"Whispers from The Cell"
Act 2
(Curtains opens)
11:08 AM, August 10th, 1934
Sing Sing Prison, Cell Block B, Cell 2, Solitary Confinement.
(Luca is speaking to himself, reflecting on the choices he's made, his voice low and soft.)
Luca: I often wonder how my life would have turned out if I hadn't chosen this path. I guess I really can't say I'm not sorry for killing those mugs; they deserved it. After all, they were criminals too. Even that bum I shot for Vinny 'Slick'—he used to rip off customers and pocket some of the money from the till. I think he got what he deserved, filthy greaseball.
(Sighs, his gaze drifting to the small window of his cell.)
Luca: I wonder what the world's doing without me in it. The Ferris wheel still turning? The Coney Island Hot Dog Stand still selling those great hot dogs you could smell down the boardwalk?
(He chuckles, but there's no joy in it.)
Luca: I even wonder about the merry-go-round. I took my first date on it, and we kissed on the orange and yellow horse. I remember eating cotton candy on a bench in front of The Cyclone, dreaming of a better life somewhere, someday.
(His expression darkens, and he looks down at his hands.)
Luca: Now, I'm just here waiting to die, wondering when it's going to happen. I can sleep, but I cannot rest. The Grim Reaper himself stands over my bunk.
(He closes his eyes, as if to escape.)
Luca: I close my eyes again and dream I'm not here.
(He scratches another line on the wall, counting the days.)
Luca: I'm almost at the two-year mark. When they first put me here, after I killed my cellmate for stealing my cigarettes... I always wondered who Kilroy was. "Kilroy was here," it's written on the wall. Whoever he was, I wonder if he's still alive. When did he live? And did he have a life quite like mine?
(Fade to Black)
End of Act 2
(Curtain closes)