The Fishing Port of Karnak
Lombard, on the planet Draco III
Draco System
"And that is how the Allies were able to turn the tide against Nazi Germany and the rest of the Axis Powers. In what would be known as the Battle of the Bulge by historians due to the 'bulge' the Germans created in the Ardennes during their counterattack, the Nazis tried to push the Americans and their allies back into the English Channel and deny the use of the port of Antwerp as a springboard to launch attacks on the motherland."
As the A.I. , a dark-haired woman in a drab gray female World War 2 military garb glowing a ghostly blue, continued the history lesson to the secondary school students inside the dark classroom, 15 year old Ethan Nakamura glanced to his left, gripping his tablet. His friend Mohammad was on the tablet as the A.I., referred to as a dumb A.I. by military personnel due to it only working on a specialized role, in this case teaching a class of eager teens, lectured, but Ethan could tell he wasn't taking notes on the lecture. Smirking, the boy with the olive features showed him what he had scribbled onto the writing pad. Peering closely, the tousled jet-black hair was barely able to suppress a snort at his friend's antics. Joe is a Wuss was written in text that glowed a sickly green in the darkness that was countered by the A.I.'s blue aura.
"That's a good one, bro, but you are aware he is right next you , right?"
"I am," their other pal Joe spoke up, not glancing away from the lecturing A.I. woman. "And I know you are screwing around with me again. The only reason you won that Grifball match was because you were on the team with the most athletic members of Karnak Military Officer Academy. Besides, you only coasted while Bernie Jung carried your team to victory. In other words, had Ethan or myself switched positions with you, you would be called a wuss-"
"Yeah, point taken," Mo grumbled. "However, that doesn't change the fact that I still won."
As Joe prepared a response to Mo's stubborn retort, a loud sound similar to a Sabre's sonic boom was heard, followed by a violent shaking of the classroom. Moments later, several more were heard, shaking the building violently and rattling the sealed windows. That was when the emergency lights flashed a bright red and the klaxons blared, indicating that this was no drill. They were under attack!
"What's going on out there?" their classmate Ahana asked, her beady eyes wide with fright.
"Not sure, but it sure isn't an earthquake," Mo replied as the entrance into the classroom was sealed with titanium blast doors. As the students took cover underneath their desks, their holographic instructor advised them to remain calm and follow safety protocols until they got an all clear signal. The windows rattled outside as the Longswords, noticeable by the roar of their engines, shot by. All the teenagers in the classroom exchanged glances.
Is this another terrorist attack?
Bombings and rebel activity by insurgents have increased in recent weeks, a few scattered separatists, radical activist organizations, crime syndicates, and anti-Earth government militants claiming responsibility, but most was perpetuated by the local cells of the United Rebel Front. Unlike other disorganized insurrectionists, the URF had a clear hierarchy and specific structure of leadership for each of the cells that were scattered not only on the planet, but throughout the Outer Colonies. This networking of the militaristic insurgents has proven effective in operations, including coordinating with other Insurrectionists on common goals against common enemies. While this has proven troublesome for ONI and UNSC's anti-terrorist forces, the formation of the URT's echelon of leadership could prove to be the organization's downfall should the leaders be taken out.
"Hey, isn't your cousin in the Planetary Defense Force?" Ethan asked Mo as they crouched underneath their obsidian-like stone desks.
Mo nodded before his dark eyes searched the rows of panicked students, huddled together to weather the mortar attack on their town by revolutionaries. "At least half of this room has someone in the defense militia or UNSC itself. Mixcoatl's mom is a Pelican pilot."
"Well, since we are at a military academy, we are bound to find many individuals with family in the armed forces," Joe stated as the building shook violently, explosions heard like Godzilla's footsteps. "My older cousin is stationed on an orbiting station over Meridian and she is in Research and Development for the Air Force."
"I wonder what she is working on," Ethan mused. "Perhaps plasma weapons or maybe titanium armor? The hulls of those warship are made of the same material and could pack a punch, right?"
The geeky buddy nodded. "Right and yes, it could be what you listed, but due to the secretive nature-"
The explosion took everyone by surprise, blowing out the windows, protection and all, including the blast walls, hurling everyone as if they were in a snow globe. Ethan landed upon Joe, the knocking the breath out of him as they struck the blue-black interior of the classroom before falling on top of each other. Half of the roof gave away, showering them in twisted metal, the stories above revealed hollow rooms as the furniture and other objects teetered dangerously on the edge of the precipice. Once the smoke and debris cleared, the bodies of the students lay scattered about, unclear if any of them survived the blast.
Coughing, Ethan glanced up at Joe, whose spectacles were askew and had a bloody gash across his face. Feeling an immense pain in his chest and blood dribble down his mouth, Ethan tried to speak, but even that made his throat feel as if a hornet's nest was inserted there.
"I-is Mo alright?" The teen coughed up a storm as the pain shot through his body. In response, Joe only shook his head to signal that he had no clue about the fate of their friend. The walls in shambles, the boys could see flames shroud what used to be the hydro-dam, billowing thick smoke everywhere. No doubt that was the target of the Innies. The question was what did they use to level the dam? Plenty of C-4 in the right places? Or perhaps a ballistic missile or dirty bomb. The thought that terrorists had access to weapons of mass destruction and efficient tactics made Ethan's spine go cold.
Shouts from outside were heard as three armored figures in red and black appeared outside the wrecked school, firing their assaults weapons at foes unseen. A M12 APC rumbled beside them and another of the armored militants popped out, but the young boy noticed that this one had a dragon's face painted on the helmet.
That must be the leader of the militants!
The sounds of the rail gun going off cut out the shouts and screams coming from the battle and the wounded and dying students. As Ethan steadily lost consciousness, two of the red and black-armored soldiers made their way inside, aiming their weapons from side to side. A few times, one would motion with his finger to a prone student and his partner would spray his MA3 at the unfortunate student. Moaning, Ethan tried to stay still, but the pain made it hard for him. Hearing him, the two Innies made their way toward the students, readying their weapons. From the doorway, the third militant, presumably a woman as Ethan judged from the build of the torso, strolled in, helmeted head surveying the desecrated classroom while the leader fired at what he assumed was UNSC troops from the doorway.
"Take those two out. We can't have them growing up to become officers in the corrupted UNSC."
The second trooper, hovering above the broken forms of Joe and Ethan, nodded at his partner's suggestion before raising the MA3 and spraying Joe's body with it. Ethan shuddered as he felt the impact of the bullets and wondered if he had been shot as the pain of being struck by a hot poker intensified across his body. A defeaning explosion then shook the place, sending the insurgents off-balance. What remained of the top floor disintegrated and objects rained down upon the bodies below, burying the two insurrectionists over the boys underneath a metallic file cabinet that pinned them both to the cold metallic floor.
Breathing heavily, Ethan tried to take a look at what had caused the second explosion, this time much closer than the dam.
Was it the refinery just south of here bombed as well?
"Joe...speak to me! Wake up!" the injured student rasped, coughing up some internal fluid in response. His friend lay as limp as a ragdoll on him, his head askew at an odd angle. Fighting back the bile, Ethan glanced toward the hole that revealed the outside world to him and noticed the APC blazing like mini supernova. As slug rounds shot through the air, the wounded student wondered if a relief force would come in any moment. After all, who else obliterated the enemy armored carrier and is currently engaging the Innies?
Two fully armored beings entered, their headlights flashing a neon yellow color, as they scoured the room, their MA-37 pointed in case they encountered any threat among the wreckage. The insurgent leader emerged from the pieces of flotsam that used to be the roof of the academy and ambushed the soldiers. A bright red jet stream of a laser cut through his noggin as he sprayed his bullets at the rescuers, his cranial fluids staining the soiled metal. The shooter, a silhouette in what used to be the doorway, made his way inside, bearing an M6 laser gun. He turned to the two other armored troopers and shouted orders.
"Find the rest of the URF bastards and take out the survivors!" He motioned forward with his hand as if to karate chop an invisible brick in the air.
"Roger that, sir!" Both troops, clad in green and silver armor, saluted the one with the cobalt blue. Ethan assumed this to be the leader of this fireteam. The green and silver duo scoured the room and once they came upon the bodies of revolutionaries, they'd put a round in them. It wasn't long until they came upon Ethan. Curious, one poked him with an M7S and upon seeing him start with a gasp and cough, some blood dribbling down his lips, reported it to the fireteam leader.
"Sir, we got a live one here!"
The blue troop leader then made his way over to Ethan. As he gazed over the survivor, his chrome visors peering downward among the other two blue visors, a shout from the doorway caught their attention. An insurrectionist charged inside to engage the UNSC elites when the blue leader used his M7S to pierce the rebel's chest, collapsing him onto the pile of devastation. Turning back to the other two and a wounded Ethan, he pointed at the latter and barked orders.
"Take this one with us. He is clearly not an Innie." As soon as Ethan had the debris and what remained of his friend cleared from him, he was hoisted up by the fireteam's squad leader like a camp chair bag. The injured teen gritted his teeth as pain exploded over him. The blue-armored special ops trooper then radioed their position.
"UNSC Morning Star, this is Alex-193 of Fireteam Dragon Claw. A local Innie cell belonging to the URF has hit Karnak Military Officer Academy. While they have been neutralized, we have come across a survivor who is barely hanging onto consciousness. Should I bring him over to Draco Mercy? Request for you to send a med-evac team here as there could be others."
"A-are you a S-Spartan?" Ethan rasped.
His rescuer gazed over at him as they exited the disfigured building, sunlight making his visor glow beyond visibility. "I am, but the other two are ODSTs. You should save your strength until we get you to the hospital. The Falcon should be arriving in a moment."
It felt like seconds before the sounds of the rotors were heard. Within a few seconds, the sounds turned into a roar as the landing craft materialized from between a couple damaged buildings, flying in low to land in the clearing for them. As Ethan felt the strength ebb from him, the last thing he saw was the two ODSTS gaze at the approaching UH-144 before he tuned out.
"He's awake! Thank the lucky stars!"
Feeling his head spinning, Ethan opened his eyes to see his mom, his older brother Kyle, and a balding man with spectacles dressed in the dull green scrubs of a doctor standing over him, looking concerned. He opened his mouth to speak, but only succeeded in emitting a small rasping sound. The doctor handed him an olive green military-grade cantina which the wounded teen gulped down greedily. He gasped as pain shot through his chest, the doctor holding him steady.
"You, sir, have several broken ribs, a broken right arm, and a punctured rib. Despite the discomforting prognosis, you will live."
Shuddering, Ethan stared over at the medic. "How about my classmates, will they be ok?"
The UNSC doctor glanced over at the teenager's family before turning to address him. "Well, most of them got off with light injuries and others are recovering in stable condition like yourself. Unfortunately, there were a few who didn't make it. Not only that, but some of them lost loved ones in this brazen and cowardly terrorist attack."
Ethan felt dread pour through him like coolant in a vehicle. "J-Joe-" he uttered before falling into a coughing fit that felt like a yellow jacket hive nest resided inside his chest as Kyle quickly rushed over to support his kid brother.
The doctor sighed and shook his head. "I am afraid there was not much me or my colleagues could have done. He was dead upon arrival."
"Your father will be here soon," his mom assured him. His trawler just made port at the Gold Sea."
Ethan felt his soul leave his body as he took in the distressing news. This couldn't be? His best friend since grade school Joe Tergesen taken so soon. It felt surreal. This had to be a nightmare.
I will join UNSC as a Spartan and hunt down those Innie scumbags who killed Joe and all those innocent people! Didn't they realize their stupid uprising had taken people's dearest ones from them, including my classmates? I will kill every last one of them!
With those thoughts running through his mind, the wounded teen drifted into painless darkness.
Fort Deen, Avalon
"On your feet, trainees! Let's move! We got a schedule!"
Alex opened his eyelids and groggily scanned his environment as the base's trainers came in and rudely awakened the recruits from their slumber. He had no idea what time it was, but judging by how weary his body felt, it was safe to assume that it was early morning/dawn on Avalon, one of Arcadia's six continents. The planet was known for its lush rainforests and farming communities, but it also housed UNSC's only know active military base on the world. Before he could regain his coordination, a jolt of electricity shot through his body.
"On your feet! That's an order. Double time! We don't want to keep Commander Shepard waiting. Let's go!"
Gasping and vibrating as a result of the doze of volts from their handler's electric baton, Alex quickly bounced onto his toes and hurried along with his fellow hopefuls to the lockers to don their military gear prior to meeting with the base's commanders. Under the watchful eyes of the handlers, their batons still glowing purplish-white, he put on his gray military tunic and matching camo pants before turning to face his fellow trainee Jason.
"I wonder what the Commander has in store for us today?"
Jason rolled his dark brown eyes as he placed his UNSC-issued cap on his shorn strawberry blonde hair. "More torture, what else could it be? It's not like we are being treated any different from cattle." The Spartan initiate nodded at the trainers barking orders at them to pick up the pace.
"Well, we are training to be the best of the best of UNSC's forces so of course we will have to go through a gauntlet of grueling obstacles," Mariana, a fellow trainee, replied. "Nothing comes easy."
Jason just nodded, his cap sliding into his face before he adjusted it once more. "I figured, but they could at least cut us some slack. We've been doing intense physicals training for months and we barely got to the weapons training. What kind of a soldier-"
"Move along!"
The trio then merged with the line of future Spartans being herded by the trainers like sheep as they entered the briefing room of Fort Deen. Inside, base guards were posted at every entrance and corner as the trainees gathered around the briefing table. After a few moments of waiting for their base commander, the Spartans in training frowned and exchanged perplexed glances.
"This is so unfair." Jason groaned, shaking his head. "They drill it into our noggins that we should be punctual, no exceptions, but Commander Shepard takes his sweet time and-oh!"
At that moment, a projector came to life and a bluish hologram appeared before them. A man with close-cropped hair and square beard dressed in an olive green officer's uniform surveyed each of the recruits before speaking.
"Welcome, Spartan hopefuls. I can see a lot of you are happy to be here. You know why you were rudely awakened from the warm embrace of your slumber and marched here?"
"We will finally get weapons training?" Brett, a recruit from another group, asked.
"That is part of the package, but not quite yet." Shepard chuckled.
"Then what is it?" A recruit from another squad asked. "More intense training?"
The officer smiled. "You could say that. Though this time, you will actually experience how being in combat will be like. You will all learn to work with each other to complete the rigorous obstacles ahead. Once you make it through the gauntlet in the coming weeks, you will have earned your rank among the UNSC's most distinguished troops. "
There were mutterings among the Spartan initiates as they received the news that this was their last leg of the journey. Alex was feeling particularly ecstatic if not somewhat anxious about becoming one of the UEG's super soldier among its earliest stages. Would everyone among his ranks make it through or will there be cuts? He surely didn't want to be separated from Jason, Mariana, Brett, and the others.
"Be warned, you will receive an enhancement via booster shots that will increase your speed, strength, and all the senses in your body in order to double your reaction time in the heat of the battle," the base commander apprised them. "Courtesy of Halsey's team at Sigma Octanus . This will be part of a series of augmentations you will receive upon completion of the Spartan program. Chief Mendez himself couldn't be present due to matters that needed his attention on Reach. but he will personally salute you and welcome you among UNSC's Spartan Corps. "
Fort Deen's staff all clapped and hollered at the news. Once the commemorations died down, Alex, Jason , and the others were herded down the gray-blue halls to the rooms that served as infirmaries and research centers. As the trainees were taken to a cot, Alex glanced over at Mariana.
"What are they going to inject into us?" he asked.
Mariana, her doe eyes studying the crates being unloaded to administer to the future Spartans, turned to respond.
"I am not entirely sure, but I can deduce that it is a serum of some kind to heighten our senses. In other words, give us super powers."
"193, you are up!"
Alex warily made his way over and took a seat. The medic wiped down the instrument that resembled a syringe before turning to address the Spartan in training.
"This will only hurt momentarily."
As soon as she finished informing Alex about the side effects, he felt a sharp object jab into his right upper arm into the deltoid muscle. The cadet felt his head spin before the lights of the room dimmed down.
Charybdis Base
"Done with your message, soldier? Let's get a move on! Tank Commander Watkins wants Mechanized Brigades 212 and 209 to link up with Armored Battalions 312 and 533 to assist the UNSC strike force taking part in the operation against Mayor Theseus and the militia protecting him. He is holed up in his villa by the Messina river delta. "
Seated on a crate in Charybdis Base's field between the base itself and the armored military vehicles in the yard, Private Tiko Ekwensi glanced up at Sgt. Konnor Whitely, the gunner of the tank he was serving on for the last couple years during his tenure in the UNSC Army. As he put his tablet away, Sgt. Whitely raised a brow at the loader, curious about the loader's activities.
"Writing home to your girl, boss?"
Ekwensi just smiled at his mate. "Indeed. It's been ages since I seen or spoke to her."
Whitely tutted mockingly, shaking his head. "Then let's a get a move on. The sooner we crush Theseus and his renegades, the sooner you can see her. On the double to Penelope or Watkins will have our asses!"
"You don't need to tell me twice."
Once they arrived at the center of the base, Commander Watkins began to address the tankers as a ghostly holographic shape hovered behind him, which the private recognized it as the A.I. Quintus. Bearing his trademark centurion attire, Quintus served as an extension of Watkins' will, guiding the tankers on their missions and acting as an intermediary between them and their commander. It was thanks to him that they survived many missions while their comrades in arms in other mechanized outfits did not. Now, he hovered over the commander of the base as he briefed everyone.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, you all have made it this far thanks to your training , skills, and a bit of luck. Now you have the honor of finishing this campaign that we started over a couple years ago by providing support for the UNSC armadas closing in on the Messina rebel stronghold. You can go back to your families soon enough, but make sure to punish Theseus for keeping you away from them for so long. Now let's move out and rendezvous with the appropriate battalion ASAP. We can't let them have all the fun and hog the glory."
Immediately after that, Tiko and the rest of the tank crew ran their diagnostic checks on their SP-42 Cobra tank, nicknamed Penelope, before taking their positions inside. Besides him and Whitely, the rest of the crew included the driver , the radar tech, and the Army sniper attached to their unit. Once the checks were done, the green light inside Penelope indicated that it was time to depart the base.
The rumbling of the Cobra's engine shook him out of the deep recesses of his thoughts. Once the armor vehicle filed out with the rest of its division and fell into formation, the usual excitement and apprehension that accompanied him on missions settled in his stomach. Throughout the time this operation against the rebellious mayor had lasted, the only loss they had received was a sniper that had gotten too careless and kept his head out and one of Theseus's militants had fired a bazooka round at Penelope, the resulting shrapnel slicing the poor Army sharpshooter's head clean off. Being the newest crew member of the Penelope, it fell to Private Ekwensi to wash the fallen soldier's guts off the vehicle before repairs could be done. The stench still made him queasy to this day.
"Mechanized brigades, follow your coordinates to assemble with the Armored Battalions. It is imperative that you follow these directions meticulously as ONI spotters have detected obstacles like tank traps, mines, and even ambushes set up by insurgents between your location and the delta where the rebel mayor is holed up in. Once you arrive at your destination, I will resume instructions. "
Following Quintus's directions, both Tank units had linked up with the Armored Battalions and were evading the areas the AI specifically instructed them to avoid. Glancing out of a porthole, Private Ekwensi took in the Mediterranean landscape of Sycalla and saw Vipers and Wolverine missile launchers. The dark clouds in the late afternoon sky gave the environment an ominous look as the black and olive/forest green armored carriers went over the gravel and lowland chaparral, going over a hill or two. Seeing movement on a hill ahead, Tiko peered closer and noticed a couple silhouettes materialize on top. After studying their movements closely, the tanker's eye grew wide as he recognized who those shadowy outlines were and what they had intended.
"Militia fighters on your 1 o'clock!" He shouted right as there was a yellow flash and a couple streaks from the tank busters corkscrewed toward the armored column before plunging right into the center. A Wolverine went off ,engulfing a Cobra and Viper to their left, lighting up a bonfire in the semi-gloom. Taken off-guard, the tanks tried to squeeze past the hills in the canyon before the insurgents could follow through with another strike.
"Shite!" the operator, a heavyset man known as Jet, cursed, his eyes searching the hills for insurgents. Tiko felt the intense heat from the burning Wolverine as they skirted the inferno, covering his eyes. "Where the hell did they come from? Didn't Quintus tell us that ONI had marked the positions of these ambushes?"
"A couple must have slipped under the radar!" Sgt. Whitely explained. "I suggest we waste the hill tops. At best, we obliterate the enemy combatants. At worse, we provide some cover for our escape."
"That sounds like a good plan!" Simpson the sniper nodded.
It seemed like the rest of the tankers were on the same page as their turrets aimed at all the hills and surrounding foothills or canyons and lit the area as the white flashes of the cannons and rail guns connected. Explosions blossomed in all areas and a larger one behind a rocky cavern hinted at militia weaponry, explosives, or ammunition aid to waste.
"Direct hits!" The tech, Matt, cheered. "Now let's show Mayor Theseus that Brigade 212 is not to be effed with!"
Once they got out of the ambush zone, the Messina river lay snaked before them, the dark waters splitting into a fork at the entrance to the Stygian Sea. Ahead was the white villa that the mutinous mayor was hidden. The Marines were already present, trading fire with Theseus's personal troops. Quintus's voice came through the intercom right as they stopped at the river's banks.
"Tank units, now that you have arrived at the requested coordinates, you will now serve your purpose. The objective is to reinforce General Thaddeus's forces trying to storm Theseus's safehouse. Those cannons and anti-vehicle/aircraft guns are making it burdensome for the troops to gain any ground. The general has requested air support, but the few planes in the air are having trouble as a result of the anti-aircraft batteries situated around the perimeter. Governor Teseo is grounding them for now and will be content with your armored support. I will now hand you off to General Thaddeus. "
Once the tanks crossed the river, the muzzle flashes of the guns and cannons could be seen during the siege of the villa. Once they made it across the Messina and and zeroed in on the delta where the mayor's safehouse was situated, the cannons situated on or between the marble wall turned their fire onto the armored columns. A few of the tanks ahead took hits, tracking them or setting them ablaze, but that didn't halt their march. It only served to delay it by a second or two before the commanding officer of the operation's voice came through the tank's comms.
"Armored Brigades! It is about time you arrived. Those big guns have been impeding any advancement from my squad as well as Harpy Team. Aim your weapons at wherever the cannons or anti-aircraft guns are established and make sure they are gone to kingdom come. The rest is cakewalk for all of us once those are removed. Fire at will!"
"Locking and loading!" Whitely called out as the tank prepared its rail guns. "Ready to fire."
"You may fire when ready," Jet ordered.
"No need to tell me twice."
Soon, the dismal atmosphere was lit by the fire of the tank regiments as they rained down slugs upon enemy gear and positions. The resulting explosions reminded Private Ekwensi of fireworks for Settler's day on the small world of Bullar as the vicinity was lit in orange, red, and yellow. The demolition of the villa's wall as well the collapsing turret towers resulted in the rumbling of the soil, but none could match the might of the crewmen's cheering as they succeeded in their objective. General Thaddeus's voice came through the intercom once more.
"Armored brigades, well done on taking out those turrets and anti-aircraft/ tank artillery rounds. The way is paved for you to storm the villa. Fireteam Harpy will infiltrate and seize Theseus dead or alive. Continue to provide cover for UNSC troops where needed. Let's wrap this up quickly."
As they entered the premises, pulverizing what was left of the wall encompassing the mayor's villa, a lilac-colored tank, smaller than the Cobras and Vipers, greeted them before a fountain with a marble statue that was missing its head.
"Boys, see that itty bitty thing before us?" Jet referred to the militia's tank. "Are we going to let it stand in our way?"
Before each of Penelope's crewmen could respond, the marble ground vibrated once more like the growl of a lion and the rogue tank exploded into a blazing inferno of metal debris, spraying over Penelope. Several low-flying bombers streaked overhead, dropping their loads on targets deep within Mayor Theseus's villa. As the tank advanced, disintegrating the fountain, several marines leapt onto the advancing armor, hitching a ride toward the courtyard of their destination.
"Those Shortswords warmed things up, but we cooled things down by taking a plunge into what was once a fancy fountain," Simpson quipped.
"Governor Teseo chose this moment to test those bomber prototypes, huh?" Matt shook his head in either amusement or disbelief. "What a time to do attempt such a feat. So dramatic, but it seems like a success."
The commander of the operation's voice then came online. "Soldiers of UNSC, I've received word that Harpy has captured Mayor Theseus, alive but critically wounded. He intended to go out , guns blazing, but we managed to nab him alive. His family is in UNSC custody and we will let the Suits determine their fates. For now, you all earned a much needed R & R!"
As Thaddeus spoke, Tiko saw two ODSTs nudge a figure into the brightly-lit courtyard and force him to his knees. The ODST with shrubbery camo armor aimed his sidearm while his colleague in white tigerstripe camouflage slapped on restraints as the disgraced mayor glanced up at the tankers and Marines who approached him.
One Marine spat at him. "Thanks to you, I missed my daughter being born. I hope they pull out all your nails and deny you a merciful death!"
The fuming trooper slammed the butt of his M93A into the captive mayor's stomach before an ODST of Fireteam Harpy restrained him. Private Ekwensi, who had disembarked then the renegade mayor was paraded out, could barely suppress a smile.
I wish I got the chance to pummel Theseus for all the grief he put us through. No matter, it is high time I see Winona once more.
The space between the colonies of Terra Nova and Evaropa
"Lieutenant, we have contact with unidentified spacecraft at our 4'0'clock."
Hearing the Ensign report the results of the corvette Arabia's scan for any unauthorized spacecraft, Lieutenant O'Connor walked over to the young man's station and glanced at his monitor, her face scrunched up in concentration. Sure enough, an orange blip appeared to be on a collision course with the Arabia, but once the two blips overlapped and no spacecraft was spotted from the portholes, the corvette's junior officer presumed that the vessel in question, most likely a pirate craft disguised as a merchant vessel, was either drifting underneath the ship or above it to sneak past the sensors or weapons emplacements. Deducing that it could be the latter, Lt. O' Connor sent an aide to fetch the Arabia's captain. About a minute later, Captain Tron himself strode over.
"Yes, Lieutenant O' Connor. Have you found our pirate attack freighter?"
Fiona O'Connor saluted the captain and nodded. "Aye, sir! Our scans show that it is on course to Rousso, the largest of Evaropa's 6 moons. Most likely it is going to meet another vessel, possibly the client that is interested in its cargo. It's our chance to nab it."
Captain Tron nodded and smiled, stroking his graying dark stubble. "Very good, Lieutenant. It seems your sources were right on the money with this one. Once we bust them, you may get a promotion to the next rank."
The dutiful naval officer reddened with content. "Thank you, sir."
Tron turned to an officer with honey-colored hair roaming the mission deck and barked an order for her. "Lt. Commander Leigh, let the engine crew know that we are to lock on to the pirate freighter and trail it from a distance, but not to fire on it until I give the command. We need to ensnare both the pirates and those greasers that finance them so it is critical that you follow from enough of a distance to avoid drawing their attention , but not too far that we lose them from our sights. You copy?"
Lt. Commander Leigh saluted. "Aye, I copy that, sir!"
She then hurried away to convey those orders. Captain Tron then turned back to the remaining junior officer.
"Lieutenant O'Conner, your contacts from ONI, did they say that these corsairs were being employed by the Legion's local branch?"
Fiona nodded. "That's correct, sir."
"I see." The captain sighed and shook his head. "I was worried that crime syndicates with the reach and influence such as the Legion would be receiving materials that would make them even more dangerous to UNSC planetary fleets and governments. I believe the shipments consist of photoreactive panels?" Upon seeing O'Connor nod once more, Tron's suspicions were confirmed. "Then the stakes are high for this mission. We can not let the mobsters get their hands on these panels. They are already hard enough to track throughout the galaxy."
Fiona stared out of the windows where the pirate vessel, visible as a gray dot in the dark blue space scattered with stars of different colors, made its way to a massive rocky body, ebony-colored with an orange-red tinge from the nearby star that served as Evaropa's sun. After several long minutes of trailing the pirate barge, Fiona tagged a microphone on her naval uniform and whispered "The Raptor will soon make landfall on the cliffside". before turning to Captain Tron and nodding at him. In turn, the captain gave an order to Lt. Commander Leigh , who nodded and went to brief the technicians onboard the Arabia about the upcoming maneuver. Once the Arabia stopped advancing, Lt. O'Connor spotted the sleek black bat-wing shape of a Prowler detach from the blue-white gas clouds situated on the opposite end of Evaropa before making its way to Rousso.
A satisfied smile tugged at the junior officer from Reach's lips. ONI is already on the move. Let's hope they make the bust before either the racketeers or the smugglers catch on. I've done my share of the scheme. The ball is now in the Office of Naval Intelligence's Court.
After several nail-biting minutes that included the commissioned officers onboard the Arabia pacing around the bridge, a crackle came on in O'Connor's mic. Holding her breath, the dark blonde naval lieutenant spoke into it.
"Lt. O'Connor of the UNSC Arabia over. Do you copy?"
After a bit of static, a gruff voice responded on the end. "Lt. O'Connor, this is Nighthawk. Robin, Shadow, Bat, Nocturne, and I have raided the spaceport where the corsairs were meeting to do business and we have gotten several of them in custody and have confiscated some contraband items that these space pirates were selling on the black market to the highest bidder, but the remaining pirates have taken flight. It is estimated that they will pass within your airspace in about five minutes."
"Thank for the update. I appreciate the help you provided for this operation. We will take it from here."
Keying off the mic, she turned and briefed her superior officer and the rest of the junior officers about the situation. Cpt. Tron only nodded and barked orders for the intercept.
"Scan the space around Rousso. Once you get a lock and/or a visual confirmation of the schooner, you have permission to capture or destroy."
It wasn't long when the sonar started pinging and a gray Tyche-class freighter with a mossy blue and silver paintjob materialize heading west from the moon. The Arabia's captain smirked as he faced his crew.
"There we have it. Our quarry making a last ditch getaway attempt. Let us show them how futile it is and they no one escapes justice from UNSC. Engines at full power, divert from the weapons batteries to the shields."
The corvette then jolted before it oriented itself toward the pirate ship and made way to intercept the fleeing vessel. Lt. O'Connor had to grab onto the edge of the technician's desk to keep from stumbling as the Arabia bore down on its prey. It didn't take long for the UNSC warship to gain onto the pirate spacecraft. As soon as the Tyche's bird of prey shape started to magnify, Tron ordered the helmsmen to divert the engine power to the shields. As the freighter fired green cannon streaks , including a few M58 missiles, the shield absorbed them with minimal damage. In just mere minutes, the Arabia collided into the pirate-operated Tyche, resulting in the smaller ship turning into a firework display. Once the marauder ship turned into debris that floated into the deep chasm of space, the ship's operating crew became jubilant.
Captain Tron turned to Lt. O'Connor and beamed. "That was an amazing coordination effort with ONI squads. Your sources turned out to be reliable after all. I am glad I was able to entrust you with running these anti-piracy patrols, Lieutenant. Once I put word into Naval Command, you might be captaining your own ship soon."
Fiona felt herself flush with pride. "You honor me, Captain, but I am content running these anti-smuggling rounds under your command, sir. "
As her superior commander started to respond to her comment, a small flash and movement caught Lt. O'Connor's attention from the corner of her eye. Gazing out of the square windows of the corvette, she saw the tail end of a ship get swallowed by black hole which disappeared as it engulfed the spacecraft. The ship, which reminded the lieutenant of a prawn she had at the seaside café at Epsilon Eridani IV a few rotations ago, looked nothing like any of the ship's in the Navy's fleet.
"Something the matter, Lieutenant?" The heavyset Lt.Commander Leigh frowned.
"Uh, it's nothing! I might have seen a distant supernova or UNSC test their latest hardware. We should be on the lookout for it in the coming months. Anyway, shall we get the drinks? I got some vintage wine from Harvest in the cargo hold. Let's hope the janitorial staff hasn't been pilfering them. Get a storage crew and ask them to bring several boxes to the break room!"
As everyone set out to prepare the celebrations, the Arabia's ennobled lieutenant had some conflicted feelings inside.
Should I have been more forthcoming in letting Leigh and Tron know about what I saw? It didn't look like a supernova or vaguely resemble any ship in the Navy. I mean, it could be a natural phenomenon, something harmless. What are the worst repercussions that could occur for not investigating this further? An alien invasion? Not likely. Angels and demons could sooner erupt from the center of the galaxy. What the deuce am I thinking? I'll just forget what I saw with the assistance of some Cabernet Sauvignon.
That prawn-shaped craft Lt. O'Connor spotted had just made the slipspace jump, on its way to rendezvous with the 2nd Fleet of Missionary Excavation. The SCR-class Battleship Ordained Justice, captained by the Sangheili officer Avo'Chatanai, cut its mission to locate an ancient relic located inside what the Covenant called Frontier Space short in order to report their discovery of something more crucial. Once they exited slipspace and entered the Porpoise Nebula, 'Chatanai ordered his subordinates to bring the ship past the blue, silver, and magenta dust clouds in order to get together with the carrier of the fleet. As soon as dark vastness, surrounded by dull stars , took form, a sign that they had exited the nebula, a Sangheili ensign with blue and gray armor arrived and bowed his head on a show of respect. 'Chatanai motioned for him to rise and report.
"Captain, we have made contact with the Prophet of Doom's flagship, the Plague of Revelation. Should I patch him through or would you contact him on your own terms? Perhaps we can convey the news once we join up with the Fleet of Particular Justice. "
The Elite captain only raised a hand. "No need. You can patch him through immediately. I will share this piece of intel to him myself. This race of aliens is not what we expected to encounter as we came to search for holy artifacts in Frontier Space." In the hall, Kig-Yar squads patrolled the corridors while Unggoy crew members worked away on the ship. 'Chatanai's reptilian eyes surveyed the Kig-Yar assigned to his ship, the same ones he had to make sure to keep tabs on the Unggoy on board for possible heresy which they had permission to deal with how they saw fit, before his eyes landed on the Elite subordinate. "Judging from their technology, this new species is primitive, but perhaps they can be useful if inducted into the Covenant just like the Yam're and the Huroks. I will share my suggestion to Doom."
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