"Psst, Phil, it's 12 noon... and we're learning about meridians (longitudes/the vertical ones) - the sun falls overhead on each one once a day making it, well... 12 noon"
Phil's lips curved into a small chuckle, but the teacher's turned into a frown instead. "Gia... how many lines of latitude are there?"
I answered, 181. The teacher fired a series of questions like it's high-speed tennis. I pass each one back with ease. The others watch this little Wimbledon match, the girl in front even nearly begging me to give up so he'd stop.
But by the end of it, the teacher looked stumped. 'Well played...' his face said, but he really was just annoyed. "Sit down..."
He silently returned to his lesson as if the embarrassment (for him and his deflated ego) never happened. Since that day I was never called out in geography class again.
A/N - all names used are fictional btw. Just reminding y'all.