She stood in the control room, staring out into the lower chamber. Her 2 guests woke slowly.
"Oh, good, you've regained your strength," she said, smiling. "Dana? Jules? My name is Alysa Aiday."
Alysa quickly crouched between the two of them.
"No, no, please, don't get up. Have some hot chocolate."
"Where are we?" Dana asked.
"You're safe," Alysa replied. "This is the control room to a special chamber of mine, where bad people who do bad things are punished."
Jules and Dana looked out the viewport.
The Elevator Guard, Ronald the Intern, Daniel Truman, Steve Hadley, Gary Sitterson, Wendy Lin, and The Director, were all brought into the chamber below, as Alysa began to chant; Pressing a sequence of buttons on the control panel.
Panels in the floor opened up, and objects like toilets on platforms rose into the room. But these had armrests, feeding trays like baby feeding seats, chains that wrapped around the back, and the seats were like foothold animal traps; Like in the cartoons where the steel made interlocking triangles like giant steel teeth.
"Eeeh, what in the--??" Sailor Moon groaned.
"You never do get used to what Alysa conjures up, do you?" Ryo asked as the heroes sat the villains onto the torturous chairs.
"What's going on here?!?" asked The Director.
"I'm giving you seven shadow demons - Huh! The seven deadly sins. Who knew? - a taste of your own yucky, nightmare fever inducing, diarrhea causing medication!" Alysa shouted into her BONAOK microphone, the speaker of which was jammed against the head of another microphone, which amplified her voice over the loudspeakers, causing the Facility Staff to grimace. "I want to find out how 'ThE aUdIeNcE' reacts to a horror show where YOU putrid piles of primate poop puked up by a petulant porcupine are the victims!!"
"Yikes. That's a lot of P words in one sentence," said Jules.
"Seven, actually," Alysa agreed, smiling.
Wendy Lin and The Director began screaming as their bodies were inflated; Like what Harry did to Aunt Marge in Prisoner of Azkaban, except they ended up.... expectant, and their bodies grew much faster than Aunt Marge's did. All male members of the Facility Staff - Except Gary Sitterson - became... Height/Length was like a baby's body, but width became like that of Sumo Wrestlers. They also started straining like they were constipated.
"What the fuck?!?" The Director asked, staring at her stomach as the chains began securing the Facility Staff into place.
"Sailor Scouts, Ronin Warriors, Warlords, please exit the room through the red door." Alysa instructed. Our heroes did so.
The Facility Staff screamed as they were all sat down.
"Uncomfortable, you superfluous, stupid, sarcastic, sadistic sycophants?!?"
"Five S words??" Dana asked, to which Alysa nodded; Her smile back in place for the moment.
"Please, take popcorn and hot chocolate," Alysa offered.
But while Dana and Jules took what nourishment they were offered, Alysa turned back to the viewport and was glowering at her unfortunate victims again. Pressing a few more buttons on her console, Alysa activated a giant screen in the wall, a distorted baby crying sound over the loudspeakers, a set of cameras in the upper corners, and a set of mechanical arms from the ceiling that equipped the Facility Staff with 3D glasses.
"Aaah! What the Fuck is that disgusting noise?!?"
Suddenly, there was the sound of splashing on the floor, and straining from the male Facility Staff members.
"What's going on with them?" Dana asked.
"Be grateful I put you in those potty traps instead of measuring your waists to put you into triple adult diapers," Alysa addressed the Facility Staff members; Who began screaming as the pain in their stomachs and bottoms intensified.
Wendy Lin and The Director were squeezing the chains binding their arms to the armrests of their toilets; Sweating, screaming, the areas around their feet wet from....
"You wouldn't have! You couldn't have!" Gary Sitterson cried; Somehow piecing it together.
"You're damn right I did, you overage, uneducated, aptly named nanny!" Alysa grinned. "And guess who has to change their diapers once they arrive, as well as the diapers of your other colleagues?"
Sitterson went green in the face, like he was about to vomit.
"YOU WHAT?!?!?" screamed The Director!
"Oh, you'd better believe it," Alysa grinned, laughing. "I mean, WHAT job is someone called Sitterson qualified for anyway; Firefighter?!? Give me a break!"
Shortly, the lower chamber became filled with the sound of real, but not exactly regular, babies crying, as the distorted one over the loudspeakers faded away.
When Wendy Lin & The Director lifted their heads again, they had wrinkled faces, gray hair - And eyes to match, and it was as though they'd actually lost quite a bit of musculature to boot.
"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven-" Sitterson counted.
"Twenty-six! Save your psycho-energy, Nanny Boy!" Alysa scolded. Turning to Dana & Jules, she added: "Big word for brain power."
"Don't look!" Sailor Mars warned over the loudspeakers via another microphone.
Sitterson dashed for the door. But upon grabbing the knob, he was zapped.
"Seventy-one thousand volts, Nanny Boy," Alysa said.
Alysa pressed a button, causing music to play over the loudspeakers, quietly chanting yet another spell.
"Don't move, don't think... do not even breathe, unless you plan on being the absolute best caregivers for babies & adult babies you can possibly be," Alysa warned.
"Got to... kill those... demon- AAAAGH!!!!" The Director was startled by a surreal scenario playing in her mind.
"You want to escape, press both NOS buttons simultaneously," Alysa warned. "But I recommend being a good baby for mister Sitterson and good caregivers for your babies instead."
Ronald the Intern glanced down and pressed two buttons he noticed on the armrests of his potty chair trap.
"NOOOO!!!!" cried the sailor scouts.
The instant he pressed the buttons, his body went limp.
"He lives," Alysa clarified, "but his mind is shattered and his consciousness is rapidly cycling between sixty four black, silent dreamless sleeps."
The remaining six Facility staff members began trembling on a level similar to someone suffering severe seizures.
"I didn't say 'Quake With Fear' yet," Anubis pouted.
"Trust me, Anubis," Alysa's voice said over a small speaker in the room, "given what I've done to them thus far, you needn't waste your energy."
"What did you do to Ronald, you crazy-" Daniel Truman started to ask.
"DO YOU WANT TO SHARE HIS FATE?!?!?" Alysa yelled over her double microphone setup, which echoed over the loudspeakers again. "Just be a good baby, don't pout when Mr. Sitterson changes your diapers, and stop trying to act so tough to mask the shadow of your true cowardice. You know damn well none of the innocents you shadow demons have sacrificed deserved the terrible fates you handed them."
The babies in the chamber began crying their distorted cries again. Alysa turned to Jules and Dana.
"If you'll take the rings, we can begin," Alysa smiled.
Anubis came through the door on the other side of the control room; As connected to the room the Warlords, Ronin Warriors, and Sailor Scouts were in. He passed Alysa the pink boxes in his hands; Inside which were gold rings with two-and-a-half pound jewels on them; A ruby on one, a sapphire on the other.
"But.... those are..." Dana stammered.
"For your willingness to protect Jules no matter what," Alysa smiled, nodding.
Dana & Jules stood side-by-side, facing Alysa, who smiled; A gentle proud smile.
"Dearly beloved, we have gathered here on this night..." Alysa recited.
Curt Vaughan, Holden McCrea, and Marty Mikalski were given a sentence to community service of thirty-six months by Alysa; Cleaning up litter, changing diapers, and cleaning bathrooms.
Dana Polk and Jules Louden enjoyed their lives in a log cabin picked out by Alysa in the Colorado Rocky Mountains; Once, of course, they overcame the initial shock of the spells Alysa had cast on them.
Alysa secretly, magically, checked in on them and their beautiful baby girl Jules had birthed every so often.
And The Facility Staff??
Ronald the intern was still trapped splinched between sixty-four dreamless sleeps. Gary Sitterson was trapped babysitting twenty-eight charges he'd rather have been hungry wolves he was running from to avoid getting eaten; Especially since six sevenths of them would eat his ankles anyway if he didn't follow the instructions on the paper Alysa had thrust into his mouth. Daniel Truman, and Steve Hadley tried playing daddies to Wendy Lin's and The Director's abnormal fledglings, but ultimately ended up wishing they were trapped in the same situation as Ronald.
And the Elevator Guard?
He now lives a life of a mime; Never speaking, for fear of reliving the courtroom and the births of The Director's and Wendy Lin's youngsters, but instead trying his best to entertain normal human children in attempt to atone for his sins; Even going as far as to babysit little babies, girls in particular; Dawning a surgical mask and latex gloves before changing the dirty diapers.
Not one of the seven members of The Facility Staff even thought of doing what they'd done to please the evil demon gods again, especially given the nightmares Alysa's curse had left them repeatedly suffering every time they tried sleeping. So they were forced to drink the magical, always refilling bottles of NOS Energy Drink to stay awake. Not to mention the "Withdrawal Migraines" they'd get if they tried stopping.