So.... It stared when...oh yea! So I woke up one morning feeling exhausted as Normal I got out of bed brushed my teeth and got dressed for school I went down our old, creaky stairs and nowone was around so I made myself some toust and ate it rapidly on the marble kitchen table alone. I had just finished my toust when I heard a loud beep that's the bus I thought to myself i rushed outside and hopped in the bus just barly making it on time but I saw someone new, she was a girl with long, smooth pink hair and lovely violet eyes. She was obviously shy so I decided to go over there and sit next to her so I plummeted my butt down right next to her. She gave me a shy smile and quickly looked away. I had no idea why but I had butterflies I ...i felt attracted towords her no...No I thought to myself its just my imagination I was to busy thinking about it I didn't realise that the bus stoped, the girl who's name I found out is ruby had to poke me lightly to snap me out of it so I can get out and get to class turns out me and ruby were heading to the same class I was a bit nervous so I couldn't really make out a word when... "So umm whats your name mines ruby" I was so suprised I swear I thought I was gonna have a panic attack i gathered up all my breath and............StUpIdLy yelled I like you! I didn't mean to it was just on my mind and it stuttered out when I was trying to answer. When my brain just contemplated what the HELL just happend i fled as quick as I could. I was hiding in the eery dark janiter closet when the door opened I saw ruby she sat next to me and it was silence until...she tured my head towards her's and gave me a soft loving kiss I felt like an eternity till it ended though I knew it was only a few seconds we both smiled and blushed and came out the janitors closet together which is ironic cause now I'm out of the closet!