What a great way to start my morning. Posting the next chapters of ADT on my various profiles, checking the stats, and we've hit 2k views here on Penana! *squeals of delight*
It's a little weird to me, actually, since I've had no feedback on it here. I'm used to comments and likes trickling in, and after I have a fairly solid base of consistent readers, then the views start shooting up. I guess it's fine this way. It's just weird to me.
But do comment. I love feedback. :)
Oh, and my dear mother, who is a faithful reader on another platform, said Ivetta is dressed like a Playboy bunny in one of the pics at the top of the chapter. This was definitely not intentional. Generating images I like through AI has proven to be an interesting challenge. If I say "young woman" in the prompt, I get little girls, but if I just say "woman," I get busty models. "Maid uniform" gives me sexy little French maid dresses... It's a process of fine-tuning prompts to find just the right words, and then I have to play with different elements to get the style I want...
It would be so much easier if I could draw. But that is not in my wheelhouse. ;)