The Mock Test Results
???Boy3: "dude, he threw it over 700 meters!"
Bubbly girl: raises her hands in the air, "nice, he's finally showing us his true power!"
Iida: "yes, but his finger appears to be broken." puts his thumb and finger on his chin, "just like back at the exam. This quirk is very odd."
???boy6: "it wasn't a very pretty throw", sparkle.
Explody boy: "what the hell was that? If he had a quirk, then he would've gotten it when we were kids! This shouldn't be impossible. He's up to something and..." he opens his hands forming mini explosions, "I'm going to find out what./ HEY!" this catches everyone's attention. He begins to run at Midoriya. "Deku you bastard!" Y/n gets in front of Midoriya and readies for a fight, "GET OUT OF MY WAY KNUCKLE BRAINS!! I'M GOING TO FIND OUT WHAT HE DID!!"
Y/n: "heh. Bring it explody boy..........huh"
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Bandages then wrap around the one Y/n calls explody boy.
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Explody boy: "damn it, what the hell.....tchgrrrrrrr.......damn, why is your scarf so..... so strong?"
Aizawa: "because it's a capture weapon. It's made out of carbon fiber and a specially made metal alloy. You won't be breaking it anytime soon, so stand down."
Explody boy: "damn it!"
Y/n: "tch./got in the way again. Why do teachers do that? It would've given me a warm-up at least. This whole test has been pretty boring." lets out an annoyed sigh, "whatever. Guess it'll be awhile before I can finally start having fun." he says as he looks as if he's pouting, but without using his arms.
Aizawa: "it would be wise of you to avoid making me use my quirk..............it gives me a bad cause of dry eye."
Student: "too bad. That power is amazing."
Y/n: almost does a comedic fall but catches himself, "and you sounded kind of badass for just a second. Then ruin it. He has no sense of style, does he?"
Aizawa: then let's go of the boy, "you're wasting my time. Whoever is next. Go on ahead."
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Midoriya side steps away from the pissed off boy while Y/n has his hands on the back of his head and calmly, but with disappoint, walks past him.
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Bubbly girl: "ouch. Is your finger okay?" inches closer, but slowly.
Midoriya: "sure. It's fine. Better than breaking my entire arm. hehehe.....hee."
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In the background, the one Y/n calls explody boy is seen gritting his teeth in anger and frustration, looking at Midoriya with hatred. Y/n notices this and smiles.
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Explody boy: notices Y/n looking at him with a smile, "and then there's him. Mr cocky. He's pissing me off, too, thinking he's better than me. tchrrrrrr. I can't wait to put him in his place and show him who's the true top dog around here."
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As he says this, images of a dragon behind Y/n and a tiger behind explody boy appear. Ready to fight each other. While explody boy looks on in pure anger, Y/n continues to give a cocky smirk.
Midoriya then notices this, actually everyone could feel the sparks of war in the air but didn't know where it was coming from. Midoriya panics that his new friend and old friend are giving each other the look of 'it's on'. He worried what will happen if this tension continues, but luckily for him, Aizawa blows his whistle to continue the tests.
Everything went on as about you expect, Y/n accidentally excelling while Midoriya drags behind.
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Aizawa: "alright. Time to give you your test results. I've ranked you all from best to worst. However. You all probably have a good idea where you all stand right now. Alright, here's the list. It'll take too long and bothersome to say them all one by one." he then pushes a button and a screen shows up.
* probably could've edited it but with my editing skills, it would look messy as all hell.
* just imagine you're on top and the others pushed down. I have no idea how Momo beat the other 2 tho.
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Y/n: "shiiiiiiiiiiiiit. I meant to hold back. Stupid explody boy egging me on. Damn it." he then raises an eyebrow, "who's Momo and why does that name sound familiar? She's just under me and above someone named Todoroki and Bakugo, whoever they are. Whoever she is, she must be good."
Bubbly girl: "Y/n Armstrong? Who's that" placing a finger on her chin.
Y/n: "huh? Oh, that's me."
Bubbly girl: "really? Well, I guess we never exchanged names. Course, a lot did happen in a short time. My name is Ochaco Uraraka, but you can just call me Uraraka." she then puts her hand forward for a handshake, which he returns.
Y/n: "nice to meet you, infinity girl."
Uraraka: "infinity girl? You really do have a weird habit of using nicknames, don't you?" she puts her hands on her hips, "you really should use their names. Some can see it as rude"
Y/n: shrugs his shoulders, "meh. It's fun to do. Plus if people do, then that's fine by me. It's not my responsibility to control how others feel nor cater to them./plus remembering everyone's names can be so bothersome sometimes."
Uraraka: she lets out a sigh, "i guess you have a point but still, we really need to do something about that dismissive attitude of yours", causing him to chuckle.
Aizawa: "by the way...... I was laying. No one's going home."
Students: "WHAT!!!!"
Aizawa: smiles, "it was a rational deception to make sure you use your abilities to their fullest extent."
Momo: "I'm surprised the rest of you didn't figure that out. I'm sorry. I guess I should've said something."
Students: "yeah, you should have"
Uraraka: looks at Y/n who's calm, "wait Y/n. Did you know?"
Y/n: looks at her, "huh. Well yeah. It wouldn't look good for a school to do such a thing."
Uraraka: "wow. I guess when you put it like that, I guess it makes sense."
Y/n: "of course./no duh, I didn't know. How the hell would anyone know? Well, actually-" he then looks at Momo, "she knew. She figured it out, unlike everyone else. Was I being too judgmental on her?" he then starts starring her up and down "now that I get a good look at her, she's pretty cute and filled out in all the riiiiii....." he then shakes his head "nononononon. What the hell am I thinking. Curse that sister of mine. Putting these weird thoughts in my head with all the teasing and hooking up talk."
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[with Y/n's sister]
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The scene shifts to the top of a building. 2 heroes can be seen. one is Y/n's older sister, Fudamei, while the other we've never seen but hes wearing white knight like armor with exhaust pipes. It looks as if they are looking over the city. It was peaceful, calm and quiet, until Fudamei, in her hero outfit, starts snickering. She has her hand over her mouth with a big grin.
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???hero: with his arms crossed, "what?"
Fudamei: "I'm not sure, but I think I just caused my cute little brother some misfortune."
???hero: a sweat drop forms, "s-shes kinda evil."
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[Back to Y/n]
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???boy1: "that was pretty nerve wracking, huh"
???boy2: rises his fist close to his chest, "nah, I'm always up for a challenge."
Aizawa: "alright. We're done for the day. Pick up your syllabus in the classroom and head on out. Also read it over before tomorrow morning. Oh, and Midoriya."
Midoriya: "huh?"
Aizawa: "take this to the old lady, so she can heal up that finger of yours. Things will get pretty rough when your real training starts, so be prepared."
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New Friends?
[Mini Timeskip | brought to you by a chibi Uraraka lecturing a chibi Y/n ]
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We now see as Midoriya walking out from the school building, looking rather tired.
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Midoriya: "I'm so tired", suddenly someone puts their hand on his shoulder "AHH! Oh, it's you Iida"
Iida: "how's the finger doing."
Midoriya: "oh. It's fine thanks to recovery girl."
Iida: "that's good to hear". The 2 began walking, "I'll be honest. I was concerned with Mr Aizawas teachings, but I do trust the schools' judgment. Even tho it was affective, lying is still down right immoral."
???: "oh, take that stick out of your ass already and live a little."
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They both looked to see that it was Y/n with his usual cocky smile.
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Midoriya: "oh, it's you Y/n. Wait, stick up his ass?"
Iida: "what, I do not. Can you not be so rude for one moment?"
Y/n: "I could-" he then walks beside them, "-but that would be too much work. Besides thunder thighs, you make it too easy."
Iida: "will you use people's actual name already?"
Y/n: "nope. So anyways Midoriya. How's that finger?"
Iida: "hey, why did you call him by his name?"
Midoriya: "oh it's fine, thanks for asking./wait, he just used my name but not Iida's? Wonder if it's a respect thing. Or am I thinking too much into it."
Iida: "don't ignore me."
Y/n: "nah. Calm down, thunder thighs. Besides, if what he said is true, cause that can be a lie too, then you got to admit it did work."
Iida: "ah..... I won't argue with the results, but still. Wait, you think he could be lying about that, why?"
Y/n: "mmmm. Nothing really. Just a hunch."
Iida: "a hunch? You can accuse someone based on a hunch?"
Y/n: "depends. I think you need to learn to trust your gut more. It's what I do."
Iida: "yea because you don't have much going on upstairs. Wait, did I just say that?! Ohhh no, your rudeness is infecting me!"
Y/n: "jeeeez, chill. It didn't hurt my feelings if that's what you're worried about. It actually was a pretty good one."
Uraraka: "hey guys! Wait up!" the 3 looked behind them to see her running towards them, "so, are you going to the station? I'll join you."
Y/n: "sup infinity girl."
Uraraka: puffs up her cheeks, "it's not infinity girl is Ochaco Uraraka. Jeeez. Anyways, let's see if I can get this right, your Y/n Armstrong, course I already knew that, your Tenya Iida and your.....huh...... Deku right?"
Midoriya: "Deku?"
Uraraka: "yea, that's what Bakugo calls you, right?"
Y/n: "Bakugo? Who's that?"
Iida: "I believe you call him 'explody boy'."
Y/n: "ohhhhh. Right."
Iida: lets out a defeated sigh, "seriously. Do you even pay attention?"
Y/n: "mmm, depends."
Midoriya: "well, that is what Kaachan calls me, but it's to make fun of me."
Iida: "that's unsportsman like-" Y/n cockily smiles, "-present company included."
Uraraka: "oh my gosh. I'm so sorry. I didn't realize that.......but you know, I kinda like 'Deku'. It sounds like a great hero name."
Midoriya: "mmmmm, then Deku it is."
Iida: "just like that, but did you just say that it's an insult."
Midoriya: "paradigm shift. My whole world go turned upside down, heheheee."
Uraraka: "wait, whaat?"
Y/n: "hahahahahahaaaa!"
The 4 walked together and talked. They seemed to enjoy their time together and even laughed a few times. Tho, a certain blunt boy keeps annoying Iida with his jokes and nicknames.
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Time For a Real Test
[Timeskip | brought to Y/n buy a chibi Y/n teasing a chibi Iida]
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Despite being a hero school, to help raise the next generation of heroes, the school still has normal ones, like English class. These classes meet in the morning. While Present Mic was giving his lecture, everyone was pretty much bored, while Y/n was in the back, sleeping from just how boring it is. And of course, like any school, they have lunch in the main cafeteria, which is understandably huge. Like everything else in this school. Then finally the hero course.
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All Might: "I am here!" Midoriya then smiles, "coming through the door like a herooo!"
Y/n: "oh suuure. He can make an entrance, but I can't."
Midoriya: "are you really still mad about that?"
Kaminari: "I can't believe it, he's really here. All Might."
Kirishima: "so he is a teacher. This is totally going to be awesome."
Tsuyu: "wait, isn't he wearing his silver age outfit?"
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All Might walks to the podium is a strange, exaggerated way.
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All Might: "welcome to the most important class in all of UA High.....hero-ing 101! Here you'll learn the basics of being a pro. To fight in the name of good. Let's get to it, shall we? Today's lesson will not pull any punches" he holds up a card that says battle on it.
Bakugo: "yes, fight training!"
Midoriya: "as in actual combat?"
Y/n: smiles "finally. Things are getting interesting."
Midoriya: "please don't."
All Might: "course the key to being a hero iiiiis........looking good!" multiple metal vertical like drawers came out from within the wall, "based on your uniform request forms. Now get yourselves suited up and meet me at training ground beta!"
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[Training Ground Beta]
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As all might stands at the entrance, he awaits for his students. Then footsteps can be heard.
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All Might: "they say that the clothes make the pros, and now behold my students. You are the very proof of that!"
All Might: "now take this to heart everyone, from now on you are all.........heroes in training! You all look so coool, I'm getting all revived up. Now let's get started, shall we? You bunch of newbies."
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Then Midoriya caught up to everyone, which Uraraka noticed.
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Uraraka: "ah, hey Deku."
Midoriya: "Uraraka?" he said in a panic.
Uraraka: "love your costume! Not too flashy yah know." the boy's face turns red, "I should've been more specific with mine. This suit is skin tight. Not really my style."
Mineta: gives the thumbs up, "I love this school."
Midoriya: "huh?"
Y/n: "so that's your outfits?"
Uraraka & Midoriya: "huh? Oh, Y/n?"
Midoriya: "wait, isn't your hero costume rather simplistic?"
Uraraka: "yea, wait, is it because you have that strength quirk?"
Y/n: "something like that. Personally, I don't like giving myself an advantage. So I chose to have a hero outfit that provided me with none."
Midoriya: "isn't that rather risky? Our hero costumes are meant to aid our quirks to help give us the best outcome."
Y/n: "yeaaah and that's why I didn't. I rather win a fight with sheer skill and will power alone. Not an artificial aid meant to give me an advantage. It's not how I roll. Whether villains do or don't, I rather fight fair."
Uraraka: "I'm not sure, but I guess we can't change your mind?"
Y/n: "nope. It's one of my principles and I will not change that./besides, I have to show everyone that you can be a hero without a quirk. So I can't risk any advantage to give them more ammo."
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All might then look at Midoriya and notices certain features of his outfit.
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All Might: looks away and covers his mouth, "you're so obvious." speaks normally, "Now that you're all ready, it's time for combat training."
Iida: half raises his hand, "Sir!"
Midoriya: "oh, so it's Iida under there, he looks so cool."
Y/n: "huh? So thunder thighs is under there. Mmm, at least he's got style, but why does it look familiar?"
Iida: "this is the fake city, like with the entrance exam. So does that mean we're doing urban battles again?"
All Might: "not quite. I'm going to move you 2 steps ahead." holds up his hand and lifts 2 fingers, "most of the fights with villains you see on the news takes place outside. However, this is only part of the story. Statistically speaking, run-ins with the most dastardly evildoers take place indoors. Just think about it. Backroom deals, drug busts, robberies, home invasion, underground lairs and so on. Truly intelligent criminals stay hidden within the shadows. So for this training exercise, you'll be split into teams of good and bad guys. Then fight in 2-on-2 indoor battles."
Iida: "sir, if I may ask?"
All might: "well I'm in the middle of explaining it but go ahead young Iida."
Iida: "thank you, but we have a problem."
All Might: "oh, and what may that be?"
Iida: "well, you see, we have an uneven number of students, so 2 on 2 wouldn't work."
All Might: "huh?" he then took a thinking posture, "he's right. This actually never happened before. mmmm. Oh, wait./ thank you for bringing that up, young man. Well, what we can do is partner young Y/n up with a team that takes place later, so if any of the candidates didn't get a chance to shine, then we'll add them to the other team."
Iida: "thank you for answering my question."
All Might: thumbs up "no problem young man and if you didn't young Y/n may not have been able to participate."
Tsuyu: "sir, isn't this a little advanced for first years?"
All Might: "true, but the best kind of training you can get is on the battlefield-"
Y/n: "true. Actually, that was my master's approach to teaching too. It was very painful and dangerous, as he would often use wild animals like tigers and bears."
All Might: "-but remember, you can't just punch a bunch of robots this time. You'll be dealing with actual people now."
Momo: "sir, will you be the one deciding who wins?"
Bakugo: "how much can we hurt the other team?"
Uraraka: "do we have to worry about the losers getting expelled like last time?"
Iida: "will you be making the teams based on chances or team work skill?"
Aoyama: "Isn't this cape très chic?"
Y/n: "what ever that means, no."
Aoyama: dramatically puts his hand on head, "ow, it hurts."
Y/n: rolls his eyes, "drama queen."
All Might: clinches his fist, "I wasn't done talking. Ahem. Listen up" pulls out some paper.
Midoriya: "a script?"
All Might: "the situation is this. The villains have a nuclear bomb hidden somewhere in their secret hideout. It's the heroes job to foil their plans. To do that, they must either capture all of the evildoers or recover the weapon. On the opposite side, the villains succeed if they protect their weapon within the give time frame or capture all the heroes."
Y/n: crosses his arms and raises an eyebrow "so basically it's like a game of tag but with extra steps."
Midoriya: "so like a classic action movie setup."
All Might: brings out a box, "times limited, so we'll choose teams by drawing lots."
Iida: "isn't there a better way of doing it?"
Midoriya: "think about it, heroes have to work together all the time, even from other agencies. I think thats what hes going for here."
Iida: "oh I see, that makes sense." bows, "sorry for my rudeness!"
All Might: quickly turns around, "no problem! Now lets draw!"
Y/n: "hehe, wheres my dual disk?"
Uraraka: "a what?"
Y/n: "nothing, just a little joke for the audience."
Uraraka: looks around with her finger on her chin, "audience? What audience, it's just us?"
All Might: dramatically points at Y/n, "young Y/n, please reframe from breaking the 4th wall! Theres only so much flex tap in the world!"
Y/n: "I make no promises! And technically you're doing it too!"
All might: dramatically turns around and clinches his fist, "drat he's right." Uraraka looks on so confused.
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The Tag Teams
Everyone draws lots, team A = Uraraka and Midoriya, team B = Shoji and Todoroki, team C = Mineta and Momo, team D = Bakugo and Iida, team E = Aoyama and Mina, team F = Koda and Sato, team G = Jiro, Kaminari and Y/n, team H = Tsuyu and Tokoyami, team I = Ojiro and Toru, team j = Kirishima and Saro.
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Uraraka: "wow what are the chances? We're on the same team."
Midoriya: "oh my gosh. I have to make a good impression on her."
Y/n: raises an eyebrow "whos Jiro and Kaminari?"
???: "that would be us."
Y/n: he turns around, "oh."
Jiro: "the names Kyoka Jiro, but you can call me Jiro"
Kaminari: "Denki Kaminari. This is rad. We got the ass kicker."
Y/n: raises an eyebrow and starts staring at his hair "Pikachu?"
Kaminari: "huh? whats a Pikachu?"
Y/n: "oh, it's a yellow creature that can generate lighting."
Kaminari: "oh, cool."
Y/n: "personally I don't care for team ups, but whatever."
All Might: reaches into 2 boxes, one with villain and the other hero, "now the first teams to fight will beee......" lifts his arms up, "these guys! Team A will be the heroes and Team D will be the villains. Everyone else can head to the monitoring room to watch!"
Students: "yes, sir!"
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As everyone walked to the monitoring room, Bakugo started down Midoriya, who looked worried but then noticed his intense glare and looked away in fear but then resolved himself and stared back. This surprised Bakugo, but then got more angry and even growled a little.
Now the 2 teams and All Might are outside the building that will act as their testing ground.
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All might: "all right, bad guys, you can go on in and get set up. In five minutes, the good guys will be let loose and the battle will begin."
Midoriya, Uraraka, Iida: "yes sir!"
All Might: as the 2 went in "young Bakugo, young Iida", catching their attention, "the key to being successful in this challenge is to embody villainy. Think from the perspective of the evildoers."
Iida: "got it, sir."
All Might: "if things go...pfffft.....nuclear.....hehe........sorry. Ahem. Too fair, then I'll step in. got it?"
Iida: "understood!"
Bakugo: "tch, whatever."
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We now see inside the building where the comedically large fake bomb is.
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Iida: "even though this is just training. It pains me to align with criminal behavior. So this is the weapon we must protect", he then touches it, "fake of course."
Bakugo: "hey."
Iida: "mm?"
Bakugo: "do you really think Deku has a quirk?"
Iida: "Midoriya? well you saw how he throw that ball. Course it appears that it hurts his body tho."
Bakugo: "tch." clinches his fists.
Iida: "why is it that you seem so angry when it comes to Midoriya?"
Bakugo: "was he just tricking me all those years, making fun of me? tchgrrrrr-"
"-I'm going to roast that damn nerd today!"
A/n: ha, got you. Sorry but I'm not writing this fight as nothing changes for it. It plays out the same way it did in canon. So theres really no point in doing so. As you could see I stopped with the overall ??? And nicknames, it got a little confusing after a while, so I just used their names. Also, I know the quality of this one wasn't as good as my usual, but apparently I was already almost done working on it many many months ago, as my style has evolved since then, and sopped for some reason. So I just finished up, so I can get it out. After this I'll start doing my usual quality checks. Welp, thats all I can think of, and I hope you enjoyed it. I'll see you, in the next one.
* Also I forgot to mention that this book was inspired by 'We need a hero (Momo Yaoyorozu x Male reader)' made by @Blake21Takeshi.
* also sorry this took so long.
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