Because in the evening Navy forgot to lock the door of her first floor, at night she hurriedly went out of her room to click the lock when she remembered it.
At that time, she heard her front balcony was noisy but she couldn’t understand what that noise was. She wanted to know but she was afraid to open the door, so she sneaked through the window curtain and saw a lot of men and women were climbing a branch of a rose tree that she grew in the pot, then all of them disappeared at the end of the branch.
Navy was shocked to see it. She covered her mouth then hurriedly ran to her room and locked her room’s door.
Next morning she cut the rose tree and pulled its root and threw it away to the dustbin.
A few weeks later, she bought a new rose tree and put it in the same space. She thought the previous rose was white, and white may attract the ghosts – because in Cambodia at funerals people wear white clothes. This time the rose was red, so it would be fine. But she heard footsteps and saw a lot of ghosts climbing the red rose branch again.
Because it was not the color of the rose but because the branch of the rose was going in the West direction.