Jeada and I are taking a trip to the mountains. My job is to make sure we have everything we need and help her set up the campsite. Being the only one who’s been camping before kinda sucks and the fact that I’m the only one who can drive. I sit in the driver seat and wait for Jeada to get in. She sits in the passenger seat because all our stuff is in the back. I started to drive to the mountain covered in forests. When we got there I helped her unpack and set up the camp.
Jeada said it looked like a scene from a horror movie she saw once.
After setting everything up, I went on a walk in the woods. The sun was setting and I heard a cry from the woods. As I walked closer and closer I came to an open spot in the forest and there I saw a trail of blood leading to the crying sounds.
I walked up to the tree where it was coming from and I saw someone sitting there with a scraped knee and a dog on her lap. She had sugar brown hair and bright blue eyes and she looked like a lost princess. I stared for a little before speaking. I was very concerned since the wound she had on her leg was deep.
“Does it hurt to move?” I asked. She answered, “yes”. I answered with a soft tone,“Here- Let me carry you to my campsite,I have bandages to help with the wound.”. She spoke very quietly saying, “ Thank you so much. Is it ok if Rome comes?” I gave her a slight nod as I helped her walk to the campsite and the dog, whose name was apparently Rome, walked in front.
I set her down on my bed. I left the tent saying, “Don’t mind Jeada, she might come in here looking for me.”. She said, “Wait…May I know your name?” I said, “Chrissy.” and left the tent to find the bandages. While looking for the bandages I realized I still didn't know her name.
While I was gone I thought about what her name might be. Lilly or maybe Carly, whatever her name was, it would probably be just as wonderful as she was. I saw Jeada walk towards my tent. Jeada had dark brown hair with red at the ends. Her eyes were that of ocean waves. She was similar to me in height and she is more expressive than I am. She easily reads rooms and always has a smile, she is very outgoing
While I was looking for the bandages I found an old stuffed animal. It was my favorite when I was a kid. It was a stuffed cat that was striped. orange, black, and white. Its main color was a lighter orange and the belly was white. It had two different colored eyes. Green and blue. It was slightly falling apart but I can fix that when I get home. I put it down in a bag that held pillows for safe keeping then went back to looking for the first aid kit.
It would stop the bleeding and disinfect it but that's it. I saw it under a coat and grabbed it. I closed the trunk of the car and then locked it. While I was walking back over to the camp I swear I saw something in the woods but I was probably just seeing things.
By the time I got back Jeada was standing in the way. “Jeada move so I can get to her.” As Jeada moved out of the way I walked up to the girl and pulled the First Aid Kit out and took the bandages out. I told Jeada to help prop up her leg so I could bandage it properly. While I was bandaging her leg I looked over at her dog, I could tell it was a dalmatian, which makes for a great hunting dog. While I was bandaging her leg, I asked, “What is your name?” and then waited for a response.
“Oh my names Zola- Zola spirit”
No one spoke for a while.
It was getting dark outside but Zola was bandaged, Jeada left to her tent. Me and Zola are just going to share this one for now because we only bought two tents. Later that night I woke up to someone right outside my tent, the person then spoke “Chrissy, can I come inside your tent, I don’t want to be alone. I keep hearing noises in the forest.” It was Jeada. “Alri-” Zola then started speaking “Jeada, What kind of noises were you hearing?”
“There were these footsteps and crunching of sticks and leaves.”
“It was probably another camper so calm down.”
“Chrissy I don’t think that was another camper, remember when you found me in the woods?”
“Yeah, why?”
“Well, I was in the woods because something was chasing me and Rome. I don’t know exactly what it was but it was fast. And I wasn’t looking and that’s when I tripped and scraped my knee.”
I didn’t say anything but I did get up and let Jeada in the tent, mainly because it’s cold outside. She had some of her stuff in hand and then she set them down inside the tent. I closed the tent because I was hearing something getting closer and I wasn’t going to risk it. “I think there is
something outside but it might just be a wild animal.” I said this calmly because Jeada looked really scared and I don’t need two people panicking in my tent.”I’m going to take a peek outside to see if there's anything there.”
“I won’t stop you.”
“Ok, it will be quick.”
I watched as Zola opened the tent door a bit to look out. When she did, she froze and appeared to be shaking, she backed away from the tent door. When she spoke she was stuttering, “The-there’s something o-out there. It’s not a per-pers-son and it’s not an animal, It’s something big like a were-werewolf. B-b-but worse.”
Rome started barking at the door and then poked his snout out the tent, opening it even more, Jeada Tried grabbing him before Rome left the tent entirely. But then that's when it happened, we heard Zola’s voice but it was outside of the tent, when Zola was inside. “Oh there you are Rome, I’ve been looking for you.” Everything stopped moving, or that’s what it seemed like. Zola yelled “ROME NO!” I snapped back to reality. Soon long black fingers came in and took Rome by the collar and legs. I looked over at Zola, she was tearing up. Zola tried standing up to close the tent back up but then she fell and hit the tent floor. Jeada manages to close the door. I went over to Zola and picked her up and took her over to the bed. I listened to her murmur. I set her down gently. Jeada started speaking “Why was Zola’s voice outside when she was inside?” Her speech was very shaky.
“I don’t know. But whatever is out there, is smarter than we think.” I saw Zola wipe away her tears. We started looking at each other, trying to understand what was going on. I was the first to speak, “So…..What now?” I was calm. I don’t know why I was calm when there was clearly danger. I’m trying to calm things down but seeming so calm doesn’t look like it’s helping. I looked at Zola. She looked like she was in pain because of her leg and the fact that Rome was now gone. I wonder if the thing will come back. If it will aim for someone next time. If there is a next time that is. I could feel Jeada watching me.
I then had an idea of how to get out but we needed to act fast. “Jeada come over here.” I said in a firm voice. I sounded more like I was demanding her rather than asking her. I looked over at Zola. Zola looked like she was on the verge of tears and she didn’t speak, probably because she felt like she had something in her throat.
“Jeada pick up Zola.” I watched as Jeada picked up Zola. “Good. Now follow me.”
“What are you planning?”
“Jeada…now is not the time for questions.”
I started walking over to the tent door. I looked over at Jeada, waiting for her to do as she was told. Jeada was just staring at me. I walked back over to her and grabbed her arm. I pulled her and Zola over to the door. I started opening the tent.
I looked back to the opening and looked side to side to see if the monster was still there. It wasn’t. “Come on, we have to leave now.”
“Where are we going to go?”
“The car.”
Zola nodded her head. I pulled Jeada out and then let go. I started running to the car. I got there first and unlocked the car. I jumped in and waited for the others. I watched as Jeada opened the passenger side and threw Zola in. Zola struggled to put on the seat belt. I turned around to look at Jeada but she was looking up at something. She looked horrified, just like Zola had been when she looked out of the tent.
“ROME!!!” Zola yelled. I was startled. I heard Rome barking. Rome then jumped into the car, I could smell his blood.
Then out of nowhere I heard Jeada scream. I looked over to her, something was on her. It was big and black. I could see blood. I watched as Jeada kicked it off and then stood up. She was slightly limping as she got into the car. I put my arm up on the seat. “GO!” Jeada yelled. I slammed on the petals and drove the car backwards, out of the camping site. I was looking through the back window of the car. But I could still see Jeada’s face light up in fear. I could only guess what was happening. I whipped the car around the second we got onto the main road.