| Somewhere in a reality completely separate from the corridors and beyond sat a lady whose skin was completely gray, wings that were glowing and radiant white sprouted from the woman’s back as she stood |
“The Lady moved her hand summoning a screen that showed Locter at the castle gates” Looks like one of my subordinates is being hunted by one of the god hands… Why isn’t this a pain in the ass.139Please respect copyright.PENANAAlVUJHtFpt
“The lady then itched at her head” If my subordinate somehow loses he will surly spill the beans about my plans to that girl, I mean it always happens in stories.139Please respect copyright.PENANAMoLHEWyTEs
“The lady sat back down on her throne” My best opinion here is to go down there myself and observe from the shadows…139Please respect copyright.PENANASWCGsP3PbU
| As the woman sighed she swiped her hand across her face, covering her face with a perception blocking filter |139Please respect copyright.PENANAdNmDxaeIwv
“Meanwhile at the castle gates”139Please respect copyright.PENANArsSMHbBaeZ
|Locter is standing outside of the castle gates facing hundreds of guards pointing their weapons at her|139Please respect copyright.PENANAOe8etxhdxC
“Locter expression looks agitated” Really? Why do I always have to end up in predicaments like this?139Please respect copyright.PENANA9xhErhoXij
|As the guards tighten their grip on their weapons seemingly planning on attacking, Locter clasps her hands together|139Please respect copyright.PENANAaEOkodVLEt
“Locter sighs” Listen we don’t have to fight, all I want is to talk with your leader!139Please respect copyright.PENANAzCsnrJMyPp
“One of the guards tightened his grip harder than the rest” Why should we even let you in? You’re not some sort of political figure, nor are you even from this kingdom.139Please respect copyright.PENANAPhXKWdNQNz
“Locter frowns” You’re right but it an extremely urgent matter so im not afraid to mow through you all to have a chat.
| Most of the guards started snickering at Locters statement |139Please respect copyright.PENANAhhPk2QJ823
“Locter appears to get more irritated by the second” You know what I tried to be respectful about this but to hell with it!139Please respect copyright.PENANA6y0eNSoeUF
|As Locter began to walk towards the guards the castle gate opened, then a man with messy black hair and a large oversized trench coat on walked down towards Locter|139Please respect copyright.PENANAlXjHqh5GEo
“The man looks at Locter with a slight grin ” So what is your name little missy?139Please respect copyright.PENANA2DCkm7K3vv
“Locter is starting at the man with a look of disappointment” The name is Locter and I thought a king was supposed to look like a fancy playboy surrounded by gold and women not some degenerate.139Please respect copyright.PENANAaXWKoBwJpV
“The man got agitated” You can call me “Acta” little girl.139Please respect copyright.PENANAnebSc34qtD
“Acta sighed and put on a straight face” So let’s get serious, why are you here in my corridor?139Please respect copyright.PENANAlHimaQvPW8
“Locter smirked” Simple, im on a mission to either capture or kill you.139Please respect copyright.PENANAHsq06ISflP
“Acta smirked as well” Oh I get it now, Oniel decided that I was a threat so he sent you to put a stop to me.139Please respect copyright.PENANAumKs13Q0kz
“Locter tilted her head in confusion” Who is Oniel? I never met nobody with that name in my life.
“Acta looked confused” he’s the person who gifted us our blessings and our corridors
”Locter looks at acta with an shocked expression” So you’re telling me that gods real name is Oniel?
“Acta smiled” Yep that bum gods name is Oniel, the more you know am I right.
“Locter quickly frowns” You see unlike you im grateful for my abilities so you better take that back.139Please respect copyright.PENANA272BEODs1Y
“Acta smirks” Oh so you have a soft spot for Oniel huh? Sorry little missy but he doesn’t like you.
”Locter then raises her hand pointing it like a gun” Yorizain (Shoot)!
| The Conceptual bullet that Locter shot headed towards Acta at light speeds, but Acta smirked wildly as the bullet headed towards him|
”Acta quickly raised his hand” (Helof)!
|As Acta used his ability Locter’s bullet was redirected at her at twice the speed as it was originally going|
“Locter face is utterly shocked” This can’t be!
|As the bullet hit Locter in her chest it made a hole so big you could see straight through her|
“Locter coughs up blood” What the actual fuck… (Locter put her hand through the hole in her chest) how the hell did you even…
“Acta is smiling” It’s my ability (helof) it allows me to automatically redirect any and all phenomenon.
”Locter falls and lands on her back” Why can’t I heal my wound…
“Acta still smiling” Well that’s probably because you just got hit with your own attack and everyone I know didn’t immediately regenerate from getting hit by an attack so that’s probably why.
|Acta then crouched down near Locter, he then placed his hand over her head|
“Acta looks at Locter” how about we take a trip down your memory lane.
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