Party's, something that Jack mostly avoided in his youth so he could be alone with his thoughts instead of outside with the others. Jack wasn't like this always; it just changed one day when he lost his best friend Mary. Well honestly he didn't lose his best friend Mary cause they were never best friends they were just two people with one common friend and honestly it wasn't like they could've ever been friends in the first place considering it wasn't the first time Mary avoided Jack.
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Jack stood up from his bed after laying in it while on his phone typing a play script about a murderer and a mad man. Giving up on the idea because the story has already been done in other media far better than he could ever portray it. Jack then looked across the room where he kept his clothes and seemed to float over to his closet where he held his knife collection above all of his clothes as one of the sharpened Katanas he found from a old wither home out in the countryside decided to fall over piercing the top of his shoulder, going between the bone marrow and skin, perfectly cutting into the tissue. The blood that once were kept in an ongoing marathon to keep him alive all ran a new course rushing up his entire arm and exploding from the top, quickly covering his arm in blood and ruining the carpet that was around him.
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He then heard a notification sound and looked back down on his phone to see that his alarm was about to go off for school so he might wanna start getting ready. He then stood up and walked over to his closet looking above at the knives he kept, which were three Katanas he found in a home in the countryside, some knives that he got for Christmas and a greatsword that he found while mosing around a building he probably shouldn't have. He remembered those Christmases out of his hometown and how he always felt anguish when leaving, happiness when staying, then sadness when leaving the foreign place but Jack was still in high school and had a future of anguish to have when moving from place to place.
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He then looked to the right of his closet where a door was, folded the gym shirt and pants over his arm he was gonna wear that afternoon, and floated into the open living room. The door opened to a enraged parrot that scratched into Jack's face forcing Jack to push away the bird to the best of his ability but the bird grabbed onto his eyeball pulling it out of its socket and feeling the optic nerve stretch and stretch and then snap with a tingle that went straight through Jack's head that caused him to see double. Half of the room floated three feet in front of him, then four feet then five, while the other half watched the bird float around the room with a tiny ball in its claws. In the next moment half of the room's floor was covered with blood with a body on the edge of it, the body missing an eye as a fountain of blood is shooting out of it causing the nearby furniture, walls, and some parts of the roof to be covered which would take more than bleach to clean. Maybe even a step ladder too. A giant claw came from the walls of reality or maybe the walls of the room which then was rewarded with a loud hawk-like screech and then.
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Pop, like a thought bubble in a cartoon the clothes hit the floor as Jack was occupied about Christmas and its ways to get people together. He remembered everyone around him always getting gifts like clothes and certain kitchen appliances that always had a story behind them about a time before Jack was a thought and how this appliance would be useful in some way. Jack never liked presents but he did enjoy the certain parts of presents. He enjoyed his knives that he got because his collection was started after watching an episode of a show about how the American dream for a child is to have some type of collection. Knifes seemed to be the most suitable because Americans liked firearms and Jack couldn't own any, not that he was suicidal I think. It was just that knifes were easier to obtain for a middle schooler for the time being.
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Jack then remembered why he was on the floor sitting like a child during the show and grabbed his after school clothes. His clothes he wore for school were rolled like military clothing outside his room, in the living room on the shelf that held his books. He planned every day in school with the collars being two shades of blue for Monday and Tuesday, Wednesday being yellow. Thursday white and Friday pink. The clothes he picked up from the floor were some comfortable clothes with stretchy fabric designed for the gym that mismatched in colors which Jack didn't mind.
Walking through the door beside the closet he walked outside and seemed to kick over a string that activated a noise from the other room that was a mixture of anger and sadness that called for Jack. Quickly rushing over after grabbing his school clothes for today, putting them on, checking his phone for time and replacing the school clothes with his afternoon wear accordingly he saw a door adjacent to his own that seemed to never open but always close.
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“I hate your fucking guts Jack”
“What about this time?”
“You should never talk back to me Jack”
“Then this wouldn't be happening.”
“Fuck you, What if I had a heart attack and died Jack do you want that?”
“Of course not, I never want death”
“Leave me alone Jack, you just hate me like everyone else”
“I want to help you now”
“I will kill you where you stand I Swear to God Jack, Just Get The Fuck out of my room or I'll do it I swear”
“.... I'll leave”
“Abandoning me, are you Jack?”
“Excited to come home to a floating person Jack?”
“Go tell people how bad a person I am, Jack!”
“Please don't leave Jack” click.
The door went click, not a gun or anything like that. Jack grabbed onto his helmet and bike chain and rode away from the home to school at 5:34 Am. School officially started at 7:30 but he always left a little earlier to help with the management team or anyone. He arrived at the front of the complex at 6:24 waving good morning to all who would wave back asking about their week and its end and how they wished for the end again.
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Saying one of his first good mornings to a security guard because of the school's sketchy location Jack floated across the outer walls getting closer to the office as an inexpensive car rolled beside him and inside was a warzone. One shot rang off as a warning, the second shot rang straight into Jack's leg that collided with the bike and twisted the third, fourth and fifth were warnings of their own but went straight into the skull of Jack. Jack played there, eyes twitching, legs mangled and melted with the bike he rode on, his skull felt, as if he could move any muscle anymore, like a bowl a rich person put there keys in or a group of happy people would dirty up with chips and salsa for tonight's big game. Inside this bowl were examples of the government's corrupt ways and it being an example of prejudice of some sort to some community. Jack couldn't know or I guess wouldn't know cause the bowl also was filled with brains, plural of course cause bullets never seemed to keep things together, like a bad roommate or bull through a China shop. The cement was cold I think, blood covered and cold.
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“Cold, and yet why do they call them cold sores when they're not cold? Anyways I'm sorry about that and I understand why ya can't say good morning for a while.” The security man pointed a thumb up at an invisible plane and waved at Jack thanking him for the smile and goodmorning. Riding to the office eyeing the cement, Jack walked into the office seeing the sleepy eyed workers that Jack gained the trust of and walked past them putting the bike through the gate and locking it up with the chain. Jack enjoyed the mornings as much as he hated being alone but at certain times Jack would see a boy scout run around and get work done and the occasional teacher or staff would walk by and gain a good morning. Jack's first job of the morning was taking trash from around the school and throwing it into a dumpster which took him around ten minutes to do because of running. Then picking up any trash and sweeping up leaves, helping the local staff in their sectioned areas as he did. He would occasionally see students trickle in for the day, with some of them being kids of teachers and rarely because of them being good students. The final task he would do besides helping where he could was raising the umbrellas around the school starting in the grassy middle that'd known as our courtyard, then going to the back section where barely any umbrellas were. The back held other things such as the location of Jack's bike, some classrooms, and worst of all memory's. Jack walked to the back of the school looking around for Mary as he went. Jack once liked Mary and still did but Jack never truly hated he just said he did. Mary was once the talk of Jack with his father always making jokes that Jack liked Mary which for a boy on TV would argue so Jack did the same. Jack's mother on the other hand would. Well ya met her didn't you? Anyways Jack looked around in fear this time instead of joy.
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Opening the umbrellas he saw some scurrying across the back classrooms but after checking the time he knew how they were. Listening to laughter and smiles Jack knew it was his two reasons morning was his favorite time of the day. The two walked away from the location of two umbrellas, raising 3 more as they walked. Apple, the older of the two sisters, walked over as Jack was raising the umbrella for their table, which was the third from the stage behind him. Jack set down his bag and pulled open his computer thinking if he should write another screenplay or not. He was having trouble writing the one he was currently writing about a demon and an angel so he decided to not.
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Apple smiled and hugged Jack which seemed to kill Jack where he stood. Blood exploded all around which scared acorns and caused them to return home after being questioned by the police. Apple never really was the same after what happened with Jack, Acorn grew up and was successful but Apple always had something wrong with her, it was Jack's fault Apple was the way she is later, sad,confused and maybe even dead. All Jack's fault.
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Apple smiled and hugged Jack which made his mind wonder again but only because Jack rarely got hugged, or loved. He denied love hating it over everything else seeing what it did to people and how it hurt them and yet he was a victim to its magic on several occasions. Mary, Apple, more.
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“Are you ok?”
“Yeah, I'm fine. Just tired I guess”
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Acorn looked at her older sister and hugged Jack and stared. Jack smiled and raised a fist at Acorn which gained him a bump from the younger sister's fist.
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“good morning Acorn, how was your weekend”
She did a thumbs up.
“That's good, did yall do anything fun?”
She shook her head no.
“That's ok, did you at least hang out with your cool older sister and pet your cat?”
She nodded, looking like she wanted to say more but couldn't allow herself.
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They both then went to their phone with Acorn playing it for fun and Apple playing to distract herself. Jack just sat there and watched them both, chiming in with some joke or insight from years past.
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“how about you how was your weekend?” Jack remembered the dream he had that night which caused him to start but then delete the script he made this morning. The dream was in sections but all showed Mary, with a razor. Peeling the skin from Jack's arm, Jack remembers screaming and begging to be let go, Mary never did, Mary just looked on with an evil ear to ear grin that crazy people had in anime. Then as Jack seemed to disarm Mary, Mary just reached above Jack and grabbed another razor rusty this time. Then proceeded to grate his tongue which now tasted blood mixed with copper which prompted Jack to wake up and start writing.
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“My weekend was alright, just bored and looking for something to do.”
“Did you have any of your dreams again?”
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Jack thought about the question for a moment. Jack had dreams unlike others, sometimes there dreams that could make perfect movies, sometimes there dreams that predict the future and cause Jack some deja vu. But mostly the dreams would be easy to draw. Just an object in the middle of a dark room. Illuminated by some light with Ava Maria being played in the background until completion. Not normal to you reader, normal to Jack there's a difference. If it is normal, look at the back of your card that was given to you by Jack before the party and text MHA to 741741.
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“Yeah, just them dreaming again.”
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“I'm Sorry”
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Apple hugged Jack which made him scared. Apple helps others and has friends. Jack helps others and has no one. Jack is jealous of Apple. Just so you don't get confused. Apple could walk up to a person and put her hand on their head then the person would be happy. This is what Apple was trying to do here to Jack, although Jack never allowed it.
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Let's take a break on the subject of Jack and his fear of friendship and help and tell a different story. Once there was a girl named Jill, Jill was in love with a man named Billy, Jill who never trusted people decided to tell Billy every problem and be open with Billy, one day Billy was sad, then the next and the next. Billy stated that he was sad because of the sad stuff with Jill, Jill just wanted Billy happy but never could because of the depression Billy now had because of Jill, Jill ruined Billy until she left and Billy was happy again. Now this story has to end happily but I don't think it should. Billy did wanna stay friends with Jill but in the end Jill pulled the plug, Billy and Jill went up a hill but only Jill came down.
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Back to the story at hand. Apple could try all she wanted to help Jack but he never allowed it to happen. Apple would pry and pry and pry trying to help Jack but Jack would never budge. He was a hypocrite like that, helping others, never gaining help himself but that's the way the cookie was baked. While talking with Apple about their friends and future goals another person walked to the table and sagged down, his name was Ali, the name sounded girly so sorry if I write her and her instead of he. Jack always made that mistake as well when talking to Ali but Ali gave up trying to teach Jack cause it was deemed a waste of time.
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“OH my goodness hey there apple”
“OH my goodness hey Ali”
The two girls punched each other over and over in a soft yet quick way which gained the attention of Acorn for a second before returning to her phone. After a while of Jack listening to the guy and girl next to him chat he felt his chest hurt and fell to the table top. Here Jack could feel his body slowly float then recenter as he coughed and
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(insert the thing about my heart you'll do it at school) Books would describe what i'm feeling as a stampede on my heart, my chest buckling into itself as my heart tries to break the ribs as a convict would to prison bars causing me to grab my chest and lose feeling in my arms and legs, a tightening of muscles and trouble of breathing, the surroundings growing ever darker and darkness slowly takes over you vision starting in your peripherals and ending with your body shaking as it falls to the ground and everything goes quiet.
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Even without the ability to see Jack knew no one saw him. Darkness Filled their vision as well, not their fault of course Jack had this happen at least once or twice a week so it was deemed unimportant. Jack then took a deep breath and lifted his head again which gained him the displeasure of seeing another face. This time it was Forter who looked to be in a melancholy mood which could mean anything. Jack Forter was named as such because he's like a quarter. Not unpredictable cause Jack knew Forter and his moods but a quarter cause ya never know what side he is. This morning he was in a good mood and tired.
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“Hey there beanstalk”
“Good Morning to you as well quarter”
“Taking a nap?”
“Having my heart act up you should try it sometime”
“Should I? I mean if you were to think about it i-”
“Shut it”
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“Aww there friends”
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Once again Apple was trying to see the best in things. Jack truly did enjoy Apple's comments but never told her. Jack wishes there was a world where he could have all these friends and go to all these parties but he can't let that happen. Not again. Not after the beep beep incident. Wait what?
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Beep. Beep. Then ringing. Then smoke. Then fire. Then silence. Then screams. In that order an explosion rang out after a man ran over to the group and opened his Jacket as he screamed. Jack tackled the man as his vest under his Jacket exploded. Everyone was ok, everyone except Jack. What was left of Jack was splattered under the umbrella and on the umbrella pole. Some chunks of flesh and bone were found with the newly installed crater found nearby the table. And the smell of gunpowder and dump in the air. Dump is a scent only smelled when you wake up in your apartment alone, walk over to your small kitchenette because upgrading is expensive, trying to throw away some trash to find it full, picking up said trash and taking it outside to the dumpster but being too tired to move away from said dumpster so ya get a whiff of its trash. That's a dump. Or, a rotting dead body. That's also the smell of dumplings.
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Beep beep. Went to the alarm as Jack turned off the alarm that read 7:25 and underneath said wish Acorn a good day.
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“time to go to class Acorn have a great day though”
“hey I had the time”
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Apple would look at Jack with a jokingly annoyed look and take an acorn's hand as they walked to class. Class time went the same as always with Jack not understanding the basics but still needing to listen and converse on the topics that were being discussed by the better nurtured students so that he may pass but to others he was the intelligent one. Jack never understood the sentiment of being smart because like everyone else he's burnt something in the microwave of life and has done his fair share of ruining his lonely lunch. As such he never considered himself smart because he's seen himself do these mistakes and has photographic evidence with the camera flash in his mind. Everyone else was smart because of the ways they present themselves and the potential they all hide away. Jack disliked it when people were negative and never gave themselves credit they deserved.
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As Jack's first class came to a close he looked to his hands and pondered how many roads run though It to make it feel heat, or pain or love. He tried to understand the creation of the roads without looking under the concrete as people do for fun although usually they find out with other people after a class instead of during the ending announcements but he digressed. Jack then looked to the center of the room where his vision was first stolen from passers by but then landed on the table that Apple and others such as Forter and the fifth character introduced in the story. Jack always wondered what made that group of people stay together and how they stood each other's antics that Jack couldn't. But before wasting that energy he decided to float over to there table for the last five minutes of class to hang.
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Down, looking down, a snap, no crackle yet a pop. The tail of a horse wrapped around the neck of Jack as his legs slowly lost its relationship with the ground. Possible a break up or maybe one of the party's left the other. More likely than not one cheated on the other. His eyes were as gray as pebbles, the fluid from his mouth didn't show stupidity, everyone around him never seemed to notice. The day went on as planned, until at the end where the final person who worked for someone strong wiped the tables, closed the bullet proof windows, turned off the lights then shut the door.
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Walking behind Apple and in front of Jack and at a 45 degree angle to the false teacher. Apple noticed first with the eyes that was covered by hair although no words were exchanged by this. This teacher was talking about how in a play a comedy is a story with a good ending and a drama is a play that ends with a bad ending and how a tragicomedy is an Onomatopoeia which she said is common knowledge. As if to interrupt the radio tuned in the local news of the big school party being the best the anchor could discuss with his two co-hosts as if nothing existed before and nothing will exist when he's done speaking his mind on these truths.
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“So who's going?”
“I'll go if Apple goes”
“I don't know if i'm going yet or not”
“which means I'm at a loss”
“I won't even ask if your joining beanstalk cause you never do”
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“those parties are a waste of time that I could be using somewhere else so”
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“You should join us though. Please?”
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“as much as I would love to Apple I cannot I'm sorry”
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The second class started as. Wait, what was that? It's like a violin being strummed back and forth. Back and forth. As if something was there. Jack looked to the floor and wasn't floating above the rest, grabbing onto the table as he felt tension in his neck that string gives to a balloon as it tries to escape. The violin slowly coming to a stop releases the tension in his throat as he tries to calm his heart from doing a stealth mission on him. Darkness pushing and pulling his vision until finally it all stops, he raises his head and is calm.
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“Are you alright Jack?”
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“yes sir I am”
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Anyways, the second class started as fast as it could end although Jack never enjoyed this class of all the others because of the students of lower class affected the classrooms facilities causing art supplies to fly around the room and affecting the amount of time Jack had to eat lunch and look over people because of cleaning there messes. Today Jack was taught an origami trick with a piece of paper and scissors that he passed out before class began where you folded the paper, unfolded it, cut in the middle of the paper then gained a small book. Following these steps to the precise measurements he got to the cutting section grabbing his scissors and observing them as they floated.
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Help, you can't swim, you're drowning, you cough the fluid out of your mouth as the taste of a penny is left as scissors leaves without it. Alot of fluid comes out but not out of your mouth because the scissor's copper things are still there and it's hard to clean out that blood. Instead they installed a hinge door where your Adam's Apple used to be because it was taking too much space in your one tongue two tonsil apartment the scissors bought and renovated without the owners permission which caused him to leave swiftly.
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The section was hard to cut through for others because of how simple minded they were and how much they feared a similar outcome to what was accidently shown. However the proper answer was to fold the paper so that cutting the middle was easier. In the book there needed to be a story that related to the creator and pictures were of course needed to be drawn to convey what was said. However it was hard because of the size of the papers being a finger tall and thumb wide but Jack persevered.
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“There once was a fellow named Jack” conveyed as a stick man with messy dark hair, a smile on his face which was originally a frown but Jack erased it and redrawn it better for the story.
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“Who always had problems with being looked at” conveyed with a liston knife and a beanstalk beside it.
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“Although he never was properly attacked” is conveyed with a four cut section of a heart with two tubes running through it.
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“He always felt eyes watching his back” Conveyed with a stick girl, who has cat like eyes, a smile that stabbed whatever it looked at, long brown hair that was misleading with how straight Forward it was positioned and a cute dress with flowers cause Jack felt nice.
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After drawing all of the characters and adding some finer details to the girls dress, the heart with more In depth sections of the heart, some charcoal at the top to show plague or darkness he turned in the assignment.
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As the cylinder of the clock twisted with the hammer a realization came to the teacher to let us out as lunch time had arrived. Doors seemed to be kicked down as students rushed to win the imaginary race with the winner getting the awful food that the lunch lady Michelle gave out. That was when Jack would stand up, clean the classroom he was currently in, apologize to any teacher who was mistreated as most are then leave for lunch as well.
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Unlike the others Jack could leave at this point. Not that he hated the last two parts of school but he made a deal with the board to let him leave early because of needing only a few final credentials before graduating. Instead Jack would go to some bleachers that were put up against a classroom building for Pe class. He would pull the bleachers back to give him a small divot for people to sit and eat food.make Jack floated on the edge of the bleachers, jumping down to clean the mess that was made before.
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Down, down, deeper And deeper he must've fallen in some hole cause this fall was taking forever. Although he could see below him it Seems that he was more than a thousand feet in the air. Then a hundred then ten then nothing. Bone-like daggers stayed through the walls of his knees, both feet sprained and broken, the back of his head cracked open on the bleachers edge that held a dent, the spine broken into equal sections of pain and protruding.
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Jack stood on the edge of the bleachers, jumping down to clean the mess that was made before. Picking up cold crinkle cut fries and other things that the school made like small stale chips for there just bean and some cheese dip or as they called it nachos, or the cartons of drinks that never get thrown away because of the laziness of the students so they just stare at the supervisors like tombstones of bad past decisions which are then quickly bagged and thrown away before they could be thought about again.
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As Jack picked up the final piece and threw it away Ali appeared slouching down looking at something no one could see and looking miserable. Soon after Apple and Forter joined which brought upon jokes and laughter that Jack couldn't understand. Before he left he was brought into the continuation of the conversation that was talked about hours ago.
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“OK so I'm going to the party”
“which means I'm obligated to go”
“which means I will be going as well”
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“Are you sure you won't be going?”
“Yes, I'm sure and”
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It's here, you're not floating, although you may not,understand that she can fix you,be sure where it is,let her help you to fix you at once, you just know it's here.
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Apple stood at the end of the lunch area watching the line move as fast as it was when she was in it waiting for Forter to come out with his food. She only ever went through that line for a drink because in her lunch box was always some good food. With it being a Monday she knew er mothers famous sandwich was inside which made the new week of school exciting in itself.
That and her friends, her closest being Forter who is a weird guy who Apple can talk to on occasion and Ali who is more distant nowadays but is still there with fun banter at times. Speaking of distant however was Jack. Jack was a boy who Forter introduced but continuously left and returned to there friend group with different reasons but seemed like paper thin excuses to hang with others. Not that he needed those excuses however because Jack was a very kind man. Jack made these excuses for reasons that Apple wouldn't understand even when Jack would explain it to her in detail.
Finally seeing Forter get out of the line he joined her as they started walking to the group. They sat behind some bleachers which were used by the gym class before lunch but they moved away from the back wall so there's enough room for them to sit. They also didn't need to wait for Ali because he was always there with Jack even though they never talked,
“I think we should continue our conversation about the party to get a definitive answer cause I kinda wanna go” Forter said as he started eating as they walked. The School party was tonight. It's because of being in the twelfth grave which gives them a fun trip to an amusement park but the senior class president also wanted a party on school grounds after school. It's pretty fun with dancing and food but it's mostly gonna be about reminiscing about old times like people who havent seen each other in a long time.
“Do you think if we all went we could get Jack to join?” Apple asked as they started to finally reach the group's area.
“That's up to him and you. I personally don't care if beanstalk does or doesn't. Forte said as they both finally sat down and joined the group. “Ok” Forter continued with the new ears of Jack and Ali. “Let's talk about the party and everyone's plans, Apple can go first”
“OK so I'm going to the party, '' Apple said, looking at her friends waiting for their answer. In reality she would only go if they went but she wasnt gonna bring that up. Instead she grabbed her lunchbox and opened it up to see a roll of tin foil that inside held a sandwich. This sandwich was a lot like Jack in the way it made her happy although she wouldn't take a sandwich over Jack. Going back into the conversation she looked forward as she took the first bite of her sandwich.
“which means I'm obligated to go '' Said Ali, who despite his demeanor would love to go, is the type of person you would need to bring in order to have fun otherwise they would leave themselves alone.
“Which means I will be going as well,” Said Forter finally, which meant that everyone would be going to the big school party, everyone except Jack. Jack was many things but most of all he was a stubborn man, who always told people to do things he refused to do. Never giving up hope however Apple looked to Jack who was leaning on the bleachers listening to the conversation above.
“Are you sure you won't be going?” Apple asked, pointing to Jack as she took another bite of her sandwich savoring the flavors once again.
“Yes, I'm sure,” Jack responded before he suddenly stopped speaking. Swallowing her food Apple looked at Jack to figure out what the matter but found something awful.
Apple felt her hands get suddenly grabbed by Jack, she looked to ask what the matter was but Jack looked different. Jack saw something terrifying. She saw the face of a main character in a horror movie when the big bad monster is trying to find them and the actor has to hold their breath to not be found.
“Please help me…. Please….” Jack spoke, Jack looked to Apple as if she were a corpse that stood back up, his mouth was shivering and his breath was stagnant and steady as if stuck in a freezer, his eyes were wide, bloodshot in some way and worst of all tears seemed to form under them.
His grip tightened as he repeated himself.
“Please help me please”
He repeated again and again looking as if he was clawing at a door trying to run from a killer. After repeating over and over as more and more tears fell from his eyes he stopped and sat back down where he was and looked at his hands as tears fell on them and then he closed his eyes and didn't shake so much.
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Coming back to reality Jack sees that everyone is looking at him as he feels something come down his face. And his hands holding on to Apples.
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“sorry, I didn't know I was bleeding”
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But Jack wasn't bleeding, Jack looked down to his moist hands and saw what seemed to be water. Except this water was confused, this water was scared of what will happen to it next because it escaped the eyeballs which many have not been able to before. The tears stood up and ran away from the scene, the giant watching with intent, they ran until out of view and could relax, Everything would go back to normal, but they couldn't be more wrong. They left the eye, their safe place, the place that hid them as they went through life. All of a sudden they were out and they didn't know what to do with themselves. A Lot of people would think it would be a new beginning for them but the tears seemed to droop down with the idea. They understood that it meant the end in one way or another and that in the end it wouldn't end well they just knew it.
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Jack crouched down against the bike rail that held his bike and hide his face from passers on. Even though he knew that no one would bother a crying kid except Jack, there aren't many Jacks in the world. As if he was sitting under a tree one Apple landed right on Jack and sat next to him. He looked to the side then breathed deep before coughing.
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“Hey there apple how can I help yo-”
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“Stop!” Said Apple, putting a hand on Jack's shoulder. Jack looked at Apple surprised, sure apple was a good person but nobody not even she would say something like this to Jack.
“Stop what?”
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Jack probably misunderstood the situation, after all people dont help Jack, Jack helps people, yes, everything was coming back to some type of normal to Jack. It was just a misunderstanding.
“Please, let me help you Jack, like you told me to do.” Jack looked at Apple as if she just fell from the sky with wings that carried her to him. The way a puppy looks to a potential owner from their screen with holes for oxygen or the way that a boy looks at a present that could potentially hold the newest cool thing. Jack looked to Apple with hope, then fear, then he seemed to dwindle.
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“Wh-when did I say that?” Jack asked? Tears trying to run like the rest.
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Apple told Jack her side of the story which made Jack try and go back to turtling in his own arms but apple wouldn't let him. Grabbing his arms and pulling them upwards before using Jack's weakened stature to hug him and put his head into her arms.
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“It's ok Jack, you can cry, I am here, let me help you and..” Searching again for the words hiding.
“Let me fix you, like a teddy bear without its stuffing, just.” Apple looked down and kissed Jack's head while hugging him tighter.
“Let me help”
Jack was done, defeated in battle, his shell was cracked and nothing was used as a surprise attack. There was no to be continued, it was over for Jack. Tears fell down his eyes as his body went limp. The warmth of Apples arms filled the empty tension that held his body up as he cried without end.
Jack told Apple everything, how in the past the last person who helped him all of a sudden went depressed and how he blamed himself for that, how he lost people from both natural and unnatural causes by nature blaming himself as a bad luck charm more than a human, and how he only helps people because he hopes it'll bring him some type of escape from this bad luck. But in reality Jack knows it'll just make it worse and worse because Jack just wanted to die.
Apple looked at Jack 's float as he told her this, but instead of running away she just grabbed him and held him down to earth. Jack's mind finally felt at ease as she accepted him as he truly is instead of the lie Jack made to reality.
“Ok, I swear im ok now” Jack said trying to pry away from Apple who was trying to mess with Jacks already messy hair more to in her words ‘get into his brain and get rid of the bad thoughts and ideas’
“Alright, but only if you promise to not lie to me anymore.” Apple reached her hand out to him after backing away and standing them both up.
“Yes of course I won't lie anymore” Jack took her arm and shook it while trying to stand.
“Oh one more thing, You have to tell the group about your lying as well” Jack heard what Apple proposed and immediately felt the fear he supposedly had before.
“I can't tell them that, they wouldn't look at me the same. Plus what if she overhears? She won't let up and will just try to use my weakness against me.” Apple took Jack's head and slapped it then let him revel in it.
“Who cares what Mary thinks and plus you're just overthinking it like you did everything else in that silly head of yours” She shook his head before finally letting it go making Jakc feel things that he never felt before, besides the blood rushing in his head and the dizziness of course he also felt a feeling he hadn't felt in a long time. Love. Jack then grabbed Apples hands one more time and looked at her eyes. There were no tears trying to run away from her, they stayed safe and sound where they belonged.
“You're right, ok I'll tell them, and she won't be a fear anymore.” Apple smiled at this and Jack looked at his watch seeing that lunch was finally over and that he needed to leave. Apple hugged Jack one more time and then started to walk away as Jack headed for the office he turned around realizing how long she was gone from the group.
“Apple, tell the group that you were talking to me about something like tutoring tips or something, see you at the party.” Apple then waved at him and walked away to her final classes of the day.
Jack went home to find an outfit to wear for the party but as he did he looked to the bottom of his bed stand, pressing into it found a small compartment. Inside was a knife that was given to Jack by his father before leaving. Under said knife was a thick piece of leather that held several incision marks from trials past. They were cut sometimes deep and sometimes thin everywhere except where his wrist sat. These trials were one of the gods that Jack did where he would place his wrist on the leather and then flip the knife to see if god needed him on the planet anymore.
It never once landed in the indent which made Jack's decisions worth doing and was what originally gave life new meaning. He didn't need to do any more trials, he would have his new friends to help him have purpose instead. He thought all of this as the knife was on its second flip, before the blade finally went metal down in the air. Jack moved his wrist barely in time as the blade landed in the middle for the first time, although not fast enough as there was a small scratch on his arm that met the side of the blade.
With a little wince in pain he quickly cleaned the blade, hid it once again and bandaged himself up. Why did he flip the knife? Actually he didn't even remember setting it up on the table, he just remembered seeing it in the hidden compartment and getting his outfit for the party but never bringing it out for the trail. He actually wants to retire these trials for good so why did he do the flip? It was as if his body moved on its own. Like his heart still wasn't in for a new person to help him and that dying would be best.
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He slapped himself with his bandaged arm and began to imagine how the rest of the day would go. He imagined himself in his bed later that night, how he would be letting his body go as he reminisced. How he went to the party and told everyone the truth. How everyone smiled as they fell to the ground, Their final breaths coming after the news and a quick bullet wound to the skull. The only one standing being Jack as everyone around him is gone forever.
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Jack then blinked and slapped himself again. He imagined something bad again. But this time something seemed different although he didn't figure out what. Jack decided go give up on this and instead think of the happy future he had. Closing his eyes he tried to think of this new thought of the future but three people appeared instead. The figure of Apple, the figure of Mary and the figure of a butter knife. Jack wasn't the best at figuring things out but he had a pretty good grasp of these things. For example he knew that the butter knife was just a knife in the end so this probably meant a future where the knife landed on his wrist and he died to the trail that was easy enough.
Looking at the apple made him think about the new feelings he had before. Love. He understood that maybe these feelings would blossom and that in the end he would marry her and have a few kids. Have a happy future together and it would be a good ending. Like how a video game has many endings this could be the good one with the butter knife being the bad.
The final figure had him confused however because it looked alot like Mary and honestly that made the most sense. But the bad ending has already been set so what could this one mean? Jack decided to let it go for a later thought and went on with his day. Checking the clock showed that he had only an hour left till the party, time seemed to fly by considering he seemed to just get home. Despite this Jack took a shower, got on some stretchy gym clothes as his party clothes and rode back to school to help set up the party before it starts
The students were just entering into their final period as Jack arrived which meant he had about an hour to set up a few tables, chairs and decorate the said tables. Jack looked around the small grass courtyard that looked out to the front entrance as well, it wasn't much room but with good placement of the tables it would work out.
In about twenty minutes Jack set up all three tables in different places and set up some of the decorations on them, the chairs were next only taking about ten minutes to set up near the corners of the courtyard, behind the tables and in the center. With thirty minutes left to set up the rest of the party Jack helped some of the students move food, electronics, and with only ten minutes left he needed to freshen up.
“Ok well im gonna go to the bathroom and freshen up before the party begins hope you don't mind” Jack said the class representative a girl from the student council who was helping him set up the party and give him the permissions to grab electronics from the storage closet and such like that.
“Well since you're on the way there” The class rep handed Jack a package of toilet paper that was bought by the council but the school isn't exposed to. Jack shrugged it off and decided to take it with him for restocks. Arriving at the bathrooms Jack decided to stock the womens up first just so he didn't have to when there was a possibility of a girl walking in on the awkward situation. Walking into the bathroom he called out his presence to no answer which made him able to restock all the stalls with toilet paper for the party without any awkward hiccups. Except for one thing next to the sink. A small briefcase that was made to hold a horn that sat just under the sink.
Pushing why a case would be here aside, Jack started to make his way towards the men's bathroom but was stopped at the door. There stood Mary, wearing a pink shirt, long pants and a fist cupped up for Jack alone. Mary was a 5ft 5in woman who always fought for justice, or fun or because she didn't have a good day. This is what made Jack and her drift apart. They were on opposite sides of this coin with Jack finding peace and Mary finding violence. Although they did talk a lot on peaceful topics like flowers, dresses, and dancing. Jack even helped her learn the trumpet at a time before she ended up quitting because of personal reasons. But through all that Jack got on her bad side and that was the end of that. To Jack he did nothing wrong because he only listened to what she said and told her the truth of his feelings. She was the first person Jack trusted and rightfully the first person to betray him and use his secrets against him which is why you can excuse his defensive stance when she stepped closer.
“Why are you in the women's bathroom?” Mary asked, looking at Jack with her natural frown.
“I was replacing the toilet paper for the party” Jack said with a shiver in his voice that he hoped mary wouldn't notice.
“You won't be here soon so fine.” Jack watched the Angry woman release her fist and loosen up her tension. The last time he saw her do that was when he helped her with a job. She normally was so tense but at one point in time she would release that tension to show a more soft side barely anyone would see. That's what made Jack give in to her as well, but not now or ever. After a awkward moment of staring at each other Jack left the bathroom and barely floated towards the men's bathroom
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A bang rang out and echoed on the walls, he laid there on the ramp, or was it grass? No no ramp. The ramp that connected the two bathrooms which was now covered in blood with Jack's body putting a depression into the grass below. No ramp. There isn't a ramp made of grass unless you consider a hill a ramp.
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Standing up from the ground Jack looked behind him and felt his skull. It was weird, Jack didn't remember falling over but the bump on his head would be evidence enough of this. He stood himself steady, felt the bump for blood which none escaped and continued for the men's bathroom. After putting the toilet paper in their respective places and a quick visit to the nurses office for both new wrist bandages and some ice Jack went on his way out, not before getting a bad day comment from the nurses. Jack then looked at the time and saw that he had only five minutes left which he used to sit outside of a classroom of Apple and Forter. As the time ran by Jack looked around to see the girl from earlier carrying some big black boxes.
‘That's strange’ Jack thought, there wasn't any big boxes like that and yet there being moved behind the front stage. Jack then stood up and walked towards the group waving them down looking to help. After some chatter back and forth Jack found out it was the band class moving there instruments. Walking back to there van, Jack helped lift some of the more heavy instruments that moved around in there respected cases, with a joke about these instruments would like they're made of lego Jack looked back to the gate that they exited from to see Mary standing there. Jack frost for a moment because Mary was wearing weird makeup that had black shadow and equally as black concealer which looked more gothic but Jack was in Mary's inner circle so maybe it was a bad bet or joke. Remembering that people were nearby so he smiled and walked past Mary as Jack wondered why she was there but then remembered that he taught her the trumpet so she must be playing with them.
With that aside Jack moved a few more boxes then checked the time to see that everyone should be out of class and walking around by now. This meant that the party would properly start in about fifteen minutes where everyone would arrive and well, party. Jack made his way to the classroom that Apple and Forter where in and found the class still inside discussing some ideology that Jack could easily prove true or false but decided to let it play out as intended. When the class was officially over everyone went to grab their bags with Apple and Forter having problems finding what Jack had in his possession. After figuring this out they all grouped together and chatted about the plans of the party with Jack listening in and barely giving personal interest on the matter. In the last chapter of their conversation Forter left for the bathroom leaving Apple and Jack together.
“How are you doing?” Apple asked as they both sat under the trunk of an oak tree.
“Good, I think, honestly not too sure right now” Jack said, trying to cover the bandages with a slight of hand.
“What happened to you Jack?” Apple wondered as she grabbed the outside of his arm and consequently his hand which Jack was stunned by.
“I uh- got hurt by my cat” Jack said knowing that having a cat or any animal was out of the question considering his mothers lack of a job.
“Aww, i'm sorry about that” Apple joked with a childish tone that Jack thought was funny.
“Oh shush, i've helped you every time your cat scratched you and I never made fun of you” Jack said with a sense of fake bravado in his voice.
“I thought you said you wouldn't lie to me anymore Jack '' Apple reflected with a jab in his gut.
“I'm not lying…. Much, i'm just getting used to being more” Jack looks to his bandage.
“Open and honest I guess.” Jack knew that it would take time but he also knew that it'll be alright because.
“Just remember bud, you're not alone.''As if she read the same script as Jack, Apple finished his thought as she laid her head on his shoulder and sat there still. Jack was always away from people even though he loved to help others, and with this he never felt the feelings that others cried to him for, love, being one of the biggest culprits of this. He understood love by word, it's something you say to someone you don't want to hurt and as such he loved everyone but maybe that's not what love means. Maybe he cares for everyone and only loves a few people. Maybe he loves someone next to him that's laying on his shoulder. Jack would never find out. Ever.
Because Forter just came back from the bathroom and made a cutie remark that Jack and Apples tragicomedy actually did end happy. Which made Apple respond to standing up and punching him in the arm. Jack stood up next and walked behind the duo as they looked for Ali. The party had to do with cultural foods and how they all are in one place for people to enjoy. This instead brought food anyone could buy with one teacher actually going all out and getting a cultural food that looked disgusting. Frog legs Jack believed although they were scattered on the grass with the fluids so hard to say. It also brought jokes of poor taste against peoples cultures but hey at least the school was trying something new.
Jack,Apple,Forter and Ali were all finally together as the class rep stood on stage and directed everyone's attention to her. She pointed out boring school stuff about the sports team and how the team hopes for people to go out and cheer their team which is so overused that no one including Jack and the group cares for. As she spoke the group walked towards the different types of stands that were made on top of the tables with some holding small competitions such as mini golf made of plastic cups and rope, and a giant piece of paper for people to draw on and remember the date. Not like they needed it. Apple nudged Jack and looked at him pointing at the rest of the group with her eyes. Jack understood this and as they walked up to the cotton candy stand Jack paid for everyone and stood to the front of the group.
“Can I say something real quick?” Jack said looking to everyone and trying to get information together instead of hiding it.
“Let me guess you're gonna tell us something you did and how it's so good.” Forter said, which made the apple punch him in the arm and angrily smiled. Ali just looked forward pretending to listen while still having their headphones in.
“I just wanna say that you guys are some of the best people I know and honestly i'm sorry for being the douchebag i've been, the guy who always made fun of yall but honestly its because ive been jealous of all of you guys'' Jack looked at everyone's faces as he slowly allowed himself to cry which surprised everyone even with Ali looking taking out her headphones listening into it. Jack took a second to breathe as Apple held his hand and stood next to him.
“You all are best friends and can always rely on each other which i've never had and instead of having the fear of losing best friends like I did before hand, I instead pushed you all away just because of that stupid fear” Jacks legs shook as he spoke a type of weight lifted off of his shoulders and his feet finally feeling like there on the floor but soon he feels like his shoes were made of helium once again and his smile came back in a crooked way.
“But hey to be honest i'm weak because of this so I understand why you never wanna talk to me again, I wouldn't think differently about any of you I promise.” Jack smiled but Apple slapped Jack, having him fall to the floor and staying there on the cold wet grass.
Apple looked down to Jack and then to her hand that stung red after slapping Jack. Apple then looked to Forter who was looking down at Jack. So many different people looking at those same different people it causes a bit of grammar issues in any story. Reading it outloud would make others think you're reading a tongue twister. Instead of being confused let's take one final break to look into their surroundings.
Jack is on the grass surrounded by three people: Forter, Apple, and Ali.
Around him these people are people Jack wanted to open up to more.
Jack is injured and having a hard time standing up with one arm having a cut into it causing him immense pain.
Around this final group of people are about seven kiosks having different types of experiences like the literal mini golf from before.
Jack helped a band that will be playing in about twenty minutes and they can be seen slowly entering different entrances with their personal tools of music. They arrived in a van because all the equipment was too much to be carried.
Around these people are closed doors and next to the kiosks is the stage with rows of chairs in front of it that'll play the band.
Jack is realizing all of this as he finally stands up and notices that he isn't dead, he's quite alive and this isn't one of his visions.
“I'm sorry” Jack said, hugging his legs and crying. Apple then stood Jack back up and hugged him tightly. Jack looked over to the apple and then felt another set of hands hug him to.Looking over to see Ali, tears filling her eyes, hugging Jack as well, Forter looked towards them all and after a second decided to join in as well. Jack never felt this feeling of love. He once again was taught about love except he refined what he knew. There were only two loves, one for a person you wanna marry and the other for people you genuinely care for. The refined part of this is Jack knows how both finally feel. Friendship love is his heart feeling warmth and his arms feeling light. Love love is what he felt for Apple every time she looked at him. The feeling that his heart could beat out of his chest and his legs felt as shaky as they felt before. His stomach in patterns considering what it was. After all the hugs and understanding they separated from Jack and let him stand on his two feet sniffling as he gained balance.
“Well if we're all getting stuff off our chest then, I would like to say that uhh '' Forter looked at Apple and apple looked back in shock and fear.
“Oh? Don't know? Oops nevermind then” Forter escaped although poorly. Ali then looked at both Forter and Apple, gaining a smile as if nothing just happened.
“What's up? What happened? Tell me Tell me Tell me” Ali asked hopping around the two who were trying to defend themselves with stick thick excuses.
“Uhh, ask apple I have nothing” Ali then turned what seemed like comically slowly at apple as Forter said this. Jack looking on regaining his smile thinking ’Man I love these guys’
“Um uhh well you see.” Apple then tried to speak her claim but with her troubles with explaining stuff Jack stepped forward.
“It's ok, it took me very long to open up with you ‘which was like five seconds ago anyways’” he murmured. “So let her have time to tell us if she's so comfortable with” Apple interrupted Jack by hugging him suddenly causing him to stop.
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Apple looked up to Jack, the guy who not even a few minutes ago was on the floor crying, is now defending her, standing tall like he always did but this time she knew why. She finally understood that even Jack has problems and that no one is perfect which is something she loved about Jack. That's what made her go up to Jack's face and kiss him on the lips. Afterwards, Forter and Ali look at them both. She then stepped away from Jack and stood her ground just like Jack did many times for Apple.
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“I have a crush on you, um, Jack or well you Jack but to them I have a crush on.. Well” Apple said, her ground starting to fall. She looked stupid according to herself, she failed her big secret, she revealed this too early. Jack hates Apple now, Jack will never talk to her again. This idealism made Apple run towards the bathroom stalls where Jack or anyone couldn't see her. She then started running, overhearing Jack trying to stop her but she didn't care, she needed out now because the worst thing ever happened and needs to escape. As she ran she turned the corner seeing a few people try to stop her entering the bathroom as she ran. As she entered however she must've kicked the door hard enough to shut off the lights because it was really dark. Apple looked around in this darkness falling to the ground unable to see it to cry until she heard another noise as if the lightbulb above her illuminating her gown just popped and all of a sudden she saw the disappearances of distant lights.
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She said “I have a crush on you, um, Jack or well you Jack but” and then began a little mumble before running off.
“Apple wait up” Jack said as he tried to run after her before Forter stopped him in his tracks.
“Look man, she likes you, she always has.” Forter said, looking Jack in the eyes.
“As such, she wanted to tell you later tonight but I screwed it all up so.. Give her time and think about it ok?” Forter then let Jack go and Jack was stunned. His heart started to beat fast with it hard to breath and understand what was happening around him. He decided to breathe and think of random questions to calm his nerves. Like why do people cry when they hear goodbye in a love song, Why did all of this happen to him, Why would apple like Jack. Or at least what Jack was making to be someone who no one would like. How come she would say this to Jack as he finally opened up? Why would she even like a guy like him? Looking down and then around to the duo where Forter is being chastised by Ali for telling Jack.
Despite what Forter said Jack walked towards the bathroom listening to the surroundings to calm his heart down. He overheard conversations about the big band and even heard some smaller sounds like people moving through the grass and a balloon popping the questions finishing up being made in his head. Maybe Apple liked the fact that he was kind to others and never needed help himself or possibly how Jack always treated Apple like a big sister. Jack wouldn't ever know.
Jack turned the corner to see the bathrooms he restocked seeing the band holding their instruments walking away from the bathrooms holding their instrument cases. The bathrooms were strange however because their doors closed and there was a sign hanging on both saying out of order. That couldn't be right, Jack washed his hands and restocked the toilet paper which should mean they should be still in order. Jack then realized that ment Apple went into the girls bathroom without realizing it could be under some type of construction although Jack doubted this. He looked around and grabbed the handle of the girls bathroom then quickly entered inside. Doing something that as a boy would be seen as death by cooties he found it was pitch black and had a strange sour smell ,the smell was a mixture of oil and something else. Jack decided to walk a little forward before accidentally kicking something which made him fall back against the wall turning on the lights as he slid against the door.
On the floor of the once clean bathroom was blood, and a lot of it. Jack could have gotten a better image of how much but a body laid on top of it. The body of Apple. Her head was crunching into her ribs as blood flowed from a hole in her head. Her face was one of confusion that was masked with a stare into oblivion. Her blue dress she wore for the party now a wet and darkened red. Her body then moved, crushing her hand under her stomach. Jack looked at this and covered his eyes as he tried to breathe and get back to the real world. As he breathed he thought of his future with Apple and how he will live and die with her. Spending their days together, maybe some kids and having a happy future. What a nice and happy thought. Thought. Thought? Jack was thinking, and was able to move his arms.
Jack then reopened his eyes, the body sitting there impatiently waiting for a reaction. The blood on the walls looking at him dead on, the smell of bodily fluids fully enveloping his nose. Needle stabbed into his skin as his lungs tightened. He rushed over to Apple's side looking at her beauty as it frowned forever. Jack needed to help her, and needed to revive her somehow, maybe calling the police? A Doctor? That's when Apple's arm landed on Jack's leg.
“Apple?!?” Jack looked down to the body as its arm just sat there as a result of Jack hugging the body. Jack felt the last remaining warmth disappear as blood slowly dripped on both his shirt and on the tile floor. The sound of said blood echoing off the walls and being the only thing standing in the room. Jack sat with an apple as he imagined he would in the future. Her in his arms, the sun's blanket laying down on them both as they watch the sunset under the oak tree. The wind makes a slow and steady sound drop, drop, drop, drop. Jack came back to reality, Apple laying on him, dead, never speaking again, a bullet in the back of her skull. Blood covering the bathroom stalls, sink and Jack's shirt. Jack laid the body down, kissing her forehead, saying that he was sorry and the sound of a dial slowly crept in the room.
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“Nine one one what is your emergency”
“I found the body of my friend, I think…. I think she committed suicide.”
“Ok, please stay calm what's your name”
“Jack, and her name is… was Apple”
“That's a nice name, now Jack I need you to tell me about what you see around you. Do you see an address book maybe?”
“What? Oh um, She was beautiful and.. Really kind but I know that doesnt matter now ....”
“She has a hole in the back of her head and there's… blood, everywhere”
“In the back of her head? Ok, well did you find something that holds an address?”
“No, were in a bathroom at the school, were the uh”
“The Deer, the school mascots a deer”
“You're still in the school grounds?”
“Yes mam”
“Ok well Jack you need to listen carefully, you need to find somewhere to hide and get away from the body”
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Jack started to breath heavily as he looked around for something to calm his nerves. The walls held knives as there was nothing comforting, the knives were juggled as the walls got more and more sharp, his breathing got faster and faster as his phone dropped hearing the police woman try to call down the cave Jack was stuck in. Jack needed out, before he too was killed. Jack ran outside looking around, his clothes damp with blood as the wind flew through making his body feel how cold and damp his shirt is. He finally stopped running to catch his breath and recount the events that just happened.
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BOOM, a noise ran and with it alot of screams chased after. After that many more booms and alot less screams ran these marathons through Jack's ears as he ran over to the party area to see more horror. Blood red grass, bodies laying the ground, tables flipped over and full of holes, the only people standing being people dressed in black with black masks.
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Looking over to a flipped table, seeing Forters body lay still on top of the table's edge looking down at both Ali, and the school press. They both covered in blood as well looking at Jack hiding on the corner as the screams started to give up the marathon and the Booms settled. Alis face was one of pure shock as he grabbed onto forters body whispering something to the body not realizing he was dead. The class president cried as she watched Ali try and wake up the sleeping boy. Ali then stopped and bunched her hand into a fist as tears filled her eyes and she stood. Running towards Jack arms reaching for help, running for safety.
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“HEY!!” BOOM and then splash. Alis face filled with shock as her knee was blown out from under him. She looked down and screamed, grabbing his knee and looking towards a figure that only she could see. Another Boom rang out as Ali started to scream even louder, a new stream of blood coming out of his arm until finally a person walked over with a small pistol and put a gun to Ali's head and once again the game was rigged with the booms winning against the screams.
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This masked individual looked over to Jack, the only part of this monster was his human eyes, Jack looked towards the end of the barrel in shock before the barrel turned away to a president on the floor begging to the monster standing as the final game of the season had the booms once again winning against the screams, as if the screams ever had a chance. Jack's eyes stung from all the crying but he grabbed his waist remembering the call he was on with the police woman. The phone is gone however, left back in the bathroom as the masked person turned back to Jack. Jack looked up to the reaper, their hand never moving towards Jack even though he should have. Instead the monster with the normal eyes walked away.
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Jack stood quickly, not understanding the chance he was just given, looking to see all the bodies that slept during the marathon, the booms all circled around some of the bodies and moved them to the stage for some kind of example maybe. Jack didn't care what they were doing; he needed to escape with his third chance of life. He turned quickly and ran away from the party, he needed to make it to the bathroom before.
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Bang, Jack was then pushed to the floor, above him, of course because she was mentioned in the beginning. Mary, who took off her black mask and stepped on Jack's injured arm. Mary looked down to Jack, smiling, wide eyed, and holding a gun. Said gun was pointed at Jack's head although the season was over and Jack didn't really wanna scream.
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“Hey Jack, how are you doing down there?” Jack looked up to Mary and tried his hardest to stand. Bang, a bullet sounded off next to Jack's hand.
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“No, no please stay down, I wouldn't want a guest to stand up and do something stupid.” Jack just stared at Mary stunned by her calmness but still wanted answers.
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“Why?? Because I'm helping others just like you always do Jack.” Jack heard this and just was surprised, what did she mean just like him?
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“Is everything ok Jack? Need some water? Here I have mine.” Mary then threw Jack a water bottle full of blood.
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“That's my blood you know.” The gun went straight to Jack's head.
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“Drink it” Jack looked at the gun and then the bottle drinking it although he coughed most of it out making Mary have to hold it for him.
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“See. Isn't that good Jack? Sorry for it but I did that to help the police try and find me. I'm too kind or well i'm as kind as you want me to be Jack” He just stared at her and couldn't say anything just thinking about a way to escape, a way to help everyone. But there is no one. He's the only one left.
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“Jack. Are you looking for an escape?? Well let me tell you something” She then grabbed Jack's head with her hand pointing it to where she wanted.
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“I personally cut the tires of your bike, the front entrance, office gate and fire exit are all locked up with industrial sized locks thanks to a special person who helped lift them closely to the entrances.” Jack realized that's what he moved, locks, he was the cause of those peoples deaths, and will be the cause of many more.
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“But, as a thank you to you” Jack's nose was poked by Mary's index finger. “I told the guys to not kill you immediately, and you get to hear my idea, and you get to tell me what I need to change and help me all over again. Just like old times Jack.” Mary then handed the gun over to Jack and sat next to him holding his hand.
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“First I have to explain something true and dear Jack” She grabbed both his hands and kissed him on the cheek with her lips covered in blood “ I missed ya old friend like…. Alot. but I felt like you didn't like me anymore because every time you saw me you always stepped back” Jack thought of this and knew it was true.``That made me sad Jack” She made a fake pouty face.
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“Ok so now you know the backstory let me tell you the plan. First it started as a school project about celebrities. Remember when we did those together??, I realized that every time someone becomes famous they always have a tragic backstory. Well I had a thought about what if I made my secret crush a celebrity. Jack realized where it was going and thought ‘Oh no’.
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“Well, you didn't have trauma unless losing a friend would do that but you're stronger than that.” Jk knew that Mary had no idea. “Anyways, I thought seeing everyone you've helped die would be a little traumatic so after this I was gonna have you escape and find your house burned down but.. I overheard something.”
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“That girl, Apple, she confessed to you, I was so happy hearing this that I met her in the bathrooms and well, I got a “head” of myself. HA” Jack froze, it wasnt a suicide, it was a murder. HEaring this, Jack grabbed the gun and pointed it at Mary.
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“What's wrong Jack? Don't like puns anymore? What happened to that? When we made jokes and had.” Mary grabbed something as she rushed on top of Jack “fun” All of a sudden Jack's arm stung and bled with a sharp razor going against his skin causing his muscles to tense and him pull the trigger of the gun but there was just a click. Jack pointed the gun and pressed the barrel against Mary's face as he heard the trigger click over and over again as his arm was shredded for nachos later on.
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“Why would I give a loaded gun to someone who hates me?” Mary then looked at his arm click click click click and then started to cry randomly.
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“You hate me so much that you're trying to shoot me as I'm giving my heart to you? Well guess what that bottle was also filled with” Mary raised her razor high like a demon barber “Apple Juice” and lowered it into Jack's shirt which got stuck in the fabric. Jack then looked at Mary who straddled his legs but quickly moved off of them moving to the corner after throwing Jack a small band aid that was branded with a small pink cartoon pony and his phone that he later found was without its battery.
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“Leave Jack, go be famous, but always remember who made you famous. If you don't, I'll find you again and I'll have my Jack once again.” Mary then left, giving him a key that has a small strip of white tape with the words gate entrance. Jack then layed there looking towards the corner trying to regain strength as he looked to the bloody floor, the strip of skin that was ripped from his arm sitting in front of him.
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After a few minutes Jack finally stood up but Mary and the group of Booms walked passed looking at Jack like a caged animal but Mary walked over and grabbed the skin strip giggling as she and the group ran. Jack then stood there still. In front of the bathroom where all of this horribleness began. All of a sudden sirens rang out which had Jack slowly wobble towards the front. Police cars sat at the electric gate and people were on radios. Jack pushed open the gate then walked towards the front entrance throwing the key to a cop as he fell to the ground.
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Time seemed to push in and out. He remembers seeing the police carry him to an ambulance. A van driving by everything. A loud noise rang out as Jack's chest was pumped with electricity. But mostly Jack just remembers a closed off black room, with a white light and many many broken light bulbs surrounding him as he illuminated his space alone.
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