The Test Begins
Aizawa: "now, let's get this started."
Y/n: slams his fist into his open hand, "finally. I should hold back. This isn't the stage for that, after all."
Aizawa: "now. Y/n you manged to get the most points, in the entrance exam."
Explody boy: "what?!"
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Y/n looks back at him and smiles a cocky grin. Causing him to get really angry
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Aizawa: "anyways. What was your furthest throw with a soft ball?"
Y/n: "huh? hmmmmm", scratches the side of his cheek, "not sure really. Never really cared to pay attention to that stuff./it didn't have an impact on my goal, so I never cared to remember that stuff."
Aizawa: "great. I got one of those students." he then sighs, "he's going to be a handful, isn't he?/well whatever. Use your quirk this time and make sure you're in the circle."
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Aizawa then tosses a soft ball at the boy in question, who catches it, but then looks at the ball a little confused.
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Aizawa: "go on, you're wasting time or did you not pay attention on how to use your quirk........ or listen?"
Y/n: "naah. I was just trying to figure out how much power to put into it." he forms a cocky grin, causing Aizawa to roll his eyes. The boy then gets into position and readies his throw, "alright. No need to go all out yet, just need to........"
Explody boy: "hah. Like he can throw that far. Bet it was just a fluke he got the highest score. I mean, he just looks too weak for that."
Midoriya: "Kacchan."
Explody boy: "shut it, you damn neerd. I'm just saying what we're all thinking. I mean, did any of you see him preform. No, I didn't think so."
Y/n: popping blood vessels on his head with his eyebrow twitching, "you little shit. Ok explody boy you want a show. I'll give you a show!"
Midoriya: "oh no. See what you did?"
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Y/n cocks his arm back as he forms a creepy grin. The muscles in his arm began to bulge as the veins become visible. Then steam starts to flow out of his arm, almost as if it's become super heated.
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???girl: she tilts her head and puts a finger on her chin, "huh. What's wrong with his arm?"
Iida: straighten his glasses, "I don't know, but it must have something with his quirk. A steam quirk, perhaps?"
Midoriya: "noo. I don't think that's it. It's almost like tension is building in his arm........maybe." he then puts his finger over his mouth and begins to mutter something.
Y/n: "watch closely as I'm about to.... BLOW YOU ALL AWAY!/Yusutoru Arts: Cavalier Grand Impact!"
* Yusutoru Arts: Cavalier Grand Impact: as the name, implies is an upgraded version of the original. Providing a much larger boost in power than the original. To super human levels.
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Y/n swigs his arm forward at such amazing speeds that his whole arm looked as if it disappeared for a second, then reappeared in its resting position. Before anyone could question what just happened, a huge shockwave formed around him, as big guests of wind blew in all directions. The force of these gusts of wind was so strong that everyone had to cover their faces with their arms, some, cough purple grape cough, had to hold onto something. While Aizawa just squinted his eyes.
When it was finally over, everyone looked on in shock while Y/n straightens up and looked proud of himself. He then looked at everyone, specifically explody boy, and forms a cocky grin, causing said boy to get increasingly angry.
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Y/n: after calming down he realized what he just did, as a sweat drop forms, "aah, shit I over did it."
Explody boy: walks up to Y/n, "ohhh it's on knuckle brains!"
Y/n: he looks him in the eyes with a grin, "bring it on, bomber boy!"
Y/n: "hehe. Oh, I am. I just did that to piss you off explooooody boy." he says, just to continue to push explody boy's buttons.
Explody boy: starts gritting his teeth together and clenching his fists, "oooooh I'm soo going to kick your ass."
???girl: nervously walks in between the 2, with her arms out, "n-now, now. Let's just calm down. We're all classmates, right. uuummmm, Mr. Aizawa. A little help!"
Aizawa: "huh. Oh, that. I can't be bothered to get in the middle of 2 hot heads. As long as they don't get physical, I don't really care."
???girl, Midoriya, & Iida: "what kind of teacher are you?!"
Aizawa: "the kind that doesn't really give a damn, but we do need to get things moving along with this little exam. Hey you 2, cool it, so we can continue! Wail on each other after school!"
???girl, Midoriya, & Iida: "Mr. Aizawa!" causing him to shrug his shoulders in response.
Aizawa: "anyways. All you need to know is what you're capable of at your maximum. It's the most rational way of figuring out your potential as a pro hero......huh" looks at his phone, "whops. Looks like the wind from Y/n's throw accidentally made me click off the app. Oh, well. My point still gets acrossed"
* A/n: yea, I was too lazy to come up with a number, and I'm not good a visualizing measurements. Just know that only Uraraka beat you in this, for obvious reasons.
Y/n: "you got to be shitting me! Oh, well. I didn't really want to show off anyways."
???girl 2: "that looks like fun, I wanna try."
???boy 2: "now that's what I'm talking about. Using our quirks as much as we want."
Aizawa: "so, looks like fun, huh? You have 3 years, just 3 years, to become a hero. Do you really think it'll be all fun and games, huh?"
Y/n: forms a cocky smile, "it will be for me."
Aizawa: "idiots" forms a creepy smile, "you'll compete in eight physical tests to gauge what you're capable of. However, whoever comes in last gets none. You'll be expelled....... immediately"
All: "Huh?!"
Y/n: "heh. Not like I'm worried. All I need to do is try just a bit harder. Nothing too much extreme. Tho, that is a little harsh for some stupid test."
Aizawa: "like I said, I get to decide how my class is runs. Understand? If that's a problem to you, then get out now and head on home."
???girl: "you can't send us home. I mean, we just got here. Even if it wasn't the first day, that still isn't fair."
Aizawa: "ooh. And you think natural disasters are? What about power hungry villains? huu? Or catastrophic accidents that can wipe out entire cities? No, the world isn't fair. If you want to be a hero, you must get used to this fact and push yourself to the limit."
Y/n: looks unamused, "ooor you and everyone who says that are just using that as an excuse to be a jackass and to push people around."
Aizawa: "for the next 3 years at UA, one terrible hardship after another will be thrown at you. So go beyond. Plus Ultra-style. Now show me, it's no mistake that you're here."
Iida: "I may not approve this type of hazing, but UA's the top hero program in Japan and their record speaks for itself. So I have no choice."
Explody boy: slams his fist into his open hand, "time to blow away all these nerds. Especially you, knuckle brains." he says while pointing at said boy.
Y/n: "heh. Just try it explody boy."
Aizawa: "now you're just wasting time, talking. Let the test begin." blows whistle.
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While the running test takes place. Y/n looked bored until he noticed a little purple rape- I mean grape looking thing eyeing girls in a pervery way. One in particular was a dark haired girl fashioned in a ponytail, but it was still spiky. She notices the grape thing and visibly looks uncomfortable. The boy looked down and smiled. He then stomps on the ground with enough force to make a crack to form on the ground. The crack travels towards the purple grape thing and stopped just in front of him. As he took a step forwards, he trips on the crack, and falls face first. She sees this and looks relieved. Y/n then walks up towards her.
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???girl 3: "did you do that?"
Y/n: shrugs his shoulders and cheekily smiles at her, "oh, that, yea. It wasn't that hard. Just need to angle my foot." causing the girl to chuckle.
???girl 3: "well, thanks for that. He's a creep."
Purple grape: "hey. What was that for?"
Y/n: "huh. I thought I heard something?" he looks around confused, while the girl looks confused by his action, he then looks down, "oh that was you. Sorry, I couldn't hear you all the way down there."
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The girl chuckled while the purple grape gritted his teeth and stomps away.
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???girl 3: "you really know your way with words, don't you".
Y/n: "hehe, what can I say, it's a gift."
???girl 3: she chuckles at him, "I can see that but anyways, thank you for that. I'm Momo by the way, Momo Yaoyorozu"
Y/n: "oh y/n, y/n l/....uuuummm. Y/n Armstrong."
Momo: "Armstrong? Like the American astronaut?"
Y/n: "y-yea, but no relation. Just so happen to have the same last name./shiiiit. I fell asleep to that space movie last night, and it was the only thing I could think of."
Momo: chuckles, "well, you have an interesting last name, Y/n."
Y/n: "y-yea. By the way, how'd you get in? I don't remember seeing you at the exams."
Momo: "oh that. I got in through recommendations."
Y/n: "o-oh." he looks down a bit, "so she got in the easy way. While others had to work for it."
Momo: "mm? What's wrong?"
Y/n: "hu? Oh, nothing."
Aizawa: "Y/n! It's your turn! Stop flirting and get over here!"
Y/n: "oh, look at that. Teach is calling me. Gotta go."
Momo: "o-oh. Ok./strange, was it something I said?"
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[Mini Time Skip | brought to you by PLOOOOOOT]
[Grip Test]
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Y/n: grips it and notices a crack, "shit."
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[standing long jump]
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Y/n: over jumps, "shiit!"
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[repeated side steps]
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Y/n: moves side to side so fast, it nearly creates after images, "god fucking damn it!"
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[ball throw]
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Y/n: "huh. I already did this one. Crap.........huh. Looks like the bubbly girl is up next."
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The one Y/n calls bubbly girl cocks her arm back, in a pretty bad posture, and throws the ball.....and it keeps going.......and going...........and going.......until it was no longer in visual range. Aizawa holds up his phone to show the infinity symbol.
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All: "Infinity?!" making her jump a little.
???boy4: "that's insane! How's that possible?!"
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Y/n on the other hand just had his arms crossed, unamused, but then notices Midoriya looking worried, panicked even. Seeing him like this causes him to raise an eyebrow. Then it was Midoriya's turn. He was in the circle looking worried about something, this confused Y/n as he knows what he can do. Why should he be worried?
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Iida: "if Midoriya doesn't shape up soon. He's going to go home."
Explody boy: "huh?! Of course, he is. he's a quirkless loser, four eyes."
Y/n: not even looking, "then how did he get this far, dumbass."
Iida: quickly looks at him, "he has a quirk!"
Explody boy: "huh?!"
Y/n: "broccoli. What are you doing? Why are you so worried? I know your quirk hurts you, but still. In order to gain strength and grow, you have to push your body to its limit. Come on. Just do it."
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Midoriya grits his teeth and fully cocks his arm back, and it looked as if his arm was beginning to glow. With all of his might he throw the ball and got......................46 meters?
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Midoriya: with a shock and almost horrified expression: "waah" he then looks at his hands, "what gives. I'm sure I used it just now."
Aizawa: "I erased your useless quirk."
Midoriya: "huh?"
Aizawa: his bandage like scarf begins floating around, "the judges for the exam weren't rational. Someone like you, who gets hurt by his own quirk, never should've been allowed to join UA."
Y/n: raises an eyebrow, "how's that scarf thing doing that?"
Midoriya: "wait, you did........huh. Those goggles. I know you. You are someone who has the ability to cancel out other people's powers! The Erasure Hero: Eraser Head!"
???boy5: "Eraser? Who's that?"
???girl3: "ohh, I think I heard of him, but I'm pretty sure he works on the down low."
Y/n: raises an eyebrow with his arms still crossed, "eraser? I'm sure I heard that name before." looks up to the sky, thinking, "why does it sound familiar? Damn it, I can't remember."
Aizawa: "you're not ready, not even close, you don't have control over that quirk of yours. Were you planning on breaking your bones again? Hoping someone would help your useless hide?"
Midoriya: "n-no, that's not what I was trying to do at all!"
Aizawa: "no matter your intention. You'll be nothing more than a liability in battle. Useless and won't be help to anyone."
Y/n: "tch./stupid teacher is starting to run his mouth as if he knows everything. It's starting to piss me off." he grips his arm tightly.
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Momo then looks at Y/n and notices how agitated he looks and debated on whether or not to ask what's wrong but chose not to. Still believing she may have said something wrong before.
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Aizawa: his scarf wraps around the boy and draws him near, "you have the same reckless passion as a certain overzealous hero I know." he looks to his right and a figure hides behind the building. He then looks back at Midoriya. "One who saved thousands of people all by himself and became a legend.....but even with that very same drive. You're worthless. If all you can do is throw a single punch before breaking down, then sorry, Midoriya. With that power. There's just no way you can be a hero." causing everyone to gasp, not knowing what was said, while Y/n grits his teeth more. Aizawa lets him go,"I've returned your impractical quirk. Now take your final throw and get it over with."
Iida: "wonder if our teacher gave him some advice?"
Explody boy: "probably told him to get packing."
???boy6: "I'm here for you, cheri."
Bubbly girl: "who are you again?"
Midoriya: "I've only got one shot at this, but what should I do, what can I do? I......"
Midoriya: "huh?"
Midoriya: "oh, a hero."
Midoriya: "I WANNA BE A HERO!"
Y/n: he then smiles, "then prove them all wrong and show them what you can do. Midoriya."
Midoriya: his eyes widen but then has a determined look on his face, "right!" he then looks forward.
Aizawa: he then smiles, "well, well. Seems I've underestimated him. I don't like how he addressed me, but I'll let it slide, this time. Cause that speech seems to get Midoriya's mind focused on the task at hand. Let's see if Y/n in right or am I right."
Midoriya: "Y/n's right. I can't give up. I have to push further beyond, but Mr. Aizawa is also right. I don't have control over my quirk. I can't be a hero as I am now-" he then grips the ball, "that's why-" he then cocks his arm back and begins to throw, "I have to work harder than anyone else. If I want to succeed, even if I have a lot to learn. I'll focus all I have on what I can do right now, in this moment./ SMAAAAASH!!"
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The ball goes flying at extreme speeds, causing shockwaves to form around him, similar to what Y/n did earlier but not as extreme.
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Midoriya: "it hurts......but not as bad as before." revealing that his index finger is broken. He then looks at his teacher and balls up his fist, "Mr. Aizawa. You see? I'm still standing."
Aizawa: his eyes widen as he smiles, "this kid."
Y/n: "heheheheahahahahaaaa. I told you. Just got to keep moving forward."
Y/n then walks towards up to Midoriya, which surprises him. He then balls up his fist and points it at Midoriya and gives him a big O smile. Midoriya is confused for a second, but then smiles back. He uses his other arm to ball up his fist and bumps fists with Y/n as they both smile at each other.
Midoriya: "yea. You were right. Again."
Y/n: "heheheheee. Yep. You just got to keep moving forward and if you fall..."
Midoriya: "I get right back up."
Y/n: "that's right./looks like I got myself a rival and a friend."
Midoriya: "he's so cool and the way he talks. I wonder if he's ever been talk down to before, like me, but that cant be, right? His quirk is amazing. Maybe it's just who he is, or maybe he knows someone like me. Well, whatever that case may be. I'm glad to have him as a friend. To push me to become the best version of me. Who knows. Maybe I can repay him one day."
Aizawa: "Y/n Armstrong, huh. He may lack academic skills, but his control over his quirk and ability to rally people can't be denied. If he can do something about that show boaty personality of his, then maybe he can be a great hero one day."
All Might: "Y/n huh. I'm glad young Midorya made such a good friend. Aizawa won't admit it but that boy, he has the makings of a great hero and with those 2 together. Who knows what they can do. ohhhh I can't wait to see that."
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A/n: alright, everyone, that about does it for this chapter. I hope you like it. I am sorry for the long wait, being homeless really messed with my plans but, slowly, we're getting there. I won't be able to update my stories as much as I originally planned, but I'll still do my best. Oh, and if things may seem off, well I was homeless for a few months, well still am just living in a motel, so I'm a bit rusty. Hopefully things will go back to how it was, but it'll be an incredibly slow process with prices of motels and how little I make. Anyways, I hope this chapter was even somewhat worth the way and yeah, I'll see you in the next chapter.
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