This is a poem in the loosest sense of the world word and world a play of what I know and think and don’t know or can’t think I will die and be forgotten so I want to die and be remembered I want to go to Spain I want to go to Portugal I want to travel to The Checked Rivers of the Middle East and get lost in Prague and travel to America by boat. There are photos of women on the walls but these are only fadings my palms do not touch theirs and our minds cannot intertwine I am apart and they are in past black & white this is a verbal composition nothing more nothing less less than this life an oyster with nothing inside despairing from existentialism again plucking up my tits in the mirror unsatisfying drop the fall always seems shorter than the myth Eve killing Adam is the epic all fall short of that eternal gap the rift which splits us in our childhood prime when all is magic gold and glowing emotions in an expanding world when a person is not a person but a personality around the fire and all the beauty is largesse and the green fields only become greener with aging and the adult now. We have all fallen down off the swing and awoken one morning to find your face with broken skin picking the dust from the grease from work out of your pores desperate preservation of what was once becoming meaningless and you realise that this is not fall at all, but a sink. Pushed out at birth forever pushed out through puberty pushed down by society and gravity and lindles pushed so long and slow that you don’t notice it until you awake and see your face and just how far you’ve fallen and wasted away I want them to bounce and jiggle when I jog I never jog we are always not falling the minor minority are fallers but they fall and they die and so their fall is the great fall to which I sometimes strive fallers are jumpers who don’t need to wear jumpers jump and release, fall and realise and die. All this just because I wanted saggy tits. I want a way to live two lives seperately I want to distance each way like islands at opposite sides of the earth but hop between them on a whim to spend less what a dream to possess more from less spent carving out the front of my face to find new ways more than two and soon more than five fifty more opened from jogging in Japan the place I don’t want to go but must nothing means anything all just for fun spend a day idly drifting and the next in full force flux in one I spend nothing and suck in air in another I am a capitalist pig and there are falls in my account minors falls. Slips and spils how long till I can spill like that never some impossibilities uncurable even by the longest doctors far from home how to lose muscle mass life and love carved from food and should I be gaining weight weight for fatty parts where does it all go to? I want to fall so far forward. brother smashes car into ditchI feel nothing by this and the ditch feels the impact of the car smashing into it 139Please respect copyright.PENANAXGY4irrcus
The fists are thrown 139Please respect copyright.PENANAOn21Ip9iXl
The fists throw themselves 139Please respect copyright.PENANAzCr3NPaRrr
They throw themselves through the glass 139Please respect copyright.PENANAkCmo5QFTMS
The glass is broken and it falls as blood falls 139Please respect copyright.PENANAlyW5eQ5IuA
Blood falls 139Please respect copyright.PENANAWAf6EgsxuL
Fists thrown 139Please respect copyright.PENANAqlCffqdU6r
Window broken 139Please respect copyright.PENANAnenBBkKnDn
A thousand pieces reach the floor. 139Please respect copyright.PENANAn3ICsW7Qc2
The car hits the ditch and I fall. 139Please respect copyright.PENANA0v3PSGW8d9
-ooh!- 139Please respect copyright.PENANAGxaXpgrkuM
Let me know 139Please respect copyright.PENANAg3zqrJom87
Where I can go to save my soul 139Please respect copyright.PENANABVfNLbslFV
New Orleans... 139Please respect copyright.PENANABN3lF2mok7
Run run run 139Please respect copyright.PENANAP0fH34nKAx
No more italics for me I am free on my cloud of bad advice It floats aloud in the night, knight armour creaking as we sail The ship casts black on red sky I am black ship, Tibet, you are weight loss Melon is a boulder on top of white mist clearing off. I grow and I reach will others teach these things when I am lost? Or that gay from work, will he prosper from IT when it is dead and gone in two years? How does one become lost and what is its defintion? All is lost and now we must continue in a perpetual state of unfoundedness... But what if I find the final state of knowing where I am? does that apart me? Too many questions, no ways found. The fall of the off-wall, the pfschute! of Finnegan he sends himself down a fall occurred even for himself where is my fall, is it the cause of the gentler sex the one who is more soft and subtle who has hair to pull and brains to squeeze easy? The song is now, questions later of the long lost alligator lost in the incinerator this speed causes every white to slownow we go sno sno wite wite back to when it was young [for context I am now drunk] we find ourselves in stereotimes, fifty girls come forth as our fifty brides to the harem who is dancing round high on life and fifty harlot who are never high and have not experienced life I am drinking out of a table, it rots and I drink the lot the sinister charade creates nothing but a mirror look further and see! melons rolling on the border mountains, look! Can't you see? Meloncholy moaning come from the cylinders rolling until one strikes the surface thin reality check is often enough to draw back even the most dreary and emotionally sparse. I am blackship cross my eyes feel the new depth drum beat beating in a new sun rise molly gives her stained black eyes fucked over the toilet seat, eyes of black and night stare for just a little longer fake eyelash falls off and we are all false who declares what is fake and what not as an eye is for a thigh and fat makes the world run round people become strangers faces look ugly... More doors no more doors now only ways: to fall how far forth a girl like me must fall to be found by a police patrol car the next week some ditch in some place after a long and romantic October evening this is my mind: feel afraid I see the one amoung you who can’t stand right and participates in exercises like one who can’t long hair small frame big tits fatty aminos you know of you I speak I'm not drunk now but may be later drinking to bring it and drinking to shut in voices found elsewhere than delivered through the tongue and teeth the tongue and teeth flick inside the brain and fleck the edges with meat juice the river enters the gullet and the word wizard sails out the river of the mind 139Please respect copyright.PENANAJtyjJjnrPw
The blood enters the mind 139Please respect copyright.PENANAcdI8iznfsI
The river of blood torments the hive 139Please respect copyright.PENANAvZWWtlC3TQ
Hexagons of thought fill up and cannot 139Please respect copyright.PENANA6uOdDUh0s0
Cannot and could not, if they tried, contain themselves 139Please respect copyright.PENANAWnQtTL2eK4
And empty 139Please respect copyright.PENANAfpnw2WEeoo
The thoughts all empty 139Please respect copyright.PENANAv7kWd16jKC
They empty out in blood, swift 139Please respect copyright.PENANAvmszefHXx0
Swift blood rushing downwards and inside 139Please respect copyright.PENANA2hxhhbPbPN
And the thoughts are empty and the body is risen 139Please respect copyright.PENANAb7pn1edphA
And no thought 139Please respect copyright.PENANAfVXrHiwrm8
No thought is left. 139Please respect copyright.PENANAmfoiUWjoUe
I am never not falling the way sends me flailing usually apart but sometimes beside others the fall is endless and continuous and everything is all falling at once it gives the impression of nothing falling at all remember that the city is a funny place something like a circus or a sewer and just remember different people have perculiar tastes but one must stand up out of the world and then for a moment when all is at its loosest then one sees the coming fall and the remaining fall and the prior fall and all of the many falls and one finds that as soon as one sets themselves outside of the verve they are thrown right back in and are re-falling again slightly faster as though to catch up to the last thought and I’m asking why Lord if this is how I die Lord why be left with no family and no friends. 4 at a table and 2 on the couch phone noise mixes with car noise mixes into wall vibrations and becomes static at peaks addiction and overspending and overeating and underdrinking and bitching and unlearning all the information and nothing is remembered or forgiven we dive off the edge of the ledge inside the urge and now the bricks in the wall are pushed out and fall and the earth is loosening now and old Mr. Elf watches from above the telly the libido is gone and so is the desire and the urge to give back in all gone with all else gone no urge to recommit to death and no urge to commit to life I do not wish to return to any human plane or state they’re all old and dead and gone and none can ever mean anything to me anymore I feel the need to rediscover what it is and how how I could have lost it and where to find it again is it in a person or a place or a hobby or a book or an idea or a dream even did I lose it in a dream and is it the same dream I have sometimes when the sun and moon gleam just right or when several lines straighten up? the future is absolutely hidden from me life is lived in the fog. 139Please respect copyright.PENANApyhPlKDLYz
I 139Please respect copyright.PENANAHa4xzYuZNM
I am alone and wandering alone There are dead trees and the sky is sharp though all is faded from thick fog Thick fog is what ahead and what is around and behind Lost for so long lost and then rediscovered just as swiftly freedom in the thighs, ease in the feet a woman’s small feet stumbling ahead and everything returns all those buried thoughts all those dead ideas all that dead thought returned placest to buy alcohol if only I’d known sooner would’ve planned out better strategies would’ve found different avenues other ways to commit but now it will be messy and there’s no way of stopping it now back we go away away away away in India but not India and will be obvious to them when I relapse so many possibilities though opening like a flower of desire opening and pollenating a room with sick and sad and dead and gone and buried vague vain imaginings all this for I know in my heartmost that it’s just too hard to just go home and be a human being this is the absolute loosest sense of the world the words all blur into streams just too hard for me to take a sober break already breaking in half not yet been a week confusing sensation with random hormonal shifts nothing to be done nothing to be done again go home and work home and work hard and enough distraction already from family and relations go home and be normal woman for once and don’t lapse back into abnormal woman as usual how did it come to this? and all thoughts empty may be better than this freeform delusion as who knows how deep there’s still for me to go back again way away in train carriage oh mind let me be but how is it I’m taken ever so quickly all and ever the time? and what goes on in between these takings of thought the brain goes the mind goes the vision goes flees 139Please respect copyright.PENANAjxaUT31XUf
The hands punch through the glass 139Please respect copyright.PENANA7x0WxYM0GP
The fingers are slashed by the glass 139Please respect copyright.PENANA9NB8Gs3SsU
The mind is hit by the glass shards 139Please respect copyright.PENANAY5o6pkflJu
The veins leak blood from the glass139Please respect copyright.PENANApfPjhoCNIK
The hands are shattered by the glass 139Please respect copyright.PENANARsaB8rok4I
Blood begins to redden the glass 139Please respect copyright.PENANAbyWcqPk8gc
The glass breaks the shards of glass139Please respect copyright.PENANAzSARF3foGw
The glass and blood mix with the glass139Please respect copyright.PENANAkGGJ4epAAY
Staring out a window to ground below 139Please respect copyright.PENANA1UH2Gr8xDy
The ground below is bottomless below 139Please respect copyright.PENANAWNmHR91l8X
The end is visible and neverending139Please respect copyright.PENANAwfKFIndHZT
The end will end eventually when we reach the bottom139Please respect copyright.PENANAZMkqvOLaro
If you are scared we can fall together 139Please respect copyright.PENANAWgPjpcKucy
How did it get to this? a strange quote hidden in a pocket journal of drunken poetry a sudden realisation a face in the clouds suddenly seen and then hidden by the moving scenery can’t focus can’t ever focus so quick to lose the focus again or is it gaining now? so swift is the loss and the gain simultaneously we are all falling fists through glass big titties are you beginning to see the links and clues but there are only false excuses and nothing is really visible or open to you you whose purpose it was to ignore, to leave alone you who at every turn have pried, have prodded you whose only will moves on with each line, from line to line up stairs you go you go who have no feeling with me and I become the image unseen by you, a model poses and the dark side of the moon is hidden away tell me, where do the fingers go between the words what do the spaces ellucidate? is it all nothing and I am nothing and no-one is talking and nothing is ever occurring so true and simultaneously so false how did it get to this? a line hidden in a long line of drunk poetry phases each phase inspiring the next with each repeating we get further from the first, the clearest and we continuously mutate until the thing we wished to first capture is lost and all our ideals and modes have fallen so they can’t be reached no longer no more no more endless pining after ideals spared that new now I wished to travel travel incites freedom incites libido incites urges incites relapsing I cannot escape away to a faraway place if I follow me there how to separate the self from the self to split the bad from the nothing how to live empty but so if life at all times requires the mind then there is nowhere I can go no country that will be free from me if I am there this is a puzzle to be sure Tyler shot himself and was cured from narration days the hands meet the glass and argue the glass is raped by the hands do not feel myself anymore how one word can ignite the mind this mind is not mine but lives in my head where I live how is this fixed? Simultaneous is todays word of today while an other lives so does the other tandem is another fixture, orbiting fighting space for the two minds of the one body the mind is the soul and the body is a third 3 forms make the 1 in this world if you fall you are minority and miserable and if you can sit back and watch others fall you lie back and feel nothing falling back into a fugue state and then stop. Nothing after until something else again and the question can the 2 selves be split? I am all death messages now throw me overboard please and goodbye thank you thank you said after goodbye meaning it is spoken to the underworld here are my fingers here are my hands my coins for your trouble away away away away in India for your trouble you might as well bind me in rope and force me below deck there is no below so I am dead again and living over the underworld except one thing now I am always bound and am still at last until I move again this is like Ubu gone and forgotten and then remembered and here again like nothing happened at all at all Differentiate for me the differences between the self and the other self what makes them 2 and not 1 one idea is that the other is created when my natural instincts are rebelled against due to some cognitive cause taste the sugar at the bottom of the espresso so the mind will be working its way one direction and then when some social or cultural reason approaches, say when I do something in a bad way which is bad because it is bad the former self re-emerges to try and ground the other self inside itself so the other self is a continuation of the former self until it crosses a line which causes the former to separate say, when they’re too different to be classified as one, and the former fights for control this is a possibility and much more reasonable and easy than the schizophrenic storyline by which the former and other are both formers and don’t transform that they both operate through different skulls in the same skull this doesn’t feel possible I am everyLife how did it come to this? The fists are thrown through the glass again The glass is shattered and falls again and the fists are bloody all over constant images I see of hands breaking through the barrier out of life nothing is pleasure any longer nothing fills me with joy the hands pierce and are punctured in the process my hands will create the process I am the process of losing all hope I am without all home and hope I walk very aimlessly and now I no longer see anyone schedules are gone I do not love and I do not care about you all is lost and what has come of all? nothing is here nothing had raised itself high enough to fall so nothing can fall but nothing can’t fall this is limbo the loosest sense? This is the clearest sense of the world nobody moves and nothing happens the word is fixed in the world is fixed in place the fists touch the glass and time stops briefly cold winter snow of cold glass on fleshy skin why do I love the fatty over taught the fists break through and time shudders once more images, reflections of blooddancing we are all dancing in our death now I look at pictures of self harm and my hands feel numb now and I don’t want to feel now and I don’t want to walk around or lie down or play games or listen to music or go outside or stay inside or sleep or stay awake now how much melatonin will kill me nobody’s listening! I know no-one can hear you! I know don’t know you. a nice old sleep cures all cures some one one night what will tonight look like kettle makes the countertop rumble personality judged on how you make your coffee instant get the fuck out of there coffee cures some one day how many cups so suicide is brought on by sleep deprivation how tired of living must I be for the selves to separate or is it unchanging place sitting on edge of bed with privacy has some part to do with it let onions stew in a pan long enough they burn is that it burning in the mind from too much time left in one place now thinking of it lots of time spent in the one place ticking away the hours I should stay on my head so all the blood stays in it full mind state full mind all the fucking time no time for extra limbs just brain tick tick ticking the hours ticking away how’d it ever come to all that a few stares then stop idling away until I find I’m hunched in some graveyard back end of Canto cow sounds gravel creates memories funeral ceremony then running back to be first to get cake then trying to illuminate the skeletons in the crypt then first experience of hearing lies from Brin trying to convince you he could see real bones empty black all gone and rotten all fall down then walks alone and long, purpose where none is to be found I made my selves I split them day after day of walking around alone head left to itself to create thought brain left to itself to invent reasons why how it all came to that down we fall nothing falls then filming a killer clown video nameless nnnnn young stupidity which is so hard to rekindle phone memory breaking on me no way back burnt ferns all of us now gate to that forest shut locked and swallowed wander in search of it and never return time eats all and all fall down tit drop I was the clown imortalised on video waiting beyond a wall for my cue big tits movie star all come to this then more walking around more aloneness all on my ownness a million miles to just ponder no relationship with time dead inside from living outside blue sky then giving head in the parochial box sucking dick eating cock my straight friend’s unwashed penis down my throat his dog tied to a post beside us first love of submission no I don’t want mine done you again no love of any sort feed me gravel and tell me I’m nothing endless evenings nothing but walking again waiting for for no matter Eve killing Adam the fists meet the glass I want a fall back end of Canto for context I am now no escape [free].139Please respect copyright.PENANAM2W4KJGYVR
Lock it all in the head stare out both sides horses with eyes on the front to make them predators nothing to show for life and living so fragile just trying man, you ain’t never gonna be no human being... this is how it all came to this the loosest sense of me happened on purposefully porn addiction makes love to alcohol addiction no love of any sort the type of love involving fire and teeth gnashing spared that but back to the center: the need to find a means a means to a meaning then look straight ahead and not ever deviate all my life I do nothing but deviate stray away when I kill virtual men in virtual games there is no fun no real actual fun when I search videos and spend money searching for videos notice my feet getting very cold freezing at the tips feel like my head is stored in his feet prithee nuncle real death Glouster waking on the beach and redying all ever known from stories men narrating men by the fire strangers who approach on foggy fields one man all the time some relation only known from stories and window tiny little thing above the kitchen sink look out it you can’t see anything crane your head and on tip top toes might spy something a crow in the afternoon or maybe even a crow in morning but never crows in evening always the way never get out near suffocated inside with all the work could get out if not for all the work not a job to speak of just work work work endless unrelenting and then all that could happen she went out so only window world contained in a window senses compiled from what others feel never can feel herself nothing to feel behind the window that one time with her father’s noose and girdle felt something then repenting all her life no feeling any longer too old for feeling almost 30 now desperate old hag rotting behind the window no memory of previous thoughts everything starts again the fist avert and are thrust into woolen gloves gloria in excelsis di the fists are not thrust but moved forward at a avid pace no need to thrust, make too many accidents father getting too old no more time for grass monster children screaming cause ideas to form don’t let them flower Domino’s kept me dormant no time to empty myself with prosseco and dine on free thinking then rooted in mindless go-on go-on belief never thinking never drinking except for Monster Mango Bingo! kept me walking forwards, kept me unrelenting alcohol always the distractor, always butting in to split me up from the money-machine always the enlightener and the shower of new life livings theatre warm-up making me chant “I want to quit my job” then “I will quit my job” always the leavener leavens the throat I don’t know what the word leavens means Biblical probably mayhap who said mayhap clears throat sound complete, little goal is filled next isn’t yet established so feeling lost sets in now lostness sets in feeling around in a dark room gagged mouth and tied ankles and bound arms zipped files of zip ties and blindfolded makes me senseless except for falling on my face and the concussed forehead hold it all in, I need all the blood I have arranging images for all those who I will tell of this but cannot yet show mistrust entrusted from English Mrs. Collinderliked to be known as a Miss MsTrust with my old USB une clé u-s-b messaged my mother after viewing its contents worried I was disturbed after reading a creepypasta or was it the message I hid which said Fuck Off out of my USB drive so no faith in giving others what I create always the same hunch a rainbow but it’s living and it curls in on itself real wisdom fake belief no wonder my drunk inspiration never thrived only more alcohol and pornogra phy to fuel it now clown music clownsong written and produced by real working class clowns no none no clothes is best for sleep and less is better always must ask what is the aim of my actions does this hobby or habit lead to something beneficial or is it back to those self-destructive things once again? browsing penpal websites finished a profile and then deleted it recalled how exhausting human interaction is too many introductions for what summer and I had something nice it came and stayed and then died laura (sic) too but that didn’t die so much it was killed but now for the storyline all so far, all poems, all gaps, all walls, all just clues now the grander image will focus in the window for the fists the fall for humanity the window which the artist endlessly stares through a focus to find recognisable enough of me enough let us open out let us feel [free] longer these long nights thinking in one head for too long only leads to either feeling sick or loving the self all the more all the more delusional and I ask where are my strings arty and philosophical the cold dank rooms where music is made dead trees and windows looking out endless world finally ending drawing draw to a close at last.139Please respect copyright.PENANAVATTTqPauA
Jesus Jesus Jesus Christ 139Please respect copyright.PENANAILcwgThQsl
Find me in my home before I die139Please respect copyright.PENANASdNlPOhbba
I’ll be bound with shellfish ‘nd garlic ‘nd gold 139Please respect copyright.PENANAF7DeygzuE4
Oh Baby Jesus let me in from the cold 139Please respect copyright.PENANAVVzvui5130
139Please respect copyright.PENANAWtPlSMjZ7M
The dogs are all a outing in the streets feeding on meat 139Please respect copyright.PENANAejhiLWHgSY
The snarling, biting, grinning, stashing, gnashing 139Please respect copyright.PENANAPSL2vaI0BX
Stained white teeth 139Please respect copyright.PENANAHqVrk51cAv
Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Christ139Please respect copyright.PENANAMTATdxoF6W
Please find me in my home before I die 139Please respect copyright.PENANAxzVy2eoxeH
139Please respect copyright.PENANAnzbYSPuR2w
Before I die, when all out is all alive 139Please respect copyright.PENANAsrBcP6OX1i
Jesus you are my ass and blood and 139Please respect copyright.PENANAw70sfAmNVr
With your love I thrive 139Please respect copyright.PENANAW9v8VDEjex
Come out c’mon now, 139Please respect copyright.PENANA9fxZV0a8TM
I’m churning out my gold 139Please respect copyright.PENANAZa1WrUmLlL
Oh Jesus won’t you please let me in to the cold 139Please respect copyright.PENANAdVPNJ8zWpy
Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Christ 139Please respect copyright.PENANANJJDB5BU47
Jesus Christ Jesus Christ Jee-sus Christ! 139Please respect copyright.PENANAn7LZbdRpIf
I have a burning mouth and I’m coming for you 139Please respect copyright.PENANA7N96QJP9ei
So Jesus please get to me before I to you do 139Please respect copyright.PENANAV0t9DnF328
Thank fuck I scream139Please respect copyright.PENANAyWm9sFQht8
Thank God I scream 139Please respect copyright.PENANAnx0pwdvTV9
Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus 139Please respect copyright.PENANAgI4PEeRcno
Jesus I scream.139Please respect copyright.PENANAWeDQiAbZu3
The world is ending he has granted me enough to know that much endless harmony made me sick staring out, day after day, their faces bubbling over with idle aging big gleaming oyster of a world with no end the end is coming soon it will be marvelous to behold after all these years These years of: haphazard worship, dead-end careers aimless education lost friends gone feelings the cobwebs growing on the ceiling finding money and burning it watching the women out the window drinking Americano. All coming to an end this is humanity’s fall and I will push them through it but of course I’m rushing this is a manifesto, but all will set in in time it might take years for my fruit to die all the fruit in the world to die just makes you want to plant more my end will inspire ivy to grow around my limbs and bees to live off my nectar this stands for nothing I don’t stand. I only sit in my chair or I lie down in my bed counting off the seconds I watch the maid enter the apartment opposite and she never looks up not a care not a glance don’t know how must be dead inside not to look up I could never wearing a form like that and not thinking of the gods looking down at you though no-one would look down at me forever unhandsome forever the bag of fleas that never was sipping down Americano. Day after day do nothing all my time all my life done nothing no records no lives lived no essays published in the Times or the Post wastebin by my desk full Assault Rifle leaning by the bedframe loaded I have a special plan for this earth I am Lilith I used see the whole room but now but now but now but now only the beginning and end of the page perfect beautiful white the ending gives me hope and a goal for my words to reach gleam of bullets, polished barrels I am Lilith the second one perhaps and they shall see me come but turn away and I shall see them turn away and shoot them all the same none who can escape nowhere now to run little ones little maid in her little shoes flash of steel not a care loading in laundry not a mind all of the mind is in me I am the only one only soul I have a special plan bow now before The Lilith Man.139Please respect copyright.PENANAw8HAlGnIl0
Was it herself and so well it was and not herself would have been a toss if it were all herself139Please respect copyright.PENANAIIOzTakiei