A/n: Alright everyone because of a suggestion of a fellow writer I'm doing something new. I will be posting the bio, info, harem list (if any), any other bits of information and the first chapter of various stories I'm working on. I have no schedule, so until I do, updates will be sporadic. For some it could be a week, for others a couple of weeks, but also sometimes a few a week. I would also like to add some stories might receive more updates than others, depending on my mood, if I'm getting into it, or ideas for that series. So these first few bits of information and chapters are to give you a taste of what's to come. This message will be only on the first chapter of each new story. Hope you enjoy this testing phase I'm doing and the stories I write. Don't worry, no story will be abandoned, regardless of how many I make. If anything, maybe temporary hiatus.
* Now onto the story, shall we.
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Enter the Crazy Boy
Narrator: "legends, stories told throughout time and history. Mankind has grown quite fond of recounting the many exploits of heroes and of villains. They forget, however, that we are the remnants, byproducts, of a long forgotten past."
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We then see as a gem that starts to glow a bright green color and fade to a show of simple images of a man rising up from the earth before he gets surrounded by terrifying monsters.
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Narrator: "man, born from dusts, were strong, wise and resourceful, but he was born into an unforgiving and treacherous world. An inevitable darkness, creatures of pure destruction, the creatures of Grimm, set their sights on man and all of his creations. These different forces clashed, and it seems that this darkness wanted to return man back into the void."
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Then darkness sets in, but then, it becomes lessened by a light that glows ever brighter and brighter, until a gem rises out from it and lowers itself down to the hands of man.
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Narrator: "however, even the most smallest of sparks can bring forth hope. This can be enough to ignite change and, in time, man's passion, resourcefulness, and ingenuity. This led them to the tools that would aid them to even the odds set before them. This power..... is called, 'dust'."
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Then the scene shifts out to show many men shooting out lightning from their hands, other raising their swords into the air and many more aiming their rifles at these monsters. Then a large castle is seen behind them.
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Narrator: "with natures wrath in hand, man lit their way through the ever apposing darkness and in the shadows' absence came forth strength, civilization and more importantly, life."
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The scene, with the castle, zooms out to show a map of Remnant, which houses other buildings until they all disappear in flashes of light. Then the map is lowered down to show the scattered moon light over a city at night.
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Narrator: "but even the most brilliant of lights, will eventually flicker and die. And when they are gone....... darkness will rise again."
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We then see that it's a dark and stormy night. The sounds of rain and thunder fill the air, but that is soon replaced with the sounds of screaming, wood, glass, and many other things being broken, cloth being ripped apart, the sounds of flesh being torn apart and blood splashing onto the ground now fill the air. Just a fast as the new sounds are heard, they soon die down. Replaced by the sounds of what could be best described as crazed, insane laughter of a small child.
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Narrator: "so take your time to prepare your guardians, building your monuments in your so called 'free-world' but take my heed........ there will be no victory in your so called 'strength'."
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Then we can see a ruined village. There's destruction everywhere, walls broken, doors smashed, windows busted, roofs crushed. It's surprising that these buildings can still stand, but that's not the only thing we see. Blood, blood everywhere as if to paint the land like a canvas. And following suit is bodies littering the ground like trash tossed aside after a horrible storm...... or your average college party........ or city.
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Ozpin: "but perhaps victory is a much simpler thing that you've long since forgotten. Things that could require a broken soul, longing to be repaired."
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We then see a small boy, no older than 7 years old, on his knees with tears running down his face. He's covered in darkened blood that soon slowly fades away into nothing more than dust partials. Leaving behind scratches all over his body and his own blood that seeps through these wounds. All he does is sit there on his knees, looking at the ground with his arms resting on his lap. He then starts to chuckle softly, a chuckle of a boy who just lost his mind, but the laughter is soon replaced with a crazed smile, ready to kill again.
* PTSD intensifies
Then one more lighting strike filled the air. Now we see a slightly futuristic city. It's quiet and calm, do to it being nighttime. This city is called Vale, located in a kingdom of the same name.
* but it's at night
We then see into a bar, it's crowed with plenty of party animals, *looks at the Faunus's* literally. Then we see the main bar of the club, there's many people sitting there, but we focus on one in specific, a boy. He's wearing a trench coat with its hood up, drinking something. He just stares at the cups twirling it around, watching the liquids slush around in the glass. Then a man wearing red sunglasses, a near black suit with a red tie and top hat on walks up to the boy.
* A/n: this is a different club, but still ran by the same gang.
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Thug: "never seen yah around here, kid."
???: "just passing through, looking for some.... entertainment. Tell me, do you know where Beacon Academy is?"
Thug: "huh. Looks like we got an aspiring huntsmen boys." causing more men dressed up like him to laugh, "see, kid, I don't feel like telling you but if you want 'entertainment' then I'm sure we can find something."
???: he then smiles, "heh, I was hoping you would resist. I heard this bar was run by some gang I've never heard of. I was hoping they were right."
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The boy then raised his hand towards the man and positions his fingers as if he was going to flick his forehead. This causes him and the others to laugh. The boy just smiles and flicks the man's forehead, causing him to get sent flying towards the wall, forming a small creator in it. As the man falls to the ground, the others look at the boy in shock. He then stands up, cracks his neck, then his fingers.
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???: "alright, who's first? But please, at least try and make this worth my time. Oh, don't worry, I won't accidentally kill you or anything, so rest easy." forms a cheeky smile.
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This pisses these thugs off, totally forgetting what he just did to one of their own. Many of them took out red swords and ran up to him. One of them jumped up and slashed downwards at the boy, who makes no attempt to dough at all (Piccolo will be disappointed). However, before the blade could make contact, the boy grabs the blade between his fingers. The man takes a second to realize what just happened, standing there utterly shocked. The boy looks up at the man and smiles.
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???: "was that it? I was expecting more. You can be all act so tough but end up shocked by a..... simple trick."
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The boy then breaks the blade, but before the man could fully process what just happened, the boy spun around and kicked the man straight in the gut, sending him flying onto the dance floor. This stops the music as everyone looks at what just happened. Once the patron realize what happened, they all run away. Leaving the boy, the man and the DJ.
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???: looks at the DJ, "hey, can you put some music on? I want a beat that I can beat their asses to."
* A/n: yes, this is a reference. Do you know where from?
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Tho scared, the DJ gets up and picks a track and plays it before getting the hell out of there.
* will I ever get good at this?
* 0:43
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The other thugs then rush at the boy, who then gets into his battle stance. As some gets closer, he punches one, with enough force to only make him stumble back a bit. With his leg up in the air, trying not to fall, the boy then grabs onto his leg, causing the man to look at the boy, who had a mischievous grin on his face. The man frantically shakes his head, but the boy paid no mind to his victim. He then lifts the man into the air and uses him as a makeshift mace, hitting the man's comrades one by one. Once, he knocks some of them back, and definitely gave the man a concussion. He then begins twirling him like a staff until he rested him on his shoulders.
The boy then raised his hand up and egged them on to try again, all the while with a cocky grin. Pissed at him, the thugs rush towards him, all the while his smile gets bigger. He then cocks his arm back and tosses the man like a frisbee, causing the man to comedically cry and scream as he spins uncontrollably towards his fellow thugs. His torment finally ends when he hits a small group of them, knocking them all on their asses.
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???: raises up his hands, "STRIKE!"
Thug1: slowly gets up, "who is he?" frisbee thug throws up in the background.
Thug2: wipes the bottom of his chin with his fist, "he's just playing with us..... damn it."
Thug3: "he's so strong."
???man: "you stupid cowards, move out of the way!"
Thugs: "boss!"
Frisbee thug: "b-boss-blurghhh!" he again throws up.
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Then a large mountain of a man shows up, dressed in a similar attire but without the jacket, holding a..... FUCKING ROCKET LAUNCHER!!
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Boss: "let me show you how to handle a wannabe hunter."
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He then readies his launcher, takes aim and fires at the boy. However, again, he makes no effort to dodge. All he does is slowly raises up his hand with a cocky smile. Seeing this, the men begin to mock him.
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Thug1: "hahaha what's he going to do, catch it?"
Thug2: "stop, I can't stop laughing. hahahaha"
Boss: "heh, stupid kid, there's no way you can-"
* but a rocket rather than a sword
Boss: becomes so shocked his glasses fell off, "-catch... a..... rocket." gulps, "oh man."
Thug1: "h-how is that possible?"
???: with the rocket still lit, "this is a nice gift........ but you can have it back. Not my style." causing them to panic and try to run, pushing each other down to get out of the way.
We then see outside of the nice looking club, almost as if nothing at all has happened. This is, until, an explosion goes off, glowing out the windows and doors. Sending debris everywhere, including the thugs, but luckily the other guests got out long before this. Now, they litter the ground like the trash they are.
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[Stop Music]
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Then we see the same boy walk out of the now destroyed club, with his hands in his pockets. What's most noticeable is that he has no scratches at all, not even dust.... actual dust not the material........ the other kind...... you know what I mean. He then walks up to the so-called 'boss', who clearly took the brunt of the blast, and like his men, he somehow survived. The boy then stomps on his chest, causing him to groan in even more pain.
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???: "now tell me...... where's Beacon Academy?"
Boss: trying to look at him, "i-is that what this is all about. Can't you read a map?"
???: "did you ever consider I'm illiterate?
Boss: "t-that has nothing to do with maps."
* A/n: I have no idea if this is true. I tried to look it up, but couldn't find anything. Just joke articles about people not being able to read maps.
???: "huh. I guess you're right, but what ever. Just tell me."
Boss: "fine, I'll tell you, just get off of me."
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The boy then smiles and does what the man asks.
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Just Droping in
[Timeskip | brought to you by a chibi ??? Beating the shit out of chibi thugs]
[Beacon Academy]
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We then see a large school that looks more like a castle, than a school. In its courtyard we see many Airships and potential students and those who are already students walking out of them.
As the camera pans around, to get a view of the students. We focus on 2 in particular. A girl with black hair and red tips wearing a black dress named Ruby Rose and a boy with blonde hair and white very light weight body armor named Jaune Arc.
Ruby: chuckles at the boy, "look, I'm sorry, but vomit boy is the first thing that came to mind."
Jaune: "ok, well, what if I called you crater face?"
Ruby: "hey! That explosion was an accident! How was I supposed to know a sneeze would make them explode?" she then pouts.
Jaune: "well, the name's Jaune Arc." starts to wiggle his fingers in a rhythm, "short, sweet, rolls right off the tongue-the ladies love it."
Ruby: looks at him and squints her eyes, "doo theeey?"
Jaune: "yeah........ ok it's just my mom, but she says they will...... I hope they will...... nevermind."
Ruby: chuckles at him, "sooo.... I got this thing."
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She takes out her weapon, called Crescent Rose. Turning it into its Scythe form and stabs it into the ground.
Jaune: "woahhhh! Is that a scythe?"
Ruby: puffs up her chest, "it's also a customizable high-impact sniper rifle!"
Jaune: just slouches over, ". . . . . . . A what?"
Ruby: causes her to a smile, "it's a gun."
Jaune: "oh, that's actually really cool."
Ruby: "so, what about you?"
Jaune: "oh.... well, i......" unsheathes his sword, "I got a sword!"
Ruby: "ooooohhh."
Jaune: "I also got this shield too." he gets his scabbard and expands it into a shield.
Ruby: starts touching it, "oh........ so what do they do?"
Jaune: fumbles with the shield causing it to expand and retract repeatedly before getting back into place, "the shield gets smaller and acts as a sheath, so when I get tired of carrying it..... I can just..... put it away."
Ruby: "but....... it still weighs the same."
Jaune: slouches over, "yeah....... yeah it does."
Ruby: "well, I'm a dork when it comes to weapons. Soooo I guess I did go just a bit overboard when designing it."
Jaune: "wait, you made that?!"
Ruby: "well, of course. All students at Signal forge their own weapons. Didn't you make yours?"
Jaune: "it's a....... hand-me-down. My great-great-grandfather used it to fight in the war."
Ruby: "so, a family heirloom, neat. Not many people can appreciate the classics these days."
Jaune: sheaths his sword, "yeah...... the classics."
Ruby: gets ready to walk, "so why...... wait, do you hear laughing?"
Jaune: "huh?....... actually yeah, but it's pretty faint."
Ruby: "wait......... it's coming from above us."
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The pair then look up and squint their eyes. Then they see something become visible in the distance.
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Ruby & Jaune: "eh?"
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The object gets closer and closer, so to does the sound of laughter get louder."
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Ruby & Jaune: "eh?!"
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The object becomes even clearer, revealing a boy falling from the sky...... at high speeds....... coming right at them.
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Ruby & Jaune: "EHHHHH?!"
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The pair then scream as the boy gets closer, causing the pair to jump out of the way. The boy then lands on the ground as a big cloud of smoke and debris forms.
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Jaune: rubs his head, "w-what was that?"
Ruby: rubs her head, "I-I don't know."
???: "hahaha, that was amazing. I wanna do that again, but even higher!"
Ruby & Jaune: "huh?"
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As the smoke clears, they could see it was a boy closer to Yang's age standing in the middle of a small creator, looking as if he just got off a roller coaster.
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Ruby: "who are you?"
Y/n: "huh? Oh, the names Y/n, Y/n L/n."
Jaune: "soo where did you come from?"
Y/n: "my mother."
Jaune: "ok, wise ass, I meant-"
Ruby: "I think he meant just now."
Jaune: "hey!"
Y/n: "oh that. I jumped out of a plane to make a dramatic entrance........ and cause it sounded fun."
Jaune: "you could've killed yourself. A fall like that is too dangerous."
Y/n: "and that's why it's fun. If there's no risk involved, then are you really enjoying life?"
Jaune: "I..... well....... I don't have a comeback for that."
Ruby: notices the gauntlets on the boy's arms, which causes her eyes to turn into sparkles, "OHWHATARETHOSE?!THEYLOOKSOCOOL!WHATDOTHEYDO,WHATDOTHEYDO?!SHOWME,SHOWME!" she zips around as she says this.
Y/n: "I somehow understood that?/sorry, but no spoilers. It's no fun if you know everything right off the bat." she then pouts, but then gives him anime puppy dog eyes.
Y/n: he was taken aback by this and even blushes a little, "uh, how can someone be so cute? Must resist cuteness/I-I said no, but I will give you a hint. They're for mobility./I better walk away before I give into those eyes of hers."
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He then quickly, but not too quickly, got out of there to resist Ruby's puppy eyes, which makes her pout a little but gives in. as her and Jaune begin to walk, she tries to figure out what the boy meant by that.
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Jaune: "huuh, ruby? Are you ok?."
Ruby: still thinking, "yeah, I'm fine."
Jaune: "really, because you have steam coming out of your ears,"
Ruby: "eh?"
86Please respect copyright.PENANAg2pY1Stxfn
We now see as Y/n begins to walk around, trying to get a good look at the place, until he notices a girl with black hair and a bow on her head, reading some kind of book. So he decides to walk up to her and introduce himself.
Y/n: "hi, names Y/n and yours?"
Blake: doesn't lower her book, "Blake."
Y/n: "not much of a talker, huh?......."
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Awkward silence follows his remark but, despite this, he couldn't help but stare at her, something she notices.
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Blake: "got a problem?"
Y/n: "no, just thought you looked cute, is all." gives a small genuine smile.
Blake: this comment completely threw her off guard, not expecting something so blunt and towards her of all people, "t-thanks, y-you're not bad looking yourself." she then quickly gets up and walks away in a rush, trying to hide her blush.
Y/n: "thanks..... hu. Wonder why she's in such a rush? Oh, well."
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We now see into a room with tons of people, at the back of the room was a large stage, with no one on it
As we see people conversing with each other, including Ruby, Jaune and a blonde haired girl, we see Y/n is left alone. With some time to himself, he becomes lost in his own thoughts.
??? (mind): "son, what is it you want in life?"
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The boy looks down at the floor with a solemn look on his face until the screen fades into white.
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We then see a younger Y/n with a tall man wearing a simple, almost farmer like outfit. The man has the young boy on his shoulders as he holds onto his legs, as the pair look at a grassy field.
Y/n (young): "daaaad, I'm too young for that. I don't even know what I want for dinner."
F/n: "hahaha, maybe your right, but never forget that question. Always seek out what you want out of life and when you find it, reach out with both hands and never give it up. And remember-" looks at his son with a big smile, "have fun along the way."
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Y/n: "I still don't know the answer to your question, dad, but that's why I'm here. To find that something."
???: "hey Y/n."
Y/n: "mm," looks at the direction of the voice and sees- "oh it's you Ruby."
Ruby: "are you ok? You look pretty out of it."
Y/n: "yeah........ tell me Ruby. What is it you want out of life?"
Ruby: "what I want?" she then looks at the ceiling and places her finger and thumb in her chin, "never really thought about it before. Why?"
Y/n: "nothing. Just something my dad asked me once. He....... he was a good hunter."
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The look on the boy's face as well as how he said 'was' didn't go unnoticed by the girl, but before she could question him. The sound of someone tapping the mic could be heard.
86Please respect copyright.PENANAh2mZckzonA
Ozpin: "I'll keep this brief. My name is Ozpin, and I'm the headmaster at this academy, and I would like to welcome you all to beacon academy. You all have traveled here today in search of knowledge, to hone your craft and acquire new skills. Once you have finished with that, you plan to dedicate your life to the goal of protecting people. But when I look amongst you, all I see is wasted energy, in need of a purpose, a direction. You assume knowledge will just become free to you and free you of these troubles, but your time at this school will prove that knowledge can only carry you so far. It's up to you to take the very first step."
Glynda: as Ozpin leaves, she steps up to talk, "my name is Glynda, one of the many teachers here at this academy. Now you all will gather in the ballroom tonight. As for, tomorrow, your initiation will begin. Be ready for it, you all are dismissed. Oh, and no funny business while you're in there."
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The Slumber Party
[Mini Timeskip | brought to you by a chibi Ruby looking at a chibi Y/n with concern]
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We now see it's nighttime at beacon academy. We see as many of the potential students have their sleeping bags out and in their pajamas.
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Yang: lays on her side with her head resting on her open hand, "man, it's like one big slumber party!"
Ruby: not looking at her, "not sure dad would approve of all the boys, tho."
Yang: forms a cheeky grin, "oh, I know 'I' do!"
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She purrs a little, watching several muscular and shirtless guys wrestling or flexing their big muscles, but her eye candy moment is ruined by Jaune, wearing a footie pajama.
When he sees her, he waves at her. Causing her to groan and look else where, but then she notices someone in particular, Y/n. Who's wearing a simple tank top and boxers, looking around. This attire perfectly highlights his muscles and something Yang takes notice of in particular, his ass. She wanted to try and get a better look at another area, the front if you catch my drift, but was interrupted by someone walking in front of her, knocking her out of her fantasy, causing her to pout in announce.
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Yang: "there's a lot of hot guys here. Him in particular. He has muscles in allll the right places." she purrs again with a cheeky grin.
Ruby: "who," looks to where Yang is looking, "oh you mean Y/n?"
Yang: instantly rushes to her sister and grabs her shoulders, "you know that hoty over there?!"
Ruby: "huuuh yeah. He came crashing in....... literally."
Yang: "huh?"
Ruby: "he jumped out of a plane and landed in front of me and Jaune."
Yang: "that's so cool, I always wanted to try that."
Ruby: sweat drop, "I knew he reminded me of someone."
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As Y/n looks around, again lost in his thoughts, until he notices someone approaching him. It was Ruby along with a blonde haired girl he's never met before.
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Y/n: "huh, oh, Hey ruby. Who's this?"
Ruby: "this is my big sister, Yang. Yang, this is Y/n."
Yang: "sup."
Y/n: "hi to you too. So, what brings you here?"
Ruby: "oh, It's because Yang thinks your ho-omphh"
Yang: covers Ruby's mouth, "lonely. Yeah, that's it, you look lonely."
Y/n: "oh. Well, that's kind of you."
Yang: breathes a sigh of relief as she lets go of her sister, who pouts, "yeah, anyways. So what's your deal? I mean, you're more jacked- I mean, your muscles-I mean you're hot- I mean, you have a nice ass- I mean....... damn it. What I'm trying to say is you give off a different feel that everyone else."
Y/n: "really? Well I did come from a village that used to be peaceful, so you could consider me a country bumpkin, but other than that. I'm not all that different from anyone else."
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However, that 'used to be' and how he said it was caught by the sisters. They could feel there was something wrong with how he said it, but then, they were pushed out of their thoughts when he said something.
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Y/n: "oh, it's Blake."
Ruby & Yang: "who?"
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They turn to see him walking up to a girl leaning her back against one of the large windows jambs (the sides), reading a book. She then looks up and notices the boy. Her face turns red from seeing him in his current attire and hides her face with her book.
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Y/n: "fancy meeting you here, Blake."
Blake: "y-yeah. You too./holy crap, he looks so hot like that. I could stare at him all day.... nononono, calm down, Blake. Don't let your instincts take over." Y/n could've sworn he saw her bow twitch a little.
Ruby: "it's her."
Yang: "you know her?"
Ruby: "not really. She was there this morning but left before I could say anything, but I'm surprised Y/n knows her."
Yang: "well now, here's your chance to make another friend. Plus, the hoty can help," she then grabs her sister's arm and drags her over to the duo.
Ruby: "h-hey, wait!"
Yang: in a singing voice, "hel-loooooo! I believe you and my sister met?" causing the duo to look at the sisters.
Blake: "thank god, something to get my mind off of mister eye candy over here./wait, aren't you that girl who exploded this morning."
Y/n: "exploded?"
Ruby: "long story, but yeah. My name is Ruby. But you can call me crater-" smiles in embarrassment, "no, just call me Ruby."
Blake: back to her book, "k."
Yang: whispers, "what are you doing?"
Ruby: whispers, "I don't know, help me."
Yang: whispers, "Y/n is right there, wait." speaks normally, "your name is Blake, right?"
Blake: "yes, I take it you heard when hot- I mean Y/n said it."
Yang: notices what she was about to say and cheekily smiles, "yep and." she gets close to Blake and whispers, "I heard what you were about to say." causing Blake to blush and bury her head in her book.
Ruby: tilts her head, "what did you say?"
Yang: in a singing voice, "noooothing. Right Blake?"
Blake: "r-right."
Y/n: "why do I feel like I was involved?"
Ruby: "anyways, watcha reading?"
Blake: "huh, well. It's about a man with 2 souls. Each side fighting control over his body. Why?"
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Y/n twitches slightly when she said that, something Yang noticed but chose not to prey any further.
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Ruby: "oh, I love books! Yang used to read them to me every night before bed! Stories of heroes and monsters....... it's one of the reasons I became a huntress!"
Blake: chuckles a little, "and why's that? Hoping to live happily ever after?"
Ruby: "I hope we all will. Everyone deserves that. Even as a girl, all I wanted was to become just like the heroes! Someone who fought for what was right, protecting people who can't protect themselves!"
Blake: "that's....... very ambitious for a child but-" her smile turns into a frown, "unfortunately, the real world isn't so kind."
Ruby: "well. Isn't that why we're here? To make it better for everyone?"
Yang: "oh, I'm so proud of my baby sister!" she then hugs her sister into the air.
Ruby: "cut it out!"
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This sisterly bonding turned into a dust cloud of play fighting. Y/n is just laughing his ass off, while Blake joins him by laughing too, but not as hard.
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Blake: "hehe, well. It was a pleasure to meat you al-"
Weiss: storms into the scene with her pajamas on as Ruby traps Yang's leg, "what in the world is going on over here?! People are trying to sleep here."
Weiss & Yang: they then stare at each other, "oh, not you again!"
Y/n: leans over to Blake, "I'm sensing some history here."
Blake: chuckles, "you have no idea."
Ruby: "shhhh! Guys, she's right. People are trying to sleep."
Weiss: "oh NOW your on my side?!"
Ruby: "I was always on your side!"
Yang: "what's your problem with my sister anyways?! All she's trying to do is to be nice!"
Weiss: "she's a hazard to my health!"
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Both Blake and Y/n chuckle at this, but decide to just leave it at that. Blake closes her book, grabs her candle and blows it out. Enveloping the scene in pitch black darkness-
???: "hmhmhmm. Soon, very soon. Young one. You'll come to realize your true destiny."
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We see a darkened figure looking at a crystal ball. In it is an image of Y/n laughing at Ruby and Yang fighting. The camera slowly zooms into the crystal ball, until a flash of white covers the screen.
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A/n: welp that's it for this chapter. I hope you all have enjoyed it. I know I took a bit of a different direction than most Rwby harem fics, with a smaller harem and all, but I hope you enjoyed it all the same. Course there's the fact I made you pretty bat shit. I know you didn't get to see too much of that, but don't worry, you will. As I said in the notes chapter, I'll be following along with the actual story of Rwby, unlike most that I've read, but I'll still add original story ideas. Don't worry, I will make more Rwby harems with bigger harems one day, even in the form of crossovers. And yeah, that's all I can't think of. I hope you enjoyed it, and I'll be seeing you..... in the next chapter.
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