The siren and Danae were face-to-face; the ocean currents echoed as they hit the cliffs. The siren moved his head sideways like a pug. It was adorable to Danae, but she knew how dangerous he could be. "H-Hello, there. I-I see that you are doing well in freedom; I hope."
The siren smiled as he slowly walked to her. Danae had the urge to walk away from him, but she didn't want to express fear for him to react. "You here. You came." He stopped in front of her but ensured to give each other space; he then reached out and touched her hair. The siren noticed her flinch; he thought he was hurting her but gently played with the bottom parts of her hair. It was as if he was showing that he meant her no harm. "No hurt."
Danae felt her heart beating rapidly when the siren touched her hair. She wondered if he had other intentions. However, the young woman didn't want any misunderstandings between them; she knew that she had to get the siren to leave. "H-Hey, it's nice to see you and that you are okay. Where do you live? Your home?" It was difficult to know if the siren understood long sentences. Danae decided to use short sentences to see if it made it easier for him to understand.
"Home? Cliffs. Rocks. I fly." The siren smiled. "Home here. I like it. I like you."
"Oh...uh..." Danae was speechless, and her fears intensified. He liked her, but she hoped it was not the romantic way. "I like you. You friend only." She was trying to find the right words to say, but her eyes went down, and she noticed that the siren was nude. Danae reached inside her bag and motioned for his clothes. "You wear this. It's cold outside."
The siren looked at the clothes, confused. That was when he realized that Danae wanted him to wear it but didn't want to. "Me no cold. Me keep warm." The siren backed away as he motioned out his arms, which changed into bird wings; feathers slowly formed on his body. The lower part of his body turned into bird-like legs; his feet almost looked hawk-like. "Me warm."
Danae's eyes widened as she was processing the sight. She had forgotten that the siren was an actual legendary creature, and it was something she wasn't used to. The silence reigned between them, but the siren still kept his features. "So, uh, what's your name?"
"Name? Me no have name. Your name?"
"Oh, my name is Danae. So, you never had a name?"
The siren shook his head. He understood parts of what Danae was telling him. However, he never had a name. It was uncommon among his kind, but he couldn't deny that names intrigued him. That was when he thought of an idea. "You give me name."
"Y-You want me to give you a name?" The siren nodded as he put his arms down; he smiled and looked intrigued. Danae didn't expect any of this to happen. She hoped to get the siren far from Hawaii, but it seemed that the siren had no intentions of leaving since he liked her. Danae wanted to scream to him to leave but felt she had to play it cool. "Well, I'm not good with names but since you're a siren, your name must have some sort of meaning." The young woman was thinking of many names, but the names she knew were of her native tongue and were of the indigenous Hawaiian people. "The one, I think suits is Keanu. It means 'cool breeze over the mountains.' Do you like it?"
"Me like it. My name Keeenuuu."
"It's Keanu." Danae felt bizarre that she named a legendary and deadly creature. However, she couldn't forget that...Keanu was still a dangerous creature. She gathered her courage and walked closely to the siren. "K-Keanu, I need to tell you something." Keanu looked curious as Danae gathered the courage to approach him. Usually, humans run away in fear when they see his proper form. "You need to leave. Leave Hawaii. Never come back."
Keanu raised an eyebrow and moved his head upward. "Me leave?"
"Yes, you need to leave. The bad people might be coming. You are in danger." Danae didn't know if the coven would come after them, but it was possible. She also didn't want Keanu to follow her and her friends.
Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard the siren growl. His teeth were apparent, and he wasn't happy. "Me no go. You here; I here. I like you."
"Look, you can't stay. You, me, and my friends are in danger. My friends and I are going to move away. I just came here to warn you." Danae was about to walk away, but Keanu blocked her using one of his wings to block her. "What are you doing?"
Danae saw that Keanu wasn't happy. "You no go. You go with me."
The fear intensified in Danae, and she realized that Keanu wouldn't let her go. If she tried hard to escape, the situation would intensify. There was another option. "Keanu, I can't go. Not yet. I need to help my friends. I need your help." She noticed the siren calming down and looked confused. "I'm scared of the bad people. I'm scared that they can hurt me and my friends. They can kill us."
"No kill you. You safe with me."
"I'm scared of bad people. They might come here. You want to help me?"
The siren slowly walked to her and lowered his wing. "Yes, me help you."
"Thank you. I need to go home. We meet again tomorrow night. Here. Okay?"
It was silent, and Danae hoped the siren would be okay. Her heart was beating with anticipation. "Okay. You come here, tomorrow. I keep you safe."
Danae sighed in relief. "Yes, Keanu. I know you will. I will see you tomorrow. I promise." She slowly walked around Keanu, and when she noticed he hadn't stopped her, she walked quickly to her car, turned it on, and drove away. When driving far enough, Danae let out a low scream. "I-I can't believe I did that!" She was trying to calm herself, but the stress was overwhelming. It scared her that Keanu had feelings for her, and it would be difficult to get rid of him. Not only that, the coven would be after her and her friends. Danae hated to admit it to herself, but she regretted letting the siren and the other creatures out. When he sang the melody, she wondered if she was lured to do so or if she thought it was a good idea to distract the coven.
It didn't matter anymore.
The young woman knew she couldn't hide the situation; she had to tell her friends the truth. There was no other way.