Pop pop pop, pop pop pop, pop, pop pop pop pop.
A series of pops, all culminating in bangs. Metal striking metal with little pews. The clammer of footsteps in rushing nature- the eruption of flames by the sizzle of what could seemingly be a flamethrower, followed then by the fierce winds. Crumbling block and the sounds of strikes of swords through the very walls; though not a sword was to be seen.
The rain of casing that hit the ground, shots spent, the winds and flames soaring overhead. Two figures crouched behind an overturned silo, one wielding a gun and the other a bow with no visible arrows. The howling flicker of the wind and that deafening roar much like a jet engine. With flames dying, both shot up and took aim at a lone target.
A green aurora formed around the bow as it was stretched, a beam of light concentrating at the center. What came from the mist was only to be described as an energy bolt, one quickly fired off at the lone target. With it flew more and more bullets from the twin revolvers held by the other.
“EEEEEYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!” came the howl from their destination, powerful winds flying and slapping the many projectiles.
The rain of those objects, the explosion of the arrow and the clammer of the bullets weighing down. Both shooters ducked once more as another round of fire and gust crashed their way. A somber expression held on the one, a small girl, whilst one of seriousness crept over the tall man. For both Blake and Andi, Vampire and Elf, this battle was turning.
The hulking, rage-filled form of Soreis stomped ahead as the flames died back. His salt and pepper hair swayed around, the orange crimson glow of his gaze almost as fire-filled as the very flames he was producing. With his steps forward little shoots of fire burst from his feet, all with each and every step. Blake readied his weapons, locking the chambers back into place with a huff.
“Damn,” he spoke with his next huff, “At this rate-”
The crash, no- the crackle of breaking wood. As if a trunk had been slashed and ripped all combined with the sound of falling rock. Many branches broke apart in the next instance, a rain of beams and logs. Two figures launched themselves around the vast chamber that was once a holding room for prisoners. The roof partially collapsed with three beams taken out, the walls in disarray.
Echoing was the clang of two objects pressed hard together, a crystal dagger and a metal hook. Both figured plowed into one another and jabbed their weapons together with such force that sent both flying back after impact. Roxanne touched down across from Maja, the Drachen on her knee with a couple breaths inhaled and exhaled. Maja on the other hand stood tall and almost stoic- unmoved all things considered.
Her huffing continued only briefly, stunned and stopped as she glanced around to the right. Around the corner came running two figures. A scowl crept over immediately, the sight of both Rengard and Sereena charging in coming to focus. Attentions shifted though quickly, a slight turn back to witness Maja twirling through the air with her hooks held out.
Roxanne shot back with a single hop, the left hook gliding barely passed her throat. Her boots skid back with gravel and dirt being kicked up all the while.
“Bloody hell,” she grumbled, back-flipping as soon as she had spoke.
BUUUUUUUUNG, crumble crumble
A massive blade slammed into the ground where she had originally skidded to, now jolting forward a little though stuck within the stone. The Trio de la Muete hovered around that lone weapon, Maja with her hooks and Sereena with her rods. From the ground ripped the weapon back into the hands of Rengard who carried in addition to that a smug grin.
“Bastards,” Roxanne grumbled, “It doesn’t matter how much I damage them, they’ll just get back up healed like they did before.”
The trio bolted forward, their weapons all raised with Roxanne raising only her daggers and a scowl.
Across the way and many rooms over remained the other battle dragged on. Flames danced around his arms and legs, the winds blowing sharply outward. A coat of flames completely covered him in seconds, his appearance that of a demon now as he was wholly fire. Several tails protruded and slashed out, striking the wall behind and scorching it.
Behind the current safety of the silo remained the two, Andi’s head lowering back behind and turning, “Blake?”
“We aren’t going to be able to accomplish the mission at this rate. Roxanne needs to be the one to fight Soreis, her crystal armor is the only thing that can bypass that fire armor.”
“And with him pinning us and the trio pinning her-”
“There’s no chance for us to swap. They’re working hard to keep us separated.”
“I know they’re immortal but they are definitely not giving us a break here-”
Across from their silo of shelter remained the wrathful Soreis, flames roaring around him. Though his eyes could no longer be detected, the burning glare was certainly still upon the position of both of them. He stepped forward, the weight of his power echoing out as he did so.
“You peons,” came the low pitched growl of Soreis, “You brats have no idea what in this world true power is.”
“And I suppose you’re going to show us what true power looks like? Rather generic response there mate,” Blake retorted aloud, reloading his weapons in the process.
“No,” Soreis spoke flatly, a response given shock to Blake at once, “I will not delude myself with false beliefs. I have seen true power, and this is not it.”
Blake rose, turning his head around and looking upon Soreis who had just taken another step.
“What I hold is a far cry from that perfect power. However, I still have more than enough power to deal with you people!”
“Nrrrgh get ready Andi. This might be-”
As he was mid-speech, a figure bolted into frame, skidding to a halt between the duo and Soreis. All three jolted awake, Soreis’s head cocking back.
Black robes flapped and a hood dipped back, the individual turning to the flaming juggernaut at once, “Soreis!” the individual exclaimed.
“What is the meaning of this?!” Soreis hissed.
“Lord Soreis,” the individual spoke, raising their head, beads of sweat dripping down, “L-Lox Town, it was annihilated!”
“What?!” Soreis howled, “Has this Elise Bakuuva truly figured out the extent of our operation?”
“N-no, it wasn’t her, it was them!”
“Huaaa? No,” he said with a gulp, “You don’t mean-”
“We have eye witness reports. Three of them.”
“Only three?? Tch- mother of a…” he grumbled, shaking his head momentarily.
As soon as his head stopped shaking he remained there stationary. The crackle of the flames roaring around him softened, soon dying out entirely. Indeed the flame coat that covered Soreis was burned out and gone, leaving only his human body there. Both Blake and Andi shot up, looking at the subordinate and to Soreis.
“We… we are not ready for this confrontation. Execute Plan Ninety-Nine!”
“Do what I tell you!” Soreis barked, the subordinate in turn jumping back, “It doesn’t matter if they have come for the Sarzentan Princess or for us. If they find us we’re all going to die. Our numbers, our power- it isn’t enough yet. Get going, NOW!!!”
The cloaked figure turned and bolted from his master’s presence, yelling out “YES SIR!” as he went.
Both Blake and Andi stood awe-struck, looking at Soreis. The cult leader stood there looking at the floor momentarily, shaken, and soon looked up to his foes.
“Consider this… your lucky day. A pain in my ass far bigger than that of you people is knocking at our doorstep.”
Both Blake and Andi rose up from behind the downed silo, with it being Blake who spoke out first, “What’s that supposed to mean?”
The crackling sound of stone, followed by spilling rocks. The ground around Soreis broke open, massive vines rising out and wrapping around. Andi’s bow shot up and an arrow took form; though to that end Blake’s arm shot up blocking the shot. Her expression moved from Soreis to Blake, a concerned expression at that.
“Mark my words, young Vampire. This is far from over. Consider this merely as a postponement,” he stated, and as he spoke his body had begun to dissolve and merge with the vines.”
“You’re running away? I thought that-”
“What, that we would stand and fight because we’ve the advantage? With you perhaps but not against what’s coming. Should the fates allow it we will meet again, and next time our battle will not cease until one is left for the maggots!”
Without much more to give, his form was gone, sunk into the vines which remained. Andi’s bow lowered along with Blake’s arm, both of them staring at where Soreis had stood. And as they stared the sounds of battle in the very next chamber had noticeably gone, leaving nothing but silence. The young elf, still beside her comrade, stumbled back as she released hold of the string of her bow.
“Yeah Andi?”
“What could be enough to scare the likes of them away?”
“I’m not sure, and I don’t particularly want to find out,” he murmured looking onward, “We should regroup with Roxanne and get done here.”137Please respect copyright.PENANAKtYMT7vAfu
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“Why are we running away? Those little rats don’t seem-”
“Silence Sereena!” spat Soreis, “They aren’t the ones we’re running from.”
Out in the middle of the dark woods, figures were rising from the ground and from the trees themselves. Bark ripping open and expelling a mix of blood and bodies. Stationary in the midst of a clearing were Soreis and Sereena, with the likes of Rengard and Maja rising up nearby. Several of the cloaked cultists moved from the trees and the ground, plenty of undead surrounding them.
“Plan ninety-nine,” Maja spoke, “It means that the enemies we have been preparing for have found us.”
“Too early,” Soreis growled.
“So what, we just abandon the forest and all of our undead? Come on Soreis, that’s dumb. With the Eternal Hollow we are unkillable and can move around freely. I say we’re more than-”
“No we’re not, and we’re not. Look- we’re going to lay low for now, go into hiding, wait for them to leave. Once we’re sure that they’re gone we’ll resume normal activities. This way we avoid conflict and continue to go under the radar because trust me, compared to those guys we are nothing by comparison.
“Can’t be that bleedin’ tough if you got away from them once before.”
“I’m telling you Sereena, you don’t want to mess with Specter. The crazy witch that runs that faction has made total monsters, monster’s so unhinged that they-”
“-that they… they…” he stuttered looking up, glancing to three figures stationed in the trees above their position, “They… uh they, w-wha- …. oh my god.”
“Heh heh. Why hello there… Soreis.”
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Steps echoed through the halls. Soft and echoing, like walking across catwalk in a giant chamber lined with walls of curtain. Of course this was not the case, as it was simply people walking down the halls of the underground facility of the Cult of Demigrah. Blake, Roxanne, and Andi moved through, echoing as a unit as they rounded a corner and continued on.
Many doors were already open as they strode along, inside bunks and lounges in ruin, some kept up and maintained whilst others were full of dust and webs. The three moved unhindered as they came to a fork in the hall- a left, a right, and a straight. It was from the right where some footsteps echoed out and then steps from the left. Two came from the left and one from the right.
“Did you two find anything Dante?” Blake asked.
“No,” Dante spoke with a shake of his head, “Nothin’ at all.”
“And you, Fen Rao? Did your team find anything?”
“Nothing. The place is dead,” the old knight replied.
“So what, they just abandoned the place on a whim then?” Shree questioned aloud, “After all that they’ve done, why would they just leave?”
“They’re afraid of something… they spoke as if they weren’t sure what it was. If it was after them or if they were after this Sarzentan Princess that you and Elise encountered. Regardless of an answer they fled out of here mid-fight and haven’t returned since.”
“It’s been a few hours now,” Andi added, “They held the advantage over us. Whatever they’re running from is something more than what we can provide.”
“Guys,” came the call of Elise.
From the right hall right behind Dante approached the young warrior, her sheathed sword at her side, her nose in a book held open by her right hand. She walked from yet another room of which the door had been left open.
“What is it?” Blake questioned.
“It… appears to be a journal of some kind,” she spoke, flipping through the pages with her free hand, “It details the properties of this Hollow, even going into the transportation method and their apparent immortality. Details about- harnessing the power of an Eternal Hollow, details about what kind of things they were up to with their undead.”
“So nothing of note fer us,” Dante grumbled, “Thas ducky.”
“Well yes, and no. See here on this page, at the front, it talks about using a structure with runes to control the forest. It lets them move around the Hollow at their leisure, lets them communicate back and forth, and it controls the loop.”
“So if we were to access this pillar, we could undo the effects of the loop?”
“It’s already undone actually,” Elise spoke, looking up, “I asked Yeager to go and have a look at the pillar at the top of the tower and- turns out that they already have it set to open. My guess is that before they left they opened the Hollow up in hopes of letting whatever they’re afraid of wander back out of here.”
“So that solves that mystery. Still- some things are rather vague. What happened to the village, and what happened to our employers?”
“Given that the cargo was gone, I bet that they moved on before those villagers could do anything. And not long after- poof. You know if we hurry we might be able to catch up with both them and those Sarzentans.”
“Well to hell with this place then,” Dante grumbled, “Less get tha fuck outuv ‘ere already.”
“I’m with him,” Shree spoke.
“I suppose it is about time. Shree, go and find Yeager. We should move and return to our people while we still can and inform them of what has transpired.”
Both moved across the hall and passed Dante, soon crossing by Elise heading in the direction she had originated from. Their steps and armor clanged, four of the five watching them leave.
“Rao,” Elise spoke up.
“Mmm?” Fen Rao grumbled, stopping in place.
“I still intend to honor our agreement, if you’ll let me that is.”
“… heh… you’ve a good heart Bakuuva. Lets meet up once we’re done with this forest and, discuss those terms,” he concluded, lowering his head and continuing onward.
Elise’s attention returned to her comrades before her, at which point Blake had again begun to speak up, “Well alright. That’s that. We should move on from here and hurry to catch up with the convoy. We know what path they’d have taken to get out of here so this should be easy enough. Everyone ready?”
“Then lets go,” he concluded, heading and turning down the left corridor, followed swiftly by his compatriots.
Both Roxanne and Andi followed first, whilst Dante swung round and began to walk backwards, looking to Elise, “Come along now Bakuuva, we’ve got work to do yet.”
With the slightest of smiles, she nodded. Elise shut the book and moved it to her side, following just behind after Dante who had already swung back around to walk normal. Their steps echoed out, soon becoming void entirely, leaving only the crackle of the flames within the halls.