It was the next day, and it was the day when Madelyn and Octavio would meet. Madelyn looked at herself in the mirror and wore a simple black dress that touched her knees with light brown heels. She also wore little makeup since she wasn't too fond of it and curled up her hair. She got a call from Octavio earlier in the day, and he told her that he would take her to a small yet elegant restaurant.
When she was done getting herself ready, she went to the library and texted him that she was heading to the library; he responded that he was on his way. When the young woman arrived at the library, she looked at her phone, and it was 6 pm. Madelyn sat on the bench and waited for Octavio to arrive. While waiting, she couldn't shake off the feeling of being watched. Madelyn looked around her, and no one looked suspicious. "I'm just nervous, that's all." About ten minutes later, Octavio arrived in his black Lamborghini; he exited the car and walked toward her.
His hair was slightly slicked back, he wore a long-sleeved white buttoned shirt, and a few buttons were undone. Beneath the white shirt, he wore a black undershirt. Octavio also wore black slacks and black dressy shoes. To Madelyn, he looked handsome and those male models in the magazines. Octavio smiled at the sight of her. "Good evening, Madelyn. You look rather lovely." He then extended her something. "I bought you some flowers; I don't know which one you like, so I bought you some daisies."
Madelyn smiled; she got the flowers. No one has ever given her flowers, not even Xander; he would have gotten her something expensive. "Thank you, Octavio, you shouldn't have. Though I am glad you bought daisies instead of roses."
"I figured as much. You seem the type of person who prefers the simple things in life rather than roses. Well, are you ready to go?" He extended his left arm to her.
Madelyn took his arm and was led inside the car. Once inside, she put the daises on the bottom of her seat; Octavio sat on the driver's seat. Once both were buckled in, they drove off to the road. There was hardly any traffic; the two drove freely. As for Madelyn, she was a bit silent. "So, which restaurant are we going to?"
"The restaurant is called Little Owl. It is a small place, and I already made reservations."
"Hm, never heard of it, but it sounds good!"
About twenty minutes later, they arrived at their destination, Octavio parked the car, and the two got out. Quite a few people were standing in line to get into the restaurant, but Octavio led her to where the waiter waited for them. Then, they were ushered inside; the place was small but gave a welcoming vibe. The place made Madelyn feel comfortable and welcome. They were led to a small table for two next to the window, and the waiter had their orders taken, and they were left alone.
"This is a nice place. Do you come here often?"
Octavio smiled as he took a sip of his glass of water. "Sometimes, sadly, I don't have as much time for myself as I used to. My friends and I used to come here together; this place holds good memories, and it made me feel at peace."
"You never felt at peace before?" asked Madelyn as she sipped her water.
"As you know, I come from a rich family that revolves around money. It was draining. I was always drowned in expectations and never had the freedom to choose for myself." He gave out a small sigh. "I feel that most of my life has been wasted. Many people think that when one is born into wealth, one is happy, but that is not always the case. I would have preferred to live where I had enough to live by and live peacefully."
"You know, I believed rich people were snotty and arrogant assholes. When I grew older and became a little more knowledgeable and not to become too judgmental, my perception changed. Not all rich people are bad if they don't let money and power change them to the worst. I think that you are one of the rare ones, Octavio. People like you give me hope in humanity."
This made Octavio blush, and he turned to the window. No one has ever said something like that to him. As he was about to speak, the waiter arrived with their orders and then left. "You are sincere; I can see why...well...Xander had an interest in you." Madelyn stilled when he mentioned Xander. When he looked at her, he noticed how tense she became. "Sorry, I shouldn't have done that. I was speaking the truth. You see, Xander and I are not that different, family-wise, but with characters, that is a different story." She nodded as she took a bite of her food. "Let's change the subject. Tell me, what are your dreams? Your goals?"
Madelyn began to relax and began to speak. However, she and Octavio did not know that outside the restaurant, they were being watched.