While moving out, I found a old tape in my attic called 'Audition'. Using my old TV in the attic, I plug in the TV and stick in the tape inside the TV. A moment after the static noise plays and it starts up. The first few frames show a girl with brown hair setting up the camera.
"Um.. How do I do this.." She fiddles around with the camera.
"Okay, hi my name is Marina. Marina Frank and this is my audition for the Golden Ones! Since you all needed a audition tape here I am!" She looks to her left to set up the music then got up to start dancing. But before she even started, the room went all black.
"Huh? Must be an electrical surge.." She grabbed the camera and a flashlight. "Okay so the power went out and they said that the power should restart on its own.. But I got to turn it back on." From the sound her foot steps made, it seemed like she was going down some stairs.
"Okay so where is this generator, even with a flashlight it's hard to find." She stopped moving to get to the generator. She set her camera down to find the switch to cut the lights on. But as soon as she flips it, she walks over the the surface she sat the camera on to go back upstairs. Then a sudden crash and footsteps are heard above her.
"What was that?" She looked up she kept on walking to head back up stairs, then suddenly drops the camera and her flashlight to the ground and the camera is directed on her body and another persons body assumingly choking her, as she cries out for help, she struggles and flings her legs and arms trying to get out of the grip. She then stops moving. Dying as her body gets set on the ground her face showing no emotion with her tongue is out. The tape then sets to static. The TV shutting off. My face frozen in shock and horror.