Case #221
Mrs. Sharp was as beautiful as ever. Though she was in her mid-forties, she was beautiful. Her long sleek brown hair was tied in a bun at the base of her neck with streaks of grey here and there. Her eyes were bright blue. Like the colour when a lake reflects of moonlight in the dark. Her son James had inherited exactly the same eyes.
‘How are you Sarah?’ she asked smiling at me.
‘I’m fine Mrs. Sharp. I was wondering if James was at home.’ I said.
‘He is. I’ll fetch him.’ She said.
I said thanks and waited. I heard the rush of footsteps and a pause as James rushed to the door.
‘Sarah!’ he said and smiled.
His had straight brown hair with golden lights and his mother’s blue eyes. We shook hands and he said,
‘How are you? How was Wintervale?’ he asked. I had come from my long visit to my cousin at Wintervale.
‘It was very good. Come on James I want you to meet someone new.’ I said. He followed me out.
‘Who is it?’ James asked.
‘My cousin.’ I said. ‘He is about two months younger than me. Jay O’ Hara.’ I said. Jay walked towards us. My cousin was handsome with jet-black hair and sharp blue eyes. Blue like the sky. They shook hands.
‘I am James Sharp. Pleased to meet you.’
‘Jay O’ Hara. I hear from my cousin that you are a genius when it comes to mystery and deduction.’ Jay said his eyes sparkling in amusement.
‘No. It wasn’t me. I’m no genius.’ James said.
‘I was thinking,’ I said, ‘to visit the park. Would you join us James?’
James nodded enthusiastically. ‘Sure.’
Jay whispered to me,
‘James looks pretty extraordinary but you do remember the reason I’m here don’t you?’
‘I remember.’ I said and we started to the park.
‘So, James what are your hobbies?’ Jay asked. He seemed to want to start a conversation. James was in a talkative mood. He said frankly,
‘I don’t spend much time on hobbies.’ Oh really? What about that time you forced me to horse-riding with you for the whole summer? What about that stupid mystery books you keep reading? I thought but I shut my mouth. If he didn’t want to talk about it who was I to probe further?
‘Is it the park?’ Jay asked looking at the signboard above. Fountain Park. The marble and porcelain fountain stood in the middle gushing forth the waters. All around were trees and benches. A lovely evening breeze was coming forth bringing the smell of pinecones and oak along.
‘Isn’t it beautiful?’ James said. He loved it here. It usually cleared his mind or so he said.
Jay looked around shooting random glances. He turned to James and said,
‘James, I need your help.’
James frowned and said, ‘What do you need my help for?’
‘I am searching for a certain person. Sarah has told me that you have remarkable powers of deduction and observation. Will you help me?’ Jay said.
James looked at me and nodded his head,
‘Sure. But I’ll need details. Data.’
We sat down on a park bench.
‘She was my childhood classmate. We used to be best friends with a guy called Harry Wilson. Then, three years ago she left for here, Frostier. Her father was transferred. She maintained her connections with me and Harry for about two years after which I lost trace of her.’ Jay said.
‘Since when did you lose connection?’ James asked.
‘Let me see. This is June isn’t it? I lost connection with her almost exactly eleven months ago. Last July. I am very worried about her. I couldn’t keep in touch at all. Her e-mail was changed. Her address was changed and even her phone number was changed. It was like she didn’t exist anymore.’ Jay said. I had never seen him so worried. Even when he had explained it to me he had controlled his emotions. I began to suspect if he cared for her more than a friend. Nah. I didn’t think so.
‘Can you describe her? May be she studies at some known University.’ James said. Jay said,
‘She was beautiful. She had long brown hair falling straightly over her shoulders and large forget-me-not eyes.’
‘Forget-me-not eyes?’ James asked.
‘Yes. You know that bluish-purplish flower. Her eyes were the same color.’ Jay said. Something about the way he said it triggered a memory. I looked at James for confirmation. His gaze met mine.
‘‘Leah Watson!’’ we said together. Jay seemed surprised. He narrowed his eyes and said,
‘How do you know her name?’
‘It didn’t strike me before because you said she had long brown hair. We know a girl with the eye-color you mentioned.’ I said.
‘Yes. She is taking our course in the Queen’s Detection Academy.’ James said.
‘Really? What is she like? Is she still cheerful, happy and smart?’ Jay asked. Somehow his words didn’t match the description we had in mind. James and I exchanged looks. He said cautiously,
‘Actually she’s quite opposite.’
‘What do you mean?’ Jay asked.
‘She’s very cold. Very, very cold.’ James said.
‘Super-smart.’ I added.
‘Keeps away from people.’ James said.
Jay said, ‘This does not sound like her.’
James’s mobile began to buzz. He excused himself and moved under a tree to talk. Jay sighed and stretched his hand,
‘I don’t believe that Leah would turn up like that.’
‘I don’t know. Maybe something happened and it shook her hard.’ I said.
‘Why didn’t you mention her name back in Wintervale when I asked you about her?’ he asked.
‘I don’t know. Somehow, James being with me triggers a memory.’ I said.
‘James…he is a bit like you described him. “Great memory power” and I hope he is “Awesomely Smart”.’ Jay said.
‘I know, right? But now that I think about it, only one person defeated James’s capability and brains back at QDA. It was Leah.’ I said.
‘True. It was Leah who came up with the idea of the Mystery Team.’ He said.
James hurried to me.
‘It was Serena Sinclay. You do remember her right?’
‘Sure. Back at school.’ I said.
‘Quester called me to tell that her father was injured badly in a fire accident. Serena called him a few hours ago and said that things were going horribly wrong.’
‘What do you mean?’ I asked.
‘We don’t know. Quester wants us to visit her house as he’s far away in China. He took such a lot of time because he was searching for my number and had to get lots permissions from the authorities for an international call.’ James said.
‘Do you need permissions for an international call?’ I asked.
‘Who cares? Let’s go to her house. Maybe you useless head will be able to offer some help.’ He said.
We dashed through the park. I filled Jay the details of Serena. She had been a girl from my old school. Very beautiful and very sweet. Her father was the multi-millionaire who owned famous car-showrooms and was a prodigy in car designs himself. He was called Sean Sinclay.
The house was large and magnificent obviously surrounded by a huge garden. James rapped his finger at the door.
Serena herself opened the door. Her long wavy hair was in the shade of midnight darkness reaching her waist and large shining black eyes wet with tears. A grey dress adorned her slim figure.
‘James…Sarah? What are you both doing here?’ she asked in her sweet and surprised voice.
‘We came to meet you Serena. Is everything alright?’ James asked.
‘Yes. Everything is fine.’ Serena said.
‘Then why were you crying?’ Jay asked.
‘Sorry…I didn’t catch your name…’ Serena said.
‘He’s my cousin Serena. He is Jay O’ Hara.’ I said.
‘Come in please.’ Serena said.
We walked in behind her into one of the most beautiful parlor I had ever seen. The ceiling had a chandelier hanging made of crystals. The sofa was so soft that it sunk six inches under my weight. Her cheeks had traces of tears now that I looked at her carefully. She summoned tea and smiled. Jay was not convinced. He smirked and said,
‘Are you sure you are alright Serena?’
‘Sure I am.’ Serena said.
‘I’m starting to think that there is something wrong.’ James said. ‘Tell us Serena maybe we will help you.’
‘I can’t.’ Serena said.
‘Then I will have to see for myself how much observational powers James Sharp has. Deduce it Sharp. Why is she crying?’ Jay said. Serena’s lips trembled and her eyes found the floor interesting. James stood up and cast an uneasy look at Jay.
‘You know why she’s crying don’t you?’ James said. Jay smirked and nodded. James paced the floor.
He paused before the mantelshelf. He turned around and said slowly,
‘This pocket watch was your father’s favorite. He used to wind it regularly. But it has not been winded up. It is showing 3: 45 when the time actually is 6: 35. Sickness alone won’t stop your father. I knew his behavior. Whatever injury he had he would never forget to wind up his cloaks or watches. If I am right…’ His face lost color. Serena broke down tears streaming down her face.
‘Don’t say it. It’s true. Father is dead.’
I was stunned. I can’t speak for others. Jay’s eyes were fixed. He sighed and asked, ‘How did he…?’
‘He was murdered.’ Serena said sobbing.
‘WHAT?’ I shouted. A chill went down my spine.
‘He was stabbed in the stomach.’
‘He was in that fire incident wasn’t he?’ James asked.
‘Yes. Father was on the topmost floor, the thirteenth, of his Head Office in the South Sector. He was checking his latest car designs doing modifications and all that. He was trapped in that accidental fire. He managed to rescue the designs and the fire brigade rescued him among the others…’ Serena said between her sobs.
‘But you said…’ I interrupted.
‘Yes. Father insisted on being at home. His face was badly damaged due to the fire so we weren’t allowed to see his face. That day, the servants were on leave. His doctor went to get him the medicines. His manager wanted to talk to him about the losses faced. I called out to dad but he didn’t reply. I thought he must’ve been asleep so I peeked in and saw it, blood all over the sheets and his clothes. The wound in his stomach was horrible. I screamed just as the doctor came in. He took the pulse and said that father was dead.’ Serena said.
‘Did you call the police?’ I asked.
‘Yes. William and the Manager have gone to call them.’ Serena said.
‘You mean all this happened now?’ I asked.
Serena nodded tears streaming again.
James walked over to the huge portrait hanging on the wall. ‘Is this your father?’
Serena nodded. The man in the picture was in his mid-thirties with black hair with silver streaks and silvery grey eyes wearing a formal suit.
‘Is it possible to meet this doctor?’ James asked.
‘Yes, but why do you ask for it?’ Serena asked.
‘Well, I just want to see if he has any cure for my shoulder-pains.’ He was clearly lying. Jay looked amused. He smiled and winked at me.
Serena went in search of the doctor.
‘Why did you lie?” I asked.
‘Well, I did give you a reason.’ James said.
‘A very good reason.’ Jay smiled.
The Doctor was nice and amiable. He had a face you could easily forget. Silvery hair, pointed nose and a bushy moustache.
‘Someone needs my advice?’ His eyes twinkled in humor.
‘Yes, I would like to visit you at your clinic.’ James said.
The Doctor smiled and handed him a card. ‘Any time after I get out of this messy business. I am pleased to meet you.’
‘Thank you Doctor.’
Serena forced us to drink a cup of tea before we left.
The sky had darkened and the stars were starting to peep out. Jay slowly began to clap his hands. We looked at him questioningly.
‘What are you clapping for?’ I asked.
‘Brilliant.’ Jay said. ‘The way you got hold of the doctor and the way you guessed Serena’s father was dead was brilliant.’
James blushed and smiled,
‘But how did you guess? The pocket-watch?’
‘No. It was pretty obvious. You get a phone call that something is horribly wrong. I see the traces of tears in her eyes. She wouldn’t have had them if it was a mere fire accident that happened a few days ago so obviously the man was dead.’ Jay said with cheery laugh. This was how I liked my cousin.
Cheery, smart and laughing not the guy who employed James to find his old classmate.
‘Right. Maybe I am quite obtuse.’ James said.
‘You are. That is clear enough. Your senses don’t pay attention unless you want it to. Whereas mine have gotten used to paying attention.’ Jay said and sighed.
‘Sarah, your mother won’t kick you out of the house if you are a few more hours late would she?’ James asked.
‘Nope. And of course Jay will defend me.’ I said.
‘Great because we have some more investigation to do.’ James said.
‘At the South Sector. Mr. Sinclay’s Head Office.’ Jay added.
At the South Sector
The building—no the debris—was in ruins. Most of it had crumbled down. Huge bulldozers stood off our left. Probably demolishing the buildings. The area was sealed off with a yellow plastic ribbon that said, ‘DO NOT ENTER.’
Another building beside the showroom was scorched as badly and was in ruins too. It seemed to be the Head office of some other company.
‘Yeah, right as if that’s going to stop us.’ Jay muttered.
A policeman stood at guard yawning. I must say, he was rather careless. Three ratty teenagers got into the sealed off area under his very nose.
At that very moment my ankle caught on a rock and I fell in a slow motion. Jay turned around and instantly grabbed my shoulders before I could fall and locked me into a hug.
Luckily the small noise I had created was waved off by the constable who muttered something about cats.
‘Whew!’ I sighed in relief. We would have been busted if Jay hadn’t caught me. He whispered,
‘I don’t think that rock was there a moment ago.’
‘I don’t think so either.’ I said. I was walking very carefully.
‘Anyone got hurt?’ James asked.
‘No.’ I said and explained my incidence with the magic rock.
‘Well, anyway be careful. Very careful.’ He said and we tip-toed into the place where the building had once stood.
The walls were cracked and the roof was no more. We divided and went to search for clues. Three whole minutes later, Jay whispered,
‘Guys, come over here.’
I walked over. He was holding a Tab. You know those large touchscreen mobiles with internet, Wi-Fi and other cool stuff. The screen was cracked but it showed an e-mail page.
‘What does this mean?’ I asked stupidly.
‘Yeah all that 2’s and 8’s.’ Jay said.
James rolled his eyes, ‘Don’t see the numbers just read it out like this: Do it tonight at eight or so. You are not to remain there. Get out of there as soon as possible. Boss’s orders. No messing up.’
‘Wow, obviously you are good at some things I’m not.’ Jay said grinning. ‘This was all planned. The fire and the murder. There is so much more going on.’
‘Behind the stage.’ James said.
‘More like behind the flames.’ I said and we laughed.
‘Well meet you guys tomorrow.’ James said and walked to his homeward direction. It was getting cold. Jay sighed.
‘Are you thinking about Leah?’ I asked.
‘Yes. I wish I could ask her what the problem was. Why she refused to keep in touch with us. I wish I knew.’ He said.
‘It was around this April that the QDA’s course began. It was then I first saw her.’ I said, ‘She has short brown hair. Reaching her shoulders in a zigzag manner. That’s why I couldn’t remember her because you said she had long brown hair.’
‘Her hair used to reach her waist.’ He said and sighed. He looked up and smiled at me,
‘You made a total fool of yourself cousin.’
My cheeks felt hot. ‘Don’t remind me. Anyway you saved me from crashing. Thanks a lot for that.’
‘What about a reward then? It was pretty heroic of me.’ He said ruffling my hair like one might do to a dog.
‘What do you want then? A tight slap or would you prefer a punch?’ I asked.
‘Nah, I accept your thank-you. Your mother is going to skin us alive if we are later than this. Hurry up.’ He said sprinting ahead.
Reaching home I sat down on my bed trying to recollect my thoughts. I decided that it would be better if I made a list of what questions needed answers.
Who murdered Mr. Sinclay and why?
Why was the fire set to the showroom? Was it to remove suspicion and make the murder look like an accident?
The building next to Mr. Sinclay’s Head Office was also burnt. Who owned that building? Were there any injuries there?
Why did the murderer who had the sense to make the job seem like an accident do such a shabby job showing it clearly that someone had killed Mr. Sinclay?
What about those car designs?
Car designs…those designs must be invaluable to any car company. I could say that having seen Mr. Sinclay’s huge success in that field. Where were those? Something pricked inside me. I rang up Serena.
‘Hello, I am Serena speaking.’
‘Serena, it’s me Sarah?’
‘What is it Sarah?’
‘Just a bit of information. I was wondering what happened to those designs. You know the ones your father managed to save?’
‘They are stored in a memory chip. He saved that. Yes, I just showed it to the Inspector a few hours ago and locked it in the chest. The key is with my brother, William.’ She said.
‘Just…take a peek and confirm me its safety.’
‘Sure hold on for a few seconds.’
After about four minutes she spoke her voice trembling,
‘They are gone…The chip is gone!’
‘What? Okay calm down and don’t tell it to anyone.’ I said and disconnected the call. I slipped out of my room noiselessly.
Everyone in the house was asleep. I tip-toed along the corridor and paused before Jay’s room. I turned the handle and opened it. Everything was dark. The window was open with moonshine streaming into the room.
Jay was apparently already in a deep sleep. I turned around. This was not the time to disturb him.
‘What’re you doing here?’ a voice said. My heart almost jumped to my throat. Jay was awake. He was sitting up.
‘I thought I didn’t make any noise.’ I whispered.
‘You didn’t but I am a light-sleeper.’ He said. ‘What are you doing here so late? If you were planning on sneakily murdering me well I’m sorry.’
I rolled my eyes and explained about Serena’s call. He frowned and waved it off. ‘I have already thought about that. But you mustn’t forget, anyone could make use of a dead body. Anyone could have stolen that memory chip just to sell its designs.’
‘Oh.’ I said feeling somewhat crushed. He smiled at me and said,
‘Don’t dwell on it cousin. Go to bed.’
I tried my best sleeping but the questions were too many.
A bit of medicine
I reached the park well before sunrise. I had cooked myself a little breakfast, left a note for mom and Jay saying that I was at the park to see the sunrise.
The sunrise was pretty beautiful with pink streaks across the eastern sky. I sat down on one of the benches waiting for the others.
I saw a figure walk into the park.
It was a girl with short brown hair cut in a zigzag manner and large bluish-purplish eyes. Forget-me-not eyes. She had pale skin and wore a simple coat over her shirt and jeans.
‘Leah!’ I called out. She turned to me fixing her hollow eyes on my face.
‘Sarah Taylor?’ she asked. I rushed to her and asked.
‘Leah I have wanted to ask you one thing. Are you from Wintervale?’
‘No.’ she said. Her eyes turned hostile.
‘Don’t you know who Jay O’ Hara is?’
‘No. That name is alien to me.’
‘But he was your classmate right?’ I asked.
‘Maybe. Perhaps. Probably. But the past is in the past. I have nothing to do with Jay O’ Hara or Harry Wilson or Wintervale. Good Morning.’ She said and walked off.
People started to fill the park. I sat on the bench feeling miserable. I was such an idiot.
‘Hey!’ Jay said sitting beside me. ‘Why are you so glum?’
‘I met her.’ I said.
‘Who? Serena?’ he asked.
‘No. Leah Watson.’ I said. I told him what had happened. Jay frowned. He didn’t look heartbroken or sad. He seemed more like, puzzled.
‘She mentioned Harry!’ he said with a smile.
‘What do you mean?’ I said.
‘You didn’t ask her about Harry. She mentioned that name herself. She must have really wanted to erase her memories or something but…why?’ He frowned again.
‘I researched a bit.’ James said as he took my other side. ‘That building next the Head Office? It was called Anderson’s Appliances.’
‘I’ve read the report.’ I said, ‘But no one was reported dead from there.’
‘Isn’t that suspicious?’ Jay said with a smirk.
‘Sure is. That guy Anderson shifted his base to another piece of land. Almost like he knew what would happen. He said that the other land was in a good location.’ James said.
‘Highly suspicious!’ I said.
James nodded and took out a card from his pocket. It was given by the Doctor. James smiled at the card. I asked,
‘What are you going to do?’
‘I need to get some medicine.’ He said. Jay nodded and smiled.
The doctor’s clinic was very large and spacious giving off a comfy atmosphere. We met him in his office. There was desk covered with Doctor’s articles and a bookshelf filled with medical books. The Doctor sat at the desk and warmly welcomed us,
‘Please come in.’
‘The police let you off?’ Jay asked. The Doctor frowned and but he nodded, ‘Yes but I am still not out of the case.’
‘I see. We just wanted to ask a few questions.’ James said sitting down.
‘Yes, go ahead.’ The doctor said.
‘How long have you known the Sinclay family?’ James asked as Jay inspected the bookcases.
‘Since Serena was born. Poor thing, her mother died of pneumonia on her very birthday.’ The Doctor said. ‘I was asked to treat her mother but it was hopeless. Serena looks very much like her mother.’
‘Do you have any idea why Mr. Sinclay preferred his house? Why he wanted to live in his house and not the hospital?’
‘Not really. He told me that the atmosphere of his house suited him much better. I don’t think that’s true though.’ The doctor said scratching his chin.
‘Who do you think in your opinion is the murderer?’ James asked.
‘May I speak frankly?’ The Doctor asked.
‘I think it would be either his brother or his son.’
‘You mean William?’ Jay asked.
‘No. His other son. Andy Sinclay or Mr. Sinclay’s younger brother Devin Sinclay.’ The Doctor said.
This was news to us. James frowned and asked,
‘Who are they?’
‘Well, Devin was Mr. Sinclay’s younger brother approximately eight years younger than him. He made a mistake in the workshop. It horrified his father so much that Devin was disowned. His name was not his anymore.’
‘Didn’t Mr. Sinclay get affected?’ James asked.
‘I don’t really know. I heard this from William. William said that Mr. Sinclay wasn’t affected. He hated his brother from the start but as I said I don’t really know. After Devin was disowned the property and the company went to Mr. Sinclay.’
‘I see…what about Andy Sinclay?’ James asked. Suddenly there was series of barks. The door opened and a nurse walked in holding a full-grown German shepherd with golden and black fur and cute little foxy ears. The way its eyes shone…
Sorry got a bit distracted.
The nurse said cheerily,
‘Doctor! Timmy has just arrived from the vet’s. Since you requested him to shown to you first I brought him here. Go on Timmy. These are not strangers.’ Timmy jumped to the floor. He just stared and growled at Doctor Clip. Then he barked his head off. Dr. Clip said,
‘Timmy, it is me you know. Come on now.’
Timmy started to back away still barking. The nurse looked surprised,
‘Timmy…what is the matter? He is the doctor all right.’
Timmy still refused to move. It growled and whimpered. The nurse took him to her arms, ‘I’ll take him away Doctor. Sorry to disturb you.’
‘Take that dog back to the Vet. Must have lost his memory or something.’ Dr. Clip grumbled. The nurse looked slightly surprised,
‘He recognized me quite well you know…’
After the nurse went Dr. Clip said,
‘That dog has never behaved like this you know.’
‘What were you saying about Andy Sinclay?’ James asked steering the conversation to the point.
‘Andy was Serena’s eldest brother. He was a lot reckless. Kept with bad company. Went into drinking, gambling and was drowned in debts. He bought a lot of shame to his family. The Company suffered huge losses. He was disowned. Rumors say that he joined his uncle but who knows? The Company was promised to William, Serena’s second brother. I think Serena still misses Andy.’ The doctor said.
‘Did Mr. Sinclay make a will?’ James asked.
‘Yes. His wealth was into four parts. One quarter to William with the house and the company. The second quarter to Serena with the house and money. The third quarter to his company for investments and wealth guarantee. The last part would go to the Educational Trust.’
‘What if something happened to William? Where would their share go?’ James asked.
‘It would go to Serena. If something happened to her it would got to his closest relatives. Devin or Andy.’ The Doctor said. Jay walked to James and showed a medical book with a picture of some flower.
‘This book is interesting. Just see its title.’
James glanced at it and glanced at the table filled with books and prescriptions. He smiled and continued,
‘I see. Have you heard about anything from Devin or Andy?’
‘No. My patient must be waiting.’ The Doctor said standing up. We took the cue and rose to leave.
Jay shows us a knife
‘We got a lot of medicine right?’ I said.
‘Yeah. Better than expected.’ Jay said and nudged James in the ribs. They started laughing again. Was the rivalry I sensed between them merely an illusion?
‘We need to visit the showroom again.’
We found a huge crowd awaiting us being held off the limits by policemen. Over the chaos I spotted a familiar face. The Senior Inspector Klaus Kim.
‘Inspector Kim!’ James shouted.
Inspector Kim glanced at us and shouted,
‘Ah~ James Sharp again! Does mystery attract you like a magnet? Is this File #221 or what?’
Years ago James used to keep a record of his solved cases. Files. The Inspector still teased him at that though he actually kept a good record of the number of mysteries James had solved.
James ignored the jibe and said,
‘What’s going on?’
‘The crowd heard some rumors that whoever finds the culprit would earn twelve bars of gold. Is that what you heard?’
‘No. Thanks again though.’ James called back.
We sneaked in by the rear. James took out something from the pocket. It was that Tab. Touchscreen. He slid it by a rock and his behind what looked like a wall.
Almost instantly we heard footfalls and a hand appeared to snatch the Tab.
James and Jay flung themselves over to the man and held him down. Jay said,
‘Hold him from here Sarah.’
I obeyed pushing the man’s hand to the ground. Jay reached into his pocket and pulled out a knife. A six-inch long knife. I wonder where he got it from.
He pointed the knife at the man’s neck. He was a tall man. Older than us. Bright eyes and shaggy wild hair. There was an X cut on his cheek.
‘Who are you?’ Jay asked.
He looked at the knife and went cross-eyed. ‘…I won’t tell.’
Jay pushed the knife a bit deeper. A small bruise appeared on his neck. ‘Tell me.’ Jay demanded.
The man looked really scared. ‘…Andy…Sinclay.’
Jay drove the knife a little deeper and a small drop of blood trickled from the gash. ‘Who do you work for?’
‘Whose tablet is that?’ Jay asked. The man simply glared. Jay drove the knife and three drops trickled down.
‘Mine…I was running away from the fire…then…lost it. I came to reclaim it.’ He said desperately.
‘Pull the knife back Jay.’ James said.
He obeyed and they let him go. The man dashed away from us like we were wild-blood-sucking-animals or something. Something irritated me,
‘He had started the fire obviously. You both are complete dorks.’ I said.
‘I know cousin,’ Jay said, ‘but we have no proof. He wouldn’t be of any use to us. Let’s go home. We need to refuel ourselves.’
I nodded and we made our way back. After lunch, Jay said he needed to ask some questions. He went away refusing to take me with him.
Jay outshines us
‘Serena has time to meet us.’ James said as soon we arrived at the park.
‘Great. I am very intrigued about those car designs.’ I said.
Serena was at home. Her pale face had traces of tears and she wore a black dress. She smiled at us,
‘You’re here.’
‘Is your brother at home?’ James asked.
‘Yes. William is waiting for you.’
William Sinclay was a man in his mid-twenties. He had black hair and silvery grey eyes with a splash of freckles over his nose. He nodded at us,
‘James Sharp. You must be Sarah Taylor. You would Jay O’ Hara I guess.’
‘That’s correct.’ James said. ‘What were you doing during the time of murder?’
‘Me? I was listening to music. Serena can affirm it.’ We looked at Serena, who nodded,
‘Yes, at a very loud volume. He has extra-large speakers in his room.’
‘We heard that you have an elder brother?’ James said. He came right to the point.
‘Yes. Andy Sinclay.’ William said and a shadow passed his face.
‘Why are you asking about him?’ Serena asked. Her voice was quivering. Maybe William hated his brother too.
‘He could very well be the reason of your father’s demise.’ Jay said.
‘He is under our suspicion. So are you.’ James added. They looked shocked. Color drained from their faces.
‘What do you mean?’ William asked, ‘Why would I kill my own father?’
‘You do know that his company goes to you after his death right?’ Jay said with a smirk.
‘I can’t deny it. So what about Andy?’ William asked.
‘Well…we found a tablet yesterday…’ I said. I explained what had happened how that man said that he was Andy Sinclay and said, ‘Under those circumstances, he couldn’t have lied. I could’ve almost killed him.’
‘But how would you know for sure that it is Andy. It could have been an imposter.’ Serena said.
Jay smiled and took out a card from his pocket. He admitted freely,
‘I stole it from the man himself. His pocket being right beside me. It’s his Identity Proof Card. Issued by the country Lupan itself.’
‘But anything can be forged nowadays. What’s the guarantee that it is not a fake?’
‘Well it had occurred to me. I sent it to a very shrewd identifier. You know from the LHA? Lupan Helpers Agency? This is the report I got.’ He said and showed a piece of paper. It said:
It was stamped by the seal of the LHA. ‘So what do you say?’ he asked.
James and I looked at each other in astonishment. This guy was totally foolproof. William and Serena stared in disbelief.
‘Oh my god!’ William said clutching his head.
‘Have you ever seen your uncle?’ Jay asked.
‘Only once. I don’t remember much except that he looked a lot like dad.’ William said.
‘I’m afraid to say William; you must be on your guard. You are likely to be the next target.’ James said recovering his power of speech.
‘Why do you say that?’ William asked.
‘If you or your sister dies, the company would be forced to go to your brother or your uncle.’ James said.
‘I see your point.’
‘A question before I leave.’ Jay said pocketing the card and the report.
‘Aren’t you suspicious of the Anderson Appliances?’ he asked.
‘Naturally. I mean they shifted their stuff right before the accident.’ William said.
‘I believe that Andy is dead. Would you miss him?’ Jay said.
‘No. He has ruined us. He tried to kill my father! He’s not my brother anymore.’ William said his eyes fuming with anger.
Twilight was falling. James kept scowling and kicking stones and had a sore expression. In simple words: he was in a bad mood. So was I.
I was fuming that why Jay had everything planned so well while James and I simply sat like suckers when he explained it.
‘What’s wrong you two?’ Jay asked ruffling my hair.
‘Oh please! I hate you cousin. You literally stole the spotlight. Why did you not tell me where you were going?’ I said shoving him.
He backed a few steps and said,
‘Is that all? You can do so little against my strength.’
I punched him in the chest very lightly though I doubt I did any harm. But he was good-natured enough to pretend as if he felt it pain.
Jay simply backed and said,
‘I can see why you were selected for the QDA. Now, I am very sorry. Don’t hurt me.’ James cracked a smile at that.
‘I’m going to go for a long walk into the night.’
‘Be careful.’ I said and we parted ways.
Another mystery, murder…
It was about ten when I reached the park. James was tapping his foot impatiently. He said,
‘Inspector Kim called me just now.’
‘What happened?’ Jay asked.
‘A man was found dead on the river bank. His driving license said…’
‘Andy Sinclay.’ I finished.
He just nodded.
‘The plot’s getting thicker.’ Jay said rubbing his hands. ‘I take it; we’re going to the river bank.’
‘Yes, but here’s the catch, Andy was shot dead in the head. And there were no signs of struggle.’ James said and we walked in silence.
The river was flowing in a steady pace with its two banks sloping upwards to reach the road. It wasn’t too wide nor was it as narrow. A small cement bridge connects the two banks. The bridge is used for both walking across and driving across but visitors are very rare ever since they built the huge dam.
The river had always been a cheerful place in my memories. We would hunt for butterflies or read books under the bridge or see an occasional trout in the river. It was away from the city hence quiet and peaceful.
We walked down the grassy slope to a small ring of policemen by the bank. The media didn’t seem to have heard about the murder. Inspector Kim spotted us and beckoned us.
‘Hello Inspector.’ James said. The Inspector thumped him on the shoulder and smiled. The smile melted pretty quickly when James said,
‘How did you discover this?’
‘There were reports of a ghost haunting the bridge and stuff. The ghost was supposedly some woman who killed herself…’ the Inspector said waving his hand, ‘that’s common story. But our Senior Inspector Nelson was suspicious. Thought maybe some thieves lurking around. He ordered us to patrol around here while he went to have a vacation in Hawaii.’ Inspector Kim pouted like it disturbed him, ‘so we, I and Wincher were patrolling on the opposite bank when we saw two guys here arguing like mad. The light was not pretty good so I couldn’t see them. We thought maybe they were drunk and we’d get them later. We walk all the way to the dam and switched to this bank. That’s when we saw him.’ The Inspector pointed the body behind. ‘The other man was gone. We thought he was asleep or something but Wincher wanted to be sure. That’s when we found him dead just as the sun was rising. We alerted a few other officers and decided that it would better if kept a secret. Senior Inspector Nelson said so. He said that this murder would evoke even more rumors about the ghosts. Then I thought let that Sharp kid check it out.’
‘So you called me.’ James finished.
He went forward with Jay to examine the body. I looked away. There was something chilling about death. Hearing about death was alright but bearing to look on was not something I who am a Weapon holder can manage. I have never even been to a funeral. I can’t help think, why they watch on as the body descends or as their loved ones die. How can they see it? In simple words: I hate seeing death.
I instead stared at the river. Clear and pure. We cleaned it thrice a year and anyone who polluted it would be whipped by Inspector Kim. He had made sure of that. But still…this clean and pure river got linked to death. I suppose it meant that death was inevitable. Everyone who is born in this world has to die. I wonder…
Jay’s hand on my shoulder jolted me out of my thoughts. He said,
‘That was Andy alright. Shot in the forehead. No expression.’
I shivered silently. I had been wondering what happened after death. Egyptians believed that you travelled to the Underworld on a Ship and that if you succeeded in all your challenges you’d meet Lord Osiris who’d decide your fate. Whether you deserved Paradise or are thrown in boiling lava. The Greeks had a similar concept. Funny how all the cultures used Rivers as their travel towards death.
‘One more thing.’ Jay said as I stood up, ‘How long have you known James?’
‘Since we were about…five years old.’ I said. ‘Why’re you asking?’
‘What do you suppose he’s doing out there?’ Jay asked holding down a smile. I looked at where he was pointing. Under a tree stood James balancing his body upside down on his hands and his back at the tree’s trunk. It had been so long since I’d seen him do this…ritual that I burst out laughing.
‘He would do that before the exams to try and remember everything.’ I said. ‘He said that it worked.’
Jay smiled, ‘He is different.’
James got down and walked towards us,
‘Do you remember Sebastian Anderson?’ he asked.
We form a plan
‘Sure. The meanest boy I’ve ever seen except two.’ I said looking pointedly at them. Both of them, James and Jay can be pretty mean.
‘I’m guessing his father owns Anderson Appliances.’ James said.
‘How can you be so sure?’ I asked.
‘Well…I don’t really know.’ James frowned, ‘It just hit me like that I mean…my instincts say that they’re related.’
‘What’s the use honestly?’ I asked, ‘I mean, if you want to meet them, you could just look at the telephone directory or something for the address. Why need Sebastian? I’m not anxious to meet him again.’
‘But,’ Jay said, ‘you can’t just go in and throw a few questions. They are bound to stop us if they come to know we’re investigating. Use his son as your only reason to stop and have a chat with old friends. That would be great.’
‘But what Sebastian’s out of town or he’s not even this Anderson’s son?’ I asked.
‘That’s why we need to improvise.’ James said.
‘A lot.’ Jay added.
Inspector Kim was surprised when we said that we weren’t interested in the case and was even more surprised when Jay asked him to keep this murder away from the media. As we were about to go I asked,
‘James, where did you go for a walk last night?’
‘Funny you should ask. I got a teeny bit of evidence with great bonuses of reaching home at an unearthly hour of one ’o clock, with my parents getting worried sick and threatening to throw me out of the house the next time I was late.’ He said and grinned. I asked,
‘I asked where you went not what happened last night.’
‘Fine, I went to the hospital.’ He said.
‘For what?’ Jay asked.
‘I was curious about the dog’s brain.’ He said. Stupid, Idiot, Mental, Weirdo…
‘Are you really nuts?’ I asked.
‘The dog was back at the vet’s. I found the Doctor’s house too. I was treated with so much love and care and hospitality that I felt I was with my own family.’ He said.
‘Really?’ I asked.
‘Yes. But the way, I am hungry. Let’s go have lunch.’ James said.
‘I am not hungry. You guys go on. I’ll wait here at that bench.’ I sat down under the shade of a lovely large tree. They tried to persuade me but I had eaten a huge breakfast and I wasn’t hungry yet. I just shook my head and they marched off.
The shade under the tree was dreamy, cool and pleasant. A person walked towards me and looked oddly at me,
‘I am sorry but I usually sit here.’
It was Leah Watson. I scooted aside and made place for her. She was Leah Watson. She opened her paper packet and a warm sizzling sweet smell curled upwards. Cookies. Warm chocolate chip cookies. She pulled something else from her jacket an old leather bound book titled, Sherlock Holmes: Character traits and personality. Limited Edition. It was…Jay’s favorite book. Leah turned to me. Her hollow eyes were like glass about to shatter. She offered me a cookie. I took it.
‘Thanks.’ I said.
‘No problem. That day…you said you met Jay. Jay O’ Hara.’ She said and opened the book.
‘Yes. He’s my cousin and he really misses you Leah. Why don’t you talk to him?’ I asked. She shook her head and her chin trembled. A lone tear escaped her closed eyes. She looked so human and so sad.
‘Leah, what’s wrong?’ I asked reaching out my hand.
‘I can’t explain. I can’t meet him. Or Harry. Or anyone from my old life in Wintervale.’ She said.
‘Why not?’ I asked. ‘What have they done to you?’
‘They haven’t done anything to me but they may die because of me. I’d much rather be here. At least until my whole business is sorted out.’ She said.
‘What business? Your studies?’ I asked.
‘No. Something far more important.’ Her jaw clenched as she looked ahead. Her eyes were not hollow. They were full of something I’d never seen before. Hatred. Hatred far beyond anything I’d ever seen.
‘Oh. Can you not tell Jay about it?’ I asked.
‘I can’t and that’s the problem. I don’t want put his life in danger. That’s why I want you to do something for me. Will you do it?’ she asked.
‘Sure.’ I said.
‘Jay will be very angry, confused and sad about me. He is. I just want to make sure he forgives me. I haven’t been anything like he knew me. Being myself in this world right now is very dangerous for my survival. Just tell him that I’m sorry. I will meet him again at Wintervale a few years later. He can be sure of that for I never break my promises.’ She said.
‘I see.’ I said.
She stood up and said,
‘I may never return to my normal self again Sarah. So before you think that this part of me is an illusion, thank you. I am truly pleased to meet you. And tell him only the message and nothing about anything else.’
I watched her as she walked away feeling confused. The sky was dark and cloudy. The weather seemed to change very quickly. What was all that about? As I stood there thinking, a guy on a motorbike stopped beside me. He slid down his seat and took off his helmet.
‘Is this really you Taylor? My, how beautiful you’ve become!’ he said and grinned. He had dyed red hair and an earring (Seriously?) His tiny eyes were twinkling in amusement. I took a few steps back and asked,
‘Hey, you got me!’ he said and flashed his extra-white teeth. I managed a smile all the while trying to forget that I was cursing him. He smiled and I decided to chat,
‘It’s been so long!’ I said.
‘It sure has.’ He agreed.
‘Maybe you can put past your rivalries with James and we can become good friends after all.’ I said. He scowled,
‘Maybe. Maybe not.’
‘Well…I was wondering what are you studying right now?’ I asked.
‘Studying? Me? Well I am actually studying in the MIT at USA you know. But my scores won’t matter. I have high hopes that Dad will give me his Company.’
‘What company?’ I asked.
‘Why, the Anderson Appliances.’ He said and grinned. I acted all surprised and gushed,
‘Wow! Anderson Appliances! Isn’t that awesome now?’ I said.
‘Sure is.’ He said flexing his muscles.
‘Well, well it’s getting late. I’ve got some work to do back at home but really, I want to hear more! I’ll come with James to your house. Do you have the Anderson Appliances’ visiting card? I’d love to have that.’ I said.
He grinned like he was pleased and passed me a card.
‘Evening, you and James at five. Great. I’ll have dad waiting too.’ He said hopped on his bike and rode off.
I waited as patiently as I could for James and Jay. Jay came first followed by James. I explained to them what had happened and showed them the card. James simply took it and nodded. Jay smiled and thumped my shoulder,
‘You did a great job cousin.’
‘Yeah and I met Leah.’ I said. I told him the message. He frowned and tapped his chin like this one algebraic problem that was frustrating. Finally he sighed and said,
‘I get her point. Don’t worry about her. She’ll meet me when she feels like it.’ He said it in a bitter manner.
‘But she did ask me to make sure to emphasize on her point that she never breaks her promises.’ I said.
‘We’ll see about that.’ He said.
We decided to discuss our plans at my house. The sky had become darker and a faint drizzle shot down at us.
Mom had sent some tea up. We were slowly sipping and chatting. I sat on my bed while James took his favorite seat, the computer’s rotating chair, the kind you can turn around on while Jay sat on a settee.
‘What will we do?’ I asked, ‘I told Sebastian that we’d love to meet him and his dad.’
‘I have a plan.’ James said.
‘I too have a plan.’ Jay announced at the same time. They looked at each other. For the moment their eyes met I sensed a chill around the room. A strong sense of rivalry.
‘What is your plan James?’ Jay asked.
‘I was wondering, Sarah, you didn’t mention Jay being with us did you?’ James asked.
‘No.’ I said.
‘Well, I was thinking that we could use him in our plan you know. He could like take photographs of our conversation discreetly.’ James said.
‘You read minds?’ Jay asked in a surprised tone, ‘That was exactly what I was planning to do except I was saying about recording it.’
‘I hate to admit it but your plan is better. Of course photos can be created.’ James said. He gave me a look like, why didn’t I think about that?
At exactly about five we walked out just as the clouds cleared.
Red handed…
It took us through numerous winding lanes and alleyways until James finally pointed a huge white rambling mansion. Somewhat smaller than Serena’s but still impressive.
Jay immediately slipped into the garden.
We had visited Sebastian’s house once and our memory was pretty good. We would be taken into the parlor where there was a huge window towards the garden. Sebastian opened the door and cordially invited us in. The parlor was beautiful decorated with priceless antiques and curios.
On a plush sofa sat an old man holding the evening newspaper.
He was short and pudgy wearing a loose silk shirt over his velvet pants. He had a bald head with a few fringes of white hair around his ears. He looked awful with lots of wrinkles and spots on his face. He grinned at us toothlessly at us and said,
‘Welcome! Are these your old friends Sebastian?’
‘Yes, father, this is James Sharp and Sarah Taylor dad. They wanted to meet us and hear more about the company and stuff.’ He flexed his muscles and grinned.
Mr. Anderson laughed. A terrible screeching laugh. He asked us to have a seat. We sat down on two mahogany chairs. I remained quite silent and James did all the talking. They talked about colleges, education, food, hotels, ice cream flavors and stars. I really couldn’t follow their method of conversations. Finally James laughed and said,
‘I had just returned from my tour to Dubai yesterday and suddenly there’s this murder. My mom just jumped me by telling that. I knocked into a flower pot and…’
‘Wait, whose murder are you talking about?’ Mr. Anderson asked. James looked surprised like it was obvious. He was really good at acting. He said,
‘Why, that man Andy Sinclay. Near the river bank wasn’t it?’
‘Oh. You mean him? Poor man. Poor, poor man. He must have done something wrong or right…the weapon was also missing.’ Mr. Anderson said.
I was like, ‘what the?’ He did know about the murder especially when James had forbidden Inspector Kim from telling the media about Andy Sinclay’s murder. James smiled and brought the topic to Mr. Sinclay’s Company. Mr. Anderson spoke like he hated Mr. Sinclay’s company,
‘Always up high on the charts. Won’t let any other industry, do its business. Of course Mr. Sinclay’s designs were good.’
We left soon after. Jay met us a few miles away. He offered the two objects in his hand to James. A cam-recorder and a camera.
‘We didn’t even hear you.’ James said.
‘Well, it is a very thin line that separates a detective from a criminal.’ Jay said. James’s mobile began ringing. He took it and moved aside to talk.
I looked at Jay and asked,
‘You didn’t believe my words about James did you? You thought he would be boring.’
‘Well, I admit I was wrong. He is very good with his brains. Of course I am more intelligent than him. But I’m still worried.’ Jay’s face went gloomy. He stared at the sky with a sad expression as the wind swept his hair. A perfect picture. Like a statue.
‘About Leah Watson?’ I asked.
‘Yeah. Why is she behaving like that?’ he asked.
That’s when James hurried to us. He looked very agitated,
‘We have to move.’
‘Where?’ Jay asked.
‘To Serena Sinclay’s house.’ Was the reply.
At the Sinclay’s
James was quite silent. He didn’t say a word as we hurried to Serena’s house. He walked right in without ringing the bell. Serena rushed to us, her voice was anxious and she,
‘Thank god! You three are here!’
‘Serena is he all right?’ James asked anxiously. Serena nodded,
‘He woke up just now. He’s asking for you. Come on.’
She led the way up the stairs. I had no idea about whom they were talking about. She pushed open a door revealing a large spacious room with stereo sets, extra-large speakers and a large bed. On the bed was William Sinclay the bedspread up to his neck but I could clearly see his shoulder bandaged.
‘Thank goodness you are here.’ William said as he saw us.
‘What happened, William?’ James asked taking a seat. A woman of about twenty-nine or so sat on the bed beside William with a worried look. Dr. Clip stood talking to an old man with frizzy white hair.
‘I was attacked, James. Attacked. Just like you had predicted.’ William said.
‘How?’ Jay asked.
‘I was walking down Charlotte Street when a man smacked me hard on the shoulder. The doctor says he must have aimed my head but somehow missed…’
‘Charlotte Street? It is connected to Sweeten Avenue isn’t it?’ Jay asked looking James for confirmation.
‘Yes. What do you suspect?’ William asked.
‘Why don’t you have a look at this video?’ James said. He passed the cam recorder to William. The woman helped William sit up and the others in the room except us three crowded in to see it. It was surely the video of our conversation with Mr. Anderson.
When it finished, he closed the recorder and handed back to James. Serena broke into tears as James explained his theory on how Mr. Anderson could’ve killed Andy.
‘I thought Andy would have a motive against father and now this man comes in. But why would Anderson kill Andy?’ William asked as the woman comforted Serena.
‘I think it’s because Andy revealed some information to us.’ James said. ‘He revealed that he worked for Anderson.’
‘Is that enough for a man to murder his fellow human?’ William asked.
‘You don’t know the impacts of anger or betrayal.’ Jay said softly.
‘If Andy hasn’t killed father, Anderson must have but what would the motive be?’
‘Rivalry. Designs.’ James said staring at the window with his back towards us.
‘What do you mean?’ I asked.
‘I mean the car designs. Anderson must have murdered Mr. Sinclay for those designs.’ James said.
‘But he could’ve stolen them right?’ William asked.
‘His sole purpose was to destroy your father’s company. He said that in the recording too.’ Jay said.
‘How can you be so sure?’ William asked.
‘We’re not sure.’ Jay said. ‘But what else can the reason be. You have no idea how much hatred jealousy can create.’
William Sinclay said no more.
We walk into a beautiful trap…
‘You both are dismissed.’ James said.
‘Where are you going to go Mr. Detective?’ I asked mockingly.
‘Investigate. I persuade you both to go home. No more interruptions please.’
I opened my mouth to argue but he raised his hand to stop me,
‘Come on Sarah.’ Jay said and we walked in silence leaving James to do his investigation.
All the while in bed I was tossing at turning. I could not sleep. I was much too worried to fall asleep when my phone rang startling me in the silence of the night.
I picked up as lights came on and Jay walked in.
‘Hello?’ I said.
‘Sarah…’ James said hoarsely, ‘Charlotte…hurry…help…’
‘James!’ I said agitated as my heart beat faster, ‘What happened?’
But I received no answer. I stared in horror at Jay and said,
‘Charlotte Street, we have to hurry Jay.’
Jay nodded like he understood and in a few minutes we were cruising down the streets with my lucky scarf [I needed all the luck I could get] and my small, illegal electric gun which I stowed in my pocket. Charlotte Street was a long broad lane stretching straightly ahead. I could a heap of some material with a pool of liquid around it.
‘James!’ I shouted rushing ahead.
He had fallen headlong. His shoulder had a huge gash and there was a small pool of blood.
I shook him and Jay was taking his pulse when someone dabbed something over my nose. Instinctively my knife slipped into my hand. I slashed it behind and heard the startled cry. Had I murdered someone? But my thoughts were swirling. I heard Jay shout,
I lost my consciousness.
I woke up as someone shook my shoulder. I sat up and the first thing that greeted me was James leaning against a box of crates, alive and awake.
‘James?’ I asked confused.
Jay sat nearby cursing under his breath. James was still bleeding dangerously. A small piece of cloth was tied around his arm but that was already soaked.
‘What happened?’ I asked.
‘I was walking towards Sweeten Avenue through Charlotte Street when someone as tall as me appeared. He stood in the dark and pulled out a gleaming knife. He tried to stab me but I moved and his knife pierced my arm. That’s when I called you just before I was knocked out.’ I listened as I removed his make-shift bandage and tied my scarf around. He winced.
‘What are you doing?’ he asked. ‘That’s your lucky scarf isn’t it?’
‘It did prove lucky. I have something to stop your bleeding. But seriously James, the next time you move out of my sight, I’ll murder you.’ I said.
‘They chloroformed us.’ Jay said, ‘But why did they kidnap us?’
‘Well, we were investigating. But they didn’t want us to investigate. Someone must’ve been shadowing us.’ James said.
The doors opened and a guy entered as if he held the answer. It was Sebastian Anderson! What a surprise.
He looked around as if to see it no one was there. He said softly almost breaking down,
‘You can move out. No one’s here.’
‘Why are you here?’ I asked.
But James cut me short. He said looking directly at Sebastian,
‘I am very grateful Sebastian. You took the right choice. Thank you. Now—’ He looked at us, ‘Hurry up. We need to move out.’
We followed him down the long corridor with whitewashed walls with scores of doors when suddenly he stopped.
‘What happened?’ Jay asked.
‘I heard something.’ James whispered back planting his ear at the door. Never did I imagine that James would eavesdrop. Suddenly my ears perked up. I heard footfalls behind us. I whispered,
‘James, hurry!’
Two things happened so quickly that it would take a while to explain. First the door opened and three men followed by Mr. Anderson walked out. Secondly, a whole crowd of people appeared shouting commands like,
‘They’re escaping!’
‘Capture them!’
‘My soup!’ [That guy actually said that]
What followed next was complete chaos. James looked at me and said what he thought was a harmless comment,
‘Stand back! We’ll protect you!’
But I didn’t need their protection. He needed protection with his injured arm. I pulled out my illegal electric gun and aimed at Mr. Anderson and shouted,
‘Stand back or I shoot. For your information, I’m the youngest to win the National Shooting Competition.’ That was not a lie. It was the truth.
‘Don’t shoot!’ Mr. Anderson cried, ‘Stand back everyone!’
But the men were not willing to. They were probably feeling humiliated that a girl had the guts to say that. They looked like they may pounce any moment. I aimed one gun at the ceiling and shot just for effect but nothing came.
I panicked and tried it again but even that didn’t have any effect.
‘Out of battery!’ I cried.
‘Very powerful hero!’ Jay said angrily, ‘You’re so stupid!’
The men pounced on us. I don’t remember much about what I did. I remember smacking a man at his jaw and using my elbow at his ribs. Very painful.
A guy came dashing at me. I grabbed his collar and spun him over my shoulder using his own momentum. Handy trick.
I was in a second panting heavily. James and Jay too seemed to have done a good job. We all turned to the old man. Mr. Anderson fell on his knees and began trembling.
‘Please!’ he cried, ‘Have mercy!’
‘Get up Anderson,’ James said, ‘your game’s over.’
‘I know. I know. Now my master is going to kill me! I just did what he ordered all for those designs!’
‘Who’s your master?’ Jay asked.
‘I can’t tell. He’ll kill me like he killed Andy.’ Mr. Anderson said.
‘You didn’t kill Andy Sinclay?’ James asked.
‘No. Master killed h-him because he revealed intimate details.’ Mr. Anderson said, ‘Now he’ll kill me!’
‘What the heck are you talking about?’ James asked. ‘Did you stab Mr. Sinclay?’
‘No. I tried only the flames.’
‘Do you know who did it then?’ Jay asked.
‘The master perhaps.’ Mr. Anderson was quivering like a leaf. Who was this master? James grabbed the phone from Mr. Anderson and said,
‘I’m calling the police.’
The Big Show…begins
After a cup of hot chocolate and listening to our story, Inspector Kim dismissed us back to our homes.
‘Who do you think the mastermind is James?’ I asked.
‘It will be revealed tomorrow.’ He said solemnly.
‘You mean you figured it out?’ I asked.
‘Sure. Who did you think I was?’ he asked with a huge grin. Jay laughed and said,
‘James Sharp the Idiot.’
‘Of course I am an idiot. The world would be boring without Idiots and Weirdoes.’ James said.
Back home, mom cut my monthly allowance for six whole months, drilled me with a long boring lecture of discipline. I just blurted out,
‘James could have lost his life if it wasn’t for me.’
She kept quiet at that and dismissed me back to my room. Of course I was the only one who got scolding. Not Jay.
James asked me to reach Serena’s house by ten for the “big show” he said. By the time we reached her house he asked us to sit down in the assortment of chairs around the parlor.
I could see Serena, William, the woman who took care of him [I learnt later that she was engaged to William], the frizzy-white-haired guy [He was the girl’s father], Doctor Clip, and Sebastian Anderson, his father, two police Constables and Inspector Kim.
James smiled broadly and said,
‘I can’t talk all that long. Jay will help me. Anyways, obviously the murderer is within this room. Am I correct Jay?’
‘I agree.’ Jay said with a smile.
‘William Sinclay, will you please care to elaborate the will?’ James asked.
‘Sure. The Company right now will come to me. Serena is my insurance policy. If anything happens to me before my marriage, it will go to her.’ William said.
‘What happens if anything happens to her?’ James asked.
‘It will be forced into the hands of either Andy or my uncle, Devin. But since you say that Andy is dead, it will be forced to Devin Sinclay.’ William finished.
‘Is that mentioned in the will?’ Jay asked.
‘No. But there is no other choice.’ William said. Suddenly James turned towards Doctor Clip and said,
‘By the way, what’s your real name Doctor?’
‘My name is Doctor Clinton Clip.’ The Doctor said.
‘Are you sure that’s your name?’ Jay asked. What are they talking about? The Doctor’s face became red and he said,
‘What impudence is this? That’s my real name!’
James didn’t blink an eye. He simply turned to Inspector Kim and said,
‘Send on of your constables to his house Number 23, Macaulay Street. Tell him to get in even though he’s not allowed.’
‘What for?’ Inspector Kim asked.
‘A big Surprise. Do it Inspector.’ James said. Inspector Kim passed on the instructions to his constables who were soon gone.
James sat down and slowly sipped his tea. The Doctor had lost his color and was firmly staring the floor.
The Penultimate Stage…
About an hour later, the front door burst open and the two constables arrived panting heavily. With them, to my surprise, was a man who resembled the doctor to a certain extent, the complexion and the nose…
One of the constables said,
‘We found the real Dr. Clip. He was arrested in his own house with about seven goons with cuts and bruises. I took the help of the neighbors and we brought him here. I looked at the Doctor, who was sitting and asked,
‘If that is the real one, who is this then?’
‘This man chloroformed me, set a pack of goons to guard me for no reason at all. Now he became my imposter?’ The real Doctor Clip asked.
‘Yes…’James said, ‘this fake Doctor is…Devin Sinclay!’
Devin Sinclay stood up as the constables handcuffed him.
‘How the heck did you find out?’ I asked.
‘Remember the night we met the Doctor? I had gone for a walk.’ James said. I did remember it,
‘Yeah. Curious on that dog.’
‘Yes. I asked the nurses a few questions got Dr. Clip’s address. I found that the whole house was dark. I asked the neighbors and they said that Dr. Clip fairly lived outside. He had too many patients. I knocked on the door and a big sturdy goon attacked me. They were no less that bloodthirsty wolves. After I had them all down I peeked in a room and saw the real doctor. He looked strikingly familiar and was all gagged up. I released him and asked his autograph.’
‘Why did you need that?’ I asked.
Jay explained,
‘While you both were involved in Dr. Clip’s interview at his Clinic, I was looking at the books and the table. I found, on a prescription of a patient, his signature that said, “Klinton Clip” with a K in Clinton. But on a medical book I found, his name said, “Clinton Clip” with a C. I showed it to James.’
‘And I,’ James continued, ‘needed proof that the one in the house was the real one so I asked for his autograph. He signed it with a ‘C’. So I gagged him up again and escaped through a window.’
So he was being all sarcastic with that ‘well-lit’ and ‘lots of love and care’ stuff? James continued,
‘Devin Sinclay runs a gang of criminals. He offered Mr. Anderson the car designs of Sean Sinclay and took his help to try and kill Mr. Sean Sinclay. He tried by using the fire which Andy Sinclay had started but Mr. Sinclay escaped. Devin had to come up with something. Having been good at disguises he became Dr. Clip by hiding the real Dr. Clip. He cleverly pretended to be the doctor. The real doctor’s dog Timmy barked at Devin violently the day we met him. Probably the dog had a keen sense of smell. After all, dogs can identify their masters and Timmy identified the nurse.’
‘But why didn’t you release me then?’ Dr. Clip asked.
‘I like a dramatic touch in everything I do.’ James said and grinned. ‘I had requested Inspector Kim that no one must come to know about Andy Sinclay’s death. No one knew. William Sinclay was attacked by Devin so that according to the will the company would go to Serena whom he would easily remove and finally he would appear from his exile to claim the company. Even kidnapping us didn’t work for him for we sure escaped. Now if any of my accusations are wrong, please correct me.’ Devin Sinclay remained silent.
‘What could the motive be?’ Inspector Kim asked.
‘Revenge and the Car Company.’
‘And the Doctor?’ I asked.
‘He had to get close to Mr. Sinclay to kill him. Full-scale make up with the kidnapping of the doctor. By the way how long have you known him Serena?’
‘After the fire. He offered to cure my father completely.’ Serena said.
He lied to us even about that. James grinned and asked slowly,
‘But Mr. Devin Sinclay, I would like to ask you, why didn’t you kill us when you had the chance. I thought you aimed for my heart but you missed with that knife but I’m starting to think all you wanted to do was injure me not kill.’
Devin Sinclay looked up with a sparkle in his eyes. He said slowly,
‘You are wrong Mr. Sharp. Wrong about the gang of criminals. I take their help only when I need them. I don’t lead them always. I work as a doctor too you know. You can check my details if you want. I have settled quite happily in Florida under a different name. The reason I left you alive is…you wouldn’t understand…you were not my target. The power of revenge is very strong you know…sometimes it is the only reason you live for and murder is not as easy as you think it might be.’
For the first time, James was wrong. Jay took the job of questioning and asked,
‘Well, if you kidnapped us and yet did not kill us who were merely the seekers of truth, why did you kill Andy? He was your own flesh and blood!’
‘Well, that is not the only betrayal he has done to me. As soon as he left home, He came in search of me. I was settled in Florida under the alias Roger Stephenson. Andy came to me and said his story. He told me that his father had kicked him out of the house. I knew I shouldn’t feel angry but I couldn’t help feel the old wounds re-open. I suddenly felt furious towards my brother. I resolved to take revenge on him by just attacking him greatly. Making him suffer was my plan. I never intended him to die. And now, hear me out. I tried to harm him in flames and I did become his doctor to terrify him but…I never did kill him.’
‘If that’s a lie accept it now!’ Inspector Kim said but Jay cut him short. A faint line of confusion on his face,
‘What do you mean?’
‘But even if you ask me when you hang me, I shall say I never killed him. I tried to attack William, I kidnapped these three snoops, I house-arrested this doctor, I impersonated him, I killed Andy because he wanted to kill my brother himself but believe me, I never killed my brother. I wouldn’t have because I decided to forgive him. It was my fault when I messed up arranging the parts of the fuel tank years ago. It caused the death of a person. That was the reason I was sent away. My brother loved me and all but he had to be angry with me. He scolded me. He kicked me out of the house. He did it all just to keep my father satisfied. I know it now. I received a letter just on the night I kidnapped these three snoops. He had written to me in Florida. He knew I was there. He didn’t know that I was under an alias. That was why it had my name. People in Florida sent it back to this house. I stole from the mailbox yesterday evening. If you don’t believe me, check my pockets.’
What was this man saying? He never killed Mr. Sinclay? Was he running away from the truth or was he telling the truth?
The truth…or what remains of it
The Constable pulled out a long brown envelope from Devin Sinclay’s pocket. Jay snatched it and handed it to me,
‘Read it aloud cousin.’
‘Sinclay Residence
North America
Dear brother Devin,
I am writing this to you believing that you are in Florida, South America. I just wish to clear up all the misunderstanding between you and me. I had to kick you out of house for reasons I couldn’t understand. I am saying Father was very furious about the death of that customer. He thought or believed that you did so on purpose to bring bad name to the company. At that time he somehow convinced me it was true. I believed him and acted the way you remember. Now that he is dead. After the past seventeen years, I am willing to accept my fault. I had been very naïve. I had been extremely foolish threatening the life of my own brother. I am writing to you in peace. I hope you will forgive me and return back to Frostier. I will be extremely happy to hand over the Company to you and retire happily. I wish that you would accept it. It is the token of forgivingness. I plead to you to reply my letter. I have changed my will as soon as came to know about you. The company shall fall in your hands not in William’s. I am going to tell him that it is so. Please return.
Sean.’ I read it out. Enclosed inside was also a will signed by Mr. Sinclay. I looked James. He was thinking hard.
‘I was full of remorse after reading that letter. I had never intended to come here today. I planned to run away because I knew that James Sharp had found me guilty. But, reading that letter, I was bitter. I felt very angry whoever the killer was. I thought it would be best to ask his service. Now, James Sharp and Mr. O’ Hara, I have a job Request. Though I know I shall be hanged I want you both to hang my brother’s killer with me. If you fulfill this job I shall of course pay!’ Dean pleaded.
James and Jay exchanged looks. They nodded. What the heck! I thought he wanted to snatch away the company from his brother only to find that he almost had the company before his brother died.
James had closed his eyes and was thinking. Suddenly he opened his eyes and asked,
‘Serena, who were all present in your house on the day and at the time of the murder?’ He sounded upset.
‘I, William and Uncle Devin had gone to get some medicines. The watchman was at the gate I guess and um… that’s all.’ She muttered.
‘What were you doing?’
‘I was just pacing around in the verandah while the doctor was out. Then I went with him upstairs to check on father. The doctor went to the kitchen when the bell rang. I rushed downstairs to meet the Manager. William was playing music very loud. I could hear it through the closed door.’
‘Which song was it?’
‘Huh? I think it was classical piano pieces. Like Beethoven and Mozart I guess.’ She answered.
‘Is that true?’ James turned to ask William.
‘Ah! Yes. I was playing my Piano piece collection.’ William replied.
‘Are you sure you were in the room when listening to music?’ Jay asked.
‘Yes of course!’ William answered spontaneously.
‘Did the police search the house for the weapon?’ James asked.
Why the Heck was he asking such questions?
‘Yes. We searched every nook and corner of the house. Even the garbage bin.’ Inspector Kim answered.
‘I would like to search Mr. William Sinclay’s and Serena’s room.’ James said with Jay nodding his head.
Huh? Serena is under suspicion?
‘I don’t mind.’ Serena said.
‘I don’t care either.’ William said attempting to be careless but I could clearly see a drop of sweat on his brow. Serena showed us her room upstairs. It was on a different corridor from her dad’s.
It was way too girly if you ask me.
Pink paper on the walls, pink desk, pink blankets and pink pillows. Cuddly soft toys lay here and there.
James nodded his head and we started searching.
I looked under the pillows, under the mattress and under the desk. Jay kept looking under each and every dress in her wardrobe.
James was emptying all the drawers of the desk.
We found nothing after an hour.
‘Nothing’s here. Serena! Where’s your brother’s room?’ I asked. Serena hurried to us and showed us his room.
A twist in the tale
I couldn’t help notice that it was horribly close to their dad’s room. She left us as soon as we entered his room. The first thing that greeted our eyes was the large stereo system. It was very advanced latest model with a karaoke set and two huge speakers.
James said,
I headed towards the desk drawers. Jay, I saw had taken out a toolbox.
I wonder where he got it. People and their hobbies! He took out some tools and dismantled the stereo system,
‘Jay. What are you doing?’ I hissed shutting the door.
‘Shut up! Let me do some stuff. You both go on!’ he replied hastily.
I continued our search. Why the hell was he dismantling it? What if the weapon~
I shook away that thought. Half an hour later, Jay said,
‘Guys, have a look at what I found.’
I and James rushed to Jay who had a speaker was on his lap. The machine was outside and inside the box was a~
‘Knife?’ James asked. He was grinning with a sparkle in his eyes. Jay merely smiled and took it out.
‘You mean William~’ I started.
James smiled triumphantly and called out,
‘Guys, Inspector come on in!’
The door opened and they all walked in. James showed his discovery and said,
‘William, how did you get it here?’
‘Sharp! You are lying! I never bought a knife into this room!’ he shouted. I can’t believe that this was the guy who behaved so nicely with us mere days ago.
‘Then how do you explain this?’ I said.
‘I-It is some trick of yours Sharp! You three are up to something!’ he shouted pointlessly.
‘You know very well it is not!’ James said. He carefully handed the knife wearing gloves to the inspector.
The inspector looked at it carefully and said,
‘William Sinclay this knife is still having some fingerprints. We are going to see if they match yours.’ Serena started crying hysterically.
‘But why would William kill his own father?’ I asked.
‘Are you really an idiot?’ James asked rolling his eyes.
‘What do you mean?’
Jay explained, ‘It was clearly mentioned in the letter that the company would go to Devin Sinclay. Mr. Sinclay ought to have informed William about it while sending the letter. Having been promised that the company would go to him and in the end failing in keeping that promise made William very angry. If his father stayed alive, the company would not fall in his hands. He knew that did you not?’
William Sinclay nodded his head looking at the floor. Jay continued,
‘This kept him getting worried. The flames of the building and his father’s hospitalization at home must have been a god’s gift to William. He found his chance. He played his music really loud so that it would seem as though he was listening to it. He must have slowly gotten into his dad’s room and stabbed his with the knife. He must have washed the blood away in water and hid the knife in the speaker. He never thought about the police finding it in here. If his father died, the will would not be discovered. The company would remain in his own hands. Right Mr. William Sinclay?’
‘Y-You…Yes I killed that man. He promised me the company and he must never go back on his word! That was why I killed him!’ he screamed.
I was stumped.
‘Greed can make anyone kill anyone. It too has the power to kill as revenge. But of course, revenge is the most powerful. It can even change your character.’ James said. I noticed Jay’s gaze drop. He sighed and looked up.
But I thought William was foolish. If I were William I would have thrown the weapon into the river.
‘Yeah, why didn’t he throw it in the river?’ I asked.
‘Because he didn’t get the time. As soon as he killed his dad, Serena rushed into the room. He knew that she would tell him first and that he would have to go and fetch the police. He had to get away somehow. He knew the police would search the house. Am I right?’ Jay asked. William nodded.
‘B-But. William, how could you be so greedy?’ Serena wailed tears streaming out of her eyes.
‘Serena…’ William replied. But the anger in his eyes told me very clearly that William would not realize his mistake.
‘James Sharp and Jay O’ Hara! You are one good snoopy sleuth team! I am honored on meeting you both. I am giving you some cash.’ Devin said warmly shaking their hands.
Serena’s tears flowed from her eyes as she said, ‘Oh! Thank you James! Thank you so much! I could have never been in peace without finding my father’s killer. Thank you! Thank you a lot! And William you are no longer my brother!’ The woman William was engaged slapped him the face and stormed out of the house with her father tailing behind her and leaving William humiliated.
‘There is no need of it. I only fulfilled my responsibility.’ James said as he smiled. Wasn’t that a bit too much? He’s talking like movie actors. I gave him a cold look.
‘It’s nothing like that. I couldn’t have done anything without my friends and of course Jay…’ he said changing his words.
‘You both make one good team…and your sharp brains, I have no words…it may be true but please accept this.’ Devin said thrust two envelopes in their hands. I peeped through James’s shoulder as he opened it. There was a six digit number that totally made my head reel.
The Mystery Behind the flames is officially solved
James put the whole stuff into his pocket. After thanking everyone we walked out. It was afternoon. A cool breeze was blowing. The sky was getting cloudy. James said,
‘I must admit, Dean Sinclay is a mastermind. But hats off to William. I never thought it would be so dangerous.’
‘Dangerous? Well considering the facts that we got kidnapped, nearly killed ourselves and completely got them speechless with our explanation, yes was dangerous.’ Jay said grinning.
‘You did make a lot of money right?’ I said looking slyly at them with an evil grin on my face.
‘Yes. This is perhaps the last time I’ll be a detective.’ James said.
‘What? But you were brilliant! I’m sure this case will be all over the papers tomorrow.’ My smile was gone.
‘I know that’s the reason this is my last case.’ He said shrugging his shoulders.
‘You must really be crazy! Why is it your last case? Do you want a sock-on-jaw to bring you back to your senses?’ I asked grabbing his collar and shaking him. Jay pulled me back.
‘No, that’s not what I meant! My father would read about it…’ he said. I released him and said,
‘Er…so what if your dad knows?’
‘Whatever, this will be my last case. Well, see you tomorrow back at QDA.’ He waved his hand at us and walked away.
‘Why do you think he did that?’ I asked. Jay was looking James’s retreating figure. He shook his head and said,
‘His father must be against this whole detective business.’
‘Why would he? This is supposed to be good to the society!’ I said.
‘I know, but everyone has their views cousin.’ He said patting my head. He simply looked at the sky and muttered, ‘Revenge…my work was not solved. I never did meet Leah.’
‘You will one day.’ I said.
‘Maybe. Let’s go home.’ He said.
I never thought that this mystery would even be solved. Well, it has been. The good thing was that we solved it and made many others happy. The twist the turn of events gave did surprise me a little.
I am pretty disappointed that James Sharp won’t solve any cases with his Sharp brain. As far as I know him, he will. And Jay…I wonder if he will find Leah… What is Leah’s story? Why did she change so much? So many questions. Maybe I will get their answers someday…