Username: Asteristheman
"Dang it! What the hell?? Who else but me would be named Aster and be the MAN, like THE MAN?"
Feeling frustated, Aster realized he was not as unqiue as he had assumed.
And once again..
Username: Asteristheman1
And again..
Username: Asteristheman300
"MY GOD! Finally, at least it didn't take that long. Now onto the password, we go."
He typed out his go-to password, knowing that if anyone discorvers it, he's basically screwed.
And it was truly a piece of cake to figure it out. I mean, come on, he just uses his birthday—no letters, no nothing!
After finally finishing typing his password, Aster faced one of the hardest challenges: crafting a bio. While most may find it easy, for him it was a pain in the ass as everyone kept telling him to tone down the oversharing because, in their words, "IT'S TMI."
He began typing; luckily, his limit was around 250 letters, so he didn't have to decide what was more important because, well, everything about him was so important.
But he's an idiot and didn't realize he still had to decide which thing about him was the most perfect of the perfects.
He let out a frusatarted groan and started typing, slowly but surely.
And here's what his brain came up with after two painful minutes:
|The one and only and obviously the best Qin brother, parents favorite, handsome, tall, and muscul..|
Interrupted by his mother's yelling, he rolled his eyes and stopped typing. He knew what was about to come—a disapproving look on his parents faces or a hard beating by his father for his troublesome activities. He's a little bit of a delinquent in school, so he wouldn't be surprised.
He took a second to finish his bio, which was 100% truthful, and then went downstairs.
As usual, his parents were sitting on the couch with their arms crossed; they never had a different expression than disappointment on their faces when their totally favorite son (Aster) was around.
The only difference this time was that his brother, Taji, was there.
The brothers glanced at each other, and Aster raised an eyebrow.
"Huh, I never thought that goody two shoes would be in trouble. It would be kind of funny if he was." He thought to himself, which put a somewhat noticeable smirk on his face because he knew something like that was impossible.
His father spoke in a cold tone, his words sharp and stern. ''What's so funny, son?'' he asked.
On instinct. Aster moved his eyes from Taji to his father and shook his head. "Nothing, absolutely nothing, sir. Anyway, why'd you and Mom call me?"
A sigh came from his mom.
"Have you seen your report card? Your grades are horrendous! How could you have a C in almost all your subjects? Explain.
"Mom, thats the avara-" he gets cut off.
"Do you think I care? That is nowhere near the avarage in our household. I'm honestly really disappointed in you. Why can't you be like your brother, who has never had even a b in his 15 years of living?"
Aster decides to ignore the complaints that he has heard at least a thousand times and asks. "So what is he doing here?" He points at his brother.
"I would be very stupid, which I'm not, to think he's here because he's in trouble. Right, little brother, someone like you can never do anything wrong." He states it jokingly, which Taji responds to with a glare.
"I'm here because I helped with their decision to well… send you to a summer camp for causing such trouble." Yeah, that was the look of 'Please don't be mad at me; they forced me to say this'. Aster let out a fast-reassuring smile to let him know it was fine, and then turned back to his parents.
"Uhm, WHAT THE FU.. I MEAN HELL? Summer camp?? Out of all the places you guys could've chosen, you chose summer camp.
Mom, do you not remember what happened last time you sent me off to one?"
"You're not seven anymore; you're sixteen. Get a grip; you're almost a full-grown man. I'm sure you can deal with something like this."
She answers, unfazed by his screams.
"I PEED MYSELF. TWICE, MOM, TWICE!" Aster said, which earned him a giggle from his brother, seemingly one that only he heard.
"As your mother said, you're not seven anymore. Anyway, while you're staying there, me and your mother, as well as your brother, will be on vacation ."
Aster knew he couldn't say anything back to his father, so he bit his tongue to keep his stupid mouth shut. And, oh boy, it's not easy keeping that mouth closed when you're the self-proclaimed perfect Aster.
He put his hands in a fist and mouthed, "Okay," with his clenched teeth.
"Is that all? Because I'm going back to my room. I hope you guys have fun, I guess." He added.
Aster stromed up the stairs and shut the door loudly, which resulted in his dad yelling at him.
The boy did not answer and just slammed himself onto his bed, next to his computer, with the unfinished bio.
|The one and only and obviously the best Qin brother, parents favorite, handsome, tall, and muscular.|
"UGHH, YOU'RE PERFECT ASTER AND YOU KNOW IT AND THE BIO IS TRUE, ITS SO TRUE IT HURT!Your parents are just hard on you... because they love you, way more than Taji. Yeah, like, yeah, they love me more, like, way more..haha." The poor guy whined into his pillow.
And without looking, he closed his computer, not saving what he had written.
"Surely tomorrow is going to be better." He said this to himself, although he knew he was bullshitting.
Just as he said that, he heard a knock on his door which he decided to ignore. Then the one knock turned into two knocks, which were much louder than the original.
"If it's you, Taji, leave me alone."
"Dude, you know you can't just go hide in your room and run from all your problems, especially when it comes to us (him and their parents). Well, mostly me."
"Uh, yes I can? That's what I'm doing right now, this minute, this second. And honestly, I do this all the time. It's nothing new," Aster mumbled, face still in the pillow.
"Okay... um, I understand but I want to talk to you. Sooo, open the door." Taji's words were quite commanding but his tone was more of a pleading one. He seemed like he really wanted to talk to his brother.
As much as the older brother was stubborn, he knew he could never say no to his brother, at least not for long.
He let out a purposefully loud sigh. "Come in."
When Taji was now in the room, Aster had moved into a different position. Instead of having his face shoved in his pillow, he was now on his bed sitting criss-cross style with his arms crossed.
"So what do you-"
"I'm sorry-"
They both started talking at the same time.
"I'm sorry for just agreeing with Mom and Dad just like that. If I knew you were going to be so mad, I would've... well, tried to get them to send you to something else, although I have no idea what."
"Taji, seriously, you do this every time. You say if you knew blah blah blah, you would've done something different, but guess what, YOU NEVER DO! I know you're scared of what Mom and Dad will think of you, but one little mistake won't make them treat you like me. You're their little perfect son. Obviously, they would always forgive you... unlike someone." He pointed to himself. "If I wasn't clear, I meant me."
"Okay, but..."
"Just go to sleep, Taji, and stop trying to make things better. I know you're a smart guy or whatever, but there's clearly nothing you can do. And be glad you're my brother. If you weren't, I would've beat the shit out of you. You know how much I despise anyone who makes me feel like they stole something from me, and you've made me feel like that since the day you were born." Aster gave him a glare.
"Fine, goodnight,Aster," he stated before leaving.
"Goodnight," Aster replied just before Taji could close the door.
And that's how most of the brothers' "arguments" go. One tries to apologize, but this is the thousandth time they have, and nothing has changed. On the other hand, the other one knows and just doesn't want to deal with it anymore, which results in both of them leaving on a cold note.
Sibling goals, am I right?
Aster cupped his face and let out another goodnight. "Fucking goodnight." For no reason, he just felt like it... who knows? Maybe, he was saying goodnight to himself as crazy as it seems.
I mean, come on, after all of these arguments, who wouldn't be tired?
After a few more minutes of sitting around, he decided to get up and turn the light off. His room went dim, and he snuggled up in his blankets, ready for this day to be over.