I wake up.
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My head is resting on something cold and metal. My neck back and head hurt. I sit up and realise I'm in a metal chair. I look around the room and realise that I do not know how I got here. The room is comprised of concrete walls ceiling and floor, gently illuminated by a light mounted to the wall the opposite side of me. There's a red metal door with no handle or lock.
I get up out of the chair and notice I'm still wearing my suit. Last thing I remember was I went out drinking with some work friends. I must have blacked out.
My clothes are crinkled and I notice a cream colored stain on my shirt and tie. Likely vomit, which I can only hope is mine. As I begin to walk towards the door I feel some chafing between my legs. As well as some moisture.
I peed my pants.
I rub my face out of guilt and shame before continuing to the door.
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I press my hands against the door and push. It doesnt budge.
I bang on the door with my fist. "Hello!? Can anyone hear me!? I'm stuck!"
I hear no response.
I step back from the door and ready my stance to kick it. Left foot in front of my right foot. I bend my knees and push forward. I raise my left leg and kick the door where I assume the handle would be.
The door does not move a centimetre. Vibrating pain shoots up my leg from kicking the immovable as if it weren't so.
I yelp and fall back onto my rear.
I lie there on the cold ground defeated. My head hurts from the hangover and from dehydration. I have no water and no food. I reach into my pockets to look for my phone only for my heart to sink when I realise its not there.
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"SIT BACK DOWN" I hear a distorted voice explode from behind me.
I spin around on my hands and knees and look towards the source of the noise. A single speaker hangs in the corner.
"Wha- What is this!?" I yell. Unable to hide the fear in my voice.
"All will be revealed shortly Henry"
"How? How do you know my name?"
"Enough questions. If you want to leave this place alive you will do as I say and sit back down"
I hear the speaker disconnect. I get up to my feet and begin to nervously approach the table. Its then that I notice the table has a closed laptop on it. As well as what looks like some documents.
I sit back down and wait. I begin to shiver from the cold and rub my arms to try and warm up.
I nearly jump out of my seat as the voice returns. I open it immediately. I'm troubled by what I see.
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I see two screens from what looks like the view of a camera. It shows rooms similar to the one I'm in. And there's people in these rooms. One in each. A man and a woman. The man paces around looking stressed while the woman sits against a wall with her legs brought up to her chest.
"What is this?" I ask to the voice.
"The souls of the damned. Today is their judgement day. One will find their way out of this complex alive. The other will be forced to face the consequences of their actions"
"I don't understand"
"Redemption is not possible for all who cross the line into depravity and sin. It is up to you to decide who gets to leave"
"What!? No!"
"If you wish to leave this complex alive you will have to choose. Please open the first document on your left. Do not fight me on this anymore. Or your window for escape will close"
The speaker disconnects.
I grab the first document and open it. I see a picture of a man. Looking between it and the man pacing around in the room I recognise them to be the same person. This document seems to contain a profile of the mans life and background.
Name: Nathan Gates
DOB: January 17th 1983
Hair: Gray
Eyes: Blue
Race: White
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I continue to read through the mans profile until I come across a large piece of text.
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Nathan was born to a lower middle class family in Boston. This financial status would change to low income when his father would be killed in a drunk driving accident when Nathan was 6. Having to move to lower income parts of the State Nathan was subjected to traumatic and unsafe conditions growing up. When Nathan was 16 he would join a local gang. This involvement would lead him to shoot and kill gas station clerk Dennis Rodrigo during an attempted robbery when he was 17. Dennis was 19. Nathan would get away with this murder and go on to be charged for assault against his then girlfriend while under the influence of crystal meth and alcohol in 2005. After being forced into rehab by his family Nathan would go on to beat his addictions and meet the woman who he would end up marrying in 2009 where he would then have three children with her. The oldest child is 12. The youngest is 5. Though Nathan may have redeemed himself in his own eyes and the eyes of the law he was never punished for the murder of 19 year old Dennis Rodrigo. So he stands here today awaiting judgement.
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I drop the document on the table and look at the screen with Nathan in it. I notice he's on his knees with his hands clasped together. Its then that I notice in the corner of his screen a microphone symbol with a line going through it. I move the mouse over to the symbol and click it. I begin to hear the audio from inside his room.
"Our father who art in heaven hallow be thy name thy kingdom come-" I quickly disable the audio.
Oh God he's praying I think to myself.
My eyes drift to the screen with the woman in it. She hasn't moved. I gulp and slowly reach towards the other document. I open it.
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Name: Min-Seo Yun
DOB: October 3rd 2002
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Race: Asian
Min-Seo, who commonly goes by Mindy was born to an upper class family in South Korea and moved to California with her family when she was 3 years old. When Mindy was in Highschool she developed a tendency to drink and smoke marijuana with her friends after school. In 2020 Mindy would enter her vehicle while intoxicated and cause a car accident that resulted in the deaths of Carl Forester, his wife Riley Forester, and their twin children Ben and Jacob Forester who were both 8 years old. She would flee the scene of this accident and never be caught. Mindy would show little guilt for this as she still continues to drive while intoxicated frequently. Something that she doesnt know, and even we didnt know until recently is that urine samples suggest that Mindy is pregnant. We believe that this information will affect your decision.
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I close the document. I recognise that both of these people have done awful things but still I don't want either of them to die. Why me? Why am I the one to decide this? 212Please respect copyright.PENANAjCYF8GiIjR
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"HAVE YOU MADE A DECISION" 212Please respect copyright.PENANAAWEO5qwryj
I flinch from the sudden voice once more. 212Please respect copyright.PENANA2GWH8EgE8y
"There is a stamp in the drawer on the desk. Stamp the document of the person who you believe deserves to die. If you do not make your decision in the next 5 minutes all 3 of you will die"212Please respect copyright.PENANAfZ50yraRHC
"Why!? What is this!? I don't know what I have to do with any of this"212Please respect copyright.PENANAMqU7SMwjXl
"4 minutes and 39 seconds Henry"212Please respect copyright.PENANAh9HxinCQvg
The speaker disconnects. 212Please respect copyright.PENANAneDXyZ4NCg
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Thankyou for reading my entry. But it is unfinished I'm afraid. Because I need YOU the contest holder to decide who Henry decides should die. When you tell me your answer I will write a follow up and finish the story. Thankyou for reading.
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