Good afternoon, sorry for the late recording but someone has entered and has some word on the recent disappearance. There is a reason why this is only audio and not video because if I sent an audio you would find an empty room so you have to believe me when I tell you someone is there after all they are seethrough. What I can say is there male, they are at least 5 feet tall, and never did anything wrong according to him. This is what he said however seeing him in the least literal sense in action shows that he may always be in a fit of sadness. This isn't a story you should look into and try to find the good or a deeper meaning cause if you read it all you will be able to find all the answers and more. What I'm trying to say or I guess that thing you reading is just what I've seen and what his file says about him. At the moment he is in his seat in a small room talking to a person about his actions found in the file. Or at least that's where I think he is, I truly don't know. With all this in mind let me recall his file as he has told it.
He started by stating that he has no family meaning that we shouldn't check or call anyone that they died when he was about eleven and that he has gotten himself clothes, food, and to school all by himself for the past three years.
He then tried to explain that to understand everything he must explain what had happened three days ago till today. He then started jabbering on about how he woke up, took a bath, and then described in detail what type of shampoo and other such things I would leave out of this cause of unimportance. That day he went to school like any other day. How he went to his first class then his next and then lunch then whatever else he said. When we told him to get back on track the room fell silent as did the kid.
He then explained how during the passing period he was seen which is strange cause to our knowledge he could be heard and therefore in a sense seen however he was mistaken for a mop which was then kicked over and laughed at. The boy then laughed at this in a somber mood and continued. He then got to his class and explained how he may know why he did or knows what he knows because of a fellow kid whom he never got the name of. He did explain however how the kid had short brown hair, freckles, and blue eyes which fits the description that a new member of the neighborhood Ms Airy described earlier yesterday so we kept the boy with us to explain more.
The boy then explained that this kid was a new person at the school and that they seemed sad because of always having tears in their eyes. After checking and figuring out that this fit the description pretty well we allowed him to continue and with that brought more small talk about his classroom and small minor details. After listening for any hints of info and finding nothing the boy then explained how he met and talked to the child. After some back and forth the boy said he never knew his name and shrugged it off.
The boy then said he didn't talk to the boy until later that afternoon when they met at the boy's house and that he and Danny played games and talked about exploring.
We then questioned who this Danny character was but all we got was a small answer about how his unnamed friend gave him the nickname Danny after a small comedian by the same first name. After meeting and hanging with the boy on the walk home the kids say that he could hear a new voice in his head which we all put off as speculation. However when we requested for him to continue with the questions asked we found resilience and then tears.
He then started to cry and explained to us that it was “really really” important to know about this new voice and that he was scared. They reminded the boy where he was because after a few seconds of tears the boy explained that the voice was telling him to go away forever in a box under a big T. We couldn't understand what it could mean but it was written down under the name of Resi. This character, or as we see it, a fellow student by the name of Resi could be a culprit in this so we wrote down the first name and noted that we need to check school files for any student by the same name.
Danny then told us how Resi was met after meeting a new boy and that it may be a clue and went on with his conversation. He then explained how on the next day or yesterday he reminded us that he and the blue-eyed kid went out of school during lunch to explore a small manmade forest a few students made before Danny joined the school. They went through it although it was quite small you couldn't hear anything like the highway on the other side or the small bug critters on the inside.
He then explained how after hanging out in the small forest something hit him because he awoken into a ditch outside of school and went back to class. In class, he couldn't see the boy although he was called up to wash his hands because it was dirty. Or at least covered in dirt. He then explained how when he went home and tried to sleep he could see images of him and the other kid going through the forest and having fun until the boy ran out of the forest and didn't come back.
We wrote this down as “a white lie” as it says in the notes because this could either be a way they could explain what happened or an actual lie. It was all scribbled however when Danny then stood up and said how he may or may not have murdered the boy. The notes read that, the subject has admitted to a crime, there are witnesses of two watchers and one observer, and that it happened on a Wednesday at 4:34 Pm. With this information, it was called for a break where one of our newer observers was inside making sure the kid was fed and such. We didn't know however that the kid kept speaking without any record and that he didn't know if he did or didn't do it which was then noted with the words “They are a kid watch their words.” After returning and giving the child some water and crackers he then talked to us about why he could or couldn't have killed the boy because when we questioned further and tried to calm him down he explained why he was confused.
He then explained that on the one hand, he could maybe been a little sad because his teacher was having trouble with class. A question was asked, and only he and five other students tried to answer. He slammed the table at that point crying at what he did because as he said between tears it was unfair that there were only five hands up in a room of forty people. Notes were jotted down as not important and they shouldn't be written or spoken about at all. I apologize for reading this part and I'll make sure to check on further occasions. The observers then decided to try and pry the boy about the forest and maybe more about the student by the name of Resi who then was met with denial and anger.
After what they would call or as it was written down “Tantrum” the boy explained how during lunch he went out to the forest to try and find him only to find a tree with the word Resi etched in the wood and the letter T as well.
To get a little more information about Resi we then showed him a picture of a missing person that fit the description of Danny's friend. Danny then went on to question how we got him into a piece of paper which then brought more filler as the notes say.
When questioned more about the missing person to Danny he responded that he “totally” saw images of the boy's body before waking up in a ditch again and walking back to the school. He then explained that when he awoke he decided to stay in the ditch because in his words, “I may be going a little crazy” He then got the reply from Resi apparently, and after some back and forth Danny found that Resi decided that the blue-eyed boy didnt need to hang out with Danny. “After all, you didn't even know his name and he didn't know yours so why does he matter,” Resi said according to the boy. The record then is filled with notes about who Resi could be and that after questioning the local school no one goes by the name and that it could be a nickname.
At the end of his record of his experience Danny whom he asked for us to not refer him as such left his small ditch and walked to the town sheriff's office to turn himself in. It took the officers a while to find the noise but realised it was just the boy's way of saying thighs that made him see invisible. After which he went into the interrogation room and that's where he says the story ends.
There are more things we must question like the location of the body, the weapon used, and more but he has requested that he would “tell us more” on a future date because of being tired. We will get more information in the morning and then the court justices will see to it what the best move is for someone his age. I believe however that there won't be a need for this because there's a possibility he may be making this up for attention and for some reason went to the police as a type of youthful prank or such. What I'm trying to say is he may be lying and if he has no answer for the body location or name of the victim he will be let go for lying and charged something like ten dollars to teach him and his friends to never waste the time of the police department. I will be sending this audio, the file, and this video transcript, and with that this is Officer David signing off.
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