Next week, I have spring break. I will not be able to communicate for the entire week, so don't expect any updates then. If you hang on my every last word- which I doubt you do- I'm sorry.
That was just a little heads-up. Now, I'm going to get on with the real issue.
There are just some things adults do that make them look really stupid and/or immature. Here's a short list of some of the more common things.
Adults (mostly parents) look stupid when they:
--Get angry instead of actually explaining why you should or shouldn't do something
--Just plain don't answer your questions
--Ask you questions and get angry when the best way you know how to answer is with rhetoric, which may also be how they answer your questions
--Think they know what you're thinking
--Think you're an absolute mental copy of them when they were a child, which is why they "know" how you think
--Think you grew up the same way they did, resulting in the previous problem
--Refuse to listen to you because you're young and therefore "cannot think"
--Force you to pretend they're right about everything, especially when they're absolutely wrong
--Argue with you when you're trying to explain something, then claim you're the one who's arguing
--Make you take the nasty pie back inside instead of feeding it to the chickens like your other (grand)parent told you to, then not eat it anyway
--Tell you obvious things that you know anyway, but that they think you're not smart enough to know (because, again, you're "too young" to be intelligent)
--Get angry when you attempt to calmly explain that they're acting like a preschooler
--Are so rabid that you can't say what you're actually thinking (or make a list like this where they can see it) without getting punished for it
--Make you turn your music down because they don't like it, drive a little faster so they can get away from it as soon as possible, which doesn't really work anyway, and turn on the radio way louder than you ever played your music as soon as you decide not to play music that day (jeez, that was long)
--Ground you for saying what you're thinking, then say everything they're thinking in one long, uninterrupted torrent of flawed logic
--Know that they can be as idiotic as they want because you're not old enough to have an opinion while also believing that they are never idiotic because only young people and people who aren't them are stupid
--Refuse to admit that they're just as stupid and arrogant as you, especially when the situation is just one big party of arrogance and stupidity on both parts
--Call out your arrogance in showing them just how arrogant they are, especially because you are being arrogant, but then claim nothing you said is true, proving that you're not the only arrogant one
And that's pretty much it. I admit that I am arrogant. It takes a lot of arrogance to write this list. That's why only a teenager can write it- we have a special breed of arrogance. So do adults, but that's what the list is about.
Thank you for reading.