Edgar had tried to not think about what Barry had said, but it still kept slithering back into his mind. It was like hearing the same words, over and over, like a broken record. And he felt the guild creeping up on him already.
Edgar started poking bullets into the revolving chamber of his magnum. Barry was watching him with mild interest.
"What are you doing?"
"What's it look like, Barry?" Edgar glanced back at Barry. For a smart cat, he sure did have his blonde moments.
"Loading a completely pointless weapon? Well, at least it would be pointless against the armor that Enforcers of the Nine wear."
Egar rolled his eyes, snapping the revolving mechanism in place one he was finished loading, and tucked the gun away in the interior pocket of his leather jacket, which he still had yet to get the blood cleaned out of. The pocket was spacious enough for him to tuck a slim case of extra bullets in the pocket as well.
"I know. And I already plan to see if Barnabus is willing to sell me any darksteel bullets. Just in case I do come across any enforcers looking to bring me in. But that's not the reason I'm packing today." Edgar tucked the case he held his magnum in usually back under his bed, then stood up. "Barnabus has me delivering to the Black Road today. And he's asking for cash from this particular customer."
"Oooh. The Black Road. I met an orange tabby familiar there once. Gorgeous lady."
"Of course you did, Barry." Edgar chuckled, grabbing his phone off the coffee table, stowing his away in his back pocket.
"Can I come, Ed?" Barry had asked as he started towards the door. Edgar paused, glancing back to see Barry giving him the worst puppy dog eyes ever.
Edgar's first instinct was to say no. However, giving it a second though, maybe Barry could be of use. He could be a second pair of eyes. Plus, if Barry really wanted to come, then there was no stopping him.
"Yeah, sure." Edgar moved to pick Barry up. It'd be safer for him to be carried through New York's busy streets. Because if Barry were to ever get stepped on, Edgar would have to murder the person who did it. Not to mention Barry would probably tear their eyes out.
"You better act like you are carrying a bloody king, Ed," Barry warned as Edgar exited his apartment. He quickly locked the door behind him.
"Whatever, Barry."
The pair arrived about ten minutes later to the Underworld. He placed Barry down before he entered the bowels of the shady dimension.
They arrived at Barnabus's shop without a hassle, and without seeing too many people. The Underworld was extra quiet today. Edgar couldn't help but to wonder what was happening... Behind the counter, stood Barnabus's bulbous form counting a stack of cash. Edgar held the door to the shop open for Barry, before entering himself.
"Haha! Barry! Me new favorite drinkin' partner!" Barry calmly hopped onto the counter.
"Yes, yes, hello Barnabus," Barry said in a nonchalant tone. Edgar narrowed his eyes at the two, a piece of a puzzle clicking into place. As far as he was aware, Barry and Barnabus were barely aware of each other before. Did Barry recruit Barnabus to be his disposable thumbs? Is this how he managed to pull off coming into contact with Clover? He made a mental note to ask Barry about it later.
"I'm here to pick up the package."
"Aye, aye. Remember boy. Cash first." Barnabus's jolly expression snapped into a stern and serious one as he eyed Edgar.
"Yeah, I know." Barnabus picked up a small box. Small enough to fit comfortably in both of Edgar's hands. He placed it on the counter. Edgar picked the box up, peering at it for a moment. He wondered what was inside, but he knew better than to ask. Barnabus would never tell him.
"The Black Road's current entrance is below the Tipsy Boglet. Just tell the ghost feller that I sent ya. Plus, it'll be there for another week or so, me thinks. So if ya' need a hit man, nows ya' chance boy."
Edgar rolled his eyes. "If I need somebody murder, I'd just get them on Barry's shit list." His statement was punctuated with a nod of agreement from Barry. "Who is the customer?"
"Tall, lanky fella'. Black hair, wears some old timey spectacles and a top hat. Speaks with an accent. Said he'd be waitin' in the Velvet Rose. By the bar. He owes us half a million. Don't let him cheat us, Eddy-boy."
"Righty-o. Let's go, Barry."
So the pair departed, heading towards the Tipsy Boglet. Unsurprisingly, the tavern was quiet. It was just a Monday morning, after all.
The ghostly bartender hovered in the back behind the abr in his usual spot with a blank expression. The ghost's empty gaze settled on Edgar and Barry.
"What can I get you?" He spoke in a drawling monotone.
"Barnabus sent me. I need the entrance to the Black Road. So where is it?" Edgar stared the ghost down, daring him to give him any trouble. The ghost merely stared back at him with blank eyes for a long moment. Edgar was just about to repeat his demands when the ghost finally raised a thin arm, pointing to the doorway that led into the back.
Edgar walked away without another word, Barry on his heels. He entered the back of the tavern. It was a dim room, barely lit with violet lights. Shelves of alchohol were neatly lined up in rows. On the opposite side of the room was a pair of stairs leading into a darkened abyss.
"That's the entrance," Barry said. "Get your phone out." Yet as Barry asked him to do so, Edgar was already turning on the flashlight function of his phone.
The pair descended into the abyss, a chill settling into the air. Despite his blaring white light, he could only see a dozen stairs ahead at a time. It was as if the darkness just absorbed most of the light. The passageway was eerily silent, aside from the echoing footsteps of Edgar and the light pitter-pats of Barry walking ahead.
On either side of the stares, was a void of solid blackness. Edgar couldn't help but to feel the feear creeping up in the back of his mind. It felt like he was being watched. Meanwhile, Barry trotted ahead confidently.
After what seemed to be forever of descending, the darkness began to subside. A lit-up archway came into view, as if it was the end of a tunnel. Beyond it, he could see a wide black cobblestone road dimly lit with yellow lights.
As Barry and Edgar stepped into the new dismension, Edgar tilted his head back, eyeing the perpetual night sky. Purple, blue, and yellow specks adorned the sky in vast numbers, and a crimson moon hung low in the sky. Edgar found the sky here absolutely stunning. He wished it looked this way in the mundane dimension.
Just to the left inside was a massive grey tree, it's bare branches held three skeletons by their own frayed noose. An old, cracked stone tablet was sitting infront of the tree. Squinting, Edgar tried to read it.
Welcome to the Black Road.
True to its name, the black cobblestone road stretched out before them with no side roads in sight. On either side, navy-blue roofed buildings stood resolute, hugging the sides of the road. Between the occasional building, another grey-barked tree rose above them, clawing at the ebony sky. Milling about the street, were plenty of shady characters. For one of the most hidden places in the world, there seemed to be quite a number of people here...
"I'm sure I don't have to tell you to not look at anybody twice," Barry said, leading him down the street. Edgar kept his gaze forward, following Barry closely. He could practically feel the eyes of the Black Road's residents peering at him. Edgar felt that he stuck out like a sore thumb in this place.
After a while of traversing the curving street, Barry stopped outside a compact building nestled between two others. A sign hung over the doorway that had a rose carved into its surface. The worlds "The Velvet Rose," were etched in a fancy script beneath the rose.
"I remember when Alex worked here," Barry's tone took on a tinge of saddness as Edgar walked in, holding the door for Barry. A glance around told him all he needed to know. In the center of the dimly lit room was a stage. Upon it, several scantily clad women with psychedelic body paint adorning their skin were dancing to the terrible '90's music playing over hidden speakers. The area around the stage was full of people, many of which were staring with glazed eyes at the pair of strippers.
"Lovely place," Edgar commented dryly.
"Yeah, no it's not. I was the reason she stopped working here." Barry led him through the crowded room, leading him towards the bar in the back.
A quick glance over the bar led Edgar to spot the customer. He stuck out like a sore thumb, sitting on a stool the farthest right. A black briefcase sat at his feet. The willowy with a proper posture, as if he were royalty. The plain black top hat rested perfectly straight atop his straggly black mane. Next to him was an open seat.
As Edgar approached, he could detect a particularly awful smell. Lavender with an undertone of rotted flesh.
"I have the package you seek," Edgar said in a hushed tone as he took the open seat. Glancing to his right awarded him with a horrifying sight. The man's entire cheek was rotted away, revealing two rows of yellowed teeth. The zombie slowly turned his gaze to him, tow blank yellow eyes stared him down.
Edgar steeled himself, repressing the natural fear and disgust he held towards this creature.
"So it seems," he croaked in a heavy British accent. Barry hopped up onto the counter, staring the zombie down with immense distaste. Edgar could only imagine how much Barry's nose was suffering right now...
The zombie peered at Barry. "What a beautiful creature," he droned. Then he reached down, several faint cracking sounds could be heard as he did so, and produced a black brief case. He laid it out on the counter, cracking it open. Edgar counted the stacks of hundred-dollar bills within. Sure enough, there was half a million.
"Now the merchandise?" The zombie snapped the case shut, sliding it over to Edgar. Edgar placed a hand on the suitcase, offering the small box to the zombie.
Bony fingers plucked the box from Edgar's grasp. He popped the lid open, peering inside.
"Yes, yes... This is exactly what I needed. Thank you, boy. I'll be taking my leave." The zombie man stood up, grabbing his diamond tipped cane that was leaning against the counter. Leaning on it, he hobbled away. Both Edgar and Barry watched him leave with equally as disgusted looks on their faces.
"He looks eerily familiar," Barry noted quietly once the zombie had disappeared out the door.
"In a good or a bad way?"
"Bad. Definitely bad." Barry gave him a duh type of look. "Who would ever have a pleasant memory with a zombie?"
"Well. It doesn't matter. It's against policy to berate customers," Edgar told Barry as he stood up to leave.
"Well, I don't work for Barnabus." Barry said, jumping off the counter. "I'm going to follow him."
"Barry! Don't do it!" He hissed as Barry began trotting off. Edgar hurried after him, bringing the suitcase of money with him.
"You can't stop me. So either come with me, or go home and I'll meet you there." Barry slipped out of the Velvet rose just as somebody opened the door. Edgar rushed out to catch up with Barry. Even though Edgar knew Barry was fully capable of taking care of himself, Edgar couldn't leave Barry with a good conscious. Taking a deep breath, he began following Barry down the street of the Black Road, wondering why Barry put him through these things.