I held my little sister, Lira, in my arms. Just a second ago, she was alive.
She juggled a small, red ball in the air. Her telepathy allowed her to let it soar in the sky. But the raiders were closing in. If they knew about her power, they would do terrible things to her.
I knew I had only one choice. "Gemma, do you know what its like to be 8, or 9 or 10?" She asked, the ball wizzing around in the air. "Yes, Lira. You become very old and wise. You'll see. You're birthdays in a week." I sat down next to her. I put my arm behind me, feeling the ground for a gun. She turned to me, her bright blue eyes staring into my soul. I looked away. I couldn't do this. Suddenly, I heard a banging noise. The raiders were close. I couldn't let them find her.
"Are you gonna use that gun to protect us from the raiders?" Lira asked. Her voice was quiet, but it didn't quiver. She wasn't afraid. Somehow, that made it even worse.
"Yes, Lira. Hey, do you have that magic trick with the ball? Can you show me it?" Her eyes lit up. "Sure."
As the ball zigged and zagged in the air, my hand edged closer to her. The banging grew louder. There was no time left, and I only had one cartridge. "Lira, don't look behind you, okay? Just focus on the ball. Focus on the ball." She was silent this time. The gun was right behind her head, point blank.
A shot rippled in the air, and she fell, her blood seeping through my clothes and onto my skin.
A raider ran into the room. I didn't even look at him as he took me outside into the snow. The cold air grasped at ever pore of my body. I was forced down to the ground as the raiders yelled at me. The bullet hit my chest quickly.
As waves of pain and grief hit me, all I could see was the empty stare of Lira's eyes, hear her last breathe, and feel her last heartbeat.
I hadn't gotten what I deserved, and I never would.