Hiya! This is my first contest, so sorry if the description is a little weird. Regardless, though, I hope you have fun if you decide to enter!
Write me a story about someone blending in, but being found out by one of their peers! An example could be a werewolf trying to pass as human in high school, but one of their classmates walks in on them fighting a transformation. Another example could be someone of the LGBTQ+ community in the closet when a friend confronts them, a serious conversation about their identity following. This prompt is very vague on purpose, so there's lots of room for creativity and fun stuff. If you do have any questions about something, like, say you have an idea but you're not sure it fits the prompt, do shoot me a comment somewhere and we can talk about it.
Since I'll be the one judging these rather than letting the most likes decide the winner, here's some extra ideas if you want to really move me:
- Creativity! Do something unexpected with the prompt, or include a backstory with some original characters you've been drafting a backstory for!
- Emotion! I'm a sucker for works with lots of raw feeling, especially if there are dark themes.
- Big pictures! This one isn't as important as the others, but it's essentially commentating on problems in our society or some sort of generational trauma, something along those lines
- Effort! If I can see that you put lots of time and detail in your work, or you really put some thought into the prompt, I'll instantly fall in love with it...
Additionally, I'll be commenting on everyone's entries, so don't worry about me ignoring your writing. If you're hoping to receive criticism in your comment, be sure to add that in your entry, otherwise I'll assume you don't want any.
That's all for this contest, thank you for reading and have a lovely day!