After the loss of my old black cat which I on his neglecting in the forest have61Please respect copyright.PENANAgjGIn4P1W1
credited with better care, I realized to have acted well, as I was for weeks a guest61Please respect copyright.PENANAIl86c2qqpi
in the home of an abominable catbreeder. Because I had lost my residence, I had61Please respect copyright.PENANAvgMzJFNBIE
no other choice then to behold the sad life of these cats. Everyday I fed them with61Please respect copyright.PENANAQCPjB0viUI
savoury meals but I couldn't prevent the many pregnacies of the mothercat,61Please respect copyright.PENANAkTBlL7n55C
although I had requested the breeder to castrate her. He refused my request and61Please respect copyright.PENANAWkhdK0zhki
placed the young cats consequently in a dark hole under the stairs; without any61Please respect copyright.PENANAYyud30Cr8H
food.61Please respect copyright.PENANABQSpJEmzxG
61Please respect copyright.PENANAr2yIQlgH08
After a couple weeks I moved into another home and went over to the breeder's61Please respect copyright.PENANAp4X1BUWcRi
house because my friend also lodged there. What I saw in the backyard loathed61Please respect copyright.PENANAfTUYgFHaOY
me regarding the breeder; a four week old cat, shivering in the snow. I picked up61Please respect copyright.PENANA1zzsodNfuU
the tigress, brought her to my home and called her Cthyllha.61Please respect copyright.PENANAx84QaPrEwE
61Please respect copyright.PENANANpwXFWvTZW
On a certain night I had a frightening dream; the house which I lived in was ten61Please respect copyright.PENANAKY6crb732w
times larger than usual, many sections still compelled to be discovered in an61Please respect copyright.PENANAhkJ7lgfvSk
anxious sphere, for I had dreamed this before. There were many doors, many61Please respect copyright.PENANARxPzmtTare
stairs, every capacity was fully covered in darkness; just like in reality in my home,61Please respect copyright.PENANAmV0p5LbbjT
there was no electricity. But also no candles, nor any furniture; everything was61Please respect copyright.PENANAHxthqLW3Eu
gray and dark; all what could illuminate the dim concours was my flashlight in the61Please respect copyright.PENANA4JShuzyaIb
sinister apparition. When I opened the door on the rightside from the hall, Cthyllha61Please respect copyright.PENANAgzvzZ1QT5n
rushed unto the balcony in the obscure night, I followed her cautious in the bright61Please respect copyright.PENANA8gfoT2kW8m
darkness, dotted with luminous stars which were in such intercourse position that61Please respect copyright.PENANA34QcrTum7g
it looked ominous to me. At my first reaction I called her back within and cutted off61Please respect copyright.PENANAU5nK9zqmEQ
the darkness from outside. But once back in the mainhall appeared on top of the61Please respect copyright.PENANAqo9DkX0lTY
lowest stairs a queer light in front of Cthyllha; she bent her back, her countenance61Please respect copyright.PENANA93xVqyIfg8
in agressive attitude and sweared towards the odd phenomenon. To protect her I61Please respect copyright.PENANAHGgMe6MfNj
approached the stairs but it was not the lightshade what trembled me so dearly. At61Please respect copyright.PENANADCObuTdqUq
the bottom of the stairs were three spirits consisting of a glimmering aura and now61Please respect copyright.PENANAMAqBvAbi9k
I knew for sure that the lightphenomena at the top of the stairs was also a spirit in61Please respect copyright.PENANAefSwkyxOD7
another manifesto. Of the three lowest spirits was only the middle clearly visible, a61Please respect copyright.PENANAHkmwy51XcB
little boy; with even a perceptible red jersey. When the strange lights came61Please respect copyright.PENANAVexWPm6eo6
towards me like fog, I fell out of fear from the stairs, ending at the feet of the61Please respect copyright.PENANANCJxbW3P74
youngest spirit.61Please respect copyright.PENANAIbk4PzLGjF
61Please respect copyright.PENANAcMdk0g5M9d
In that time I waked up, perspired of fright; my dreams couldn't pursue me61Please respect copyright.PENANAvc5myM3WXU
anymore. Shortly after this the nomads arrived on our ground, a fair female with a61Please respect copyright.PENANAbOwcCiITKv
man whom never showed himself. The worst were the lots of animals which61Please respect copyright.PENANAhQPH79ER6i
travelled along with them; many big cats and a couple atrocious dogs, I believe61Please respect copyright.PENANArM45gz5Cgb
they also brought rats with them for I had never marked them before in this area.61Please respect copyright.PENANAPUqo7AuLya
The fair woman asked me if a number of her enormous cats could sojourn in my61Please respect copyright.PENANAwwCXeNVUpk
room; if I had known better I wouldn't have agreed, from ignorance I had61Please respect copyright.PENANA7HoBGm1eX9
commerced.61Please respect copyright.PENANAePoDUnXl5U
61Please respect copyright.PENANAmK0jvclhQK
It didn't take much time before the horror revealed itself, for the true disposition of61Please respect copyright.PENANAiNykZA4oMb
the horrid cats was seen. Later on, when I entered my room it was as if terror61Please respect copyright.PENANA3NmBBpSwsy
seized upon me, the hideous beasts had pierced their sharpened teeth into the61Please respect copyright.PENANA0RRmcfTlnw
flesh of Cthyllha and were now consuming her alive! Responding rapidly, I picked61Please respect copyright.PENANAAMPh2IgHLx
her up from the claws of the infernal brutes; her blood dripping upon the carpet. I61Please respect copyright.PENANAHo1ub0iGvt
was almost convinced that she was dead, being astonished while gazing upon her,61Please respect copyright.PENANAEmN8klilpb
observing movements of a mutilated body; she was barely alive. When I wanted61Please respect copyright.PENANAgyTjMNmsX5
to carry her off she jumped in agony on the floor and entrenched under the bed;61Please respect copyright.PENANAuv8DQkz2CI
trembling of fear. Fastly, I looked under the bed to increase her chance of61Please respect copyright.PENANAIER5EUok2Y
surviving but next to her perched one of the loathsome black cats. Quickly I took61Please respect copyright.PENANAPOWxYpNztJ
her up and disappeared from the room what once had been my place of reposing.61Please respect copyright.PENANAOCiWtgOW56
Immediately I walked in the direction towards the proprietress of the intimidative61Please respect copyright.PENANAai39OF3bfP
cats; the fair female. I showed her my mutilated cat and malignant I demanded61Please respect copyright.PENANAI8MrQGZSF9
from her that they had to leave our ground. She only lamented that she couldn't61Please respect copyright.PENANAoskKkGrPyb
do that for she loved her cats; maybe she narrated truth, but badly tended and61Please respect copyright.PENANANFFsbjBPgU
terrifying. For Cthyllha's welfare I decided to leave the ground, she needed61Please respect copyright.PENANANKlKsxuOfz
medical aid elseway she wouldn't be able to outlive this; I could only hope that she61Please respect copyright.PENANAFYA9g5yiwA
could bear it that long.61Please respect copyright.PENANAcosK9G4ul7
61Please respect copyright.PENANA9uranIqPvl
Once outside we were presently confronted with the revulsion, but such horror I61Please respect copyright.PENANAxnpw0B8iRr
had never observed before. One of the black cats sat there raised in the backyard;61Please respect copyright.PENANA5sJKC87MKU
strangely, had this one deepblue eyes, as if made from lapis lazuli; unearthly61Please respect copyright.PENANAmz9kejuaYa
lustred. I knew he aimed on Cthyllha, for his eyes didn't deviate from her. Rapidly,61Please respect copyright.PENANAvJzdR4vyOF
I raced far from the creature, hoping that he wouldn't pursue us and to my grand61Please respect copyright.PENANA7Tm5iGZiNM
relief he didn't. Almost at the gate; it was such a shock that by accident I dropped61Please respect copyright.PENANAeUmFMt6TT5
Cthyllha on the ground. She attacked the monstrous dog which served as a61Please respect copyright.PENANAZvtQoYXlbf
blockade prominenting the iron gateway; resembling more61Please respect copyright.PENANAakM4fiMIY5
of an cerberus,61Please respect copyright.PENANAyVYBNqJ8kT
61Please respect copyright.PENANAXfBUE17Ixy
though jawed singly. The brute mauled her with its claws and awfull teeth; till I61Please respect copyright.PENANApbYYMKikrj
knew to interfere with the macabre, in a moment of intuition I placed her around61Please respect copyright.PENANAk3D0E4RGfE
my neck, violentlly bleeding and ascended over the gate.61Please respect copyright.PENANALuAqcW9YUC
61Please respect copyright.PENANAw5FIYXUW8Q
I rushed as long as I can remember till I was convinced that they wouldn't chase61Please respect copyright.PENANAtDnvKtfERC
us anymore, but scarcely after hours of walking I reached the nearest city. I was61Please respect copyright.PENANA65eW5WRGMI
able to secure Cthyllha of what I think were demons. I have informed the local61Please respect copyright.PENANA5PXGPssBJ1
police and they have investigated the place of felony but couldn't find anything;61Please respect copyright.PENANAfQ5KgJgUZs
they declare me mad.61Please respect copyright.PENANAFlFJhLX3sy