Art Credit = https://twitter.com/dbmultiverse/status/1180853047494369280
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* Originally i did want to write a few other mini stories first but seeing as i have other stories in the works that will contain lemons in the future, and these collection stories are taking more of a back burner. So i decided to go ahead and post this one to see where i stand and if anyone has any suggestions for my bad first lemon. I've been focusing on my other stories now so these collection stories will be even rarer than i planned or shorter than my normal chapters.
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Brief Summary
See Chapter 1 for the brief summary as nothing has changed.
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As the image and title would suggest, this is a lemon chapter. My first ever lemon chapter. So I'm sorry ahead of time if it seems off or weird or i don't use the correct wording and expressions.
Just a reminder, both are 18 years old.
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The New Alien And His Story
it has been a day since Y/n and Bra has had their training session, and after Bulma embarrassed the crap out of Bra. It was a morning just like any other, Y/n and Bra eating lunch together and laughing. Things would've remained this way until everyone sensed something powerful approaching them from above.
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Vegito: "what is that?"
Gohan: "i don't know, but it doesn't feel evil at all."
Piccolo: "regardless, we should be on our guard." this caused everyone to nod in agreement.
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Everyone then went outside to see a strange looking ship the landed on the Capsule Corp courtyard. This ship ad an almost Namekian like design to it but looked to be more modern in design. Once they got out and stud in front of it, the hatch opened up to reveal a man, who appears to be in his 40s. He looked human-esc, but his skin was more peach, he had multiple dots on his body, mainly focuses around his arms, and had short white hair. He was also wearing a hooded cloak, with the hood still up, and a ruined military like outfit.
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???: "which one of you is the great warrior who defeated tyrant Frieza?"
Vegito: he then steps forward, "that would be me. Technically speaking. Now who's asking?"
???: "thank the stars i finally found you oh great hero." he then falls to his hands and knees, "please, im begging you. Please help us."
Vegito: "huuuuuuh. You can get up now, its embarrassing."
???: "please, we're desperate."
Vegito: "okay, okay. I'll help you. Just stop doing that."
???: he then gets up and grabs both of Vegitos hands. With pure happiness in his eyes and voice, "oh, thank you, thank you so much!"
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[Mini Timeskip | brought to you by a chibi Vegito trying to get the chibi stranger up]
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We now see as they are in the Capsule Corp dinning room, sitting at the large table. Well, except for Piccolo as he was, like usual, standing up with his arms crossed. Then Bulma walked up to the man and handed him something to drink.
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Bulma: "here you go."
???: "oh, thank you very much miss." he then takes a sip, causing his eyes to shoot open, "oh my, this is amazing! What is this?"
Bulma: "uhhh, its just coffee. i can get you a pack if you want."
???: "it would be very much appreciated madam."
Bulma: "oh stop, you're making me blush. Just call be Bulma." this causes the man to nod.
Vegito: "okay, not with that out of the way. How about you tell me what's going on?"
???: "oh yes, my apologies great sir."
Y/n: "why am i getting this weird feeling from this guy? Am i just being too paranoid?"
Appile: "my name is Appile great sir. i come from a planet named Vegtile. We are a peaceful farming species. We thrive on growing our crops and other natural food based resources. Actually it's because of this we were a quite popular trading route. It's because of this that we were able to thrive and live comfortably. We trade with not only other races on our world but others throughout the galaxy as well."
Vegito: "no offense but what made your crops so special?"
Appile: "well, because of the way we grow our crops, combines with our rich soil, we can grow them much faster than normal while also making them taste better. It's a trade secret no one can reverse engineer. Because of these techniques, we became quite popular, mainly so they can figure out our secrets.......... none has succeeded." he then clenches his fists, "things were so peaceful for years we avoided war and conflict....... until........ until....." he then begins to tear up and put one hand over his eyes. This causes Bulma to rub his back in support.
Y/n: he then raises an eyebrow, "am i just being too paranoid? Why am i suspicious of him anyways? Is it the way he's speaking or just how cliché his story is? Tho it does seem to happen a lot, according to Gohan anyways." he then shakes his head in order to try and get these thoughts out of his head.
Bra: she then leans closer to him and with her hand at the side of her mouth. She then whispers, "what's wrong?"
Y/n: he then whispers back, "nothing."
Bra: whispers, "oh come on. Something is clearly bothering you."
Y/n: whispers with a sigh, "fine, its just that-"
Vegito: "do you kids have something to add?"
Y/n and Bra: they both then straighten up, "nothing!" in the background Gohan then looks at Vegito with a raised eyebrow.
Vegito: "good, you can continue now."
Appile: "thank you very much, ahem. As i was saying. Things were peaceful until this odd looking ship landed in our cities capital. We thought it was just another trading ship that is....... that is........ until they opened fire."
Bulma: she lets out a gasp, "how horrible."
Bra: she then slams her hands on the table, which caught everyone's attention, "what do you mean? They just attacked out of nowhere?"
Appile: he looks down, "sadly, yes. They killed so many women and children. They didn't care who they were. They just fired without a care. They......... even killed my own family."
Bra: she then clenches her fists and her rage begins to boil over, "those........ bastards. Grrrrrr." then lightning began to spark around her as her eyes goes between their normal color to a greenish-blue color.
Vegito: "BRA!!!" this causes her to jump and look at him with fear in her eyes, "calm down and let him finish his story. Got it?"
Bra: while shaking a little, she sits down and calms herself, "y-yes sir."
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Y/n then looks at her and notices how she's acting and the fear he can see in her eyes.
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Y/n: "bra? I could've sworn i saw fear from her but why? Its Vegito. Her own father. Why would she be so scared of him. He's a nice dude isn't he?"
Appile: "a-anyways. They slaughtered so many of us, without hesitation. Eventually they overtook our planet. i wanted to get my revenge so bad, they took my wife and children from me.......... but, im no fool. i would get killed on the spot if i try but I...... I just had to cling to something........ any kind of hope. right as i lost hope, i heard rumors about a man who killed the great Frieza. I didn't believe it at first, but it brought hope back to me. So with what little hope i head, i used the sensors and machines on my ship to try and find you. Now place...... help us."
Vegito: he then lets out a sigh, "alright I'll help you out old man, but it won't be alone. I'll be bringing Y/n and Bra as well as Gohan with me./ this would be a great test for the boy. Besides, i don't trust leaving Bra all on her own."
Appile: "what?! You mean these children? You can be serious great one. These people are monsters, and you want to bring-"
Vegito: he then slams his hand onto the table, "hey! You asked for MY help. That means you deal with how i handle it. Got it?" this causes the man to nod his head with a hint of fear, "besides Y/n is some weak child. He could easily destroy this planet if he wanted it. Hell, he could easily beat Frieza at his strongest."
Appile: "WHAT?!?! Y-you must be joking."
Vegito: he then crosses his arm and smiles a cocky grin, "heh, no. im not. I'm actually downplaying him. There's actually a guy who was a lot stronger than Frieza that this boy could easily beat now. On top of that Gohan is above Y/n, while Bra is above Gohan./ whether i like it or not./ then there's me. Someone who's waaaay above them at their best...... in my base."
Appile: with a sweat drop forming on his head, "wow, ego much./ wow, that's amazing....... and terrifying. Well, if you're that confident in them then please let me take you to my world."
Y/n: "not that i don't appreciate his complement, but he's definitely thinking to highly of me. Besides, why can't i shake this bad feeling i have about this dude?"
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Onto the Farming Planet
[Timeskip | brought to you by a chibi Y/n squinting his eyes at the strange alien]
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We now see that Gohan, Bra, Y/n and Vegito are on the alien visitors strange looking ship. We can also see that he is the one piloting it. Not much longer after we see this, they have already arrived at his home world. Everyone in the ship, but Vegito and the alien, marveled at just how beautiful it was. Its overall look was similar to earth, but it has 3 icy rings formed around it, not to dissimilar to an atomic atom. The grass was so green and bright that it could easily be soon from space. The ocean was so clear and clean looking that its almost possible to see the darkening shadows of the land layers underneath it. It truly looked like a perfect and clean looking world.
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Appile: "beautiful, isn't it? Its amazing just how it can look like that even after all it's been through, but there's no time for that. We must get going."
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The man pulls on one of the many levers on the console. Once he does this, the ship rushes towards the surface of the planet and when they get there, the ground told a different tale than what they saw up above. The area was littered with bodies, fire all around, buildings in ruins, bullet holes sprinkled the ground like rain drops, and mini craters that look like they were made by some kind of explosive. It was truly worse than what the man led them to believe.
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Gohan: he then clinches his fist, "so horrible. Who could do such a thing?" he looks to see even children dead on the ground, "these sick bastards will pay."
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Despite the horror that was right in front of them, Vegito seemed oddly calm. Not once did he unfold his arms. It almost looked like he was thinking about something but chose not to say anything. As the group continued to walk around, looking at all the destruction in anger or horror, Vegito was taking note of the bodies.
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Gohan: "this is horrible. All this destruction and for what? Crop secrets. Damn it!"
Vegito: "calm down Gohan. i understand your rage, but It's too early to make assumptions."
Gohan: "calm down, why? Don't you see what's right here?"
Vegito: "i do, but something feels....... off and-" he then looks in front of him and sees Y/n and Bra looking around for any survivors, "something is telling me that Y/n feels it too."
Gohan: "really? What makes you say that?"
Vegito: "simple. He may not be as smart as you, but he has goo instincts and ability to read people, except for me of course. The advantage of being a fusion of 2 people and well.... i'm me." causing a sweat drop to form on Gohans head, "however, i saw it when the old man was giving us his little story. Something was bothering him, and it looked like he was about to tell Bra but-"
Gohan: "so that's why you suddenly asked them if they wanted to add anything. You didn't want to tip Appile off."
Vegito: "right. i knew he would say anything if i confronted him, especially in front of people. In case he was right, i didn't want the old man to think we were onto him. Not until we get answers."
Gohan: "I see. i guess that make sense but still. Its clear what Appile told use is the truth. It's all around us."
Vegito: "i thought piccolo and Kakarot taught you better than that. Appearances can be deceiving. Just keep your guard up."
Gohan: "r-right."
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As the group continued to look around, they couldn't find any survivor, despite how hard they were looking. However, what's odd is they haven't seen the bandits either. Seeing this Y/n decides to slow down and gets close to Vegito.
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Y/n: "hey Vegito."
Vegito: "what is it kid?"
Y/n: "i think you should go back to earth. Like right now."
Vegito: he then looks down with a raised eyebrow, "and why's that?"
Y/n: "i don't know, just something doesn't feel right. His story is a little to cliché for my tastes and for someone who just lost his family." he then looks behind him and towards Appile, "he looks pretty well put together." he then looks back up at Vegito, "plus these bodies, don't they look a little to fresh to you?"
Vegito: he then side eyes one of the bodies they are passing by, "so you caught that too? Gohan won't admit it, but he has too."
Y/n: "It's almost like this happened recently, but that cant be right. If it took him as long as he said it did to find you, then these bodies should be-"
Vegito: "showing signs of decomposing. Yeah, i think you're right. i'll pretend to scout on ahead and use instant transmission to get to earth. Bulma will hate me just showing up like that but if we're right about this. Then she should forgive me. If we're not, then....... i rather not think about it."
Y/n: "o-ok."
Vegito: "alright everyone. This is getting boring so im going to scout on ahead. Hopefully i can find something to fight."
Bra: "huh? Alright./ wait, dad scouting? That doesn't sound like him."
Gohan: "okay, i'll raise my Ki if anything happens over here."
Vegito: "good, now. I'm going!" he then looks at Y/n and nods towards him, which he returns.
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Vegito then turns around and flies off into the distance. Once he gets far enough away, out of everyone's sight, he hides behind and building and places 2 of his figures on his forehead. Right as he does, he teleports to where Bulma is. he flinches expecting a scream and smack but then notices she's looking up at something in fear. When he looks up, a large ship shaped shadow is cast over them.
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Vegito: "WHAT THE HELL?!/ hmph, looks like the kid was right. At least i won't be bored but i better make this quick before anything happens."
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[Location: Planet Vegtile]
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As the group continued to walk around, Bra decides to walk up beside Y/n and ask him something.
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Bra: "okay now spill it. What's going on?"
Y/n: "i have no idea what your talking about Bra"
Bra: he then looks at him more annoyed, with her eyebrow twitching, "my dad, of all people, offered to scout ahead. My dad, the Saiyan warrior. The guy with Vegetos ego and Kakarots craving for battle. That guy, wanted to just scout ahead. Now say that to me again with a straight face."
Y/n: "......... okay, okay. You win. Its just something feels off. I don't know what but....... LOOK OUT!!" he then grabs Bra by her shoulders and jumps to the ground as a large blast flies over them. "Damn, looks like they found us....... huh."
Bra: "ouch, damn. How pathetic to do a sneak....... attack?"
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When the pair looked at each other, they realized something. That Y/n was on top of Bra, practically pinning her down. They both looked at each other for a few moments before realization finally hits them. This causes both of their faces to turn red, while at the same time, they could feel their own heart rates getting faster and faster.
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Bra: "there's that feeling again, but it's not the usual feeling. It's something......... new. Just why is it when i look at him, my face feels hot and my heart races?" then something her mother said crosses her mind.
Bulma (flashback): "looks like someone has a crush", "oh, Y/n, there you are."
Bra (flashback): "eep!"
Bulma (flashback): "don't have a crush huuuu?", "that aside, i think you should go for it. You know how rare it is for use to find that special someone. Even if we have to lie to them so we can be with them."
Bra: "should.... should i go for it?"
Y/n: "holy crap, holy crap, holy crap, holy crap, holy crap, holy crap, HOLY CRAP!! S-s-s-shes so close. I've been this close to her before but nothing like this. Those other times were through training. Wait, not. i need to focus. The enemy is nearby....... huh?"
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When Y/n look down, he notices Bra was leaning up towards him, slowly closing her eyes. Y/n not able to hold it in anymore, after months of just being close to her, he finally decides to go for it. Screw how shy he is, screw their power difference, and screw his fear over Vegito. He's going for it here and now. Like Bra, he begins to lean towards her, slowly closing his eyes in the process. Time begins to feel as if it was slowing down. Seconds feel like minutes and minutes feel like hours. So close, they could feel their breathes across their skin. However, fate wasn't that kind, not at this moment anyways. Because-
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The man comes out from behind some rubble and fires a powerful Ki blast at the pair. Seeing this, the pair easily dodged this. Gohan could practically feel Piccolo saying 'see'.
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Bra: stands up as her body begins to tremble and her eyes covers in shadow, her hair switching between purple and golden as rocks slowly rise up, "this bastard....... this bastard....... THIS BASTARD!! i was so close, so fucking close to understanding what this new feeling was. And he had to ruin it." she then crouches down and balls up her fists, "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!!!!"
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Bra, in rage, turns into her Super Saiyan form and rushes towards the vic-target of her rage.
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Gohan & Y/n: "BRAAAA!"
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[Location: Earth]
[Capsule Corp]
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In the courtyard of the Capsule Corp building, we can see multiple destroyed space battleships and some kind of jet planes. All having the same looks as Appiles spaceship. Standing at the front of the biggest spaceship was Vegito with his arms crossed and not a single scratch on him.
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Vegito: "hmph, that was easy. Tho i was surprised that these second rate thugs could use Ki at all...... oh wait, Friezas 2-bit goons could as well. But this proves one thing, the kid was right. His story was bullshit. It was a trap, but why go through all of this? Well that's a question for their little leader, but first i need to check up on them./ mainly Bra. i have a bad feeling." he then places his 2 fingers on his forehead and teleports away.
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[Location: Planet Vegtile]
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Vegito: teleports in, "now lets see-WHAT?!"
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As Vegito looked around, he could see that there was far more destruction as before and there are multiple new bodies on the ground. These new ones wore the same outfits as the one who attacked earth, and they appeared to have died very recently.
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Vegito: "shit. i knew this would happen. Damn it Bra. i knew i should have never left you alone. Damn it!"
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In anger, and hurry, Vegito rush to find the others by flying as fast as he could. After a few more minutes of searching, he finally found some of them. What he could see was Bra standing over a fresh corpse, covering blood but what he couldn't see was the blood around her mouth. She then began to lick the blood off of her lips to hide a secret that only her mother knows but now Y/n does as well. Vegito sees Bra just standing over this corpse and gets pissed.
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This suddenly loud shout surprised Bra and Y/n, who was still hiding. He's never seen Vegito this mad before but when he looked at Bra, he saw just how scared she was. She stepped back as her body begins to shake.
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Bra: with her voice now shaky, "d-dad. This isn't-"
Bra: "b-but..... dad.... wait, this isn't-ARGHHH!"
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Before she could explain herself, she was hit so hard in the gut that she was sent flying into a nearby mountain. Y/n saw this but didn't know what to think. The man he respected is doing something he never thought he would ever do, attacking his own daughter. Sure what she did was wrong, but they did attack first, then there was the whole blood drinking thing. Isn't this going too far? He has so many conflicting emotions going on right now, and he didn't know how to handle it. On one hand, the girl he has a crush on is getting attacked by the man he respects. He wants to help, but now he's afraid of both of them. He could do nothing but watch Vegito fighting against Bra, who wasn't strong enough to even defend herself. What should he do, what can he do? Thankfully someone did intervene.
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Gohan: "BRA!..... Y/N!...... WHERE ARE YOU?!"
Vegito: he then stops punching Bra, "tch, now you show up." he then looks down at a bloody Bra, "remember, i can kill you anytime i wish. So be grateful i don't do that now. You BETTER get a hold of yourself before i have to take..... drastic measures, GOT IT?!" all she could do was weakly nod, "good. GOHAN, WE'RE OVER HERE BUT I DON'T KNOW WERE Y/N IS!!"
Bra: she then gets up, but then her eyes widen, "no, where is he? i got so mad that i completely forgot about him. i have to find him..... i hope he didn't see-"
Y/n: "i-i'm right here."
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This caused both Vegito and Bra to look beside them as see him floating to the ground, to make it seem like he just arrived. Bra looked at him with joy but then saw his more conflicted and sadden expression.
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Y/n: "i got separated from everyone when a group of thugs attacked us."
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Bra looked at him and got worried, not once did he look at her. But what was odd, not once did he look at Vegito either. Her mind starts to race with negative thoughts, but she does her best to shrug them off. Excusing it as him just being tired. At least that's what she hopes it is.
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Vegito: his then crosses his arms in his usual manner, "good, but it looks like your instincts were correct kid. It was a trap. They tried to attack Earth but i was about to get there in time to stop them. Course with Piccolo, Trunks and Goten there, the invaders wouldn't be able to do much. They were a bunch of weaklings."
Y/n: with a shaky voice, "i-i see. I'm glad it all worked out fine."
Vegito: his voice didn't go unbeknownst to him, "mm? Is something wrong? You're not acting like yourself."
Y/n: "o-oh, It's nothing. I'm just tired is all."
Vegito: he then raises an eyebrow, "are you sure? Even for you this is odd and we've trained together."
Y/n: "looks like i can't fool you Vegito." he then nervously laughs before letting out a sigh, which caused small panic with Bra, "i.... i had to take a life. He didn't leave me much of a choice. I-" he then felt a hand on his shoulder. When he looks up, he sees the hand belongs to Vegito.
Vegito: "It's alright. What matters right now is that your okay. i know you don't like to take lives but in battles, there will be times when you don't have a choice. It's either them or you. People like to say it never gets easy, but it does. Eventually you get used to it but i don't want that for you. Your life and outlook are special. So if you take anything from this, remember this. Only kill when It's for survival or to protect, okay." Y/n then nods his head, but he was unable to look Vegito in the eyes, "good. We all need to take a break from today's....... eventual evening." he then side eyes Bra with anger, who then looks away in fear.
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Y/n Knows the Truth
[Mini Timeskip | Brought to you by a chibi Vegito with his hand on a chibi Y/n's shoulder]
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Vegito had used instant transmission to teleport everyone back to Capsule Corp. the invaders have been dealt with but as for the leader. Well, Vegito said he would handle him...... personally (RIP). No one suffered from any serious wounds, well, except for Bra that is. she claims it was a sneak attack when her guard was down. It's been a few days since then and things has returned back to normal, course the odd thing is, that leader never showed up again. This means they don't even know why these guys did this as Vegito was the last one to see him....... alive that is. however, one thing was different, something that Bra has taken great notice in. for these past few days, Y/n has been acting off. He's been distancing himself from her and won't even look at Vegito with the same respectful look at he did before. Sure, he may have claimed he took his first life, but this is still odd. So she was unable to take it anymore, as she has finally realized what these strange feelings are. So taking advantage of it, she wanted to confront him about everything.
We now see into one of the many hallways of the Capsule Corp building. There we can see Y/n walking back to his room, until-
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Bra: "hey, Y/n! Wait up!"
Y/n: "huh?" he then turns around, "oh, it's you bra. What's up?"
Bra: she then finally reaches him, "what's up? i want to know what's wrong with you. You've been acting off for a few days. Is everything okay? You can always talk to me, you know. We're friends.... aren't we?/ maybe closer than friends one day. i know what I've been feeling now. So please hurry and return to normal, return to being my Y/n. So i can tell you how i feel."
Y/n: "It's nothing. i guess killing someone for the first time is hitting me harder than i thought. So-"
Bra: she then slams her fist against the wall, "don't give me that! i know It's something else. You've been distant from me, and you refuse to look my dad in the eyes. i can understand that you may feel ashamed for taking a life, but you know we all have done that before, but we never acted like this. So what's really going on?/ please no. please don't be that. Please, i don't know if i could take it. Please let it be something else, anything but that."
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There was this long pause between them, neither was saying a word. All they did was stare at each other. Bra was beginning to fear what it was, which only grew when he looked away from her.
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Y/n: he then clenches his fist, "i..... i saw it."
Bra: fear began to seep into her voice as her breath becomes heavy, "s-saw what?/ noooo, please don't let it be that. Please, anyone but you."
Y/n: "you know what. i saw you lose control and..... and..... when you murdered that guy in cold blood i saw what happened...... after." her eyes widen as tears begin to form on the corner of her eyes, "you ruthlessly tore open his neck and drank his blood." her heart sank right when he did that, "it... it was like watching a monster."
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In that one moment, her world shattered. Her heart dropped as the life disappeared from her eyes. All the strength in her body left her, nearly falling to her knees. She wanted to cry so bad but didn't even have the strength for that. The one person in this entire universe that she cared about the most, now hates her. The one man she never wanted to let see her true self has seen it, and it broke her.
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Bra: she then looks down, casting shadows over her eyes, "i see. Out of everyone. i thought you'd be different but i guess i was wrong. Your like the rest, not even bothering to understand anything. Only believing what you see at that moment. Whatever. i guess It's what i should expect from a human. Don't ever talk to me again, otherwise this MONSTER will make you pay." she then walks past him but stops to say, "goodbye, human."
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She then continues to walk away, hiding just how weak kneed she was. This leaves Y/n to be standing in the hallway by himself. There was this urge to stop her, but he knows he doesn't have a right to. After what he just called her. So he knows he doesn't have a right top stop her from walking away. So all he could was stand there, left with his own thoughts. Bra, on the other hand, walked into her room and locked the door. She then pressed her back against the door, with shadows still covering her eyes. Tears begins to flow down her cheeks as she can no longer hold it in anymore. She then covers her eyes with the palms of her hands, gripping her hair, gritting her teeth and begins to cry. With the strength now all gone, she slides down the door and sits on the floor, crying her heart out. She then wraps her arms around her legs and presses her face against her knees. Her heart was broken, her world shattered. She may have finally found that one person she could spend her life with, the one who could've made her happy but now that dream shattered. Now he views her as a monster and what makes her feel worse is that she blames herself. If only she didn't lose control, he may have never seen her like that, and she wouldn't feel so broken.
We can see that Y/n has reached his room and has also locked the door. He then lies on his bed, with him facing his ceiling. He then uses his arm to cover his eyes as tears begin to flow down his cheeks. He internally beats himself up for saying such horrible things to the one he cared about, the one he had a crush on. The look on her face haunted his mind like it was burnt into his brain with a branding iron.
It's been several weeks since then and the pair have become distant. They couldn't even look into each other's eyes anymore, hell, they're rarely even in the same room anymore. Bra has this almost dead and pained look in her eyes while Y/n looks sad and depressed about something. It was so bad that even Gohan took notice, so he decided to talk to Y/n about it.
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Gohan: "hey, Y/n. Is everything alright between you and Bra? You both have been acting weird."
Y/n: "oh..... well/ i should keep what i saw a secret. I don't know if he knows the truth about Bra./ we had a pretty big fight about what she did and my first kill. It got heated and i said some pretty hurtful stuff to her. I didn't mean to but i guess she's taking it pretty hard."
Gohan: he then looks at him for a few moments, "i see. Well, im sure you 2 can get past it. Its just a fight after all. Besides, i think she might like you. Maybe that's why she's taking it so hard."
Y/n: he felt as if someone just stabbed his heart as even more guilt hits him, "what, no. i doubt that. She just acts that way. Besides, im a human and she's a........ Saiyan. Plus i'm far weaker than her. There's no way she would have those feelings for me."
Gohan: "hey, don't put yourself down so much. Besides, did you forget about me and my father. We both married human wives who can't really fight, well in my case she doesn't fight anymore. So that's not the issue here. i think you should think about it and give her a chance. You shouldn't be so intimated by her power or lack of control and who knows. Maybe one day you could help her out with that. So just think it over. Alright?"
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Y/n then nods his head, causing Gohan to smile and walk away. Y/n decided to take his advice and think it over. He spent the next few horse thinking about that day and Gohans words. He resolved himself to go a talk to Bulma. She's the one person he can really talk to about this. Besides, if Vegito doesn't know, then she should know. She could be the one person he could talk to. After walking around, he found her in her usual place, her labs.
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Y/n: "hey, Ms Bulma."
Bulma: "what's up kiddo?..... wait, is something wrong?"
Y/n: "yeah, it's about Bra. Can i ask you something?"
Bulma: "oh, well. Shoot./ i would like to tease him, but he looks way too serious."
Y/n: "how should i put this without giving too much away?/ it's about her lack of control. It's getting out of hand and its gets very bloody. Like it gets on her mouth. Its almost like something else is going on."
Bulma: her eyes then widen for a second before letting out a sigh, "so you saw it? Her drinking blood i mean." Y/n then nods her head, "that girl, i swear. i warned her but she has no control. Now let me guess, this act scared you? Seeing how ruthless she can be when her hunger gets out of control." he once again nods his eyes but this time with more shame. "It's nothing to be ashamed about. Seeing our kind drinking blood for the first can be pretty scary for normal people but now that it's far worse for her than normal. She's not only a vampire but a Saiyan too, on top of being the child of a fused being made up of the 2 strongest guys in the universe."
Y/n: "so what do i do now? i hurt her and i know it. i allowed me fear take over and in the process, i hurt her. i feel....... like such a jackass."
Bulma: she then smiles, "damn it kid, you make me want to tease you right now./ simple, tell her how you really feel. About her, i mean."
Y/n: "w-w-w-what do you-"
Bulma: "oh come on now. It's so obvious. i mean, the only people not aware is Bra and her dense father."
Y/n: "e-even Gohan?"
Bulma: "yes, even Gohan."
Y/n: "and Piccolo?"
Bulma: "yes, even him"
Y/n: "o-oh."
Bulma: "but if you lack the confidence to tell her the truth then offer her your blood. Offer to feed her your blood./ maybe in more ways than one./ however, i will warn you. It will hurt. For a normal vampire, like myself, it will only sting for a moment but for someone like her, who has enough power to easily destroy this whole solar system, let's just say it won't be painless, and her hunger will be great. I won't sugar coat it. You may die from trying, but you should be fine, considering how strong you are. However, it will still be very painful and hard on you. A relationship with a vampire, let alone a Saiyan hybrid, will be a hard one but if you truly love her and willing to help her then you'll push through the pain. Just think about it and take it seriously, many of us choose not to reveal ourselves to our loves, like me, but you know. So just take the time to think it over. Okay?"
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With that now said, he does what Bulma has suggested and think it over. So he returns to his room and gives it some thought. He spends a few hours just sitting in his room, doing nothing but think about what Bulma said. Images of Bra crosses his mind, before and after he told her that he saw her drink blood. After spending so long thinking about it, he finally made his decision. He wasn't confident enough to confess to her, but he will offer to feed her his blood.
On the next day, he finally deiced to follow through. So he asked her to meet him in the training room, an improved version that the one Bulma made for Vegeta before he fused with Goku. Now, within the room, we can see her looking at him. She had her arms crossed as she has an uninterested look on her face. Waiting for any moment to leave.
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Y/n: "Bra." he then bows his head, which catches her off guard. "I'M SORRY!!"
Bra: she then looks down at him, almost as if she was judging him, "get up, its pathetic." however, he doesn't do what she asks, "i said, get up!"
Y/n: "i-i'm sorry for everything i said that day, im sorry for the fear i felt against you, im sorry i judged you without knowing anything about your kind and im sorry i called you a monster."
Bra: sounds and looking uninterested, "is that all? If so, im leaving."
Y/n: "no." he then straightens up and looks right at her, "i know about the vampires and about their bloodlust. That they need blood to survive and-"
Bra: "tch, you think you know about us, but you know NOTHING about me or my kind!" she then pushes him against the wall and slams her hand right beside his head, "look at you, still scared of me. You think you can say some pretty words and everything will be okay? That everything will just be forgiven? All you did was hear nothing but words, just words. Words mean nothing. There's nothing like-" she then moves closer to him, getting close to his neck, "experiencing it first hand. Maybe i should make you experience it and see how your resolve holds. People love to say such things because It's easy to talk, but it's harder to follow through. So let's see if your fear remains or will you be able to overcome them but who am i kidding. You're a human, so of course it will remain."
Y/n: so the stimulation, his brain completely froze, unable to think of a response, "my body is ready."
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After that statement, all that was left was awkward silence leaving her with a shocked and confused expression on her face.
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Bra & Y/n: "eh?"
Y/n: "WHAT THE HELL DID I JUST SAY?!?!" now in full-blown panic, "n-n-n-n-no that's not what i meant to say. What i mean is, what i meant to say, gaaaa, i just meant-"
Bra: "pfffh-HAHAHAHAHAHA! Ow my stomach." he then grips her stomach while laughing her ass off. She then wipes away a single tear from her eye, "damn that killed the mood. i was totally going to drink your blood but damn that weird habit of yours. i thought you finally broke it but i guess i was wrong."
Y/n: he then looks down in defeat, "s-sorry".
Bra: she then smiles and uses her finger to lift up his head, "but i guess that's what i love about you. Your different from the others, in your own way but you don't know what you're getting into so just forget it. Maybe we can go back to how we used to be........ in time."
Y/n: he then clenches fist and steals his resolve, "no." she then looks back at him, "like i said, im willing to do it. You know me. Once i put my mind to something, then i go all the way. Look, you need blood to survive and im willing to do that for you."
Bra: "why..... why go through this to help me. Is it really because you view us as friends."
Y/n: "no.... its just that....... It's because........ I'M IN LOVE WITH YOU!!" again the awkward silence ensues, "great, now I've done it. She's going to think im some kind of weirdo or something...... huh?"
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When Y/n looked at Bra, we could see her with a shocked expression. There was a blush on her face and a single tear running down her cheek. This reaction was not what he expected from her. However, he decided to toss away all other thoughts in his mind and just go for it. He grabs her hand and pulls her in close. Then places a hand on her shoulder, he leans in and kisses her. She was completely shocked by this, but she tries to push him off. However, despite her best efforts, she couldn't find the strength to do so. It was almost as if her body didn't want it to stop..... she didn't want it to stop. She's finally kissing the boy she loves, after all this time. She finally understands the feelings she's been having. She then gives into it and kisses him back, placing her hands on his chest.
After several more minutes of kissing, the pair finally stops. They look into each other's eyes, breathing hard from the long kiss they just had, but it wasn't enough, not after all this time. So they both decided to go for some more. She then warps her arms around his neck, while he does the same to her hips, and they kiss each other but this time, they went all the way. They both began to use their tongues, twirling them around each other. They were fully engrossed in their make out section. Time felt as if slowed down for them. They felt as if they could stay like this forever. Well, this was until they lost their balance and fell onto the floor.
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Time to Take This Further (Lemon)
When Y/n looked at Bra again, he was on top of her but this time, her arms were laying above her head with a blush on her face. She looked so beautiful and cute at the same time. When he looked at her eyes, she looked back before nodding. He then lets out a small gulp before lifting up her tank top and sports bra, allowing her surprisingly big breasts to bounce in freedom. He was surprised, not only are they bigger than he thought but that he's also seeing bare breasts for the first time. He couldn't help but stare at them.
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Bra: her blush gets even bigger as she covers her mouth with the back of her hand, "s-stop starring. It's embarrassing."
Y/n: "s-sorry, its just that they're more beautiful that i imagined."
Bra: her face is now redder than a tomato, while she looks away, "i-idiot."
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Y/n then lets out a soft chuckle at how cute her reaction was but decides to go for it. He then takes each breast in his hands and starts to rub them, going between hard and soft motions. He's not really thinking about what he's doing, just responding to her moans. Not stopping with just playing with them, he decided to suck on her nipples as well. Alternating between them while giving them a small nibble before switching to the next. Her moans become louder and more wild each time he does this. It got so loud that she had to cover her mouth with her hands in order to muffle her moans but there's only so much noise her hands can hide. Y/n was fully engrossed with playing with her breasts as her moans turned him on more and more.
He then decided to slowly move his left hand down to her crotch, rubbing her pussy through her biker shorts, even though it he could feel just how wet she was getting. Her muffled moans were getting louder as he rubs against it faster, and he sucks on her nipple harder. Then he moves his hand underneath her shorts and panties in order to touch her already wet pussy directly. Her moans now getting even louder. The only thing on his mind right now was making her feel good in order to make up for the pain he caused her.
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Bra: "w-wait..... mmm...s-slow down-ahhhh.... stop-ahhhhh..... i said stop..... im going to.... to...... I'm going to cum, stop!" hearing this made him go even faster, "wait, don't got faster. I'm......... AHHHHHHHHH!"
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Her back then arches up into the air as her eyes roll upwards. While standing on her toes, her body begins to twitch as he could feel something wet shoot out of her pussy. Her body then finally relaxes as she slowly lays back down onto the floor. With her arms now covers her eyes, she starts to breathe hard after such a strong orgasm.
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Y/n: "no, i want to see that beautiful face of yours." he then grabs her arms and moves them away from her face. He saw her face was now fully red as her eyelids lower down a bit.
Bra: "i...... told you....... to stop but you...... didn't listen........ jerk."
Y/n: "hehe, sorry but i couldn't help it. Your moans were too cute and sexy." she then leans her head back a bit, covering her eyes in shadows, "Bra?"
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She then suddenly pushed him back and got on top of him. When he looked at her, she had eyes of pure lust.
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Bra: "you've done it now, i can't hold back anymore."
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As she lets out a lustful smile, her canines begin to sharpen, her eyes turn crimson, her pupils become slit, and her ears become pointed. She then gave him a seductive smile before she then felt something poke her. When she looked down, she could see a tent beginning to form in his pants.
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Y/n: "i..... i can explain, ...... it's not......"
Bra: she then looks back at him, "are you sure you're not a Saiyan?" she then licks her lips, "oh well, since you offered, it's time for me to eat."
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Right as she said that, she lowers her head closer to his neck. She first begins to lick his neck, causing him to blush, but then she aggressively bites down. He then winces and holds in his scream because it did hurt...... a lot.
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Y/n: "damn, Bulma wasn't kidding about the pain, but this is for Bra. i have to hold it in. i refuse to back down like this."
Bra: she then snaps out of her bloodlusted state and looks at him, "I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that, i.... i just couldn't control myself. This is the first time anyone has...... and your blood..... it tasted so good, and...... I....."
Y/n: he then sat up and hugs her, "there's nothing to be sorry for. i knew what i was getting into." tears then began to run down her cheeks, "I've already talked to ms Bulma. She told me everything already. So i was ready for it."
Bra: she then hugs him back and buries her face into his shoulder, "if you knew already then why...... why do all this?"
Y/n: he then leans his head against hers while placing one of his hands on the back of her head, "didn't you hear me? i told you that i loved you. I'm willing to go through any pain if it means i could be with you."
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Bra then pulls away from him and gives him a quick peck on his lips. When they separate, he wipes the tears from her eyes.
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Bra: she then lets out a small chuckle, "you're a weird one you know that? But now there's no way i can hold back. So you better be ready."
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Y/n: he lets out a small smile, "well then don't. I'm ready for anything."
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Bra lets out a soft smile before laying him down and gets back on top of him.
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Bra: "then i hope you're ready for what It's like to have sex with a Saiyan."
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After saying that, she practically rips his pants off while ripping her own shorts off as well as their underwear. This caused his fully erect dick to slap against her stomach. She then stares at it with a blush on her face. She then lightly grips it and begins to rub it a little. While holding the tip in place, she begins to grind her wet pussy against it. She then raises herself and positions his dick underneath her pussy. She then begins to slowly lower herself down until her pussy lips touched the tip of his dick. She takes a breath before slowly lowering herself down. As his dick slowly enters her, she could help but wince and her body trembles. When it finally reached her hymen, she stops moving for a moment. Steeling her resolve, she lets herself to quickly lower down and through her hymen. She lets out a pain fill moan as her body tenses up. He looks down as sees blood leaking from her pussy.
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Y/n: "Bra. Are you okay? We can-"
Bra: "no, just give me a minute. I'm not letting this moment slip past me." after a few more moments have passed, she takes a breath and says, "okay, i think im ready."
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With that now said, she slowly starts to move. Despite what she said, every time she moves. She still lets out groans of pain. So he decided to outreach his hands and begins to play with her breasts and nipples. He then sits up and begins to suck on her nipples while using his other hand to play with her breast. Slowly she starts to feel more pleasure as she grinds her hips faster and faster. With his free hand, he snakes it around her hip and squeeze her ass cheek. With it in his hand, be begins to message that cheek. Her neck arches as she closes her eyes and begins to moan more freely. With her pain slowly going away, she starts to grind her hips faster and faster. Slowly she begins to moan louder and louder. Now that all of her pain is gone, she moans freely, as if she doesn't care if anyone hears them right now. All that was on her mind right now, was this moment. That's all she can focus on right now. Not her father, not her brothers, not her mother and not her lineage. Just him and this moment.
Y/n, not wanting to lose, begins to power up. She notices this, causing her to stop for just a moment. This gave him the moment to take charge, so he grips her hips with both of his hands and starts to thrust hard and fast. She's now feeling even more pleasure than before. Now her face shows that of a girl who's fully enjoying sex with her lover but gaining some of her sanity back, she looks at him with a cocky smile.
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Bra: "so that's how you want to play this. Fine. Let me show you what a Saiyan can do."
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Despite sitting on his dick, she takes on a power up stance....... well the best she can while sitting down. She then powers up and turns into a Super Saiyan. She then pushes him down and pins hims arms down. She now bounces on his dick so hard and wild that it causes mini shockwaves to shoot out in all directions. However, he refuses to give up now, so he then powers up his Kaio-ken, something he secretly learned in order to keep up with everyone. This surprised her, but this gave him the chance he needed. He then gets her off of him, turns her around, grabs her arms and thrusts hard into her pussy. Now that he's thrusting as hard as he can, mini shockwaves shoot out in all directions.
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Bra: with her tongue now out and her eyes rolled up, "YES-AHHH...... HARDER-AHHH...... POUND ME AS HARD AS YOU CAN!!!!....... AHHHHH/ fuck, I don't care who hears me. This feels way too good. Can't believe i was a virgin just a moment ago."
Y/n: "damn. Never expected her, of all people, to moan like that. Its really turning me on. Fuck it./ Kaio-ken TIMES FOUR!!!" a burst of red aura comes out of him, and now he's thrusting even harder and faster than before, causing her to moan louder and more shockwaves to form, "thank Kami we did this in the training room. Its soundproof and can take a beating." he then leans forwards and sticks his fingers into her mouth, causing drool to flow from the sides of her mouth. With a cocky smile he says, "i can go higher if you want me to, but you have to beg for it./ I'm far too horny to question where that came from."
Bra: "he's getting to cocky for his own good but i don't care right now./ please pound me harder! i want more, make me never forget this day!! POUND ME WITH ALL YOUR STRENGTH!!!"
Y/n: "good girl, now that you asked for it. Kaio-ken TIMES FIFTEEN!!!"
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Now with his new power up, he thrusts even harder that before. Her back and neck now arches in pleasure, fully giving into the pleasure. Now even more shockwaves form that shake the room.
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Y/n: "thank Kami for Bulmas improved sound proofing. No one can hear us in here."
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[Dining Room]
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We now see into the Capsule Corp buildings dining room. In it, we can see Piccolo sitting at the table in his usual way, but we notice he has multiple sweat drops and his eyebrowless brow keeps twitching.
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Piccolo: "do that have to be so loud? Geez. i do not need to hear Bra talk like that. Curse my super hearing."
Vegito: he then walks up to Piccolo, "what's wrong Piccolo? You look tired."
Piccolo: "i-its nothing. There's nothing to worry about."
Vegito: "oooookaaay." the room then shakes a little, "huh, what's with these weird quakes we keep having?" this causes Piccolo to jump a little and sweat some more, "i wonder if someone is in the training room? Maybe i should go check."
Piccolo: now in full panic mode, "DON'T DO THAT!" this cause Vegito to turn around and look at him with a raised eyebrow, "ahem what i mean is that it might be Bra letting out some steam. After all, you 2 did have a big fight the other day. Aheheheheeee."
Vegito: "you might be right about that. Kami that girl can get moody when she's scolded. She'll never get with anyone at this rate. Whatever. Guess i'll go somewhere else to train." as he walks away he asks, "i wander where Y/n is?"
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Piccolo then sighs in relief before wiping the sweat off of his head.
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[Training Room]
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We now see as the both of them are hovering in the air with Y/n 'laying' down and Bra is sitting on top of him. She was leaning back with her hands on his knees, using his legs as leverage to help her bounce up and down on his dick. She's now going as fast and hard as she can, enjoying every moment of it.
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Bra: "this is the best-AHHHH. Sex in the air feelings amazing-AHHHH..... shit im going to get hooked on this...... mmmmmm-AHHHH!!" her body keeps on twitching, as if she keeps cumming from the sheer pleasure of this moment.
Y/n: "B-Bra..... im close. I'm going to cum soon." she then smiles and wraps her legs around his waist, "w-what are you doing? If you don't stop..... I'll......."
Bra: she then leans closer towards him while still moving her hips, "cums inside me, do it. i want to know what it feels like."
Y/n: "what if you get-"
Bra: "don't worry, it's my safe day. Besides, i can always take a pill later. So just do it! RELEASE IT ALL INSIDE OF ME!!!"
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She then sits up and intertwines her fingers with his while moving her nips even faster than before. Finally, after several more moments, they both came at the same time, with him releasing ropes upon ropes of semen directly into her womb. With how much there was, it even leaked out of her pussy. Now that they are fully exhausted, the pair powered down and began to slowly float down until they reached the floor. Now they are laying down on the floor, with her laying on his chest and his arm around her. Both are now breathing heavily from their intense sex section.
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Bra: "that.... was..... amazing."
Y/n: "yea..... didn't know..... i had it...... in me"
Bra: "hehe, yeah, that surprised me too. Never knew you could be so aggressive but i think i like that side of you."
Y/n: "hehe, thanks but man my hips sure hurt."
Bra: "hehe, that's what you get for fucking a Super Saiyan. Arghhh but you're not the only one. i don't think i'll be able to walk today."
Y/n: "hehe, same. Luckily we can fly but i don't regret a moment of it."
Bra: she then moves closer, "a-are you sure about this? I'm a vampire and a Saiyan. I'm not sure how well i can control myself. i might end up hurting you."
Y/n: he then moves his hand and slightly grips her hand that rests on his chest and starts to rub it, "don't worry. I'll be fine all that means is i have to get stronger. No matter what, I'll stay by your side."
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Bra then looks up at him and smiles. She then leans in closer and kisses him on the lips before resting her head on his chest.
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Bra: "then i'll be counting on you, daaarling."
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Aftermath (Lemon End)
[Next Day]
73Please respect copyright.PENANAuN8iLpu2ii
Now we see as it was the next day. We can see Bra is walking around happier than usual, something everyone seems to notice. Bulma on the other hands, has a cheeky smile on her face. She knows full well what just happened and couldn't help but be happy about it. Y/n, on the other hand, is sitting at the dining room table. He has his head laying at the table while he groans in pain.
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Y/n: "arghhhh....... worth it."
Gohan: "what was worth it? And what happened to you? You look like your in a lot of pain."
Y/n: he looks up at Gohan, "yeah, i think i pulled a muscle or something while having seeeaaaaeerect training, yeah, some secret training i was doing. Don't worry, I'll be fine after some rest."
Gohan: "well that's good to hear. Just make sure you take care of yourself alright. And i look forward to seeing the results of your training."
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Y/n then slams his face onto the table, in order to not make a joke or react to what Gohan said, but then gives him a thumbs up. Gohan then lets out a smile and walks away. Then Piccolo walks up behind Y/n and gives him some pain meds and water, causing the boy to look u pat him.
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Piccolo: "hear, take this. It's for the pain. We don't have any senzu beans and Krillin is off doing whatever it is he does when he's not around."
Y/n: "oh, thanks Piccolo."
Piccolo: "its no big deal." he then walks away from the boy.
Y/n: "huh, well. That was oddly nice of him.......... wait." his expression turns one of worry, "does he know........ naaaaaah, there's no way he does. i mean, come on. That room was sound proofed. there's no way his ears are that good....... right." he then turns pain and begins to sweat a lot, "right............. oh Kami."
73Please respect copyright.PENANA0UteK9APZV
A/n: welp, that's it for this chapter. Did you like it? Sorry again for my bad writing for this lemon chapter. I've never written a lemon chapter before. Oh, and if you noticed any weirdness in the writing It's because I've written this months ago, just hadn't had time to do my quality check. Also, i know they made up pretty fast, but these are short stories. So a lot of things are done faster than normal. There's not much time to build things up properly or take time on things. Most are just one-shots or 5 chapters long. So some things do have to be rushed. Also as i stated before, these collection stories will be taking the back burner as i focus more on my main stories. It's not from a lack of ideas or anything. Just that i want to focus on those stories more. i have idea and will still try and upload when i can but don't expect them anytime soon. For this one there are 2 more chapters, unless something happens, and the next chapter will cover the dreaded chapter, the Multiverse tournament. If you read the manga, you know what's coming up, but it won't be as bad. So don't worry....... much. Welp, that's all i can think of. So I'll see you.......... in the next one.
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