Our names are _____. We are from _____. We are writing to you today to ask that you send military aid to the brave revolutionaries fighting the Myanmar military and fighting for democracy and ethnic equality in the country.
The Myanmar military has suppressed the power of the people for decades. It has created a Myanmar where the people are poor and inequality is high. Civil rights, political rights, workers rights, economic rights, and human rights have all been repressed. There has been so much racism and prejudice baked into the institutions of the country by the military. There was some hope after the country supposedly transitioned into a democracy, but the military coup that gave all political power back to the military has killed this dream. The Myanmar military has also committed genocide against ethnic minorities.
People have joined peaceful protests for a long time, but those protestors were met with murder, torture, and arrest by the Myanmar military. They realized that the only way they can fight for the freedom, equality, and very survival of all the people in their country was by engaging in armed struggle. And so the people are engaging in armed struggle. Vast majority of the common people of Myanmar are either in armed conflict for their freedom, or they’re materially and logistically supporting the people who are in armed conflict for their freedom.
We need to support them as they fight for the rights of the common people, the rights of all ethnicities, and the rights of the future generations. If we give them military aid, then they will have an easier time fighting the military. If they have good, reliable, powerful military equipment, they will have a much easier time fighting their oppressors and they will have a higher chance of winning the revolution.
So please give them military aid so that they have an edge against the oppressive military.
Send to:
Prime Minister Trudeau- justin.trudeau@parl.gc.ca
Deputy Prime Minister Freeland- chrystia.freeland@parl.gc.ca
Minister of Foreign Affairs Joly- melanie.joly@parl.gc.ca
Find your MP here: https://www.ourcommons.ca/members/en
Minister of National Defence Blair- bill.blair@parl.gc.ca
Associate Minister of National Defence Taylor- ginette.petitpastaylor@parl.gc.ca