A/n: sorry for a late upload. IRL stuff going on and my dad's surgery is coming up. Uploads will be a little slower until things improve more. Sorry for the inconvenience.
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It's now the next day, with the sun up high in the sky. We then see into beacon academy, more specificity, its locker rooms where many candidates are getting ready for the exam. We then see has 2 people, a boy and a girl, walk by Ruby and Yang, as the pair to get ready for this initiation exam.
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Ruby: notices the pair, "mm, wonder what has those 2 so worked up about?"
Yang: "meh, who knows? By the way, you seem awfully chipper this morning."
Ruby: "you bet! No more awkward talking or chitchat, no more 'getting to know you' stuff. Today I finally get to let my sweetheart do aaaaall the talking." She then strokes Crescent Rose as she rubs her cheek on it.
Yang: chuckles a bit, "well remember ruby, you're not the only one going through this initiation exam. So if you wanna grow not only as a person but as a huntress, then you're gonna have to meet new people and learn how to work with others."
Ruby: rolls her eyes and sighs in frustration, "geez, you sound like dad." puts her weapon into her locker, "first off, what does meeting new people have to do with fighting? And secondly, i don't need other people to help me grow up. I drink plenty of milk!" puffs up her chest.
Yang: she then sighs and places her hands on her hips, "but what happens if we end up forming teams?"
Ruby: now shes getting nervous, "um, I don't know. I was hoping I'd be on your team..... or something."
Yang: brings her hair around her shoulder and begins to stroke it, "maybe you should try and..... be on someone else's team?"
Ruby: "my dear older sister Yang. Are you implying you dont wish to be on my team?"
Yang: half way raises her arms, "what? No! Of course I do! I just thought...... I dont know. Maybe it would help you....... break out of your shell.... or something./course I wouldn't mind being on the same team as that hunk."
Ruby: "what the.... ?! I do not need to-" does air quotes, "'break out of my shell' thats absolutely-"
Jaune: "ridiculous!" walks between the sisters while holding a map, looking as if hes confused, "theres no way I put my gear in locker 636 yesterday! I would've remembered having to count that high! Wait can I even count that high? No matter. oooohhh why does this have to happen today of all days?"
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As he continues to walk around looking at the map, then the lockers. He passes by Weiss and Pyrrha, who are also readying themselves at their own lockers.
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Weiss: "so. Pyrrha. Have you given any particular thought to whose team you'd like to be on? I'm sure everyone must be sooo eager to unite with such a strong and well known individual such as yourself."
Pyrrha: "mmmm.... not quite sure yet. I was just planning on letting the chips fall where they need to.
Weiss: "weeell, what about I join up with you? We could make a strong team."
Pyrrha: "well, that sounds just grand!"
Weiss: "great!"
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As she said that an image of herself appears behind her as she takes on a scheming pose and forms an almost evil grin, with dark thunderclouds forming behind her.
Weiss: "this will be just perfect! The smartest girl in class, combined the strongest girl in class! Together we will be unstoppable! I can just see it now. We will be sooo popular, celebrities even! We'll get perfect grades...... nothing can come between us now!"
Jaune: comes in between them, interrupting Weiss's evil thoughts, "you know what else would be great? Me, the great Jaune Arc. Nice to meet you."
Weiss: sigh in frustration and grumbles, "urghh, it's you again."
Pyrrha: "nice to meet you, Jaune."
Jaune: "yeah yeah." pushes her aside and poses, "so Weiss. Couldn't help but overhear your fondness over me the other day."
Weiss: "urgh," she crosses her arms, "you got to be kidding me!"
Jaune: "oh, no need to be embarrassed my sweet Weiss. So I've been hearing rumors about teams! I was just thinking," move's in closer, "you and me, would make a great team. What do you say?"
Pyrrha: finally gets Jaunes's attention, "actually, I think it will be teams of four. So-"
Jaune: "you dont say," advances closer to his new target, "well, hot stuff, play your cards right, and maybe I would let you join.... the winning team."
???: "pretty interesting conversation you're having but did I hear someone say 'strong'"
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The 3 looked to see it was Y/n, in his full gear.
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Weiss: "urgh, not you too....... oh wait, we didnt interact much. So I have no beef with you."
Jaune: "oh, it's you Y/n. wait that was ages ago."
Weiss: "so that's his name."
Pyrrha: "hes strong. I can feel it from here but also something else, something familiar and?-."
Weiss: "anyways, do neither of you know who this is?"
Y/n: "nope, all I know is you said shes strong."
Jaune: "same here, snow angel."
Weiss: "this is Pyrrha."
Pyrrha: waves her hand with a smile, "hello again and for the first time."
Weiss: "she graduated top of her class in sanctum!"
Y/n & Jaune: "never heard of it."
Weiss: lets out a small scoff, "she won the Mistral Region Tournament 4 years in a row! Which was a new record!"
Y/n & Jaune: "the wah?"
Weiss: "oh come on, I figured a battle nut would know that one, urghhh." she then waves her arms rapidly in anger, "shes in front of every Pumpkin Pete's marshmallow flakes cereal box!"
Jaune: gasps, "thats you? But they only do that for star athletes and cartoon characters!"
Pyrrha: "yeah, it was pretty cool, sadly it's not very good for you."
Weiss: breaks apart the box image from behind them, "so after hearing all of that, do you really think you're in any position to ask her onto your team, or even to challenge her?"
Jaune: "I guess not..... sorry." he then slumps over.
Pyrrha: "actually Jaune. I think youd make a great leader."
Jaune: perks back up, "d'oh stop it! You're making me blush!"
Weiss: "no please stop, his behavior shouldn't be encouraged. anyways, muscle brains. What do you think?"
Y/n: "uuuuuhh, whats cereal?"
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A record board screech noise and glass breaking can be heard. All 3 look at him with their eyebrows raised, hell even Ruby and Yang leaned over in the background, even random people did the same.
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Weiss: "y-your joking right?" Y/n then shakes his head.
Jaune: "you dont know what cereal is? What kind of childhood did you have?"
Pyrrha: "I wouldn't go that far but thats still surprising?"
Weiss: "so you dont know who Pyrrha is from anything nor what cereal even is?/whats this feeling, am I....... actually feeling sympathy for him?"
Y/n: "well my village was pretty far away and disconnected."
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As the boy said 'village' there was a hint of sadness in his voice, something Pyrrha caught on, but before she could ask something-
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Jaune: "village? What kind of village is that far aware or disconnected? What kind of village is it anyways? Wait if it was that far away how did they defend against Grimm? Oh, did you guys have your own warriors or something or did you have to hire them?"
Y/n: he starts to sweat a bit, "oh would you look at that, I forgot something in my locker. Nice meeting you all, see yah!" he then walks as fast as he could without raising eyebrows.
Jaune: "that was-"
Weiss: "interesting. He avoided your questions./It's almost like...... he was about to have an attack or something? Am I wrong, no way a battle nut would be like that. Guys like that dont have anything deep about them....... right?"
Pyrrha: "I wasn't seeing things, he ran away from Jaune's questions. Could something have happened that he isn't willing to talk about?"
Jaune: "aaannyways. It sounds like Pyrrha is on my team. Spots are filling up quickly, better act fast. If you want, I could, pull some strings for you Weiss. What do you say?" he then moves in really close.
Weiss: shakes her head, "you're too close! Too close! Pyrrha, a little help here please?!"
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As Jaune looked behind him. He sees Milo strike him, sending the so called 'leader' flying off-screen, pinning his hood to the wall.
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Pyrrha: "oh I'm so sorry! It was a reflex!"
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As the scene shifts, we see Y/n behind a wall, away from everyone. He then starts to hyperventilate. As he tries to control his breathing, he begins to hear people screaming in fear. Then the sounds of glass shattering, wood breaking, cloth ripping and flesh tearing began to ring in his ears. In an effort to muffle the noises in his head, he covers his ears, but this does nothing to stop or muffle it. As he begins to slide down the wall hes leaning against, all the noises finally begin to fade. Now that it did finally stop, he lest his hands rest on the floor, and he looks up to the ceiling. As he does, he finally gets control over his heavy breathing and just sighs.
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Y/n: "just whats wrong with me? All he did was ask a simple questions. I need to get these attacks under control before it becomes an issue."
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He then raises his hand over his head and begins to stare at his open hand with a solemn but exhausted look on his face. However, thankfully, someone talks over the intercom to bring him back from reality.
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Glynda (intercom): --"would all first-year students please report to Beacon cliff for your Initiation exam? I repeat all first years report to beacon cliff, immediately."--
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The Exam Begins
The scene then shifts to show Beacon cliff, overlooking a deep dense forest. We see as there are several students standing on strange silver tiles. In front of them is a mug-holding professor Ozpin and Glynda, with her tablet in her hand.
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Ozpin: "for years, you have trained to become mighty warriors and today, you test those very same abilities in the Emerald forest."
Y/n: takes a look behind the professor without moving from his spot and raises an eyebrow, "I don't see any emerald? It's barely green."
Glynda: "now, I'm sure many of you have heard some rumors about you being assigned teams. Well, allow us to put said rumors to rest. Each of you will be given teammates...... today."
Ruby: "wait, what?"
Y/n: "crap, I prefer going solo."
Ozpin: "these teammates will be with you for the rest of your time here at Beacon. So it's in your best interest to be paired with whom you could work well with." Ruby groans in the background, "that being said. The first person you make eye contact, after you have landed in the forest of course, will be your new teammate, for the next 4 years."
Ruby: her shocked expression mirrors her world cracking like glass and falling apart, "whaaaaaaat?!"
Nora: looks at Ren, "see, I told you!"
Y/n: "so all I have to do is not lay my eyes on someone. Loophole baby!"
Ozpin: "and dont try that whole, 'I won't lay my eyes on someone' crap. Its purely metaphorical."
Y/n (off-screen):"FUCK!"
Ozpin: "after you've been partnered up, make your way to the northern side of the forest. You'll meet opposition along the way, so be careful and do not hesitate to destroy anything and everything in your path or else you will die."
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In the background, Jaune could be seen laughing nervously but then lets out a loud gulp.
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Ozpin: "you will be monitored and graded during this examination, but our instructors are, well, instructed to not intervene. You're on your own on this one. You will then find an abandoned temple at the end of its path. This contains several different relics. Each pair must choose one and only one of these relics. Once you've made your choice, return to the top of the cliff. We will then regard the item, as well as you're standing, and grade you appropriately. Are there any questions so far?"
Jaune: raises his hand, "yeah, ummm, sir?"
Ozpin: "oh good! Now take your position."
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Everyone then strikes a pose, Nora crouches down, Ren wields his weapons, Yang raises her fists, Ruby readies her body, Y/n stands there thinking and Jaune still has his hand raised.
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Y/n: "wonder what pose I should take? Simple, cocky, or flashy?"
Jaune: "uhhh, sir? I've got..... a question." in the background, unseen by him, the tile under Weiss rises up into a springboard, rocketing her into the air and over the forest. The other platforms begin activating one by one. "So, landing..... strategy thing...... um, wha-what is it, exactly? You're dropping us off or something?"
Y/n: "ohh, from a plane? wait I already did that." causing the others to form a sweat drop.
Ozpin: "no. You will be falling."
Y/n: "awww but I already did that...... huh?"
Jaune: still missing the others getting launched, "oh, uh, I see..... so like. Did you hand out parachutes or something?"
Y/n: "who needs parachutes?"
Jaune: "me and like, normal people you maniac!"
Ozpin: "no.... you will be using your very own 'landing strategy'."
Jaune: stiiiiill missing them, "uh-huh.... yeah.... what?"
Yang: sees shes next and winks at her sister. She then puts on a pair of aviators and flies off, "woo-hoooooooo!" then Ruby goes flying.
Y/n: taps Jaune, "see you on the flips side" turns around and crosses his arms with a cocky grin, he too then gets launched, "YEAAAAAH BAAABY!!"
Jaune: "wait....wait....wait, so you MEAN!!-"
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He too then gets launched before he could finish his sentence. We see as he joins the many other students screaming his ass off. All the while Ozpin simply takes a sip of his tea, while Glynda starts inputting something into her tablet.
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Ozpin: "that never gets old."
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We then see as the many students flying towards Emerald Forest. We then see a blackbird flying over it pretty slow but magnificently. That is, right up to the moment it gives one final shriek as Ruby crashes right through it. Bursting into feathers.
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Ruby: "birdie, no!"
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She then takes out Crescent Rose and fires a few shots in front of her. This slows her down enough to where she can turn her weapon into its scythe form and uses it to latch onto a tree branch, to slow her pace even more.
Elsewhere, We see Weiss, with her own weapon out, summoning a white snowflake like circle underneath her and leaps off of it, into the forest below.
Then we see as Ren descends, with Nora speeding past him at extreme speeds. He then spins in the air and uses his Stormflower's blades to embed into the large tree trunk and spiral down it, eventually landing on the ground. He then nonchalantly dusts himself off before looking up to see-
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Yang: "woo-hoo! Yeah! Alley-oop!"
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Yang, soaring right over all the treetops, just having the time of her life, using her gauntlets to propel herself through the air, further and further north. She spins and laughs with each blast. However, she then crashes into some leaves of a tree and leaps off of 2 trunks and comes to a tumble on the ground.
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Yang: "yeah, nailed it!" she then runs off.
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We see as the other students do their own thing, landing safely on the ground, but then there's some who, well, didn't. But then we see as Y/n is flying through the air, on his 'back', with his arms behind his head, like this is nothing to him.
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Y/n: takes a deep breath and exhales, "ahh, nothing like fresh air to clear your head. Oops, looks like this is my stop."
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He looks to see he's going downwards, so doing what any..... reasonable hunter would do and try to slow their descent or a way to cushion their fall........ he just laughs like a crazy person and lands on the ground........ with no attempt to cushion or stop his fall. This causes a small crater to form and a large cloud of dust to bellow out. He then slowly gets up and sees a huge number of Beowolves looking at him.
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Y/n: slowly gets up;
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He then rushes towards them, causing them to let out a loud roar and rush at him. One goes for a swipe with its claw, but he ducks below it, cocking his arm back with a cocky grin. He then punches the Grimm so hard in the gut, that it's sent flying into many different trees behind it. The others look at their fallen comrade (Russian noises intensifies) but then looks back at him and growls. The boy then gestures for them to bring it, which only makes them angrier. They then rush at him with far more anger than before but this didnt bother him at all. He then points his arms forwards and tightens his grips. suddenly 2 wires come shooting out of his gauntlets and attach themselves to the trees behind them. He then slightly rotates his fists but then returns them back to their original position. Right when he did this, he is sent into their direction at extreme speeds and knees one in the chin so hard that it breaks its teeth.
Before it could land on the ground, he detaches the wires and cocks his arm back. He then punches it hard in the gut so hard in fact that it lands on the ground with enough force to form a small crater around it. As it lays there, he stands on it and looks at the others.
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Y/n: "come on, at least make this somewhat of a challenge for me."
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As the camera zooms out, we see many smaller explosions of dust clouds erupting from where the crazy boy is. As it continues, we see parts of the forest in that area is destroyed as rocks and trees get sent flying in many different directions.
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Y/n: in the distance, "soorrry! Hope you dont mind!"
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Finally, finishes zooming out to show Ozpin and Glynda standing there watching the feed through multiple holographic TV screens.
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Glynda: "heees, something."
Ozpin: takes another sip, "indeed."
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[In the Destiny Universe]
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We then see into the guardian's H.Q.
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Zavala: "achoo!...... I think someone just took my catchphrase, but I feel like they are beyond my reach. How vexing."
Cyde-6: "hahahaha, that was a good one."
Zavala: "what was?"
Cyde-6: lets out an exhausted sigh, "nevermind."
Mumbles about how he tries to get him to losen up and make a joke but not, he makes and doesn't know it
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[Back to the Rwby Universe]
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We now see as Y/n has just finished up with the last Grimm, dusting off his hands in a cocky clapping manner.
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Y/n: "phew, that was a work-out........... sorta. Now that I'm warmed up and loose. I can fight with everything I have....... well if theres anything worth it that is."
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Teams Begin to Form
We then see as Ruby has now landed but then darts off at full speed.
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Ruby: "gotta find yang! Gotta find yang! Gotta find yang! Gotta find yang!, Gotta find-/yang! Yaaaaang!" as she continues to run, she then sees herself partnering with other people, "oh this is bad, this is really, really bad. What if I can't find her? What if someone finds her first? Well, there is always Jaune. He's nice and funny!...... tho I don't think he'll be good in a fight. Oh wait, Blake?! So mysterious and calm..... plus she likes to read a lot of books. Then again, I don't think I can hold a conversation with her." she then shakes her head quickly, "urghh, okay. Who else do I know in this school? theres Yang, Jaune, Blake, aaaand........ wait Y/n! hes cool, strong...... tho hes a bit crazy and reckless...... wait thats like Yang. Maybe he would work. And-" has a quickly flashback to his expression from the other day, "I want to know why he seems sad. I dont know why, but it makes me want to help him?"
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As she continues to run, she sees someone in front of her, causing her to skid to a halt to see Weiss standing in front of her, who then turns to face her. Ruby was able to stop just in time for the 2 to lock eyes with each other, causing a drawn out pause. Weiss then turns on her heel and walks away.
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Ruby: starts to follow her, "hey wait! Where are you going?!" she then stops and kicks the ground dejectedly, "we're supposed to be teammates."
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We see as Weiss is struggling to get through the forest, giving the occasional grunt or ow. As she continued to push plants out of her way and finally comes to a clearing, she hears a voice from above her. Ignoring the voice for a second, she brushes herself off and signs in relief but then freezes when she looks up to see Jaune.
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Jaune: struggling to get free, "come on, stupid thing!"
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As she stands there frozen, staring at Jaune hanging a few feet in the air above her. She notices he has a spear embedded into his hood and into the tree behind him. As he gives up trying to get loose, he looks down to see Weiss standing there. He gives her an embarrassed wave, which causes her to simply turn around and head back from the direction she came. This causes Jaune to groan.
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Weiss: walks past ruby and pulls on her hood, "this in no way makes us friends."
Ruby: raises her hands in the air, "you came back!"
Jaune: sees them disappear into the distance, "wait, dont go! Come back! Whos going to get me down from here?!"
Pyrrha: from down below, "Jaune?" he then looks down to see her, "do you....... have any more spots left open on your team?"
Jaune: crosses his arms, "ha ha, very funny." causing her to chuckle at him.
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The scene then shifts back to Weiss and Ruby, whos walking behind Weiss. As they continued to walk, another explosion goes off.
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Weiss: "whats with all these explosions?"
Ruby: "either Yang or Y/n."
Weiss: "Y/n? wait you mean the battle nut?"
Ruby: "yeah, him. He could survive a fall from a plane, so It's safe to say hes strong."
Weiss: "HE DID WHAT?!"
Ruby: covers her ears, "yeah. He jumped out of a plane and everything. He landed on the ground in front of me and Jaune."
Weiss: "great, so hes crazier than I thought." she crosses her arms, "shame too. Those looks are being wasted on such a guy."
Ruby: "his looks? What does that have to do with anything."
Weiss: "are you serious? Even I got to admit hes a looker. From his face, his e/c eyes, his h/c hair, his perfectly muscled body with the right amount of tone, not too big to hinder his movements or flexibility but big enough to be able to easily lift you up and hold you like a princes-I mean carry you when you're hurt. Ahem, he could easily be a male model with those looks. Are you telling me you havent notice?"
Ruby: "mmmm, I guess. tho I havent really interacted with many guys before."
Weiss: she then lets out a sigh, "greaat. Well whatever."
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Some time then passes.
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Ruby: "sooo whats the hurry?"
Weiss: "I refuse to let my mission be delayed by you being too slow! I swear, if I get a bad grade because of you I'll-" then a smiling ruby appears in front of her, "what the...?"
Ruby: "I'm not slow at all, see? You dont need to worry about me at all!"
Weiss: she then looks from Ruby's previous spot, then back at her in slight amazement, "when did...?"
Ruby: "Weiss, just because I don't know how to deal with people all that much, doesn't mean I don't know how to deal with monsters." she puts her arm around a skeptical Weiss's shoulders, "you're about to see a whole different side to me today, Weiss and after its aaallll over, you're going to be like, 'wow Ruby, your really really cool, and I would love to be your friend'. Like that."
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Ruby then disappears in a shower of petals, which causes Weiss to wave them away from her face. She then starts to hear crackling and rustling in the nearby bushes.
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Weiss: "you may be fast, but you still excel at wasting everyone's time!....... Ruby?" then the forest begins to darken. She begins to look around, until she saw red eyes looking at her, "R-Ruby?"
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As the camera pans around Weiss, it reveals multiple pairs of red eyes glaring at her from the bushes, with deep growls being heard. As she turns around, she sees a large, jacked Beowolf emerging from the bushes.
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Weiss: "RUBY!!!"
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The Beowolf then roars and lunges at her.
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A/n: welp thats it for this chapter. Again, sorry that it took so long. Just stuff going on right now and with my dad's surgery coming up is making me anxious. I know It's supposed to be simple, but this will judge if he walks again, so It's pretty stressful and making me worried. It next week, as of 5/5/23, but this needs to happen. Off that note it also doesnt help I'm sitting on a medal chair until I can afford a better, softer one. anyways. I hope you enjoyed it and a peak into the reader's past and dont worry, next chapter youll see just how crazy you are. Welp thats all for now. I'll see you, in the next chapter.
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