The story revolves around Elisa Bennet, who has endured an ugly divorce from Gareth Wickam due to her cousin's awakening from a long coma. Elisa discovers the shocking truth about how Gareth married her as a substitute for her comatose cousin and how their three-year marriage was built on deceit. Gareth viewed Elisa as a self-centered, sharp-tongued, and scheming woman, leading him to believe that only a madman could love her. Now that her cousin has recovered, Gareth pressures Elisa to finalize their divorce. On the other hand, Elisa, also known as Iris, a prominent lawyer in town, returns to her villa and prepares to handle a legal case against her ex-husband. Unexpectedly, Gareth now approaches Elisa, expressing love and a desire to reconcile while expressing remorse for his past actions. In response, Elisa firmly rejects his advances and dismisses him as an annoyance.245Please respect copyright.PENANAfoAxv7e3Dy
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