No Plagiarism!YrzE9SaarK2t0j9Hp8Dbposted on PENANA (From 2021)8964 copyright protection80PENANAWflc8nmdB8 維尼
I have lived8964 copyright protection80PENANAnWDIrRPaE1 維尼
I have cried8964 copyright protection80PENANAyuF17QRnXs 維尼
I have been beaten and bruised8964 copyright protection80PENANAgqlmQAIqZ8 維尼
By dad8964 copyright protection80PENANANfCw3KxNVK 維尼
By god8964 copyright protection80PENANA0YF7LPLQQk 維尼
By war8964 copyright protection80PENANAXhBir7TkAG 維尼
By song8964 copyright protection80PENANAqlLAv1BPgj 維尼
84Please respect copyright.PENANAHwFC1peB9m
8964 copyright protection80PENANAGccnecyYaY 維尼
Everyday without fail8964 copyright protection80PENANA7kI3F01TFR 維尼
I acquire a new glare8964 copyright protection80PENANAggvHrw3Vh6 維尼
Bestowed upon me8964 copyright protection80PENANAilmZltUICS 維尼
By the almighty8964 copyright protection80PENANAqo7xTfuUVm 維尼
84Please respect copyright.PENANAobiF1QOdes
8964 copyright protection80PENANAxLNXCYFsFK 維尼
Though I know it is unfair8964 copyright protection80PENANAvoKdczPfMk 維尼
There is nothing I may do8964 copyright protection80PENANAwUyCCvzz2M 維尼
There is no quick fix8964 copyright protection80PENANABEBLA65x8l 維尼
In the real world8964 copyright protection80PENANABg0C62DMOA 維尼
who is there to care?8964 copyright protection80PENANA6LboUtJrFS 維尼
84Please respect copyright.PENANATXsUDhzgzl
8964 copyright protection80PENANAcKPBC6w3Bf 維尼
If there is a god8964 copyright protection80PENANAtxr26gFFfG 維尼
And I hope that there is8964 copyright protection80PENANA4q2MsF4QXw 維尼
I would worship on hand and knee8964 copyright protection80PENANATBFm9GdsDJ 維尼
pleading to the my almighty8964 copyright protection80PENANAK3kXLzOwQE 維尼
Why the people die8964 copyright protection80PENANAObYaVCgU9t 維尼
and why we must cry8964 copyright protection80PENANA6uMRKI7VKb 維尼
for it is all in the circle of life8964 copyright protection80PENANANyPPVccyFs 維尼
there cannot be joy without pain.8964 copyright protection80PENANARSLt2eYMmR 維尼