"Hunger in the Hole"
Act 3
(Curtain opens)
12:01 PM, August 10th, 1934
Sing Sing Prison, Cell Block B, Cell 2, Solitary Confinement.
(Luca is still talking to himself, his thoughts wandering as he copes with the solitude.)
Luca: (Speaking low to himself) I'm getting hungry. Those damn guards better not have forgotten about me again.
(The Guard opens the hatch on the cell door.)
Guard: Here's your grub.
(The Guard shuts the hatch door. Luca grabs the tray.)
Luca: (Muttering) Thanks.
(He starts eating, then pauses to reflect, speaking softly to himself.)
Luca: These potatoes... they look like the gruel they ate in "Oliver Twist." Back to Victorian values, too.
(He prods at the meat skeptically.)
Luca: I don't know if this is meat or the bottom of one of the guard's shoes.
(He snickers to himself, then his expression turns somber.)
Luca: I wonder what the weather's like outside. It's always the same in here—completely grey and miserable, with a chance of a beating.
(He leans back against the wall, lost in thought.)
Luca: I can't stop thinking about when the guards are going to knock on the cell door and tell me it's time to go. I'm not afraid to die; it's just the waiting for the day. It's like you know it's coming, but you don't know when.
(He looks up, as if speaking to a higher power.)
Luca: God only knows the time. I already know 'ol' Sparky' awaits.
(Stage lights fade to black.)
End of Act 3
(Curtain closes)