A day had passed, and Xander was in his living room looking at his laptop doing some work. However, concentrating was difficult since he locked Madelyn in the basement alone in the dark. Some of him hated using such a method, but he would do anything to make it possible if he wanted her to be forever on his side.
Other thoughts trailed through his mind, and that was Octavio. Soon after he realizes that Madelyn is missing, the police and detectives will come to his door. However, Xander had a few tricks on his sleeves. He was very powerful and had many connections that even Octavio could not reach.
A smirk came along his face. He looked at the time, and it was 3 p.m.; he had a couple of hours until he saw Madelyn. She is a strong woman and can be very outspoken. She doesn't care about his wealth and money, which is one of the many reasons why he loves her. However, he thought Madelyn did not know what was best for her; he did, and her place was to be with him. He could provide her with a life that many women would want.
Madelyn wouldn't have to work, wouldn't have to worry about paying bills, or worry about retirement. He had more money that could last for generations. Ultimately, she chose her selfish needs, not caring how her choices affected his feelings for her. As he closed the laptop, the doorbell rang. He sat still for a bit, knowing who it might be. Xander stood and composed himself and went to the door, looking at the peephole, and sure enough, he was right. There were two police officers and a detective.
Xander opened the door, looking surprised. "Good afternoon, officers. How may I assist you today?"
"Xander, I am Detective Sanders, and these are Officer Williams and Dawson. We are here because a young woman named Madelyn was kidnapped yesterday. You know of her?"
The CEO looked at Detective Sanders, who was close to his height and was good-looking for his age. Sanders looked to be in his early fifties. He had some wrinkles but not many, which made him youthful-looking. He wore a tucked-in white shirt with a black undershirt underneath black slacks and shoes. The Detective had black hair with gray hair on the sides, which was slightly slicked back. His eyes were light brown, which made him look a bit innocent, but his eyes could also ruse on who he was. The Detective had a slight chubby stomach, but the shirt and pants hid it.
The businessman knew that the Detective was someone not to be trifled with and had to be careful about how he acted and said. "What!? Madelyn!? She was kidnapped!? By who!? Why!?" Xander exclaimed as he got close to the Detective.
"Calm yourself. A driver was with her and gave us a sense of what happened. Also, we spoke with Octavio Vanderbilt, and he mentioned you."
Xander raised his eyebrows. "Me? Why?"
"He stated that you might know something."
"Are you serious!? I barely found out about Madelyn's kidnapping, and now this!? I cared for her, but she had more interest in Octavio than I. I let her go to follow her feelings. That is how much I love and care for her. I would never do anything to harm her! Now listen to me! I would do anything to help you to find her! I can hire a search party to hire more detectives! Whatever you need to find, Madelyn! Just tell me what you would like me to do!"
Tears began to form. "Please, tell me to find her! If you want to question me, I will tell you whatever."
"We do have questions to ask. May we come in?"
Xander opened the door and motioned them in. "Yes, please come in."
The Detective and two officers were in the living room. Detective Sanders sat across from Xander. Tea was served, and the two men were face to face while the officers watched. For Sanders, as he looked at the CEO, he could not deny that Xander was good-looking and looked innocent in the eyes of many. However, he felt something amiss with Xander. Yet, he had to keep an open mind and be careful what he asked and said.
He remembered when Octavio Vanderbilt called him and the police to make a case into a possible kidnapping of Madelyn. The Detective knew that Octavio came from a wealthy and influential family and was surprised that he would call him.
Octavio told him that he and Madelyn were going out, but she wasn't there when he got to her apartment. He tried calling and going to her usual places, but there was no answer or appearance. Detective Sanders learned that Xander Maximillian had an unhealthy obsession with the young woman. It would have made sense when he saw the news about Xander and Madelyn; it was a ruse.
Once he and the officers were informed, Sanders did more research about Xander before interviewing him. Although there were many articles about the CEO's good deeds about donating much to charity, some were not so positive, especially in his dating life.
Xander was a rich and powerful CEO with solid connections. However, Sanders would not let the wealth of others get in the way of his job. Octavio warned him that Xander was the master of manipulation. Sander knew that this would be the most complex case of his career. "Thank you for inviting us in; you had the right to refuse to be spoken with."
"It is no trouble at all, Detective. I am in utter disbelief that Madelyn is missing. I feel that the world is ending. Xander expressed sadness in his expression. Tears formed in his eyes, but he wiped them off.
"I see that Madelyn has quite the impact on you. Tell me about her. How did you know her?"
Xander let out a sigh. "Madelyn is such a remarkable woman. She was smart, a good conversationalist, kind and beautiful. I live a life of luxury and privilege. I will not deny it, for it is a fact. I have met many women who only wanted me for what I had and not for who I am on the inside."
"Was Madelyn like that?"
The CEO gave out a small smile. "No, she was never like that. Madelyn did not know who I was when we first met, but she still did not change her perception of me when she found out the truth. I felt relieved and happy for the first time in my life."
Sanders nodded. "Were you two in a relationship?"
"Yes, for a bit, but sadly we...broke up..."
The Detective wrote notes. "Why?"
Xander was silent for a while but began to answer. "Madelyn wanted to teach abroad, so she had to leave me. I did not want her to go, for I was madly in love with her and would do anything to make her stay. She put her foot down, and Madelyn told me our relationship would not work. She broke up with me."
The Detective stopped writing as he looked at Xander. "How did it make you feel when she broke it off? I imagine that it made you...upset."
The CEO crossed his arms and nodded; he knew what the Detective was trying to do. However, Xander refused to fall into his foolish tricks. "Yes, I was heartbroken, and it hurt me, but when I saw how happy the opportunity made her, I realized that I was a bit selfish and that we all have our goals in life. All I wanted in this life was for her to be happy."
"I see, you are very...understanding and affectionate. So the last time you saw her was when..."
"When we broke up."
"I see, but what I find odd is that I have seen the news that you two were still dating. Why are you and the news saying two different things?"
Xander felt anger that the Detective was so vigilant. "You know how the media is, Detective. They would do anything for a story, even if it means making a lie."
The Detective nodded. "I agree, but if what they said is a lie, wouldn't you sue them for defamation?"
"Well, it brings me more attention and more business. I know it is cruel, but you know how the public can be to buy products from my business." The CEO stood up. "I am sorry to cut things short, but I am busy with paperwork and need to continue. I hope you don't mind."
Sanders stood up. "Thank you for your time. I know this is a hard time for you." He took out a card. "Here is my number if you have any other information."
The two men shook hands; the officers left Xander's home.
"So what do you think, Sanders?" asked Dawson.
Sanders stopped. "He seemed sincere, but I felt something that was not right. I realized that he is even more dangerous than I have thought."
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