I’m Disneyed-out, guys—LOL—but I did it! I finished what I wanted done with Milo and Maisie during the last few months of the DCP! I got a novella and a novelette, which I will combine and revise in M&M’s novel version! What did you all think of that plot twist? Maisie has finally written her first story! I didn’t write The Veracruz Ghost—she did. Ha, ha! No, just like Milo and Maisie, I had a lot of fun with this piece: expanding on Maisie and Feya’s characters and even including Isla’s story via Melody!
There’s so much I want to do with this story, but considering I’m Disneyed-out right now, I’m just happy to give you all the novella and novelette. Milo and Maisie is far from over, though. The DCP cannot be covered in a novella and novelette. No way. However, in looking at them and combining the final word counts, I definitely have a novel on my hands, which I am incredibly proud of. My writing’s improving, and Milo and Maisie has shown this, so thank you.
I hope you guys stick with me while I improve my undiscovered gem. I’m excited for its future and cannot wait to hold a copy of Milo and Maisie one day.
Until then, it’s time for me to return to Maisie and Feya, where we will work together to give you the Milo and Maisie it deserves to be.
Love you all, and may the Force be with you!
- Victoria/Viktoria