura lay waiting with my drink bottle. She smiled with bright eyes as she applied more makeup and chatted quietly to ease my nerves. She checked her watch and gave me a nudge back up the stairs. I froze as Goosebumps ran up and down my spine while Dark Crescent laughed, the sheer evil of the chuckle vibrating through my body. I took a deep breath and became Silver Dove, selfless, caring and hidden desperation. Someone who yearned for her sister of heart and mind. I stepped onto stage, eyes straining against the bright lights. A garden spread before me, simple yet elegant. Delicately I moved towards the park chair, sitting with a sigh of pleasure. I glanced up, despair, pain and a deep sadness fluttering across my face. My gaze lingered on the audience, searching the faces of the empty seats.
Slowly, I looked away and took a deep breath before giving a tiny nod. Music flooded into my little garden, and beyond. The little orchestra in the drop before the stage seemed to sway before my eyes as I allowed tears to cloud my vision. Tessa, the flutiest played true, sweet notes echoing before I started to sing.
Every night in my dreams
I see you I feel you
That is how I know you go on
Far across the distance
And spaces between us
You have come to show you go on
Near, far wherever you are
I believe that the heart does go on
Once, more you open the door
And you're here in my heart and
My heart will go on and on
I looked up towards the towers, eyes searching for Dark Crescent then looked out at the rows of seats before me. My arms helped to act my character as I engaged my audience.
Love can touch us one time
And last for a lifetime
In my life we'll always go on
I placed desperation and childlike hope on my face as I stretched out my arms.
Love was when I loved you
One true time I hold to
In my life we'll always go on
Near, far wherever you are
I believe that the heart does go on
Once more you open the door
And you're here in my heart and
My heart we'll go on and on
Slowly, like waking from a dream, determination coloured my features and I walked closer to the seats, imagining faces as I clutched my hands together.
You're here
There's nothing I fear
And I know that my heart will go on
We'll stay, forever this way
You are safe in my heart and
My heart will go on and on
I ended with my arms outstretched.
Dark crescent leaned over her tower as the music faded away, hair the colour of ashes covering her face. Her body was tense, like a rearing cat and her hands where clenched into fists.
'What do you want with me.' She hissed. 'that girl you seek is gone. Gone.' She shouted.
'No she's not.' I replied springing off my seat. 'While there is life in my body I will save her from the shrouds of darkness.'
'Shroudsofdarkness,' she mocked. 'Your heart will not goonandon.' She gave a cruel smile. 'There is much to fear my dear. For the girl you loved, the girl you tried and failed to protect is lost. The light you trust is to be blown out.' she looked down at me at a shocking angle, a sick smile plastered on her face.
'The dove is about to fly...in flames.' A cackle bubbled in her throat, getting louder and louder as she straightened herself and looked away. I walked to the edge furthest from her, hands sliding over the fence in front of me as I looked out into the darkness. I knew I was trapped, I knew that there was a great chance I would lose her to the darkness. Tears silently slipped down my cheeks as the lights slowly went out, knowing the pain was real.
I shaded my eyes with a hand as the lights flared into life, scanning the seats for Simon. We locked eyes, his hazel eyes bright with unshed tears. He gave me a silent nod, beaming me a handsome smile before busying himself with pages scattered around him. A bubbly delight filled my toes, filling me up until I felt slightly drunk with happiness.
'Well, anything to add?' Tigan demanded as she strutted to the edge of her tower. He shook his head and swallowed.
'No. Nothing.'
She turned her nose to the ceiling and walked out to her dressing room, leaving me with Simon.
'Wait there.' He said and ran off through a side door to the theatre. He appeared next to me three minutes later, smiling at me.
'Can I shake your hand?' He asked shyly. I laughed and griped his hand firmly, pulling him closer for a kiss on the cheek. He blushed, making me laugh harder as he stepped back. His straw-coloured hair waved around his ears, goatee gracing his chin.
'You have given Silver Dove…energy, drive and strength, just as I wanted her to have. I just wanted to say… thankyou.'
'Are we ready for opening night?'
He nodded, 'Just. But its worth it.' I smiled at him and walked off stage, feeling fulfilled.
'Would…would you go to dinner with me?' he stammered like a schoolboy. I turned back, surprise plain on my face.
'meet you outside the theatre at seven?'
'Yea, see you there.'
He nodded several times than regained posture and strutted off stage.
I watched him go, amazement written all over my face. I noted his slightly unsteady movements and laughed, making him turn around.
'What is is Janna?' He eyebrows rose and he crocked his head to the side making me laugh harder.
'Na-na-nothing,' I stammered between laughs. He gave me a crooked smile and shrugged, his cheeks flushing furiously.