A/n: sorry it took so long for this one. I jumped at this one too soon, without coming up with a proper plan, I still don't, but I have more now. I'm used to writing with the aid of a transcript, novel, manga, etc. but this doesn't have much as it's a game. So I'm going to add more original stuff in for the story while using the wiki and other stuff as a guide, so I can make sure my information is correct. Also, more of the harem, primarily the non-Guardian members will be introduced in the Destiny 2 section of the story and that section will be stretched out more to incorporate their stories more into it.
196Please respect copyright.PENANAVy2wyc1g1T
Search for a Ship Continues
As the scene fades back in, we see as nothing has changed since the last time we saw them. We see as Y/n is still standing in front of his Ghost with a smile on his face. All the while holding onto his newly acquired rifle.
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Ghost: "w-what...... what did you just say?"
Y/n: "huh? didnt you hear me? My name is Y/n, Y/n L/n. Nice to meet yah."
Ghost: "nice to meet you too...... Guardian./how...... how is this even possible? He remembers his original name. Only Exos and those who became Guardians while still being alive can remember their past. According to my earlier readings, hes been dead for a few decades, maybe longer. So this shouldn't be possible."
Y/n: "what?...... did I say something weird?"
Ghost: "huh? Oh, no. It's nothing"
Y/n: "oh, cool. Now come on. We should get out of here."
Ghost: "oh, right."
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Ghost then converts itself into light and Ghost into the boy. He shivers a little, noting how weird that is but then readies his rifle and begins to run deeper into the large wall like structure. As he continues to run down in one of its many hallways, he eventually comes across a strange looking chest.
* but it's closed.
196Please respect copyright.PENANArFkLblDRsJ
Y/n: "huh? whats with this chest?"
Ghost (mind): "it's what many call a 'Loot Cache'. It often holds Glimmer or some kind of item left behind by the previous inhabitants."
Y/n: "so kinda like a video game but cool nonetheless...... wait, whats Glimmer?"
Ghost (mind): "it's a type of currency we use now, I'll explain later."
Y/n: "cool, sounds fancy. So let's see what it has." he then opens it and outcomes multiple cubes, "woaaaaaah. So pretty." but then they suddenly vanish, "wait, where did they go? Was it all a trap or some kind of fake out?"
Ghost (mind): "no. As a Guardian, you have whats know as 'Light Storage'. Think of it as a normal backpack but instead of something you carry, it's inside your light and much larger in capacity."
Y/n: "dude, that so fucking.......awesome! How much can I carry, does it affect my weight, how will I know what to take out if a can't physically see it, ohhh is there a size limit that can be storied?"
Ghost (mind): "hes like a kid in a candy store./ill explain in better detail later, when we're safe but in short. It's all determined by how much light power you have, it is possible to store vehicles, but they're often no bigger than what you call motorcycles. I'll teach you how to sense your light energy later, as well as how to store and draw out items from your storage."
Y/n: "thats awesome. Maybe dying was so bad after all."
Ghost (mind): "wait, do you remember-"
Y/n: "nope."
Ghost (mind): "in any case, we should keep going./just how much does he remember then?"
196Please respect copyright.PENANAsPtjgHn0KD
As Y/n kept running, still hyped up from what he just learned and can't wait until this is over, so he can learn more about what he is now. However, he was pushed out of his excited thoughts when he came acrossed a broken down, narrow hallway, but he noticed something strange. He saw strange looking red lasers going in different directions.
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Y/n: "wait, what are those things?"
Ghost (mind): "trip mines. They are traps commonly used by the Fallen and will explode if you cross the laser."
Y/n: "so no touch?"
Ghost (mind): "no touch."
Y/n: "gotcha..... hmmmmmm." he examines the area, then his rifle. Getting an idea, he takes aim, "might as well test my marksmanship."
196Please respect copyright.PENANAiaQLG8KeoJ
He looks down the irons sights of the rifle. He looks at the many different minds but aim at the one closet to a cluster of them. Once he had his target in sight, he fires a single round. Destroying one of the mines that cased a chain reaction that destroyed the others, thus clearing his path.
196Please respect copyright.PENANABeei95oiw6
Y/n: "hahahaaa! Bullseye!"
Ghost (mind): "good, hes adapting well."
196Please respect copyright.PENANAw3KwaHPDyG
The boy continues to run down the hallowed halls of this structure, hearing strange screeching like noises all around him but, not letting it bother him, he kept on going. It was strange, he didnt feel any fear but rather, excitement. Excitement of his next fight, excitement of whats to come and excitement of the future. He couldnt help but smiles underneath his helmet. However, as his was thinking about all the possibilities, suddenly multiple Fallen reveal themselves and completely surrounding the boy.
196Please respect copyright.PENANA0W0iXpdltY
Y/n: "ohhh, I'm surrounded."
Ghost (mind): "you don't seem worried."
Y/n: "I can't really explain it. This whole thing, it's just so....... exciting."
Fallen: "ect kee ranruuu raaaaa"
Y/n: "what the fuck did you just call my mother?!"
Ghost (mind): "wait, you speak Fallen? Thats amaz-"
Y/n: "nope, I'm just guessing. heheheee." causing his Ghost to let out a sigh.
196Please respect copyright.PENANAsyQIXZs5nk
The many Fallen soldiers let out a loud screech and rush towards the boy. One of them was faster, as it reached the boy first. As it got close enough, the boy outreached his hand and grabbed it by the face. He then lifts it up into the air and slams it down on the ground so hard that it cracks the ground. He was about to finish it off, until he noticed the other ones have gotten far too close for comfort. So, with a stomp on the Fallen on the ground, he takes out his rifle and begins to systematically take them all out. It wasn't all perfect shots, as some he had to double or trip tap as he wasnt used to such fast moving targets or how many there really were. However, unbeknownst to the boy, he missed one. This was stuck up on him while the boy finished off the Fallens' allies. It lounged at the unexpecting new Guardian with not worry of guarding itself. however a strange sensation overcame the boy. It was like something within him was screaming 'danger' but it wasnt his Ghost. So when he turned, he saw a Fallen ready to kill him.
Almost as if some force possessed him, with a calm almost blank expression, the boy tosses his gun into the air. This momentarily distracts the Fallen, not noticing the intense glare Y/n was giving it. For just a moment, his eyes turned white but as soon as they turned, they went back to their normal color. Taking advantage of the off guard Fallen, the boy grabs 2 of its arm and headbutts it so hard that not only did it crack its backs but force it back. Almost in an instant, the boy reached his target and began unleashing an onslaught of punches. It was so intense and so fast, that it looked as if he had multiple fists punching the creature, each one leaving behind a dent in its body. Once he was finish, almost as if he planned it, opened his right hand, allowing him to grab the rifle as it came back down. Using just that hand alone, he took aim at the creature head and pulls the trigger. Firing off a single shot, killing it instantly. Almost not reacting to the recoil of the rifle at all.
196Please respect copyright.PENANAYgEKbJDd66
Y/n: blinks a few times, "huh? What was that?"
Ghost (mind): "that was impressive Guardian. I've never seen anyone fight like that before."
Y/n: "huh, y-yeah. I didn't know I had it in me."
Ghost (mind): "well, the Fallen have a tighter hold on this place than what was originally reported. We have a bit further to go. Let's just hope theres something left behind for us."
Y/n: "did you notice something....... off about me just a second ago?"
Ghost (mind): "huh? Not really no. why?"
Y/n: "nothing, forget I said anything."
196Please respect copyright.PENANAFqBNR1kWoD
He's Adapting
Ignoring that strange sensation whatever just happened to him, he ran off in the direction his Ghost told him about. As he continued to run through the halls of the wall like structure, he noticed he hasnt come acrossed anymore Fallen. As he continued to run, he finally reached the opening and saw-
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Y/n: "woaaah."
Ghost (mind): "this was the old Cosmodrome. There just has to be something here for us to use."
196Please respect copyright.PENANAbGKB1VbDP9
However, before the Ghost could rematerialize outside of his Guardians' body to begin his search, a portal opened in the sky. What came out was a strange looking ship
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Ghost (mind): "incoming!"
Y/n: "what is that thing?"
Ghost (mind): "a fallen ship, a Skiff, but this close to the surface?"
Y/n: "is that odd?"
Ghost (mind): "yes."
196Please respect copyright.PENANAAccORuXyoY
Then out came multiple Fallen, all ready to take the boy down. Each had a strange looking gun that encased their arms. Seeing them jump out of the ship, the boy just couldnt help himself.
196Please respect copyright.PENANAjoKwmR6jdp
Y/n: "hey look. I get why they're called that now. They've........ fallen out of the ship."
Ghost (mind): "....../oh please traveler.... give me strength."
Y/n: "oh come on. That was a good one."
Ghost (mind): "if I could facepalm, I would."
Y/n: "you're no fun."
196Please respect copyright.PENANAGRXzTmgWQw
The Fallen then took aim at the boy and opened fire, forcing him to take cover behind a broken into pieces wall. Following their lead, the boy too, would open fire on them. As he continued to do so, he would notice the Fallen stopped for a few seconds, realizing that they were, in fact, reloading. He tried to get closer but every time, at least one finished reloading and opened fire on him, forcing him to take cover again. Every time, one of them tried to get closer, he would see that and open fire on them, forcing them back to cover. Nether side was making any headway.
196Please respect copyright.PENANAqPKgOgaRwA
Y/n: "damn, this isnt working. I need to think of something fast./hey Ghost. Quick. Give me a short run down on what a titan is."
Ghost (mind): "a titan is more of a close quarters focused Guardian. They're like walking tanks, able to take hits and dish them out too. However, they lack the dexterity and mobility that the other 2 have."
Y/n: "ok and what about this armor?"
Ghost (mind): "it's a worn down version of the entry level titan armor. Each class of Guardian have their own unique armor sets."
Y/n: "ok and what about its defense?"
Ghost (mind): "titan armor has higher defense then most, wait......... why are you asking these question?"
Y/n: "cause I'm about to do something really crazy........ and stupid."
Ghost (mind): "well, at least you can recognize your idea is stupid...... wait what?"
196Please respect copyright.PENANAV0t0gUnNEG
The boy looked around and noticed a broken down car to his left. Waiting for his chance to for them to start reloading, he rushed towards it and ripped the door right off its hinges.
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Y/n: "this won't be enough to fully block those lasers, but it will help provide basic defense, at least can weaken their impact."
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With his new makeshift shield in hand, he ran towards the Fallen. Upon seeing him, they continued to open fire on him. Like he guessed, the shield did provide some level of defense, but it also proved to not be entirely be enough as some blaster fire to get through at times. Some that did get through, made impact with his body, causing him to grunt in pain but pushed it aside. Once he was close enough to them, he jumps into the air and tosses the door, Captain America style. It hit one directly in the face, causing a loud gong like sound to be heard. He lands in front of the now dazed Fallen and grabs it by its......... collar thing. He then tosses it hard towards the other. It tries to grab its comrade but as it does, it doesnt notice something blinking on its comrades' belt. It looks at Y/n, who looks back and smiles. He raises his hand, revealing a pin around his finger. In pure panic, the pair try to remove the grenade, but it was far too late, as it explodes and kills the both of them.
For just a moment, he looks at his hands, opening and closing them. He then takes a typical boxing stance and begins to punch the air like a boxer. Each punch slowly having more force behind it. Until small boom like sounds could be heard and minor shockwaves could be felt from each punch. He looks at his fists again, smiles, and nods.
196Please respect copyright.PENANAu2D25aqd4W
Y/n: "yeah, this feel about right. It's amazing. It's just like you said Ghost, I can feel it. My strength, my power. I can feel so much power within me. I feel like I'm close to touching it."
Ghost (mind): "impossible, he's adapting too quickly. hes already beginning to grasp how to tap into the power of light but....... how?"
196Please respect copyright.PENANAykzVKdu5Cm
However, before his Ghost could ponder on that more, multiple blaster shots came their way. Thinking fast, the boy kicked the bottom of the door, causing it to spin upwards towards him. He grabbed it by the inner door handle and used it as a shield. However, like before, it was barely able to protect him from the oncoming energy based bullets. He knew this fact but was merely using it to weaken the blows to his body, so it wouldnt cause any major damage to himself. For each blast that hits, he can feel incredible pain.
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Y/n: "damn, it hurts so fucking much but not as much as I thought it would. I can deal with this level of pain, I can still fight. hehe, I wonder just how much punishment this new body of mine can take?"
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Internally saying screw it and throw all caution to the wind. The boy tosses his makeshift shield and ran towards his newly acquired targets. He crosses his arm in front of his face to protect his head from the oncoming blaster fire. Each blast that landed hurt a lot more do to no longer have what little cushion the door provided, but he kept going regardless of the pain. It didnt take long for him to start adjusting to the pain his body felt. Once he reaches close enough, he jumps into the air and with a cocky smile, cocks back his arm. Using the moment of not only his run but fall as well, to punch one of the Fallen hard in the face. So hard that it was sent flying back and into a barely holding on building. This impact was the final straw as it collapse over the Fallen, killing it. The boy blinks a few times, then looks at his fist but then smiles. He then stares at the remaining fallen with an almost evil grin, tho they can't see it do to his helmet.
196Please respect copyright.PENANArtHrOGYnoZ
Y/n: "oHhHh, you're so screwed."
196Please respect copyright.PENANAC7GRwYO78r
He then crouches down and dashes towards them at such incredible speeds, that he was on them before they even realized it. When he reaches them, he out stretches his arms and pulls off a lariat on both of them, hitting them both right on the throats. The impact was so strong and powerful that it broke apart the little bit of armor they had in those areas, sending them flying right through some walls. This impact on the walls, caused the buildings they went through to fully collapse on top of the 2 Fallen, killing them both. The boy fist pumps the air with a big o smile on his face.
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Y/n: "this is so awesome!"
Ghost (mind): "hes only been a titan for a few minutes and hes already perfectly acting like one....... well in battle anyways. Hes almost perfectly embodying what a titan is."
Y/n: quickly looks around, retaining the same smile, "is there anymore? I want to rest what this body can really do. Come on, come one."
Ghost (mind): "no sorry but you got them all. Those ships can't carry that much."
Y/n: pouts, "awwww."
Ghost (mind): "trust me, you'll have your fun and plenty of opportunity to test out your abilities but first, I'm picking up signs of an old jumpship. It could be our ticket out of here."
Y/n: "fiiiine."
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Finaly, the Jumpship
Following his Ghosts' direction, he re-entered a different building and yet more hallways, but these seem to be in almost worse shape than the ones in the wall. On the way he did come acrossed more Fallen but easily taking them out, not having much opportunity to test out his abilities. However, it did allow him to slowly become more and more adjusted to his new body, becoming faster, stronger, and tougher. hes having an easier time moving and fast speeds and reacting to incoming attacks. However, this wasnt enough for him, he needed more. Stronger opponents to test out his body, no he needed it. While he was lost in his thoughts, he didn't realize they finally made it to their destination, Dock 13 and there, suspended by cables, was an Arcadia Class Jumpship.
However, actually using it to escape was going to be the hard part, as multiple Fallen came from different parts of the dock and began to surround the boy.
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Ghost (mind): "we can't escape with them this close. You need to clear them out."
Y/n: cocks rifle, "I was already planning on it."
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He then jumped and rolled to the side, landing behind a pillar as the Fallen began to open fire on him. As they continued to open fire, he waited until he heard a few who started to reload and when he did, he did not hesitate to get out from cover and open fire on them. As such a distance, his aim wasnt that good as he found getting good his in with his gun wasnt as easy as his fists, but he did manage to take out a few of them........ after a few body shots that is. however the ones who were reloaded finished and joined their allies and began to open fire on the boy. This forced him to hide behind cover again. Releasing this isnt working, he began to look around the room for anything to tip the fight in his favor but then noticed a bag of powder cement hanging from the ceiling. Judging from the looks of it, this place was being remodeled before whatever it is happened here that caused them to abandon their work. Noticing that it has a few rips in it, he decided to take aim at it and fired at the cables. This released the bag, allowing it to fall onto the ground and when it did. The powdery substance spread all over the place, making a make shift smoke screen to form. The Fallen stopping firing their weapons and began to look around. As they did, they noticed a shadow rushing to the right. Thinking it was him, they opened fire until nothing was left of the object. However, as the smoke cleared, all that was left was broken up rock. Before they could process what truly happened, the real Y/n jump to the left of his spot and rolled. Once he came to a spot, he was on his knees and took aim. Lining up a shot on multiple of them, he opened fire, killing them all. He breathed a sigh of relief and stud up straight. He rested his rifle on his shoulder and formed a smug smile on his face.
196Please respect copyright.PENANAvyBs1sQgSq
Ghost: rematerializes outside of him, "rather impressive. To be honest, i didnt think you were capable of using a strategy."
Y/n: rests his other hand on the barrel of the rifle thats resting on his shoulder, "hehe, thanks. I know I'm awesome. . . . . . . . Hey! whats that supposed to mean?!"
Ghost: starts to scan the ship, "it's been here for quite a while. It's impressive it's still in one piece."
Y/n (off-screen): "hey, don't ignore me!"
Ghost: "it hasnt made a jump in centuries. It's rather lucky that the Fallen havent picked it clean."
Y/n: pouts, "well..... will it fly?"
Ghost: "such a child./i can get it to work, but it definitely needs the work of a pro to fix it."
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His Ghost then materialized into the Jumpship and after a few short moments, its engines powered on. This allowed it to break from the cables restraining it, allowing it to hover freely in the air.
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Ghost (ship): "okay, it won't break orbit, but it will be enough to get us to the last city. Now about that transmat-" notice many more Fallen coming into the room, "alright, I'm bringing you in!"
Y/n: "huh and how exactly are you-woah. This feels weird!"
196Please respect copyright.PENANAYftPoylvYt
The boy was then covered in light and slowly dematerialized. When he blinked, he found himself in the ship. Obviously confused, he looked around and saw he was inside a cockpit of some kind. Before the Fallen could open fire, Ghost turned the ship around and pointed to the sky, blasting off as soon as he got the ship pointed at a big enough opening.
196Please respect copyright.PENANAVceTfglOOw
Ghost: "we'll come back to retrieve the parts later, when you're ready. First, let's get you to your new home."
Y/n: "sure, lead the way but remember. You made a promise to explain everything to me."
Ghost: "dont worry, I remember. We have plenty of time, so I'll explain on the way."
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As the ship flew off to the last city, far from where they were. We can see a mysterious darkened figure watching them leave. Once the ship was out of sight, this figure disappears into light particles.
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The Last City
[Present Time]
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Now that it's present time, we see inside of the cockpit that Y/n currently resides in, who has his helmet off. On the way to the last city, his Ghost explains everything. About the Guardians, The Traveler, the light, the different classes of Guardians, the golden age and so on. He told him he'll teach him about his storage and sensing his light later as they are nearing their destination. Even tho it was a lot of information, the boy seemed to absorb it in well. In fact, better than his Ghost expected him to be able to. Actually, it seemed it all made the boy even more excited about the future, he had this child like wander about it all. However, his excitement had to be cut short as they finally reached their destination.
196Please respect copyright.PENANAVmwxewZzgL
Ghost: "welcome to the last city. That last true safe place on earth and the only place The Traveler can still protect. It took centuries to build, it took the combined effort of the Guardians and non Guardians to help construct. Now, we're counting everyday it still stands. Oh, and that...... thats the Tower, where the Guardians operate and live."
Y/n: "woah this is amazing...... wait, 'true safe place'? What does that mean?"
Ghost: "there are other places, such as kingdoms, that still exist, but without The Travelers' protection, they're vulnerable. Many have fallen because of this."
Y/n: "so I take it thats The Traveler?"
Ghost: "yes, in all of his glory."
Y/n: "man, hes fucking huge......... thats-"
Ghost: "dont."
Y/n: "buzz kill but why can't he protect more?"
Ghost: "because hes in a dormant state. Like I said before. The battle with The Darkness has left him weak. Until he can fully recover, this is all he can do."
Y/n: "oh, I guess thats why we're here, but I got to admit. This all sure is amazing."
196Please respect copyright.PENANAhuxlEaAx4E
Now that they finally have reached their destination, Ghosts sets the ship over the platform that seems to be the place where the ships are supposed to go. As the pair beamed down to the platform, the boy looked around and couldnt help but feel amazed. He saw so many different people here, humans, people with blue skin, robots that looked humanoid, people with animal features and so on. It all was just so amazing. There was another thing, being this close to The Traveler, he can feel it. The light, he can feel it all around them.
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Ghost: "look, I know this is amazing and I promise I'll show you around, but we have to go see the Vanguard."
Y/n: "Vanguard?"
Ghost: "did I not tell you?" Y/n shakes his head, "well, they're the leaders of all of the Guardians that live in the tower. Now come on, this way." goes flying off.
Y/n: "hey, wait up!"
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The boy chanced after his Ghost, who flew in the direction of the central building. As they entered the building, they saw a large room. While looking around Y/n saw multiple people doing varying things, talking together, messing with computers, looking at paper work and so on. At the center, he saw a huge oval-shaped table with some kind of screen at its center. As he walked closer, he saw 3 people as the opposite side of the table. A brown skinned woman, an Exo male, and an Awoken male. Each had different types of clothing or armor on.
196Please respect copyright.PENANAja1O7LjtlZ
Y/n: slowly walks towards the table, "so I take it these 3 are the Vanguard?"
Ghost: "yes."
Zavala: looks up from the screen, "ah, it's you Ghost. And I see you finally found yourself a new Guardian."
Ghost: "yes. He was quite hard to find, but I managed to find him on the outskirts of the Cosmodrome. His name is Y/n."
Zavala: slightly widens his eyes and looks at Y/ns Ghost, who nods, "I see...." turns his gaze towards the boy, "well, welcome Guardian to the Tower. The home base of the Guardians and central command. My name his is Zavala, this here is Ikora" he gestures to her, while she bows, "and this here is-" looks at Cayde-6 eating ramen.
Cayde-6: waves with a mouthful, "helmo."
Zavala: sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose, "Traveler give me strength./and thats..... Cayde-6." straightens up, "we are the Vanguard, leaders of the Guardians. Each of us lead over the specific class of Guardian."
Y/n: raises an eyebrow, "class?........ oh, right. Ghost did mention those."
Zavala: "I'm sure you still have so many questions but first, let me gets this correct. Judging from your basic armor, you're a titan. Which means you fall under my jurisdiction. However, dont let that stop you from not only seeking advice from the other 2, or anyone for that matter, but also accepting missions from them as well."
Y/n: "cool, sounds like fun but I gotta say sir. All of this is just so amazing. The people, the cultures, all of it. I just can't wait to explore it all."
Ikora: "hmhmhm, my. He has such child like wander about him. How interesting."
Y/n: "and The Traveler. It must feel so amazing being near him all the time."
Zavala: "how do you mean?"
Y/n: "haha, oh dont play dumb with me. His power, it's in all around us. Like it's the very air itself. It's amazing and peaceful."
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Everyone who overheard what the boy just said stopped what they were doing in pure shock, including Zavala and Ikora. Even Cayde stopped eating his ramen to look at the boy. The boy looked around and noticed everyone's reactions, which confused him.
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Y/n: "what, did I say something stupid?"
Zavala: "n-no, it's just that...... are you saying you can feel his power?"
Y/n: "yeah. To be honest, I expected to feel more of his power, being this close and all..... wait, can't you?"
Zavala: quickly side eyes the others, causing everyone to return what they were doing, "oh, of course we can. We're just surprised you can feel his power so soon. I take it you havent even been taught how to feel your own or how to access your light storage?"
Y/n: "oh, that makes sense and yes. Ghost was planning on teaching me later today."
Ikora: leans close to Zavala and whispers, "how is this possible? Not even I can feel The Travelers power. It's true we can feel his presence but not his power."
Zavala: whispers back, "we'll talk about it later, but it is strange indeed."
Y/n: "huuuuh?"
Zavala: speaks normally, "oh, anyways. Why don't you-huh?"
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Right before he could finish his sentence, he notices 2 more Guardians have walked in.
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Fated Meeting
???1: "oh, there you are Ikora."
???2: "yeah, weve been looking for you. Should've guessed youd be here."
Ikora: "oh, you've been looking for me? What for?"
???1: "well it's about-huh?"
Y/n: "huh?"
196Please respect copyright.PENANAYYf9j0QWp1
The boy then turns around to see where the new voices are coming from. When he looked, he saw a human girl with dirty blond hair and a cat like girl with wild hair. When Adora looked at the boys face, her eyes widen. She completely froze in place, almost looking like shes in a daze.
196Please respect copyright.PENANAIL8rGDd3lJ
Catra: waves her hand in front of Adoras face, "huuuh, earth to Adora."
Adora: "it..... it's him."
Catra: "who, the guy from your vision?"
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Adora slowly nods in response, unable to keep her eyes off of the boy. Catra, seeing her reaction, looks at the boy for a few short moments. She then forms a cheeky grin on her face and looks at Adora.
196Please respect copyright.PENANARII3km1fpc
Catra: "looks like you were right.......... he's hot."
Zavala: "ah, perfect timing you 2. This here, is our latest Guardian Y/n. If you 2 don't mind, could you show him the ropes?
Adora: "I'm not su-"
Catra: "sure, we dont mind."
Adora: whips her head to look at her friend and whisper, "what are you doing?"
Catra: whispers, "oh come on, hes a hoty. plus hes the guy from your vision, wouldnt you want to learn more about him?"
Adora: whispers, "weeell...... I guess you have a point."
Catra: whispers, "and besides that, dont you find it odd? The timing. Our Ghosts freak out about some mysterious new Guardian. Then not long after that, we come acrossed this dude, who happens to be the same guy from your vision. Thats some coincidence."
Adora: whispers, "right, I forgot about that."
Zavala: "so, what do you say?"
Adora: "sure, we're ok with it. Oh, and Ikora. After we finish showing Y/n around, can I talk to you about something?"
Ikora: "you know you can always come to me for anything. I'll be waiting here for when you're ready."
Adora: "thanks, now come one Y/n. We got a lot to show you."
Y/n: "cool!" ran up to them, "lead the way."
Catra: "hehe, energetic arent we?"
Ghost: exhausted sigh, "you have no idea."
196Please respect copyright.PENANAgrNI8SDbIh
With that being said, the pair lead Y/n out to begin to show him around. As they left, the Vanguard is left alone and begin to talk about what they just heard.
196Please respect copyright.PENANAyFLFuhb7jx
Ikora: looks at Zavala with her hands behind her back, "do you think he was the one that caused our Ghosts to react in such a way?"
Zavala: "his arrival is far too coincidental for that not to be the case. However, whats curious is that he can feel The Travelers power."
Cayde-6: "but how is that possible? We have light energy, but even we can't feel his power, it can't be felt."
Ikora: "I dont have an answer. In all my time, even meditating, i never once heard of anyone about to sense his power."
Zavala: "it seems we have a very interesting and mysterious Guardian on our hands. We should keep an eye on him to see what he does."
Ikora: "agreed."
Cayde-6: "I'm down with that. He seems like hed be a blast to be around."
196Please respect copyright.PENANAeosKWScvMb
[Back With Y/n]
196Please respect copyright.PENANAzuoNYY0jKl
We now see as the pair is showing Y/n around the tower, as well as the area around it. They showed him its many different aspects, like its training rooms, weaponry, blacksmith, buy stations, jumpship bay, Eververse, restaurants and so on.
196Please respect copyright.PENANAaqvE5MwCWn
Y/n: "wait, restaurants? Aren't we immortal?"
Adora: "true, but even we need to still eat."
Catra: "we may not die from starvation, but it still helps us remain in peak condition."
Adora: "and the food is processed in our bodies to be converted into light energy. So in a way it helps us recharge faster."
Y/n: "oh, that makes sense."
Catra: "wanna try some?"
Y/n: "yeah. I havent eaten since I was reborn, and I do feel weird."
Adora: "thats your body remembering how it used to feel when you haven't eaten. Eventually your body will adjust."
196Please respect copyright.PENANAQIS7bGQ835
The pair then led him to one of the many different picnic areas, filled with standard restaurant grade tables, chairs, and table sized umbrellas. As they sat, an Exo waiter came to them and took their order. Not long after that, he came back with their food. As they began to eat, Y/n couldnt help but notice something about Adora.
196Please respect copyright.PENANAF5sjkPMb4J
Y/n: "so Adora." catching their attention, "whats with the weird sword." both looked at him in confusion, "what?"
Adora: "huuuh, what sword?"
Y/n: points, "the one on your back."
Catra: looks at Adoras back, "theres nothing there Y/n."
Adora: "oh but the light hes already broken."
Y/n: "what? I am not. It's not that I can see it but feel it. It's clear as day."
Catra: "wait.... hes not talking about....."
Adora: moves her hand to her back, as if to grab a sword but then one does appear, "you mean this?"
Y/n: "yeah, what is it?"
Adora: "actually, we dont know. It's a long story, but it has some connection to the golden age, but I would like to know how you felt it?
Y/n: "can't anyone? It's practicably radiating energy."
Adora & Catra: "it is?" both looked at it but then back at him.
Catra: "i dont feel anything."
Adora: "me nether."
Catra: "besides, no matter how powerful an item is, once it enters our light storage. It can no longer be sensed. Even the most powerful detection equipment."
Adora: "so how could you?"
Y/n: shrugs, "I have no idea either. I thought it was normal."
Catra: "dude, it's anything but."
Y/n: "oh........ anyways."
Adora: "you dont seem all that bothered by that."
Y/n: "meh, why should it? Ghost told me how theres people out there with unique gifts or some kind of ability. So maybe thats mine."
Catra: "well thats........."
Adora: "...an interesting why of looking at it."
Y/n: "do you 2 do that a lot?"
Catra: "what?"
Y/n: "finish each other sentences."
Adora: "well, weve known each other since childhood and became Guardians at the same time."
Catra: "dont worry, well tell you about it sometime."
Y/n: "cool, can't wait but anyways. To what you 2 said earlier. You shouldn't let the small stuff bother you. If you just live life to the fullest and do your best, then it all will work out in the end."
Adora: chuckles, "careful Y/n. You're starting to sound like an old man."
Y/n: "you got a point but who knows, I might be. I have no idea when I died or anything about this golden age everyone talks about."
Catra: "you know what she meant....... wait. You remember your life before being reborn?"
Y/n: "hmmmmm, sorta. I get pieces of my past here and there." puts his finger and thumb on his chin, "I remember my name. That I had a normal childhood. I was born and raised in America. However, when I try to think about it more or to get more details, it all becomes fuzzy, or I get a headache. I do remember cars that ran on gas and smartphones tho."
196Please respect copyright.PENANAi5GMbI5yNh
Both instantly stud up, slammed their hands on the table, shocking the boy, and leaned in close.
196Please respect copyright.PENANAO0tDn5UW7U
Adora: "woah that means-"
Catra: "your pre golden age!"
Adora: "even possibly the 20th century!"
Catra: "holy shit!"
Y/n: tilts his head, "is that odd?"
Adora & Catra: "yes!"
196Please respect copyright.PENANA0hstSsAZnL
They both then sit back down and recompose themselves.
196Please respect copyright.PENANAwq7fVWohqS
Adora: "listen Y/n. It's incredibly rare for someone from pre golden age to become a Guardian. It's unknown why, nor do we truly know what dictates someone to become a Guardian, but pretty much every Guardian is from or after the golden age."
Catra: "something about The Traveler arriving and releasing light partials or something."
Adora: "well thats only a theory based on the fact no one has been reborn as a Guardian from before he arrived. Aka pre golden age."
Catra: "then theres the fact you remember your past, well parts of it."
Y/n: "is that rare too?"
Adora & Catra: "yes!"
Y/n: "oh"
Adora: "look, it takes something external to help a Guardian in remembering even a small fraction of their past. On top of that it has to be something you hold dear from before you died. And even with that, it's still extremely rare. See, theres a Guardian named Pyrrha who died many years ago but was brought back to live as a Guardian. Like all others before her, she had no memories of her past, but it was thanks to her friends, from before she died, to help remember her past."
Y/n: "oh..... wait, but you just said-"
Catra: "for some reason it only counts when you died before becoming a Guardian."
Adora: "right. There are rare individuals, like Catra and myself, who didnt die before becoming a Guardian. Like how we are chosen to be Guardians, we have no idea how this even happens. Not even the Ghosts know the answers to these questions. But anyway, since we didnt die, we retained our past memories. Now back to Pyrrha. It took the combined effort of some of her friends, who became Guardians, to regain some of those memories."
Y/n: "I see..... so what about me? I was 100% beyond dead."
Catra: shrugs, "no idea dude. It should be impossible."
Adora: "well, you're a unique case. An outlier. But-" places a finger and thumb on her chin, "there just has to be a re-"
???: "ouch, please stop!"
Y/n: "huh?"
Catra: "urghhh, not that loser again."
196Please respect copyright.PENANA3shro2d6YZ
Time to Teach a Little Shit a Lesson
When the boy turned to look behind him, and the girls leaned towards opposite sides to see past Y/n, they saw 5 people, 4 boys and a girl with bunny ears, with the guys having on typical titan gear while the girl had on form fitting hunter gear. One of the boys, who appears to be the leader, has short brown hair. He was pulling on one of the bunny girls ears, laughing has he does so.
196Please respect copyright.PENANAtsLHaf959O
Catra: "geeez. I dont know why she lets them do that. shes stronger than them."
Adora: sighs, "It's because shes too shy to stand up for herself. That and she has low self-esteem."
Y/n: "other than the obvious, whats going on?"
Adora: "thats Fireteam CRDL. A group of bullies who think they're hotshots. The one pulling on her ears is named Cardin, their leader. And the girls name is Velvet. As you can see, shes whats called a Faunus."
Catra: "team limp dick over there, think they're better than everyone else and view all non-human races as nothing more than freaks. Honestly, i dont know why the vanguard deal with them and their stupidity. They are the weakest team out of all of the Guardian teams, even Guardians who dont have teams. Hell, even newbies are stronger than those cowards. I 100% believe they either bribed their Ghosts or just got lucky."
Y/n: "...... I see......" he stands up and begins to walk away, "maybe I should introduce myself. Could be fun." he then walks towards the group.
Adora: "Y/n wait-"
Catra: grabs her shoulder, "nah, let him do this. I wanna see what he can do."
Adora: sigh, "Catra."
196Please respect copyright.PENANAKxF6Nhdn4v
As the asshole continue to bully poor Velvet, they laugh at her pain and inability to go against them. Taking full advantage of her personality, tho not realizing she could be them. Then we as Y/n was walking up behind them with his usual smile.
196Please respect copyright.PENANA1sHtIueTgS
Y/n: half raises his hand in a friendly manner, "yo!"
Cardin: "huh? whos this loser?"
Y/n: retaining his usual smile, "the guy whos going to beat your sorry ass if you dont let her go."
Cardin: "hahaha, check this out boys! We got a freak lover over here!" causing his teammates to laugh too, "I like to see a weakling like you try and make me."
Y/n: "oHhHhHh, I was hoping youd say that." his smile becomes more devious.
196Please respect copyright.PENANASzOpeRdaEj
How he said that and the smile he had on confused them. The boy begins to slowly and calmly walk towards them, namely their leader but then stops just in front of him and notices something.
196Please respect copyright.PENANAulLTf8qHkI
Y/n: "oh, wait, theres something on your chest."
Cardin: "huh, oh. on my che-"
Y/n: "my knee!"
196Please respect copyright.PENANAZbSxVArzMx
The boy then knees the dumbass right on his nose right as the idiot began to look down. This forced his head to jolt up due to the sudden strike. This attack was so sudden that the shock force him to let go of the girls' ear.
196Please respect copyright.PENANA3JH9z1w7dB
Y/n: "you ok, huuuuuuuh, Velvet right?"
Velvet: "huh, y-yeah. I'm fine. Thank you."
Y/n: "no problem-huh?"
196Please respect copyright.PENANAkfeOVpYdL6
As the boy looked at her, he noticed a small bruise like mark on one of her ears. So he outreached his hand towards said ear. This caused her to tense up and close her eyes but then eased up when she felt him gently touch her ear. She opened one eye in confusion, but then he began to softly rub the bruise. This causes her to jump slightly, then a shiver began to travel from her lower torso up to her ears. As he continued to rub her ear, her free ear began to slump down as she begins to fidget a little. On her face was a clear as day blush. She was in a state of confusion but also enjoying the new sensation. Never as anyone done this to her before nor did she think it would feel this good.
196Please respect copyright.PENANAvzgBV1nosj
Catra: "ohh, look at what we got here. We got a playboy on our hands."
Adora: in a matter of fact tone, "to be a playboy, you have to intentionally want to pick up girls with the goal of sleeping with them or to inflate your own ego. I think this is just due to his kind nature."
Catra: "so what you're saying is, hes a natural?/she sure seems to be enjoying that. I wonder if I could get him to do that to me?"
196Please respect copyright.PENANA1m6gMHQIM3
Back at Y/n, we can see her face is even more flushed than before, but her eyes appear to be somewhat hazy as she looks up at him. Realizing whats happening, or the feeling thats beginning to build up, she jolts up and snaps herself out of her trance like state. She gently grabs his hand with both of hers and lowers it down.
196Please respect copyright.PENANAParvwOStRo
Velvet: "t-thank you. My ear feels better now."
Y/n: "it's no problem." gives her an innocent smile the causes her to blush even more, "but to be honest, when I saw your ears I couldnt help myself. I've never seen real ones on a human before."
Velvet: looks at him in confusion, now with her blush gone, "huh? What do you mean? My kind as been around for centuries. Mainly becoming accepted around the golden age."
Y/n: "thats what my Ghost told me, but I've never seen them before."
Velvet: "wait, does that mean....... hes pre golden age? But how is that possible?"
Y/n: "so huuh, Velvet. Can I have my hand back? Course I dont mind holding hands with such a pretty girl. hehehe"
Velvet: "p-pretty... wait, hand?!"
196Please respect copyright.PENANArUNGwPSAEj
She quickly looks down and notices shes still holding his hand. Her eyes widen as red coloration begins to travel up to the top of her head, from her neck. Now her whole head is red, steam behind to come out of her human ears.
196Please respect copyright.PENANAaUJLrQbtRH
Velvet: quickly lets go of his hand, "I'm sorry!" then runs away.
Y/n: "huuuh," scratches his cheek, "did I do something wrong?"
Catra: "aww, cute. He doesnt know what he just did."
Adora: chuckles a bit, "so that answers that."
Cardin: rubs his nose, "you bastard, that was my nose..... YOU'LL PAY!!"
Y/n: "huh, oh, I forgot you even existed."
Cardin: "FUCK YOU!!!"
196Please respect copyright.PENANA5DSaC1Tfdu
* Repeat if needed
* might make this your theme song or something like it.
196Please respect copyright.PENANAlHK1xIiJEb
The dumbass runs at the boy and goes for a punch to the face. Y/n sees this and does the same but stops midway, using his other first to uppercut the idiot. Cardin was surprisingly fast enough to block the punch using his other forearm. Trying to hide the pain, the asshat smiled at the boy, only to get gut punched hard by the boys other fist.
196Please respect copyright.PENANANfB9cMc9Ff
Y/n: "hehe, did you seriously forget I have 2 fists? How dumb can you be?"
196Please respect copyright.PENANAbddmWIWMcV
As Cardin holds his stomach in pain, Y/n walks up to him and grabs his shoulder. With a cheeky smile the boy began to repeatedly knee him in the stomach over and over again. Each strike was hard enough to cause the asshat to cough up blood. However, this wasnt it, the boy forces him up a bit and upper cuts Cardin right on the chin, forcing his head to shoot upwards. To add insult to injury, Y/n began punching him in the stomach over and over again. Cardin had enough of the onslaught and manages to push the boy pack, trying to catch his breath from the constant air being forced out of him.
196Please respect copyright.PENANAOM2tC5uWGG
Y/n: "haha, ooooo. Looks like little man still has some fight in him. Well bring it on dipshit."
196Please respect copyright.PENANA9DSh3qkiEb
Mysterious New Girls
All the commotion caused multiple Guardians to gather in the background. As the fight goes on, they all started to cheer the fight on, some even took bets. Further in the background we can see 2 girls, but their faces are covered in shadow. Both at slender frames and big....... assets. Both had on typical but rather revealing hunter gear on, exposing much of their smooth looking skin. One had long orange hair with a strange looking staff on her back while the other had long black hair with orange strange looking sunglasses on her head.
196Please respect copyright.PENANAYTwf0stWVh
Orange hair: "huh? whats going on over there?"
Black hair: "not sure. Should we go check it out?"
Orange hair: shrugs, "I dont see why not. I'm in a pretty good mood right now. We hit a huge score."
196Please respect copyright.PENANAHRK29KOk45
This causes the black haired girl to chuckle at her friend. The pair then go walk over to some of the Guardians to ask whats going on.
196Please respect copyright.PENANAXAmJ80loEM
Orange hair: "hey, whats going on? Why is there such a huge crowd?"
Male human Guardian: "huh, oh./damn those are huge./the new guy is fighting the leader of team punching bag."
Male awoken Guardian: "yeah and he isn't half bad either, he hasnt even got hit once."
Orange hair: "really?"
Black hair: "so we got an energetic one, huh?"
Orange hair: "looks like it. Let's have a closer look."
Black hair: "sure thing..... ms navigator."
Orange hair: "oh come on, I havent been a real navigator sense our pirate days."
196Please respect copyright.PENANAYuVbpdct6w
The black haired girl chuckled but followed her friend, as the pair cut through the crowd. As they got a better look, they can see as Y/n has no scratches anywhere on his body or armor. They even notice he isnt even out of breath but Cardin on the other hand, is completely wounded. He has blood coming out of his nose and mouth, scratches all over his armor and body, competently out of breath.
196Please respect copyright.PENANAfONWq3VX3y
Cardin: "bastard......I'll....... get.......you."
Y/n: "well, I'm waiting or is that something you tell yourself at night. So you can sleep better?"
Orange hair: "ohhh, hes rather cocky....... and cute."
Black hair: "agreed. Let's watch and see how this turns out."
196Please respect copyright.PENANA806A0S1mpp
Far off in the background, we can see a woman with long blond hair, fashioned into a ponytail. She was clad head to toe in futuristic looking titan armor, well with her helmet deformed. Noticeably her right hand was covered in a huge cannon until it deformed as well, revealing her armored up right hand.
* Art Credit = https://www.deviantart.com/ayyasap/art/Samus-Aran-Metroid-Dread-882906132
The woman raised an eyebrow at whats going on but then pays it no mind. She closes her eyes and turns around to walks away, allowing her long blond hair to flow in the wind. No once even noticed her presence until it was already too late.
At a different part of the courtyard, we can see 3 other girls, whos faces are also covered in shadow. Likes the other 2 girls, we can see some of their features and...... big assets. One had long sliver hair, wearing a dress like warlock gear, a girl with long blond hair, with a small ponytail to the side. She was wearing lightweight warlock gear that could almost pass as civilian clothing, and the third girl had long red hair. She had titan gear that looked like armor a female knight would wear but with a short dress. The girl with red hair was siting on top of one of the small stall like building with her arms and legs crossed, she also had her eyes closed. The silver haired girl was sanding in front of said stall with her hands hanging in front of her, with one hand resting on the other, while the blond haired girl was sitting at the table infront of the stall. Her hands were resting on it while she drinks something from her cup, using a straw.
196Please respect copyright.PENANADaCIrw6E8g
Silver hair: "my my. Look at what we got here. He just got here and hes already causing trouble."
Blond hair: stops drinking and chuckles, "but it's CRDL, so who cares. They always deserve it."
Red hair: looks at her team, "come on, we have a mission to take care of."
Silver hair: "awww dont you wanna watch how it ends?"
Red hair: "we both know how It's going to end. Whatever his name is, hes clearly the superior fighter. That fight ended the moment that light weight idiot challenged him."
Silver hair: puts a finger on her cheek and looks up, "I guess thats true. plus he isn't even hurt."
Blonde hair: "awww but I wanna watch cuty fight more." lets out a small sigh, "oh well, maybe next time."
196Please respect copyright.PENANAzyw3cYmwQB
As the 3 walked away, the blond haired girl threw her cup away. When they reached the edge of the tower, the ship dock, they were immediately beamed into their ships and flew off.
Back to the fight, we can see as Cardin is done playing as he begins to reach for something.
196Please respect copyright.PENANA0Vy0W6tGp2
Cardin: "screw this! I had enough of this fight and you! I'm finishing this..... NOW!"
196Please respect copyright.PENANAIh7jNyQgjc
He reaches behind him, like he was about to grab a sword, until a large hammer formed. The dimwit, then slams its hand onto the ground and smiles. This causes everyone to gasp.
196Please respect copyright.PENANAQexqIRQeo2
Male human Guardian: "hey, you can't use a weapon in a melee brawl!"
Female awoken Guardian: "thats cheating, you coward!"
Cardin: "just shut up you weaklings!"
196Please respect copyright.PENANA6ykCmRLTLH
As Cardin rushes towards the boy, who just smiles at him but chose not to take out a weapon. Instead, the boy rushes towards him, readying his fists. Cardin raises his hammer up in the air, while Y/n cocks his arm back. As this happens, we can see the others worry about the boy as hes about to go into this fight barehanded. In that moment we see Catra and Adora getting ready, Adora reading her sword while Catra readies her danger. At a different area, we see the black haired girl crosses her arms with her palms open and faceing the sky, while the orange haired girl readies her staff. All 4 were ready to take action, but before anyone could make a move to stop it, a large man wearing titan armor instantly appears in between them and catches their respective attacks. In typical anime multi split screen fashion, everyone was shocked by this.
196Please respect copyright.PENANA1A5HfKHDzo
[Stop Music]
196Please respect copyright.PENANAPOuivwvhzq
196Please respect copyright.PENANAFSOvudJDdn
196Please respect copyright.PENANAGN4BXDeAGC
???: "now now, gentlemen. No need to get so extreme over a simple melee brawl."
Cardin: "damn you. Get the hell out of my way."
Y/n: "he stopped my punch........ without even trying. Who is he?"
???: "now how about we lower our weapons... uuuuh and fists. And go on with your day."
Cardin: "to hell with that Shaxx, I owe this bastard a beating."
Shaxx: straightens up, "is that so, well then. Settle it like Guardians." puts his fists on his hips, "in the Crucible! Ah ha haaaa!"
Cardin: "fine, we'll settle this there. Your Fireteam against mine."
Y/n: "heh, I'm game but dont go crying to your mama when you lose."
196Please respect copyright.PENANA5welvRY3mp
Cardin scoffs and storms off, leaving the pair by themselves. Seeing as the fight is over but a new one to look forward to, the crowd leaves. With the orange haired girl and the black haired girl being the last to leave, both with a smile on their faces, as if looking forward to what he does next but, like everyone else, they too leave.
196Please respect copyright.PENANAINQv9lWp17
Shaxx: "you must be the new Guardian I've been hearing about. You got guts kid. Like a true titan." makes a fist but then rests it on his hip.
Y/n: "truthfully, I was just helping someone out. Besides, I wanted to test my strength against another Guardian. shame tho, he was a disappointment."
Shaxx: "ha ha haa, good on you! Nothing like a clash of fists to test one's gusto. I'll so you in the Crucible Guardian and I look forward to it. Till we meet again titan!"
196Please respect copyright.PENANAo3qxvIUew3
He walks off with a hardy laugh, leaving the boy behind with a sweat drop on his head.
196Please respect copyright.PENANA6kzlCYmFst
Y/n: "hes a character.......... I think I wanna be friends with him. He seems fun...... and strong."
196Please respect copyright.PENANAmcqlef4R41
Behind him, we see as Adora and Catra walk up to him.
196Please respect copyright.PENANArap4l1Ta13
Catra: "you're one crazy guy, you know that?"
Adora: "and reckless. I mean, what were you thinking challenging him with your fists. You could've been seriously hurt."
Y/n: "hehe, maybe but i couldnt just stand by while Velvet gets hurt for no reason."
Adora: "why? Not saying anyone else wouldnt but still."
Y/n: "dunno, kinda felt compelled to. Like i didnt have a choice."
Catra: "maybe it's remnants of your past memories. I guess that means you were a good guy in the past."
Y/n: "I guess your right, but I have a question?"
Y/n: "whats a Fireteam and the Crucible?"
Catra & Adora: ". . . . . . . . . . huh?"
196Please respect copyright.PENANAwqw7pyCIIl
A/n: welp, thats it for this chapter and holy shit over 9k words. I honestly didnt mean for that to happen. I just kept going and going. I couldnt really find a good place to stop. Most of this was just on the fly stuff. But anyways, what did you think of it? Put a bit more foreshadowing in there that you're different, like how your character is in the game. And yes, on the fly I added new girls to the harem but won't reveal who they are until they are shown in the series. I have a feeling you guys can guess who tho. Oh, and I have no idea if light storage is a thing, but It's what I'm using to explain the game mechanics. Again I'm sorry this took so long as I think I jumped into this without much of a plan, but I do know, well sorta. Well, thats all I can think of, so I'll see you, in the next chapter.