My favorite game is Undertale!142Please respect copyright.PENANABWMc5NVwz9
142Please respect copyright.PENANAg9ulF65LuQ
Summary: What about Omega Flowey's battle in Flowey's sadistic perspective? 142Please respect copyright.PENANAHCqFWtjiMh
142Please respect copyright.PENANASayrlJZUh9
142Please respect copyright.PENANAEU3YAGPzOe
“No, No! This can’t be happening!” I shouted, when the kid finally got enough hits in to almost kill me.
I wanted to see his face when I ripped the hope away from him.
My traitorous puppets had actually healed them, actually thought that they could defeat me! They were such idiots!
They wanted to save him.
Too bad, the only salvation coming up was mine!
The kid gave a small breath of relief, his posture untensed very slightly.
He dropped his knife to his side. Hehe, this was going to be such fun!
Reset to fifteen minutes ago, I commanded, and I felt my power rise even higher, my body no longer in even the slightest form of pain.
I would win this fight, because I was a god, I was a king. IT WAS TIME FOR PRINCE ASRIEL DREEMUR TO FINALLY CLAIM HIS THRONE.
Golly, wasn’t that fun?
“YOU IDIOT!” I smirked at him.
For a brief moment, I stared, amused, at the absolute sheer terror on his face, body frozen in fear.
Then I killed him, before he could even move a muscle.
I could feel all the souls inside me, all united in one voice.
T h e y w e r e a l l s c r e a m i n g f o r m e t o s t o p
That was funny!
Because now I had the power! Now I was the one with DETERMINATION!
Not the idiot human child who thought they could beat everyone by just being nice. It was high time somebody showed them: IT WAS KILL OR BE KILLED.
I reloaded the moment faster and faster. So I could savor killing him as many times as I wanted.
His shrieks of pain met my howling laughter in a cacophony from the depths of hell.
And I was enjoying every second of it.
When I was done, he fell to his knees, panting like the pathetic creature he was.
I surrounded him with my…friendliness pellets. He stumbled to his feet, a determined look on his face. He tried to get out of the cage I had put him in, but of course, couldn’t. His mere touch stained my bullets with his crimson blood.
I looked in pleasure at the bruises scattered across his body, the scorch marks all over his clothes. Reminders of his deaths.
I giggled in mock innocence, watching as he just kept trying, and my magic just kept pushing him back. He gasped in pain every time every time, but for whatever reason he kept going.
The floor was also streaked with blood, now.
What he needed, I thought, smiling a monstrous grin at him.
Was someone to put him out of his misery.
Golly! Guess every job just had to fall to little old me, didn’t it? “Did you really think…” I asked, as he coughed up a bit of blood.
“You could defeat Me!?”
“I can, and I will,” He gasped, speaking for the first time, and I laughed at him.
“I am the god of this world. And you?” I looked at him in disgust.
“You’re hopeless. Hopeless and alone….” “I still have…my friends….” He said with more firmness then I would have expected for someone nearly dead. He was still slamming his body against the wall.
“Golly, that’s right!” I said in a sweet, honey coated voice, then my face changed to what it really looked like.
Asriel's face.
“You’re WORTHLESS friends can’t save you now!”
“They’ll come for me!” He said, but now his voice was slightly uncertain.
“Well then, call for help.” I grinned at him. “I dare you. Cry into the darkness!” I remembered, coldly, when I first woke up as a flower.
“ ‘Mommy! Daddy! Somebody help!’” I mimicked my weak voice as I called the same thing all those years ago.
“See what good it does you!” I gave him the power to do it back, and instantly he took in a breath and shrieked,
I smiled at him when nothing happened.
“But nobody came.” I stuck my tongue out teasingly.
“Boy! What a shame!”
I grinned, eyes glowing red and green.
Though for some reason, he didn’t look afraid, he looked triumphant.
He really was an idiot.
“Nobody else is going to get to see you die!”
My laughter was cut short, when, suddenly for the last time, they dived into the bullets.
And my cage disappeared from my grasp like it had never been, and I watched in surprise, as all of his wounds healed.
He looked at his hands, gasping in relief. “How’d you…?” Oh what did it matter?
I was the god here.
“Well, I’ll just—“ Reset to ten minutes ago, I thought bored.
But that wasn't possible. It couldn't be possible.
“Wh…” I whispered, desperately trying to do anything but I couldn’t. “Where are my powers?”
And then, all six of the souls, stood right in front, separated from me.
“The souls…? What are they doing?” I asked in panic.
Then, they all quick as lightning spun around me, and I screamed as they attacked me. Forcing me out of the body I had created for myself.
“NO! NO!” I shrieked, in fear and pain alike. I couldn’t lose this fight! I Couldn’t! The souls swirled around me creating a almost blinding array of colors, as they pulled away from me, attacked.
“YOU CAN’T DO THAT! YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO OBEY ME!” I shouted, but it didn’t stop them, they only went faster.
“STOP! STOP IT!” My voice became a desperate howl of pain.
And then, for a brief moment, everything went white.
When I woke up, my whole body stinging in the worst pain I had felt in a very, very long time.
Even worse, was the knowledge, that with my one chance to finally escape the endless loop off the same people, same lines, same everything, I had failed.
Now I would have to see…what happened when a being with no soul died….
I couldn’t even try and reset.
I had no determination.
I had no power.
I had nothing.
For a few moments, the only thing I could hear was the sounds of my own ragged breathing, biting back cries of pain.
Before I heard a soft, recognizable voice say, “Hey.” I didn’t look up at him, but I didn’t have to to know he was only a few feet away from me.
I couldn’t do anything, even if I wanted to. Every part of me burned, and I could barely move.
My petals fallen over my face, I just waited.
Waited for him to strike, to kill me just as I had tried to kill him.
But it never happened.
I moved my head just a little to look at him and found him kneeling beside me.
He had his knife at his side, held in his shaking hands.
“What are you doing?” My voice sounded hoarse and exhausted even to my own ears.
I smiled cruely, humorlessly at him, tilting my head slightly to look at him.
“Do you really think I’ve learnt anything from this?” I put my head back down to its resting position.
“No.” I was…so…tired of being a flower….
And I wanted to show him, to finally prove to him what this world was about.
“I’m not going to kill you,” he said softly to my surprise and irritation.
Even still?
What message did he think he was showing me?
That he was better than me?
He could show that by killing me, too.
“Sparing me won’t change anything,” I told him.
“Killing me is the only way to end this.”
Then he did something I hadn’t expected him to.
He threw his knife away, it clattered on the ground as he dropped it.
“I’m not going to kill someone who can’t defend themselves,” he said quietly.
Oh, now I understood.
It was just a matter of pride for him, wasn’t it?
Couldn't stoop down to my level, right?
I finally turned my whole face to him, grinning insanely. He stood firm.
“If you let me live,” I made myself straighten all the way up.
My voice was shaking in excitement and pain.
“I’ll come back.”
He didn’t go to get his knife.
He didn’t understand.
“I’ll kill you.”
Still nothing.
“I’ll kill everyone.” I kept grinning insanely at him, knowing it would scare him.
And it did, I saw as his eyes widened when he looked at me.
But still, he didn’t get his weapon.
My broken smile spread throughout my face.
“I’ll kill everyone you love,” I spat love like it was a swear.
He just needed to a reminder who was at risk.
The actually important people, right?
He grimaced, and stayed perfectly still for a few moments.
He swallowed, then reached out to touch me, and I thought he would finally kill me.
But somehow that wasn’t what he did.
Instead…he hesitated, then carefully stroked one of my broken petals.
His touch was so gentle it didn’t even hurt them.
My smile dropped in an instant, replaced by confusion.
What…was he doing?
“Why…?” I whispered, confused and angry.
He had knelt closer to me, still not even looking in the direction of his weapon.
“Why are you being….” I looked down, remembering him screaming in pain.
“…so nice to me?”
Now he could do it, now he could stop everything.
It would take barely any effort at this point to kill me…so why wasn’t he?
He didn’t respond, but he stayed close to me.
“I can’t understand,” tears filled my eyes, from the knowledge of everything I could never have again.
Not my powers.
My soul.
Now, after killing my own father, after killing everyone, I was Asriel in name alone.
“I can’t understand!” I shouted more to myself than to him.
I didn’t want to do this anymore.
I didn’t want to live without a soul anymore.
I wanted to understand kindness again.
But I couldn’t.
He kept sparing me, breathing slowly and steadily.
I closed my eyes tightly, voice shaking with tears I hadn’t felt in a long time.
“I just can’t understand….”
I couldn’t take his kind gaze any longer.
I ran away.